Scott Fitzgerald

Would you believe this one?

“Scott Fitzgerald and Robin Vos are trying to pull off a Donald Trump-level gaslighting with their excuses for why they called a sore loser legislative session.” [the Isthmus]

Mike Browne: What Sen. Fitzgerald knew

The public interest demands the truth be exposed and the public officials involved in these affairs be held to account for their actions. [Capital Times]

What Senator Scott Fitzgerald Knew

The evidence shows to date state Sen. Scott Fitzgerald has not been forthcoming or honest with the media about these matters.

County executive ban draws critics

Scot Ross, executive director of liberal group One Wisconsin Now, called it an effort to “rig” the 18th district race for political advantage. [Associated Press]

Legal Filings Show Walker Ousted GAB Chair After Board’s Unanimous Vote to Proceed with John Doe Investigation

MADISON, Wis. — Just released filings related to the ongoing John Doe investigation into allegations of illegal coordination between Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign and a host of conservative organizations show Gov. Walker withdrew his own 2011 appointment of then-Government Accountability Board Chair David Deininger following a unanimous vote by the board to proceed with an investigation […]

Fake Candidates, Real Consequences?

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now today asked the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (GAB) and County District Attorneys to open an investigation to determine if any laws were broken when “fake” or “protest” candidates filed their sworn declarations of candidacy indicating they would be “representing” the Democratic Party in 2011 State Senate recall elections. Mike […]

Organizers file more than 1 million signatures to recall Walker

Organizers of the effort to recall Gov. Scott Walker on Tuesday filed what they said were more than a million signatures, a number that nearly matches Walker’s vote total from 2010 and almost doubles the number of signatures needed to trigger another election.  United Wisconsin, the organization formed to recall the governor, said it turned […]

Caught on Camera: Organizer goes face-to-face with Scott Fitzgerald over his ‘lies’

Lori Compas addressed [Sen. Scott] Fitzgerald on Monday during the senator’s open office hours in Horicon, according to Wisconsin-based Blogging Blue. She questioned the senator on an email that asked his constituents to “help me fight the fraud that is happening right now on recall petitions in my district.” Compas asked for an apology, claiming […]

GOP hypocrisy, caving to gun manufacturing lobby in current concealed carry dust-up

It started with JB Van Hollen’s epic cave in the face of pressure from the gun manufacturing lobby attacking plan to require actual training in order to get a concealed carry permit.   But always the wily veterans, Scott and Jeff Fitzgerald took the hypocrisy to a new level this week, telling reporters that not […]

One WI Now statements on latest Prosser allegation

The people of Wisconsin are past the point where they are willing to tolerate for one moment longer, the abusive and alarming conduct of Supreme Court Justice David Prosser. Enough is enough with the abusive temper of David Prosser. If allegations Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser recently grabbed the neck of fellow Justice Ann […]

More Lies from the GOP Noise Machine on Cronon Attacks

Never  allowing facts to get in the way of its smears, the right wing is trying to create a false moral equivalency between retaliatory actions taken by the Republican Party of Wisconsin against UW-Madison Professor Bill Cronon and a completely different kind of request for contract information made by One Wisconsin Now. After Professor Cronon, […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements Regarding Fitzgerald Rights’ Denial to 2.2 Million Wisconsinites

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding Senate Republican Leader Scott Fitzgerald’s planned denial of committee voting rights to 14 Senate Democrats, who represent 2.2 million Wisconsin residents and taxpayers. “Sen. Scott Fitzgerald isn’t content with illegally passing a bill which takes away the rights of 175,000 […]

Walker Rapid Response Part 4: Working Families Compromise; Walker Refuses to Sit Down, Talk

Walker Rhetoric: “Our measure asks for a 5.8% contribution to the pension, and a 12.6% contribution for health insurance premiums.” Reality: “In fast-moving events Friday: Leaders of the state’s biggest public worker unions said they would give in to the governor’s demand for concessions on workers’ benefits if Walker would give up his bid to […]

GOP Legislative Committees Revealed

The interwebs reports that income state Senate Republican Leader Scott Fitzgerald is circulating memos to his fellow Republicans to solicit their ideas on senate committees for the upcoming legislative session. Given the promises about job creation made by Republicans across the state as they campaign, Fitzgerald’s announcement that the Jim Crow-inspired Voter ID/Voter Suppression bill […] So many broken promises, so soon

Promising to take our country back and do something about the jobs problem, a new majority swept Wisconsin on November 2. But if you thought the economy and job creation was at the top of the GOP agenda you’d be dead wrong. On Day 1, soon-to-be Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald wasted no time […]

Broken Promises, Day 1: How Many Jobs Does Poll Tax ID Create?

Republican Leader Scott Fitzgerald took less than 24 hours to break the promise Republicans made to Wisconsin to focus on job creation - telling three media outlets the first bill the state will tackle is restricting the right to vote.

State, national Republicans admit job creation NOT the first priority

Republican U.S. House Speaker in-waiting John Boehner and Wisconsin Senate Republican Leader Scott Fitzgerald share something awful in common: neither is putting job creation first and instead both are already looking at 2012 election-year strategy. Despite the fact that two million Americans are about to run out of extended unemployment benefits next month, Boehner has […]

Bad economic fortune telling brought to you by WISGOP, WMC

Wisconsin’€™s unemployment rate continues to drop, and while the economy still has a ways to go before it’€™s fully recovered from the disastrous economic policies of George W. Bush (worst President ever), we’€™re getting there, thanks in no small part to the Recovery Act and steady leadership from democrats in Madison. Let’€™s go back, gentle […]

Why Do the No-Budget GOPers Get to Complain Now?

The legislative Republicans said it as early as 2008 — the state budget is the Democrats’ problem. Assembly Minority Leader Jeff Fitzgerald said it. He was quoted saying it. “I don’t have to solve that problem,” he said. “Obviously, that’s the Democrats’ problem.” At no point during the last six months did Fitzgerald nor his […]

Video: GOP Budget Plan Revealed?

Judge for yourself. By all accounts it’s still a big, fat nothing from the state Republicans on how to solve the massive budget deficit the eight years of failed George W. Bush policies have levied on Wisconsin and nearly every state in the nation. One Wisconsin Now sent our OWNews reporter Cody Oliphant to […]

A Video to All of You Who Voted to Write Hate into Wisconsin’s Constitution

The Courage Campaign, a California organization with a similar mission as One Wisconsin Now, has produced a powerful video about efforts to overturn more than 18,000 previously-legal same sex marriages in the Golden State. Despite some great gains for progressives in the last two years, one of the most distressing setbacks has been the […]

Smoke Signals from Wispolitics?

Ironically, I finished reading the weekly report today at 4:20, because a couple of the items led me to believe something wafting in the air over there is contributing to the report’s most recent odd pronoucement. In sum: the weekly “rising” segment led off with the GOP as a winner this week. Yes, that […]

Leading Republicans to Wisconsin: ‘Yes We Can’t!’

Wisconsin Republican officials are responding to bipartisan overtures at the state and federal level by Democratic leaders by summarily rejecting efforts to create jobs, invest in infrastructure, reform health insurance and tackle the $5.4 billion deficit.

The Most Fitting Moment of the Night

After the governor delivered his State of the State address, he was followed by a pre-recorded response by Assembly Speaker Mike Huebsch.  The most fitting moment of the night, however, came when Senate Minority Leader Scott Fitzgerald tried to deliver his response.  While the Governor delivered a speech with a clear attempt at cooperation, Fitzgerald’s […]