Mary Lazich

Lazich will not seek re-election

Liberals said they were happy to see her go, and One Wisconsin Now's entire staff released a joint statement to that effect. [Lakeland Times]

Senate President Lazich won’t seek re-election

Liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now ripped Lazich in a statement Monday, calling her a “reliable reactionary voice to promote intolerance, racist dog-whistling and making women second-class citizens in our economy and at the doctor’s office.” [Associated Press]

Protecting the Right to Vote in Wisconsin

Voting is not only our right; it is our duty. It is how we have a say in the direction of our community, our state and our country. Voting is the one time everyone is equal. Young or old, rich or poor, on Election Day everyone gets the same say.

Is There an Omnibus-load of New GOP Attacks on Voters’ Rights Headed Our Way?

MADISON, Wis. — In a weekend television appearance, Rep. Duey Stroebel, author of a bill to restrict early voting in Wisconsin, revealed that his proposal along with other GOP sponsored attacks on voting rights could be rolled into an omnibus package of anti-voter legislation. “Republicans have mounted a massive, coordinated campaign to restrict voter rights […]

D is for Dismantle

There is a long-held belief among many conservatives that public schools are simply not an appropriate role of government and should be privatized through the use of vouchers. One of the staunchest supporters of this extreme view is Gov. Scott Walker.

Wisconsin GOP Stumbles in Effort to Rig Recalls

Republican efforts to inoculate themselves against recall hit a snag Monday when a moderate Republican announced his opposition to a plan that would permit recalls to happen in newly-drawn partisan districts. Scot Ross of the liberal One Wisconsin Now says of the last-minute bill that “if Mary Lazich thought recall signature notarization was such an issue, she […] [PR Watch]

Republican Senator Schultz to vote against recall changes.

Sen. Dale Schultz (R-Richland Center) told the Associated Press on Monday that he would not votefor a bill introduced on Friday by Sen. Mary Lazich (R-New Berlin) that would immediately put into place new legislative districts created by the recent Republican-led redistricting plan.”Mary Lazich believes that only Republicans should get to vote,” said Scot Ross, […] [Dane 101]

Lazich voted for to kill notary requirement she now wants for Walker recall

When it comes to sheer partisan hackery, there is no substitute for GOP Sen. Mary Lazich of New Berlin. Lazich, an author of the Jim Crow-era voter suppression ID bill, has now dumped a slew of sleazy legislations to try and save Gov. Scott Walker and the razor-thin Republican Senate majority. And now it’s requiring […]

Mary Lazich versus democracy

One Wisconsin Now’s Scot Ross summed things up well when he said: “Mary Lazich believes that only Republicans should get to vote. She believes that only Republicans should be able to use the recall process. If Mary Lazich thought recall signature notarization was such an issue, she had the last 20 years of her undistinguished […] [Capital Times]

More Lies from the GOP Noise Machine on Cronon Attacks

Never  allowing facts to get in the way of its smears, the right wing is trying to create a false moral equivalency between retaliatory actions taken by the Republican Party of Wisconsin against UW-Madison Professor Bill Cronon and a completely different kind of request for contract information made by One Wisconsin Now. After Professor Cronon, […]

Lazich Also an Exaggerater on Constituent Contacts

Rep. Marlin Schneider got called out by the Associated Press for a claim he made on the number of constituents who contacted him about his laughably-unconstitutional bill limiting the public’€™s right to the online Circuit Court Access Program. It reminded us of a similar constituent claim made by right-wing seat-filler Sen. Mary Lazich. Back in […]

Guess What Mary? We Don’t Care

Frothing political lifer Mary Lazich has just urped up her latest list of things she won’t vote for in the coming session. Health care of course, is tops on her no-way list. Good news is that Lazich, who despite her hatred of government has been in office and collected a salary, per diem, a pension […]

Accurate tax facts: Wisconsin is middle-of-the-pack

Once again, elected officials have pounced on a report by the Tax Foundation to mislead taxpayers into thinking that Wisconsin can’t afford to adequately fund its public institutions. The latest cases are Rep. Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) and Sen. Mary Lazich (R-New Berlin), who separately cited a new study by the Washington, D.C.-based Tax Foundation, claiming […]

Dislike of Doyle blinds Bucher in judicial race

As they say in the military, there’s always that 2 per cent that doesn’t get the word. Case in point: A number of conservative Republicans find themselves supporting — horrors! — one of the hated liberal trial lawyers for a District II Appeals Court judgeship in southeastern Wisconsin, while the GOP establishment lines up on […]

Lazich-faire Attitude on Big Money for the Rich

Senator Mary Lazich is miffed at One Wisconsin Now.  Recently, she offered up some mangled criticisms of Wisconsin Now’€™s effort to reinstate the estate tax for Wisconsin’€™s wealthiest, which expired earlier the year. As soon as we heard Sen. Lazich was criticizing our efforts to end the $300 million estate tax loophole for the state’€™s wealthiest heirs and […]