Voter ID

One Wisconsin Now Statements on JFC Voter ID Funds

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding the Joint Finance Committee action on $10 million in funds for additional Department of Motor Vehicle funds related to the voter suppression plan. “The amount of funding is woefully inadequate to ensure Wisconsin can properly administer the currently-unconstitutional Voter ID […]

Gov. Walker signs voter ID bill amid protests

The new law would spend $7 million – most of which would make free ID’s for those who want them. But “One Wisconsin Now” director Scot Ross says people could only get them during business hours on weekdays – and many must travel long distances to get them at motor vehicle offices. [WTAQ]

Walker signs photo ID measure; legal challenge possible

“We continue to confer with legal counsel about what potential legal challenges can be made against Gov. Walker’s voter suppression bill,” Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, said in a statement Wednesday. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Walker Signs Voter ID Bill

But the liberal group “One Wisconsin Now” has its doubts – and its director, Scot Ross, says they’ll keep consulting with attorneys on a possible lawsuit. [WHBL]

Capitol Report: New residency rules will be in place for recall elections

This concerns voter advocates like One Wisconsin Now’s executive director, Scot Ross, who says 178,000 seniors in the state do not have a valid photo ID. “It is very clear Republicans are rigging elections in their favor, and they are willing to suppress the votes of seniors, students and minorities to do that,” said Ross, […] [Capital Times]

Legislature passes voter ID bill; Walker to sign it Wednesday

“Ultimately, this will cost Wisconsin not only our fair and clean elections, but also millions of additional tax dollars when a court rules against them for damages for denying legal voters the right to vote,” said Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin State Journal]

Curbing Voting Rights in Wisconsin

“Voter ID is a part of a concerted Republican effort to restrict the vote of those who do not share their vision for a Wisconsin controlled by the corporate special interests, which financed the takeover of state government,” says Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, the state’s leading online progressive organizing group. “First […] [The American Prospect]

Some clashes in 94th Assembly District candidate forum

Democrat Steve Doyle, in particular, took the opportunity at the League of Women Voters event to challenge several statements opponent John Lautz or his campaign have made, such as he basically is an independent who only recently joined the Republican Party. Doyle brought up information the group One Wisconsin Now put out earlier in the […] [La Crosse Tribune]

Wis. corrects vote count, gives incumbent big lead.

Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus said more than 14,000 votes weren’t reported to The Associated Press on Tuesday due to “human error.” Nickolaus said she didn’t notice an absence of votes because her figures showed a 42 percent voter turnout, which exceeded the 30 percent turnout the county typically sees in spring elections. [Atlanta Journal Constitution]

MJS: “Talk is cheap; don’t suppress state’s votes”

  We all know requiring folks to present a photo ID before they are allowed to vote is an expensive solution to a problem that doesn’t exist — not to mention, fairly undemocratic. Editorial boards across the state have been giving the GOP’s “21st Century Poll Tax” due criticism; the latest comes from the Milwaukee […]

Van Hollen Claims on Voter Fraud Are Out of This World

It is long-since known, JB Van Hollen will do anything, go to any length, dispatch any resource at the taxpayer-financed Wisconsin Department of Justice to further his partisan political agenda. We all remember how Van Hollen’s top lieutenant was seeking help on the health care lawsuit with the Republican State Leadership Committee — one of […]

Diverse Voices Register Opposition to Unneeded Voter Identification Bill

MADISON, Wis. — Opponents of proposed legislation to restrict voter access to the polls, gathered at the State Capitol Wednesday to condemn so-called Voter ID legislation as a costly, unnecessary plan, which could lead to the disenfranchisement of untold tens of thousands of eligible voters in every corner of Wisconsin. Leon Burzynski, President of the […]

Guest column: ID at polls could solve election abuses

In fact, progressive nonprofit organization One Wisconsin Now has already begun its attack campaign. In a Jan. 13 press release, the group claimed that voter ID is a “big government solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.” I disagree completely. [Green Bay Press-Gazette]

Bill would require photo IDs at polls

Indiana’s bill served as the model for Wisconsin’s photo identification bill, said Executive Director of One Wisconsin Now Scot Ross. He added the comparison is faulty. “Close to 99 percent of the voting age population in Indiana had the required voting identification. It’s completely different in Wisconsin,” Ross said. [Badger Herald]

GOP makes Voter ID a priority, not jobs

“The Republican Voter ID bill will waste tens of millions of dollars and create zero private sector jobs,” said Scot Ross, One Wisconsin Now executive director. “The Republicans have come up with a budgetbusting, big government solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.” [Milwaukee Courier]

Wisconsin voters may soon need to show ID to vote

The liberal advocacy group, One Wisconsin Now, has promised to challenge the law in court. The group says the bill will end up costing the state money because the Department of Motor Vehicles offices will have to extend their hours to meet the demand for the ID cards between now and the spring election. [Superior Telegram]

Priebus will remain Wisconsin party chair for now

Not everyone was so gracious. Scot Ross, head of the Madison-based liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, accused Priebus of trying to suppress voter turnout over the years in Wisconsin. “Now that Reince Priebus will have the RNC’s treasury at his disposal, those across the county interested in fair and clean elections will be on […] [La Crosse Tribune]

Meet newly-elected RNC Chair Reince Priebus

One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross said, “When voter suppression allegations have surfaced in Wisconsin for the past decade, the name Reince Priebus isn’t far behind.” [Think Progress]

Leibham Admits Voter ID Bill Will Cost Big Money

“That will potentially cost some additional money to the state and to state taxpayers…” [Sen. Leibham, WUWM News, 1/12/2011] MADISON, Wis. — State Sen. Joe Leibham (R-Sheboygan) admitted to reporters the Republican Voter ID bill will deepen Wisconsin’s $3.3 billion budget deficit. Leibham has refused to give Wisconsin a total cost for this plan, nor […]

Voter ID Plan Will Likely Hike Deficit Tens of Millions of Dollars, No Private Sector Jobs

Despite promises that their top priority is job creation, the new state Republican legislative majority is immediately trying to ram through a Voter Identification bill which will not create jobs and will likely cost tens of millions of dollars in order to meet constitutional requirements. “The Republican Voter ID bill will waste tens of millions […] [Winnebago Dems]

Week in Review

Republicans propose a voter ID bill that would require residents to show identification when registering to vote, a law Jim Doyle repeatedly vetoed. They say it will reduce fraud, but Scot Ross, director of One Wisconsin Now, says “Voter ID is the Republicans’ attempt to rig elections in their favor by disenfranchising minorities, students and […] [Isthmus]

Why Voter ID is bad for Wisconsin

Many of you have written in response to our email yesterday about the voter ID bill. Some of you were very enthusiastic in your support of our efforts to fight back against this assault on our voting rights. But others of you had questions about the bill, and wondered why we oppose requiring qualified voters […]

Threat of legal action hangs over voter ID bill

Republicans in the state Legislature introduced a measure on Wednesday that would require voters to show photo identification before registering or casting ballots.  As WUWM’s Marti Mikkelson reports, already there’s a threat of a legal challenge if the bill passes. [WUWM]

Liebham backs new voter ID bill

The bill’s critics say they’ll consider a legal challenge if the voter ID bill is passed. One Wisconsin Now director Scot Ross made that promise on Wednesday, saying that Wisconsin would have to expand the number of Department of Motor Vehicles stations in order to ensure there is enough access for people to get IDs. [Sheboygan Press]

Wis. Assembly to consider ballot ID bill

The head of a liberal advocacy group said a legal challenge will be considered if Wisconsin law is changed to require voters to show a photo ID at the polls. [WISN-TV]

Republicans unveil plan for voter ID, constitutional amendment

With large GOP majorities in both houses, the bill on photo ID is expected to pass easily. But Scot Ross, executive director of the group One Wisconsin Now, said he would consider filing a lawsuit once the Legislature acts, over concerns that the requirement would infringe on the right to vote. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Liberal group considers legal challenge to ID

The head of a liberal advocacy groups says a legal challenge will be considered if Wisconsin law is changed to require voters to show a photo ID at the polls. [WKBT]

Proposed election law already facing legal challenge

The Wisconsin state Legislature is expected to pass a law requiring voters to show photo identification at polls. And one advocacy group says they are already considering a legal challenge. [WFRV-TV]

State Republicans bring back photo ID legislation

“Voter ID is the Republicans’ attempt to rig elections in their favor by disenfranchising minorities, students and seniors citizens,” said Scot Ross, director of the liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now. He argued that in order for the law to be found constitutional, the state would have to spend millions of dollars to add additional […] [Associated Press]

GOP Legislative Committees Revealed

The interwebs reports that income state Senate Republican Leader Scott Fitzgerald is circulating memos to his fellow Republicans to solicit their ideas on senate committees for the upcoming legislative session. Given the promises about job creation made by Republicans across the state as they campaign, Fitzgerald’s announcement that the Jim Crow-inspired Voter ID/Voter Suppression bill […] So many broken promises, so soon

Promising to take our country back and do something about the jobs problem, a new majority swept Wisconsin on November 2. But if you thought the economy and job creation was at the top of the GOP agenda you’d be dead wrong. On Day 1, soon-to-be Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald wasted no time […]

Broken Promises, Day 1: How Many Jobs Does Poll Tax ID Create?

Republican Leader Scott Fitzgerald took less than 24 hours to break the promise Republicans made to Wisconsin to focus on job creation - telling three media outlets the first bill the state will tackle is restricting the right to vote.

State, national Republicans admit job creation NOT the first priority

Republican U.S. House Speaker in-waiting John Boehner and Wisconsin Senate Republican Leader Scott Fitzgerald share something awful in common: neither is putting job creation first and instead both are already looking at 2012 election-year strategy. Despite the fact that two million Americans are about to run out of extended unemployment benefits next month, Boehner has […]

Walker Continues Anti-Democratic Assault on Voters

Like a moth to a bright light, Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker is using the non-story about a Milwaukee County assistant DA with a history of questionable priorities on voter rights issues to make his tiresome case that Voter ID is a good idea. Walker fired off a typically deceptive campaign press release (as if […]

Wauwatosa alder launching voting restriction effort

Two simple truths about voting in the U.S.: one, there is no evidence of wide-scale voter fraud; two, voter ID would disenfranchise eligible voters. But that’€™s not going to stop a Wauwatosa alder from organizing a petition drive to require voter IDs in order to vote. From Wauwatosa Now: After her proposal for a voter […]

Green Bay’s City Clerk using post to push right-wing political agenda

Green Bay’€™s Republican City Clerk is using what should be a non-partisan office to push his right-wing political agenda to restrict voting rights. Chad Weininger, the former deputy chief of staff for ex-Rep. Mark Green (R) who was a staunch advocate for restrictive voter ID laws in Congress and throughout his unsuccessful campaign for governor, […]

Sen. Ted Kanavas threatens to move to Texas, endorses combined reporting

“If we don’t change and change soon, I may bump into my lawyer friend again, but it just might be in Texas.” — Senator Ted Kanavas’s threat to move to Texas, 6/30/2009 What do you think of when you think of Texas? The Dallas Cowboys (shudder)? How about Enron? George W. Bush (double-shudder)? Despite those […]

A Friendly Letter from the Wisconsin Consitution to Jeff Fitzgerald

Dear Minority Leader Fitzgerald (the Assembly one), Happy 2009! We, the articles and sections which make up the Wisconsin Constitution, noticed that on top of financing the cost of you and your family’s health care, that you are spending some of the people’s tax dollars having your ample staff waste time and resources creating something […]