Same-Day Registration

Voter Suppression

With Scott Walker leading the charge, Wisconsin Republicans have systematically sought to make voting more difficult and manipulate state law.

#WalkerAt20: Failing Democracy

The rights of voters to participate in free and fair elections, and have confidence that their vote will be counted is fundamental to our democracy. No one has failed them more than Gov. Walker.

As Nation Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Voter Registration Act, Wisconsin Assembly Republicans Consider New Voter Obstruction Legislation

MADISON, Wis. — Today marks the 20th anniversary of the National Voter Registration Act, legislation that has improved the voter registration system and helped millions of Americans to do their civic duty and vote. Meanwhile, Assembly Republicans have scheduled a hearing for Tuesday, May 21st to consider Assembly Bill 202, rolling back current Government Accountability […]

Resounding rejection of voter suppression

“The attempts in Wisconsin to make it harder for legal voters to vote and have their voices heard — from ending same-day voter registration to rigging election districts and restricting early voting hours — are not just wrong, they are unpopular,” said One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross. “Voters have spoken and their message […] [Capital Times]

Wisconsin Voters Say: ‘No Way’ to Ending Same Day

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding the vote on advisory referenda in the City of Milwaukee and Dane County in support of preserving Wisconsin’s same day voter registration law: “Voters have spoken and their message is clear, they want their right to vote protected. By overwhelming […]

One Wisconsin Now Report Documents Wisconsin GOP’s Fight Against the Right To Vote

MADISON, Wis. — In advance of the April 2nd elections, One Wisconsin Now has issued a report cataloging recent state Republican efforts to manipulate state law to gain electoral advantage. In addition, the report exposes the utter lack of evidence to back up the GOP claims of voting impropriety used to justify their efforts to […]

Senator Alberta Darling Admits No Proof of Fraud

MADISON, Wis. — Senator Alberta Darling made national news after the November election by suggesting that fraud accounted for some or all of President Obama’s 200,000 plus vote victory in Wisconsin. In response to One Wisconsin Now’s demand that she produce proof to back up her astounding claim, Senator Darling’s office has admitted via letter, […]

One Wisconsin Now Renews Demand Rep. Vos and Sen. Darling Prove It

MADISON, Wis. — On the heels of yesterday’s admission by Sen. Glenn Grothman that he “can’t prove” his allegations of voting impropriety, One Wisconsin Now renewed its demand that incoming Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Joint Committee on Finance co-chair Alberta Darling produce the evidence to back up similar claims they have made. One Wisconsin […]

Eliminating Election Day registration wouldn’t have blocked state’s known cases of voter fraud

Officials with One Wisconsin Now, United Wisconsin and We Are Wisconsin, all made similar assertions at a Capitol press conference Thursday. The groups collected 15,000 online signatures in a week’s time from Wisconsin residents opposed to the discontinuation of Election Day registration. The petitions were delivered to the Governor’s Office Thursday. “The politicians trying to […] [Capital Times]

Group Fights to Save Same-Day Voter Registration

Governor Scott Walker and GOP lawmakers have expressed support for ending the practice of allowing voters to register at the polls on Election Day. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross says the option needs to remain though, since it provides a valuable service. Supporters of ending same day registration say the move would help […] [WTAQ]

Petitions Delivered to Walker’s Office

Three Wisconsin advocacy groups collected almost 15,000 signatures in objection to Governor Scott Walker’s comments about ending same-day voter registration. Walker recently made a one-hour speech in California outlining his achievements and policy proposals for next year. During the speech, he said he supports ending same-day voter registration, leading to the responses Thursday from We […] [Badger Herald]

Should same-day voter registration end? Walker, clerks don’t agree

Three liberal advocacy groups, One Wisconsin Now, We Are Wisconsin and United Wisconsin, at 10 a.m. today in Madison will discuss implications of elimination of same-day voter registration. They also will deliver petitions signed by 15,000 people to Gov. Scott Walker to express their [support for] same-day voter registration. [Green Bay Press-Gazette]

Walker Calls for Changes to Same Day Voter Registration Rules

Gov. Scott Walker has joined one of the Legislature’s most powerful Republicans in saying he’s considering ending the state’s same-day voter registration law, drawing quick criticism from leading Democrats, including Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. Wisconsin is one of nine states that allow voters to register at their polling place on the day of the election, […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]