Wisconsin Supreme Court

The Gableman Mirage on Crime and Punishment

In early debates and speeches, Michael Gableman has continually suggested that he has gone toe to toe with arsonists and other criminals. It has been very clear that Gableman and his corporate supporters are trying to make him into a crime fighting super hero. Even though the high court does not exist to lock up […]

Does WMC Really Care about Crime?

Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce has been running radio ads supporting their choice for State Supreme Court, Michael Gableman. This week they launched their first television ad backing Gableman. Using the same formula that has been successful for them in the past, the WMC ad focuses on crime and paints Gableman as some sort of crime […]

Gableman AWOL on Commissions

New documents obtained by One Wisconsin Now raise further questions about the accuracy of Mike Gableman’s resume and his own statements at a February 29 Wispolitics.com forum that he was selected to be Burnett County judge by Governor Scott McCallum “based on my service on statewide commissions.” Documents obtained by One Wisconsin Now show as […]

Dislike of Doyle blinds Bucher in judicial race

As they say in the military, there’s always that 2 per cent that doesn’t get the word. Case in point: A number of conservative Republicans find themselves supporting — horrors! — one of the hated liberal trial lawyers for a District II Appeals Court judgeship in southeastern Wisconsin, while the GOP establishment lines up on […]

Newsweek Says OWN Research Solid

In the midst of criticizing the false claims of the Mike Gableman campaign, Newsweek’s recent article also focused on an ad from the Greater Wisconsin Committee about Gableman’s suspicious appointment. To quote: “We’ll concede that the circumstantial evidence raises questions, and we haven’t heard a convincing alternative theory for Gableman’s appointment…” Their conclusion is that […]

Newsweek Chides Gableman Distortions

The distortions of Mike Gableman’s campaign have caught the attention of Newsweek and not in a good way for Burnett County’s oft-overturned jurist. The article focuses on part, the patently untrue allegation made by Gableman about the case of Richard Brown. Gableman has repeatedly claimed Brown, a registered sex offender, was let out on the […]

Majority of Wisconsin Judges appointed

Judges never forget their ambulance chasing days. They learn they have to be scoundrels to compete. It is part of a lawyers survival. Most lawyers are pretty boys or rich kids. Lets face it the average person thinks of making money to help the family etc. We all dream of college, but finances do not […]

Strict scrutiny for Indiana, and democracy for us

Wisconsin Democrats stonewalled Republican attempts to bring AJR17 (photo ID amendment) to a vote yesterday, despite the dramatic fanfare of a GOP press conference that went down in flames.  But a voter ID debate of greater import is raging right now in the uppermost echelons of our nation’s government, as the Supreme Court deliberates the […]

Is Gableman Admitting Improper Conduct?

Questions raised by One Wisconsin Now that as an Administrative Law Judge Mike Gableman failed to take leave while traveling over 500 miles back and forth across the state for a fundraiser for former Governor Scott McCallum appear to have been confirmed Wednesday afternoon by a Gableman campaign press release. His campaign seems to be […]

Women’s Health and Safety Act

On Wednesday, February 27th, the Senate Health Committee heard testimony on SB 398, the Women’s Health and Safety Act. The bill seeks to repeal Wisconsin statute 940.04 (Wisconsin’s Criminal Abortion Ban), which, if Roe v. Wade is overturned, would outlaw nearly all forms of abortion in Wisconsin. Moreover, the law includes a penalty of up […]

Some Connections Mean More Than Others

One Wisconsin Now’€™s investigation into Michael Gableman’€™s record has prompted many troubling questions. Unfortunately we are only getting political spin from the Gableman campaign. OWN’€™s investigation into Gableman’€™s appointment revealed that although he was not a part of Governor McCallum’€™s appointment process, Gableman was allowed to leap frog over 6 local applicants to get the […]

Better Choice: Keep It Truthful

Burnett County Judge Mike Gableman has received unwanted publicity over his supicious appointment by then Gov. Scott McCallum. Gableman, a McCallum donor and fundraiser, miraculously leapt over two announced finalists picked by McCallum’s own screening committee and was given the job — located 300 miles from where he was living at the time. Gableman has a couple different answers […]

Gableman’s Shifting Answers Raise More Questions

Responding to mounting press questions about how he merited selection as Burnett County circuit judge, Mike Gableman shifted to a totally new argument at a Friday public appearance. Trying to explain to reporters how he was able to jump over two finalists for the Burnett County slot, Gableman said, “The governor indicated because of his […]

Gableman’s Shifting Answers Raise More Questions

MILWAUKEE — Mike Gableman’s newest explanation about how he leapt over two announced finalists to become a Burnett County judge is under scrutiny after documents obtained by One Wisconsin Now would appear to both contradict his latest claim and raise additional questions about whether Gableman is exaggerating his qualifications. At a Friday forum Gableman said […]

Gableman’s Suspicious Appointment

“I am not a crook.” – Richard Nixon, 1/17/73 “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.” – George W. Bush, 1/28/03 “The governor indicated because of his familiarity with my work as a prosecutor, because of my service on statewide commissions, that he was familiar with […]

OWN Files Complaint with Judicial Commission

One Wisconsin Now will file a formal request with the Wisconsin Judicial Commission to investigate state Supreme Court candidate Mike Gableman for violations of the Judicial Code for intentionally misrepresenting the record of his opponent. The Gableman campaign has repeatedly misrepresented the record of his opponent in violation of the Judicial Code. OWN hopes the […]

Picket to tell WMC: Keep your hands off Supreme Court

This from our friends at Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice: Are you fed up with rich folks and corporations buying elections? Please take action! Join us Fri., Feb. 29th, from 8-10:30 AM in Downtown Milwaukee to protest the WI Manufactures & Commerce “money collection” meetings. ISSUE: Right now the WMC is in the process […]

Can Gableman Cite One Fact that is Wrong?

Yesterday the Dane County Bar Association sponsored a debate between Supreme Court Justice Louis Butler and Burnett County Judge Michael Gableman. During the debate Gableman criticized an ad from the Greater Wisconsin Committee regarding his suspicious appointment to the Burnett County bench. In the debate, Gableman said that the claims in the ad were ‘€œuntrue.’€ […]

Legal Argument on Gableman’s Distortions

Illusory Tenant gives Supreme Court hopeful Mike Gableman’s the what-for in response to the Burnett County judge’s continuing distortion of incumbent Justice Louis Butler’s record. Click here to read the post.

Gableman’s Violations Continue

Mike Gableman’s campaign has now put out at least two negative pieces citing State v. Richard A. Brown (Case # 1995CF950507) in which they made false statements about the record of incumbent Supreme Court Justice Louis Butler — false statements which are a violation of Supreme Court rules. Quoting the DA letter: “Butler provided the […]

Calling Out the Right: Tell OWN Where Our Gableman Investigation is Wrong

The right wing is apoplectic over the first results of the continuing investigation by One Wisconsin Now into Mike Gableman’s Suspicious Appointment to the Burnett County Bench by former GOP Governor Scott McCallum. Our results show Gableman was appointed after donating to $2,500 McCallum’s campaign and hosting a fundraiser. No record of Gableman’s ever applying […]

Phone Records Prove Gableman Claim False

Last week One Wisconsin Now released documents regarding the very suspicious appointment of Michael Gableman to the Burnett County bench. In response, the Gableman campaign told the Wisconsin State Journal that Gableman was ‘€œunaware of the selection process’€ when McCallum chose him. OWN has now released documents which prove that Gableman campaign statement false. OWN […]

Gablemans Suspicious Appointment II

Former Republican Governor Scott McCallum has refused to answer reporter’€™s direct questions about his suspicious appointment of Michael Gableman as Burnett County judge. Instead he decided to speak through a Gableman campaign press release. In the statement, McCallum admitted that he manipulated the judicial appointment process established by his own executive orders. In doing so, […]

Gableman’s Suspicious Appointment II

McCallum admitted Thursday he manipulated the judicial appointment process established by his own executive orders in order to appoint Gableman.

OWN to Discuss Judicial Ethics on Air America!

Tomorrow One Wisconsin Now’€™s Executive Director Scot Ross, will be a guest on Madison’€™s Air America affiliate, the Mic 92.1. He will discuss judicial ethics and the findings of OWN’€™s recently released report on Michael Gableman’€™s suspicious appointment. Scot will be appearing on Lee Rayburn’€™s show at about 7am. If you are not located in […]

Gableman’s Suspicious Appointment

An investigation by One Wisconsin Now into the appointment of Michael Gableman to the Burnett County Circuit Court by former Republican Governor Scott McCallum raises serious questions about the current Supreme Court candidate’s judicial ethics and qualifications. After hosting a fundraiser and making a substantial contribution to Governor McCallum, Gableman leapt over six announced local […]

Newspaper Examines Gableman Claim

Wisconsin’s “paper of record” reported today on a negative claim made in a series of letters sent out by the Michael Gableman campaign that are not factual. Gableman’s campaign said that in State v. Brown, a case heard by the State Supreme Court, a sexual predator was set free. Although it has been repeated in […]

Planned Parenthood Tells the Truth about John McCain

The Planned Parenthood Action Fund launched a multimedia campaign in Wisconsin today to educate voters about Sen. John McCain’€™s troubling anti-health care voting record. The ad campaign, which features online spots on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Web site highlights how this supposedly independent thinker is in lockstep with the most extreme fringes of the Republican Party. […]

A Judge Should Know Better

In December One Wisconsin Now sent a letter of concern to the Wisconsin Judicial Campaign Integrity Committee (JCIC). It was about a very questionable set of letters sent out by Supreme Court Candidate Michael Gableman. The letters could have been interpreted that Gableman would rule a specific way on specific cases if they again come […]

WMC’s Road Show to Highlight Strategy for Buying State Supreme Court

If you’ve got a big fat corporate check to spare Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce has an event for you! Over the next couple weeks, the state’s big business lobby is going to be traveling around the state hosting member events to rally support and cash in its efforts to restore corporate fealty to the state […]

Gableman a Chip Off the Old Block?

Note to Mike Gableman: You can tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps.   Oft-overturned judge and Supreme Court candidate Mike Gableman made a questionable visit at this weekend’€™s Americans for Prosperity dittofest. The host organization, the big-oil funded Americans for Prosperity is run by Mark Block, who is no stranger […]

Big Oil Strike in Waukesha County

This weekend, Americans for Prosperity gathered together a bunch of Republicans and right wingers to talk about why more of your tax dollars should go to corporations.   Given that Americans for Prosperity is the tax exempt mouthpiece for big oil, it’€™s no surprise. Here are the facts about Americans for Prosperity and Big Oil: […]

New Year, Same Problem for Gableman

In September we reported that State Supreme Court Candidate Michael Gableman had a terrible record at the State Court of Appeals. According to the Wisconsin Law Journal, Gableman was affirmed at the Court of Appeals only 67 percent of the time. When using the same criteria, even the average judge was affirmed 81 percent of […]

Help Thy Self

If you have ever heard of the state of Wisconsin’s largest lobbying group, Wisconsin Manufactures Commerce, it was probably in reading some article about a corporate taxation bill or the Annette Ziegler controversy. However, what the average Wisconsinite doesn’t read about is how the state’s largest business lobbying group is voting against the people of […]

WMCheerleader to Monitor WMC?

Yesterday the Wisconsin Judicial Campaign Integrity Committee announced that it was bringing on two new members, both conservatives.   Although they appointed two yesterday, bringing on John Torinus raises the most concerns and questions.  This is a committee focusing on the judicial code of ethics, yet Torinus has used his space in newspaper columns to excuse […]

No Clean Campaign Commitment from Gableman

On Tuesday Supreme Court Justice Louis Butler and Burnett County Judge Michael Gableman participated in their first debate.  It took place on a University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee program called Panthertalk.  During the internet based event, a caller asked both candidates about a clean campaign pledge that they have both been asked to sign, by the Wisconsin […]

Edwards Out….

I really expected Edwards to push on until the convention, hold his delegates and become king-maker there. I wonder what kind of deal was made… And here’s to OWN getting a shout-out at the end of the internet debate between the candidates for WI Supreme Court last night. I wonder how long its going to […]

Two Peas in a Pod? Scary Thought

Earlier this week Congressman F. Jim Sensenbrenner endorsed Michael Gableman in his quest for the states high court.   Given the two men’s partisanship, the endorsement is certainly no surprise.  It does, however, make one wonder if Gableman shares the same extreme Sensenbrenner positions on the law, civil rights and issues in general. Here is a […]

Gableman: I Know You Are But What Am I

Only a matter of weeks ago Michael Gableman made the decision to take the race for State Supreme Court into the gutter.  He and members of his operation made outrageous remarks about the incumbent Supreme Court Justice, prompting a rebuke from the newly formed Judicial Campaign Integrity Committee (JCIC).  Now he seems to be resorting […]

Support an End to the Criminal Abortion Ban

Today is the 35th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision guaranteeing a women’s right to make her own decisions regarding her reproductive health.  How appropriate that today Representative Terese Berceau (D-Madison) and Senator Mark Miller (D-Monona) have introduced the Women’s Health and Safety Act.  The legislation will remove a 158-year-old Wisconsin law that […]

Editorial Gets It Right, News Department Should Follow

Today the editorial board of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel completely nailed the issue of requiring voter IDs to vote.  The editorial was written in the context of a voter ID case scheduled to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court today.  Specifically, it is concerning an Indiana law that is among the strictest in the […]

Slap on the Wrist is Not Enough

Last week the judicial conduct panel recommended that Justice Annette Ziegler receive a public reprimand for her repeated violations of very clear ethics rules.  That light tap on the wrist seemed to trigger an effort to minimize what Ziegler has done.  Thankfully, not everyone is falling for the attempt to change the subject and minimize […]

A Blip Worthy of Punishment

Today the Judicial Conduct Panel that heard the conflict of interest case against Justice Annette Ziegler recommended that she receive a public reprimand. That is the punishment that Ziegler and the Wisconsin Judicial Commission agreed on and is unfortunately the very least that they could do. The ultimate decision will be up to the other […]

Resolutions for Every List

While everyone is talking about New Year resolutions, it seems appropriate to suggest a few for Wisconsin progressives. Below are a few items that should make every list. Real Health Care Reform It is certainly no secret that Wisconsin pays some of the highest health care costs in the nation. These out of control costs […]