Report Suggests Wisconsin Voters Targeted by Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russian Fake News Operation
We’re owed answers about these serious allegation about meddling with the election in Wisconsin from the governor of Wisconsin.
We’re owed answers about these serious allegation about meddling with the election in Wisconsin from the governor of Wisconsin.
In Wisconsin, liberals were quick to pounce. One Wisconsin Now called on Gov. Scott Walker to, in their words, protect Wisconsin voters' privacy from Donald Trump. [Rhinelander Daily News]
As outrage over Donald Trump's gang's request for personal voting information spreads, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker continues to dodge the issue.
One Wisconsin Now [said] Trump can't be trusted with voter data since the FBI is investigating potential coordination between his campaign and Russia. [Associated Press]
“There is no way Donald Trump and his cabal can be trusted with one single voter’s sensitive, personal information.”
Scott Walker and Donald Trump may be a perfect match, but over 43 million Americans with student debt deserve better than the policies of this duo.
“Scott Walker is all in for Trump because he wants every dime he can raise from Trump,” said Scot Ross, director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. [Associated Press]
Donald Trump has been announced as the special guest at a Scott Walker fundraising event in Southeastern Wisconsin on the evening of June 13.
Trump has shown the 43 million Americans who owe $1.4 trillion in student debt that he does not care about them. [The Progressive]
The U.S. Senate should delay action on Donald Trump’s nominees until mounting questions about his administration are resolved
Scott Walker & Ron Johnson but have nothing to say about their party’s leader handing over classified information to one of our nation’s biggest enemies, Russia.
"The only people more surprised than Democrats that Trump won the Electoral College last year were Scott Walker's establishment Wisconsin Republicans," said Scot Ross. [Associated Press]
The real electoral fraud is partisan politicians manipulating the rules on voting to gain an unfair partisan advantage.
The 43 million-plus student loan borrowers in the U.S. look to be in line for another attack from Donald Trump, according to the one page tax “plan” released.
It won’t be long before people figure out they’re scheming to tilt the system even more in favor of the wealthiest and big corporations.
Donald Trump is visiting Kenosha today and U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, Gov. Scott Walker and State Assembly Speaker Robin Vos will be standing alongside him on stage.
"It's not going to do anything to protect American jobs and we know from the way Donald Trump does business that he doesn't care about American workers." [WTMJ-TV]
"In addition to your principle... and the interest that you're being charged... you're also then getting charged an interest, another rate on top of that for defaulting." [WQOW-TV]
"In addition to your principle... and the interest that you're being charged... you're also then getting charged an interest, another rate on top of that for defaulting." [WKOW-TV]
A liberal and conservative pundit both expressed their concerns with the House Republican "American Health Care Act" on this week's Capital City Sunday. [WKOW-TV]
Scot Ross said Tuesday there are issues within Trump's administration that must be resolved before his Supreme Court nominee is considered. [Capital Times]
The questions surrounding Donald Trump and his compliance with and commitment to following the United States Constitution are serious and unresolved.
Ross was particularly upset that Trump had a campaign aide accompanying him when the president spoke with staffers at the CIA headquarters a week ago. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Donald Trump has announced, via Twitter, he intends to reveal his nominee to fill a vacancy on the United States Supreme Court next Thursday.
Donald Trump is reported to be issuing an order today calling for an investigation into his allegations of voting impropriety in the 2016 November election.
The only fraud in our elections are partisan politicians like Donald Trump and Gov. Scott Walker manipulating the voting laws for political gain.
It is up to us to fight to make our communities and our country a better place, with opportunity for all. And that is what we intend to do each and every day.
In no uncertain terms, they and the Republican Party of Wisconsin must immediately condemn the loathsome comments made by Donald Trump.
Top Wisconsin Republicans have announced they will be standing with Donald Trump on stage this evening as he visits Wisconsin.
“Tax credits are the government putting their finger on the scale,” said Jenni Dye, research director for One Wisconsin Now, a liberal public policy group in Madison. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Some liberal groups like One Wisconsin Now are decrying the choice, saying Priebus was part of pushing for "voter suppression efforts" in Wisconsin. [WISC-TV]
This guy, who spends more time chasing media appearances than doing his job, has no business anywhere close to a job with responsibility for protecting national security. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
This guy, who spends more time chasing media appearances than doing his job, has no business close to a job with responsibility for protecting national security.
According to One Wisconsin Now, he may have been planning to collude in voter suppression in Wisconsin in 2010. []
Betsy DeVos has been a driving force for privatization of our schools. She’s used her family’s wealth to reward politicians who support her agenda.
AFC spent almost $5 million on Wisconsin elections alone since 2010, according to liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, which railed against DeVos. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
It is horrifying to think someone as manifestly incapable of running a county jail as David Clarke is considered by Donald Trump and his team to a qualified.
Recent reports are suggesting Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is among the leading contenders for Attorney General in the administration of Donald Trump.
Political analysts' Bill McCoshen and Mike Browne talk about President-Elect Donald Trump and the transition into his administration. [WMTV-TV]
Donald Trump’s tapping of a leading figure in the “alt-right” movement to a top position in his administration has raised alarms across the political spectrum.
"He did a phenomenal job of channeling the economic insecurities and poor people with an agenda that's actually going to devastate them," said Scot Ross. [Wisconsin Public Radio]
Many experts are already projecting that Hillary Clinton will win. But are there battleground states that could shift the map in Donald Trump’s favor? [MSNBC]
Sen. Ron Johnson has shown he’s going to stand by Donald Trump, despite mounting evidence his endorsed presidential candidate is a sexual predator.
The only fraud in our elections is partisan politicians like Scott Walker and Donald Trump trying to rig our laws for political gain.
Donald Trump’s words and actions are disqualifying. Dan Feyen refusing to denounce Trump while asking women to help him raise campaign cash is offensive.
"It's telling that it took until the second weekend of October for the state's leading Republicans to be dragged onto a stage in Wisconsin to been seen with the party's presidential nominee." [Associated Press]
Donald Trump has set a new low with his outrageously irresponsible and dangerous comments inciting violence.
‘Given GOP Record In WI Against Women, Minorities, LGBTQ, Poor People, It’s Not What Trump Has Said, It’s What He Won’t Say That Has WISGOP in Arms’
Gov. Scott Walker’s endorsement of Donald Trump is no longer a reflection on Trump’s character, but on Scott Walker’s, or lack thereof.
Failed Republican presidential candidate and current Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has refused to condemn documented plagiarism by the Donald Trump campaign.