One Wisconsin Now Statements ‘About Last Night’
We remain committed to the values, ideas and policies which can improve the lives of people and will fight against any threats to the way of life we all cherish.
We remain committed to the values, ideas and policies which can improve the lives of people and will fight against any threats to the way of life we all cherish.
He's paid to be Milwaukee County sheriff but spends his time being chauffeured around the country giving speeches and appearing on Fox News. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Many experts are already projecting that Hillary Clinton will win. But are there battleground states that could shift the map in Donald Trump’s favor? [MSNBC]
Donald Trump has set a new low with his outrageously irresponsible and dangerous comments inciting violence.
‘Given GOP Record In WI Against Women, Minorities, LGBTQ, Poor People, It’s Not What Trump Has Said, It’s What He Won’t Say That Has WISGOP in Arms’
Back in Wisconsin, the liberal group One Wisconsin Now issued a press release calling Clarke "extremist, bombastic and incompetent." [Capital Times]
Failed Republican presidential candidate and current Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has refused to condemn documented plagiarism by the Donald Trump campaign.
"It sure is 'Midwest nice' of Gov. Walker to give Republicans a place to drown their sorrows over Donald Trump being their presidential nominee." [Associated Press]
Trump University left students across the country deep in debt. Will Ron Johnson continue to endorse more for-profit colleges as a solution to the student loan debt crisis?
The next time Paul Ryan is held out as the intellectual heart of the Republican Party remember he is voting to give Donald Trump the codes to our nation’s nuclear arsenal. [Capital Times]
Scot Ross of the liberal One Wisconsin Now said, "Paul Ryan doesn't get to split the baby; you endorse Trump and you endorse the sexism, the racism and his dangerous views on foreign policy." [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
House Speaker Paul Ryan today announced in a newspaper column that he will vote for Donald Trump, an act a Ryan spokesperson subsequently indicated was an endorsement.
“Donald Trump is a racist, misogynistic narcissist who has won the Republican presidential nomination by appealing to the most repugnant elements in American politics,” said Scot Ross. [Racine Journal Times]
Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, said he thinks Ryan is trying to protect himself from further political fallout from Trump's campaign. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross made his regular appearance on UNSPUN to discuss how and why Trump is the last GOP candidate standing. [WMTV-TV]
"Speaker Ryan wants to dull the edges of his party's political rhetoric, but their policies cut working families and those in need sharper than ever," said Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Scott Walker has managed to be on all sides of a three-candidate race for the Republican presidential nomination.
Hillary Clinton took aim at state Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Bradley during her Saturday night speech... Her writings from her college years were released by the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Walker failed to mention the most obvious reason for his support - Cruz is the only candidate still in the race who actively solicited money to help retire his massive campaign debt, says One Wisconsin Now. [Lakeland Times]
Ted Cruz is the only candidate still in the race who actively solicited money to help retire his massive campaign debt.
When it comes to Donald Trump, you’ve got a better chance of seeing a wall along the Canadian border than Scott Walker criticizing Donald Trump by name.
"I think that's an interesting question, what does Walker today say about this?" said Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. [Appleton Post-Crescent]
Scot Ross, head of the liberal activist group One Wisconsin Now, said Cruz “has assembled a cast of unlikable and unaccomplished right wing extremists from Wisconsin.” [Associated Press]
Did Reckless Spending Lead Him to Desperate Move to Tap State Campaign Funds to Pay Bills for Federal Political Ambitions?
"A career politician like Scott Walker knows better than this, you amass a war chest three years out from the campaign instead of draining it," he said. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Gov. Walker was more concerned with campaigning for president than doing his job, and now 10,000 Wisconsin workers have already gotten layoff notices this year. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
"It doesn't matter what generation Marco Rubio belongs to since his policies would be a disaster for critical Gen X and Millennial issues like student loan debt, higher wages and the rights of women to access health care," argued Scot Ross. [Capital Times]
Michael Grebe may have failed to elevate Scott Walker as a contender on the national stage, but he has multiple suitors who’d like to have his support.
The liberal group One Wisconsin Now suggested the governor should be focusing his attention on the state's economic problems rather than "shaking down" his donors. [WSAU-FM]
Liberal group One Wisconsin Now director Scot Ross said Friday that instead of “shaking down donors” to pay off campaign debt, Walker should be focusing on Wisconsin’s economic problems. [Associated Press]
The liberal group One Wisconsin Now slammed Walker for doing fundraising rather than focusing on economic problems in the state, such as the announcement this week that the Oscar Mayer plant in Madison would be shuttering, resulting in the loss of 1,000 jobs. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
"Wisconsin families are being thrown into chaos and losing their jobs because Scott Walker was more focused on chasing his own presidential ambitions than doing his job as governor," said One Wisconsin Now executive director Scot Ross. [Capital Times]
The liberal group One Wisconsin Now has received some of the records it requested about visitors to the governor's mansion. The logs from earlier this year show that people working on Walker's presidential bid were among those dropping by. [Wisconsin Public Radio]
Scot Ross, head of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, says Walker is late in admitting that the demands of the presidential campaign trail caused difficulties in the Badger State. [WSAU-FM]
Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, said Walker was late in acknowledging what "Wisconsin knows all too well" — that the demands of the campaign had created difficulties for the state. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
One Wisconsin Now's Scot Ross and Republican politico Bill McCoshen discuss the hows and whys of Gov. Scott Walker's failed bid for president. [WMTV-TV]
It's not the first time Walker's left a primary early that he couldn't win. He'll be back. Campaign politics is all he knows. [Capital Times]
When faced with a real choice, Republicans voters choose, literally, anyone but Scott Walker. [Capital Times]
A terrific start to Scott Walker’s post-presidential candidate schedule would be an apology to the people of Wisconsin for the harm he’s done to our state. [WKOW-TV]
A terrific start to Scott Walker’s post-presidential candidate schedule would be an apology to the people of Wisconsin for the harm he’s done to our state.
The career politician's desperate bid to remain competitive on the backs of the middle class and working people will be unveiled in Las Vegas Nevada, hometown of anti-union, Walker mega-donor Sheldon Adelson.
One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross made his regular appearance on UNSPUN for a discussion about Governor Walker's poll numbers and Hillary Clinton coming to Wisconsin. [WMTV-TV]
The increasingly desperate and embarrassing campaign of Scott Walker hit a new low as he opined building a fence along the 5,525 mile long United States - Canada border is a legitimate idea.
He’s paying so little attention to Wisconsin he probably doesn’t know about it, so it would be fun to hear his response. [New York Times]
One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross made his regular appearance on UNSPUN to discuss Hillary Clinton, Scott Walker, and the Republican Debate. [WMTV-TV]
“He will do or say anything to win an election. 2014 is in his rearview mirror. He’s looking at the presidency, and he’s making a different calculation now,” One Wisconsin Now told Al Jazeera in February. [Al Jazeera]
"The Bradley Foundation millions have bought Scott Walker an insurance policy from criticism by the intellectual right," said Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now. [Associated Press]
The Bradley Foundation millions have bought Scott Walker an insurance policy from criticism by the intellectual right. [Associated Press]
Throughout his nearly quarter-century career running for office, he’s shown he’ll do whatever he thinks he needs to do to win. [Daily Beast]
He has always operated in a system by which he looks for the next highest office. It’s unfortunate, because Scott Walker puts his political future ahead of the people of Wisconsin every time. [Capital Times]