JB Van Hollen

Vossa the Hutt

With Robin Vos and ALEC leading the charge, it’s easy to see why corruption doesn’t bother those in charge.

Is Voter ID Van Hollen’s October Surprise?

MADISON, Wis. — Continuing a pattern of using his state office to attempt to disenfranchise legal voters, Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen has filed a formal request for the state Supreme Court to overturn lower courts rulings that the state voter ID law is unconstitutional. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross said the […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Van Hollen Attack on Voting Rights

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements upon news Republican Attorney General JB Van Hollen would petition the state Supreme Court to overturn, in advance of the November elections, Circuit Court rulings that the state’s anti-democratic voter identification bill is unconstitutional. “JB Van Hollen has spent years, and […]

Van Hollen wants Supreme Court to take ID case

Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen says he will ask the state Supreme Court to bypass lower courts and consider his appeal to decisions blocking the state’s voter identification law. One Wisconsin NOW spokesman Mike Browne said in a statement that Van Hollen was “using his taxpayer financed office to convince the partisan, conservative Supreme Court majority […] [WTMJ]

One Wisconsin Now Calls on Racine County Sheriff and District Attorney to Release Results of Senate Recall Election “Investigation”

MADISON, Wis. — With a recount confirming and the Government Accountability Board certifying the results of the June 5th election for the 21st Senate District, One Wisconsin Now Executive director Scot Ross called on the Racine County Sheriff and District Attorney to make public the results of an investigation of the conduct of the election. […]

Under pressure, Vos pulls out

Rep. Robin Vos announced he is withdrawing from a voter ID lawsuit amidst a growing ethics scandal about how legal work being done on his behalf was being paid.

On the Capitol: Democrats Seek Fresh Faces for Statewide Races

The recall is over and the grills have cooled from the “Brat Summit,” so the question for Democrats is now, “Who’s next? Scot Ross, head of the liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, has been saying for years that Republicans have done a better job recently of getting post-Baby Boomers elected. He points to U.S. […] [Wisconsin State Journal]

Beer and Brats: Is Gov. Walker Just Feeding Wisconsin Another Line?

MADISON, Wis. — Citing the age-old adage that actions speak louder than words, One Wisconsin Now is calling on Gov. Scott Walker to take concrete actions to heal the rift in Wisconsin brought on by his “divide and conquer” agenda. One Wisconsin Now Deputy Director Mike Browne commented, “Time and again Gov. Walker has told […]

GOP hypocrisy, caving to gun manufacturing lobby in current concealed carry dust-up

It started with JB Van Hollen’s epic cave in the face of pressure from the gun manufacturing lobby attacking plan to require actual training in order to get a concealed carry permit.   But always the wily veterans, Scott and Jeff Fitzgerald took the hypocrisy to a new level this week, telling reporters that not […]

Concealed Carry Contradictions

A curious pattern has emerged in Wisconsin. Most politicians favor concealed carry of weapons – so long as it’s not allowed in the building where they work. The irony of the situation is that the law made an exception for law enforcement offices – like those of the Department of Justice agents who work for […] [Inside Milwaukee]

Van Hollen’s Gun Bravery From Behind Locked Doors, Guarded Office

Time and again, scion to a Republican fortune and our state’s Attorney General JB “John Noe” Van Hollen has proven he is a partisan hack instead of the state’s top cop. Van Hollen is the perfect Roscoe P. Coltrane to Scott Walker’s corrupt Boss Hogg. Van Hollen refused to join the John Doe investigation of […]

Van Hollen shows his skewed priorities

By Scot Ross. Van Hollen refused to help local law enforcement in the John Doe investigation that has ensnared top officials from Walker’s Milwaukee County executive regime. Among those involved are people given top jobs in the Walker gubernatorial administration. The two previous Wisconsin attorneys general offered resources and support in similar types of cases involving […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Van Hollen REFUSED to investigate Walker’s ‘Cronygate’

Republican Attorney General JB Van Hollen, according to a news report today, refused to help the investigation into fellow Republican Scott Walker’s office in the scandal being called “Cronygate.” The refusal and silence of the state’s “top cop” to investigate his fellow Republican raises serious questions about Van Hollen’s conduct and warrants an investigation, according […]

Van Hollen Refused to Investigate Walker’s ‘Cronygate’

MADISON, Wis. — Republican Attorney General JB Van Hollen, according to a news report today, refused to help the investigation into fellow Republican Scott Walker’s office in the scandal being called “Cronygate.” The refusal and silence of the state’s “top cop” to investigate his fellow Republican raises serious questions about Van Hollen’s conduct and warrants […]

One WI Now filed open records request related to ‘Smoking Gun’ voter ID memo

One Wisconsin Now has filed an open records request with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to obtain all communications and emails related to the issuance of state identification cards for the purposes of voting under the state’s voter identification bill. One Wisconsin Now made the request after a memo surfaced in which the top political […]

Once Again, Van Hollen Ignores Internet Sex Crimes

MADISON, Wis. — For the second time in a year, Republican Attorney General JB Van Hollen has declined to join a multi-state effort by law enforcement officials and fellow Attorneys General to combat internet sex crimes. Van Hollen defended his unwillingness by claiming he does not release details of ongoing investigations — something directly contradicted […]

Can case receive fair hearing before WI’s partisan Supreme Court?

Where WI Attorney General JB Van Hollen (R) has alleged, over a period of years, that there is “widespread voter fraud in Wisconsin,” One Wisconsin Now reports that Von Hollen documents only “11 potentially-improper votes cast out of 3 million Wisconsinites who went to the polls in November 2008.” Out of those “11 potentially-improper votes,” […] [Brad Blog]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on JFC Voter ID Funds

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding the Joint Finance Committee action on $10 million in funds for additional Department of Motor Vehicle funds related to the voter suppression plan. “The amount of funding is woefully inadequate to ensure Wisconsin can properly administer the currently-unconstitutional Voter ID […]

More Than 10,000 Call for Van Hollen Bipartisan Investigation of Waukesha Vote

MADISON, Wis. — More than 10,000 concerned Wisconsin citizens are calling for a bipartisan investigation by Attorney General JB Van Hollen into the actions of Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus related to the changing vote totals in the State Supreme Court race between David Prosser and JoAnne Kloppenburg days after the election. One Wisconsin Now […]

Van Hollen-Chisholm Election Integrity Task Force Must Investigate Largest Potential Election Fraud Case in Wisconsin History

MADISON, Wis. — The Wisconsin Election Integrity Task Force, headed by Attorney General JB Van Hollen and Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm, must lead an immediate and complete full investigation of the allegations of election fraud surrounding Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus and her adding of 14,000 votes days after the polls closed on […]

Groups Call for Investigation of Supreme Court Vote

Citizen Action of Wisconsin is calling for a federal investigation into the matter. It says all computer equipment, ballots, and other relevant evidence needed to verify the vote should be immediately impounded. One Wisconsin Now is also asking Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen to lead a full investigation into the matter. [WBAY]

Fake Teacher from Wisconsin’ Now in Florida Chamber of Commerce Ad

Last week, we revealed that the corporate-financed mother of all special interest smear ad groups, the Republican State Leadership Committee, had a false ad about Sen. Dave Hansen with false claims about a fake teacher who would leave Wisconsin. That “teacher” sure does get around, as an ad to attack workers in Florida, paid for […]

Out-of-state Republican Group Claims ‘File Footage’ Actor is WI Teacher in Hansen Attack

The Republican State Leadership Committee is back at it again in Wisconsin. RSLC is a Karl Rove-assisted, Washington DC-area corporate front group, which has spent over $60 million since 2002 to elect Republicans. It attacked Democratic state legislators here during 2010, in one instance using a race-baiting mailer where a white woman has her mouth […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Van Hollen ‘Sunshine Week’ Assault on Open Government

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding Republican Attorney General JB Van Hollen’s attack on open government. Van Hollen is appealing Dane County Judge, and Tommy Thompson appointee, Mariann Sumi’s temporary restraining order against Gov. Scott Walker’s illegally-passed so-called budget repair bill, that uses the government to […]

Wisconsin proceeds with health care law despite Van Hollen

Implementation of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law has not stopped in Wisconsin, even though Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen declared the law dead earlier this week. … But Van Hollen is not able to order an end to implementation and he said Thursday that he has not advised fellow Republican Gov. Scott Walker […]

MJS: “Talk is cheap; don’t suppress state’s votes”

  We all know requiring folks to present a photo ID before they are allowed to vote is an expensive solution to a problem that doesn’t exist — not to mention, fairly undemocratic. Editorial boards across the state have been giving the GOP’s “21st Century Poll Tax” due criticism; the latest comes from the Milwaukee […]

Van Hollen Claims on Voter Fraud Are Out of This World

It is long-since known, JB Van Hollen will do anything, go to any length, dispatch any resource at the taxpayer-financed Wisconsin Department of Justice to further his partisan political agenda. We all remember how Van Hollen’s top lieutenant was seeking help on the health care lawsuit with the Republican State Leadership Committee — one of […]

Diverse Voices Register Opposition to Unneeded Voter Identification Bill

MADISON, Wis. — Opponents of proposed legislation to restrict voter access to the polls, gathered at the State Capitol Wednesday to condemn so-called Voter ID legislation as a costly, unnecessary plan, which could lead to the disenfranchisement of untold tens of thousands of eligible voters in every corner of Wisconsin. Leon Burzynski, President of the […]

Leibham Admits Voter ID Bill Will Cost Big Money

“That will potentially cost some additional money to the state and to state taxpayers…” [Sen. Leibham, WUWM News, 1/12/2011] MADISON, Wis. — State Sen. Joe Leibham (R-Sheboygan) admitted to reporters the Republican Voter ID bill will deepen Wisconsin’s $3.3 billion budget deficit. Leibham has refused to give Wisconsin a total cost for this plan, nor […]

Why Voter ID is bad for Wisconsin

Many of you have written in response to our email yesterday about the voter ID bill. Some of you were very enthusiastic in your support of our efforts to fight back against this assault on our voting rights. But others of you had questions about the bill, and wondered why we oppose requiring qualified voters […]

How much will WI taxpayers pay for Van Hollen’s lawsuit gimmick?

Wisconsin Attorney General JB Van Hollen is doing what conservatives do best these days — wasting taxpayer dollars performing totally empty gestures in an effort to gin up the Tea Party base. See yesterday’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Van Hollen is pushing hard for Wisconsin to join the multi-state lawsuit against the historic federal health insurance […]

Walker wastes money on health insurance reform lawsuit at the same time he’ll apply for federal health reform grants

In a counter-intuitive move, Walker told Politico yesterday that even though he campaigned “aggressively” against the federal health insurance reform legislation, and on his first day in office granted Atty General Van Hollen permission to join a lawsuit against the reforms, he will still apply for federal health reform grants and won’t block the law’s […]

Will WMC Refuse Foreign Attack Funds from U.S. Chamber of Commerce?

MADISON, Wis. — With recent revelations the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is using contributions from foreign businesses to fund its partisan political attacks, One Wisconsin Now is calling on the U.S. Chamber’s state affiliate, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), to detail its own internal controls that prevent foreign funds from being used in attacks it […]

Voter Caging Target: UW-Milwaukee Dormitory, 95 Percent of Ward Votes from Sandburg Hall

MADISON, Wis. — Despite firm denials by Tim Dake, leader of Wisconsin’s Tea Party organizations, the voter caging plot between the Tea Party, Americans for Prosperity and the Republican Party of Wisconsin exposed this week by One Wisconsin Now, is directly targeting university students – most notably voters at UW-Milwaukee Sandburg Hall, which made up […]

Will Walker & Neumann Demand Van Hollen Defend Stem Cell Research?

MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker and former U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann have repeatedly called for Attorney General JB Van Hollen to be given the authority to intervene in a multi-state effort among Republicans to derail the federal health reform act but are silent on Van Hollen’s seeming unwillingness to represent the state […]

Van Hollen: Hard on Voters, Soft on Hookers?

MADISON, Wis. — Republican Attorney General JB Van Hollen continues to waste taxpayers funds on his partisan witch hunt against voters accessing the ballot box, while at the same time refusing to join nearly half the nation’s attorneys general in a joint action to reduce online prostitution and child trafficking. “JB Van Hollen has decided […]