Campaign Fundraising

Leading Republican Defends Auctioning Off Public Policy to Benefit Out-of-State Campaign Contributors

MADISON, Wis. — Since 2008 the Aycox family of Georgia, owners of auto-title loan businesses that prey on low-income consumers, have contributed $38,000 to Republican Assembly candidates and incumbent representatives. According to One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross, their investment paid off big time when powerful Republican Rep. Robin Vos quietly inserted a provision […]

One Wisconsin Now Files Federal Elections Commission Complaint Against Rep. Paul Ryan

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now today filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission alleging U.S. Representative and GOP Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan is improperly using Congressional campaign funds to boost the Republican Presidential ticket. Ryan, who has claimed he has a 25-point lead in the U.S. House race according to a poll […]

Support for Private School Vouchers in Milwaukee, Cuts to K-12 Public Schools Pays Off for Gudex’s Campaign

MADISON, Wis. — Spending more state taxpayer dollars on private school vouchers in Milwaukee while hitting K-12 public schools with record budget cuts isn’t paying off for public school children. But, according to One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross, supporting these policies is paying off for Rick Gudex’s political campaign. “Rick Gudex has publicly […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Van Hollen Attack on Voting Rights

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements upon news Republican Attorney General JB Van Hollen would petition the state Supreme Court to overturn, in advance of the November elections, Circuit Court rulings that the state’s anti-democratic voter identification bill is unconstitutional. “JB Van Hollen has spent years, and […]

One Wisconsin Now Demands ‘Pick One, Paul’

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now is demanding newly-minted Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan “pick one” when it comes to running for election on the national ticket and for re-election to Congress at the same time. Multi-millionaire Ryan, whose budget scheme would essentially end Medicare as we know it while giving massive tax breaks […]

New Report Details Walker Exploitation of Recall Fundraising Loophole

MADISON, Wis. — A comprehensive report from One Wisconsin Now and United Wisconsin shows how Gov. Scott Walker raised over $7 million by exploiting the unlimited campaign finance recall loophole and provides a detailed perspective on the out-of-state and in-state donors who bankrolled Walker’s win in June. “Scott Walker exploited the recall election rules to […]

Prosser Lack of Payment on Legal Debt Raises Questions

MADISON, Wis. — Recently released public records reveal that Supreme Court Justice David Prosser owes a politically connected law firm over $220,000 in legal bills, but has not paid a dime towards that bill in over a year. The firm in question has had attorneys appear before the court in the time since Prosser racked […]

Final Tally In For Gov. Walker’s Cash Grab

MADISON, Wis. — An analysis of campaign finance reports by One Wisconsin Now found Gov. Walker’s record spending in the June 5th recall election was overwhelmingly fueled by large contributions from the wealthy and out-of-state donors. One Wisconsin Now spokesperson Mike Browne commented, “It’s too bad Gov. Walker isn’t as good at running the state […]

Issue of the Week: When Money Talks

Walker’s unlimited donations were supposed to be used for the defense of the recall, and could only be collected until the GAB certified the recall election. But, again, Walker was able to exploit loopholes in the law. According to One Wisconsin Now, he collected the “unlimited” sums even after the GAB called the election because […] [Express Milwaukee]

Gov. Walker’s Recall Golden Rule: He Who Has the Gold, Rules

An analysis of Gov. Walker’s campaign finances by One Wisconsin Now has revealed he raised $7.3 million from wealthy, mega-donors exceeding the normal $10,000 aggregate contribution limit. The amount raked in by Gov. Walker from just 167 wealthy individuals, is nearly twice as much as the total of all contributions to his recall election opponent. […]

Mike Browne: Mega-Millions Fueled Gov. Walker’s Win

Gov. Scott Walker’s billionaire backers, along with outside spending from corporate-funded special interest groups such as Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce and the Republican Governors Association and Shadowy groups such as the “Coalition for American Values” outspent Democratic challenger Tom Barrett and groups supporting him 8-to-1, according to Mother Jones. [Wisconsin State Journal]

Scott Walker Tries to Buy an Election – and A State

Governor Scott Walker is not trying to win the Wisconsin recall election that will be held June 5. He is trying to buy it. If the embattled governor does prevail, he will provide essential evidence not of his own appeal but of the power of money to define our politics. [Economy in Crisis]

How to Buy a Recall Election

Governor Scott Walker is not trying to win the Wisconsin recall election that will be held June 5. He is trying to buy it. As One Wisconsin Now’s Mike Browne says: “Given Wisconsin’s worst in the nation record on jobs and the cuts to schools and health care to pay for corporate tax breaks under […] [NPR]

John Nichols: Scott Walker tries to Buy an Election – and a State

Exploiting a loophole in Wisconsin election law — which removes contribution limits for officials seeking to prevent a recall election — the governor has raised unlimited amounts of cash from wealthy donors. Even after the recall election was scheduled, 23 wealthy donors gave the governor an addition $1.7 million to offset expenses run up before […] [Capital Times]

Memo to Reporters: “Bombshell” Email Exchange With Top Adviser John Hiller Suggests Scott Walker is at the Heart of Criminal Corruption Probe

Progressive advocacy group One Wisconsin Now continued to analyze Walker’s campaign finance records throughout the 2010 campaign for governor. They found that his campaign improperly reported well over $500,000 in contributions from inside and outside Wisconsin. The organization also filed a formal complaint with the Government Accountability Board regarding Walker’s serial breaking of campaign finance […] [WisDems]

What is Gov. Walker Hiding?

MADISON, Wis. — Eighty-two days and $160,000 later, Gov. Walker and his campaign are continuing to refuse to name the donors to the legal defense fund he is using to pay for defense lawyers in a “John Doe” criminal investigation of corruption and illegal campaigning. One Wisconsin Now spokesperson Mike Browne commented, “It’s understandable that […]

Gov. Walker Continues Massive Cash Grab

MADISON, Wis. — A One Wisconsin Now analysis of Gov. Walker’s most recent campaign finance report reveals he is continuing to rake in high dollar contributions and raise the majority of his funds from out-of-state. Gov. Walker also continues to exploit a loophole allowing him to raise unlimited dollar amount contributions for expenses incurred before […]

Scott Walker’s Billionaires Club

An unprecedented cross-country cash grab, driven by donations from wealthy, right-wing ideologues and special interests, turbocharged with a campaign finance loophole allowed Gov. Scott Walker to raise donations in unlimited amounts to fund expenses related to “recall defense.”

Memo: Follow the Money

You've also probably seen the ads paid for by the special interests benefitting from tax giveaways, consumer protection rollbacks and lax public safety regulation enforcement by the Walker administration.

Billionaires Back Gov. Walker’s One Percent Agenda

MADISON, Wis. — Nine members of the exclusive Forbes U.S. Billionaires List gave nearly $1.4 million to Gov. Walker over the last four months, according to One Wisconsin Now’s analysis of his most recent campaign finance filing. One Wisconsin Now spokesperson Mike Browne commented, “Gov. Walker has spent the last year giving away the proverbial […]

Gov. Walker’s Cross Country Cash Grab Takes Off As Wisconsin Economy Crashes and Burns

MADISON, Wis. — Under Gov. Walker, Wisconsin’s economy has tanked, ranking dead last in the nation for job creation and suffering the ignominy of being the only state in the nation with statistically significant job losses over the last year. Meanwhile, Gov. Walker’s cross country cash grab has been a stunning success, netting two-thirds of […]

Walker Raises $13 Million in Recall

The liberal group One Wisconsin Now said its initial analysis of Walker’s most recent campaign finance report reveals that $8.37 million, or roughly 66 percent, of the $12.74 million reported raised Walker came from out of state and that 75 percent of individual contributors were from out of state.  [WISC-TV]

Gov. Walker Touts Leadership, But Official Schedule Tells a Different Story

MADISON, Wis. — A One Wisconsin Now analysis of Gov. Walker’s schedules from August 2011 through January 2012 reveals that little time was scheduled by the state’s chief executive for communicating with legislators or working on a legislative agenda but that huge amounts of time were blocked off as “personal”. One Wisconsin Now Spokesperson Mike […]

37 Days Since Gov. Walker Announced He “Lawyered-Up” in Criminal Investigation of Administration, Still No Word On Who Is Paying His Legal Defense Bills

MADISON, Wis. — In early February, Gov. Scott Walker announced he had “lawyered-up” in the ongoing criminal investigation of his administration, retaining two high profile criminal defense attorneys. His continuing refusal to disclose how he is paying for his lawyers, whose billing rates could approach $1,000 per-hour, raises troubling ethical concerns, according to One Wisconsin […]

Wisconsinites Tell Government Accountability Board: Count It and Call It

While Gov. Walker and Republicans continue to seek delays in setting a recall election date – and keep raising unlimited campaign donations from wealthy mega-donors – One Wisconsin Now Deputy Director Mike Browne today urged the Government Accountability Board (GAB) to listen to the thousands of Wisconsin citizens who’ve signed an online petition asking them […]

Executives Open Pockets to Help Walker Fight Recall

The Walker campaign finished the quarter with a combined total of more than $2.6 million cash on hand in the recall and general campaign funds. The campaign has raised more than $12 million since Jan. 1, 2011. According to the campaign, 16,406 of those contributions were $50 or less, representing 76.5 percent of the overall number […] [Biz Times]

Over 61 Percent of Walker’s Individual Money in Latest Reports From Out-of-State Donors

MADISON, Wis. — The unprecedented out-of-state cash grab by Gov. Scott Walker continued at an alarming rate with Walker’s latest reports showing he has amassed 61 percent of the $4.1 million in individual contributions raised since December 11 from outside of Wisconsin. Walker’s four top donors, each giving $250,000, were also from out of state, […]

Walkergate Exclusive: Add a New Campaign Violation to the List

One Wisconsin Now has been following his campaign finance reports for years and recently reported that he has violated campaign finance laws more than 1100 times which, if enforced, could tally up to more than $500,000 in fines for his campaign. [Cognitive Dissidence]

Walker Accused of Violating Over 1,000 Campaign Finance Laws

Wisconsin law requires that a candidate disclose contributions which exceed $100 — something that Scott Ross, director of One Wisconsin Now, says he repeatedly declined to do.“Scott Walker has improperly reported well over $500,000 in contributions from inside and outside of Wisconsin,” Ross said. “Scott Walker has absolutely no interest in following the campaign finance […] [Raw Story]

Walker Sues to Stick Taxpayers With Campaign Tab Despite Being Able to Raise Unlimited Money

MADISON, Wis. — Gov. Scott Walker’s effort to require taxpayers to finance the recall signature review campaign process should be disallowed, given Walker has been crisscrossing the country raising unlimited and unprecedented amounts of campaign cash, according to One Wisconsin Now. “Gov. Walker can’t have it both ways,” said Scot Ross, One Wisconsin Now Executive […]

Walker Expects a Recall Election

Walker also defended raising out-of-state cash to bolster his campaign for the recall. Last month, Walker’s campaign reported raising $5.1 million since July. The liberal advocacy group, One Wisconsin Now, said nearly half the money was raised from out of state. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Walker’s Latest Ad Repeats False Claims About Taxes, Jobs

MADISON, Wis. — The latest ad in Gov. Scott Walker’s multi-million dollar campaign continues to distort Walker’s record of failure on job creation and deficit reduction, including the false claim that Walker did not raise taxes. “Gov. Walker believes that if he repeats the lie enough, the people of Wisconsin will believe it,” said Scot […]

Wisconsin Recall Calculus: $5M Distant Dollars v. 500,000 Citizens

A One Wisconsin Now analysis reveals that ten percent of Walker’s money came from Texas—including a $250,000 check from the Bob Perry, the Lone Star conservative who warped American politics by attacking Vietnam veteran John Kerry with “Swift Boat” lies. [The Nation]

Walker far outraising recall organizers

“In all our years of analysis, we have never seen a politician try to win a Wisconsin race with so much non-Wisconsin money,” said Scot Ross, One Wisconsin Now executive director [La Crosse Tribune]

Walker’s Unprecedented Out-of-State Contributions Alarming

MADISON, Wis. — The just-released campaign finance report for Gov. Scott Walker is not only awash in millions of dollars of out-of-state money, but also 187 new violations of campaign finance disclosure rules for failing to include employer information for more than $41,000 in contributions. “Scott Walker intends to win this election with huge donations […]

Half of Walker’s $5 Million Take Comes From Out of Wisconsin

MADISON, Wis. — Gov. Scott Walker grabbed half of the $5 million he raised in unlimited funds from outside of Wisconsin, including $250,000 from Texan Bob Perry, the architect of the infamous “Swift Boat” smear ads. “Gov. Walker is trying save his skin by taking money from whomever and wherever in the country he can,” […]

Walker’s Past Statements on the Need for Recall

MADISON, Wis. — With Gov. Scott Walker in the midst of an extended period of fundraising unlimited amounts of campaign cash, One Wisconsin Now is reminded of this video produced by Walker’s 2010 campaign about recalls. A Walker donor filed papers on November 4 for a fake recall of Walker, allowing the governor 11 additional […]

One Wisconsin Now Prevails in Open Records Lawsuit Against Alberta Darling

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now has settled a lawsuit filed in August in Dane County Circuit Court against state Sen. Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) over her office’s refusal to release correspondence sought under the state’s open records law detailing her office’s communications with private school advocates. The settlement requires payment of One Wisconsin Now’s […]

Van Hollen Refused to Investigate Walker’s ‘Cronygate’

MADISON, Wis. — Republican Attorney General JB Van Hollen, according to a news report today, refused to help the investigation into fellow Republican Scott Walker’s office in the scandal being called “Cronygate.” The refusal and silence of the state’s “top cop” to investigate his fellow Republican raises serious questions about Van Hollen’s conduct and warrants […]