
How’s that again?

The Nation says we should celebrate a recent victory in Congress: With a voice vote that confirmed the near-unanimous sentiment of senators who had heard from hundreds of thousands of Americans demanding that they act, the legislators moved to nullify an FCC attempt to permit a radical form of media consolidation: a rule change designed […]

Deceptive Column Writing 101

Once again John Torinus has written a column trying his best to minimize the serious violations of Justice Annette Ziegler. Like Ziegler, Torinus is willfully ignoring many factors in the unprecedented decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to discipline one of their own. Once again he fails to inform readers of his own conflict while […]

What have YOU done to end the war lately?

This article by Julie Byrnes Enslow, director of Peace Action-Wisconsin, is featured on the front page of the June issue of The Mobilizer, Peace Action-Wisconsin’s newsletter. Iraq Moratorium – Friday, June 20 What Have YOU Done Lately to Stop the War? By Julie Byrnes Enslow Sometimes we need a good push to get off our […]

Van Hollen Helps Run Out the Clock

Several months ago One Wisconsin Now filed a complaint with the new Government Accountability Board regarding Supreme Court Justice Elect-Michael Gableman. At the center of the issue are what appear to be political calls that he made from a state phone when he was the Ashland County District Attorney. Calls were made to Republican fundraisers, […]

McCain-Bush Big Oil Giveaway Cost 2,600 Janesville Jobs

The more than 100 percent hike in gas prices under the Bush administration continues to take a devastating toll on Wisconsin families — the latest casualties are 2,600 family-supporting jobs at Janesville’s General Motors plant. According to the Capital Times, “The unprecedented rise in gasoline prices helped put 2,600 General Motors employees out of work […]

McKatrina: Bushie Did a Heckuva Job

It was appalling to see Sen. John McCain in Louisiana to try and distance himself for the horrors of George W. Bush and the federal government’€™s response to Hurricane Katrina. Considering how McCain voted to shield Bush from accountability for this national disgrace, he might have thought twice. Consider McCain’€™s record protecting Bush and abandoning […]

The Pill Kills?

It is no secret that anti-choice groups have long used radical tactics to oppose abortion. This year, we saw young children outfitted in “I survived the American Holocaust” tee shirts in legislative hearings in the Wisconsin capitol. Last July, we watched in horror as a group of “pro-lifers” staged, in front of a Milwaukee abortion […]

A Preview of WMCs Corporate Court?

In an editorial today the Tomah Journal highlights a case that came before the Wisconsin Supreme Court last week. The case involved the family of a three-year-old boy suffering from brain cancer and a large HMO. The same day that the court slapped fellow Justice Annette Ziegler on the wrist for her willful violation of […]

A Willing Pawn in a Propaganda Campaign

Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan’€™s new book, What Happened, describes the White House’€™s ‘€œpropaganda campaign‘€ surrounding the War in Iraq. Rather than fact checking and holding the White House accountable, Senator John McCain chose to use his seat in the U.S. Senate to cheerlead and help amplify the Bush propaganda on the war. […]

Fewer Deaths Offer Hope, Ignore Reasons

What follows in an op-ed submission following my continued disgust with the media’€™s reporting on conditions in Iraq. On Sunday, June 1, 2008 you ran an AP article on the decreasing number of deaths in Iraq. Like many previous articles and proclamations that conditions are getting better, the lower levels of violence seem to have […]

The Return of the Bush-McCain Stamporee!

One Wisconsin Now will be putting on an encore performance of its popular Bush-McCain Stamporee! It will take place outside the town hall meeting that John McCain has scheduled this afternoon at the Martin Luther High School in Greendale. The event will demonstrate how when it comes to the failing policies of George W. Bush, Senator […]

Cause for Concern on the High Court

On Wednesday the State Supreme Court issued its ruling in the disciplinary case against Justice Annette Ziegler. The matter has been a dubious first in the history of the high court. As expected, Ziegler’€™s colleagues took the recommendation of the Judicial Commission and the Judicial Conduct Panel and gave her a public reprimand, which was […]

Mild letter brings a hate-filled response

After writing a post here last week encouraging people to write letters to the editor about Iraq, I wrote one myself. It was published on Memorial Day, and what I thought was a mild letter brought a hate-filled response. More here.

Wisconsinites Suffer Under Bush-McCain Agenda

The economic policies spearheaded by the Bush Administration and supported by Senator John McCain in the U.S. Senate have been devastating to people across our state. These policies have ushered in a time of economic crisis in many different ways for working families. Today a wide cross-section of Wisconsinites came together in a conference call […]

McCain Takes Econ 101 from Bank Lobbyist

Although John McCain claims the mantle of ‘€œreformer’€ he has chosen to surround himself with lobbyists for all sorts of questionable interests. We also know that John McCain has admitted that he still needs an education when it comes to the economy. Given those two facts, why would anyone be surprised that he chose Phil […]

McCains Maverick Mirage

U.S. Senator John McCain has often been referred to as a ‘€œmaverick’€ in the mainstream media, but this description is not accurate. Although he is now trying his best to distance himself from the disaster that is the Bush presidency, he has largely been a rubber stamp for Bush in the U.S. Senate. The Congressional […]

Running Out the Clock for Gableman?

In April One Wisconsin Now filed a complaint against Burnett County Judge Michael Gableman with the new Government Accountability Board (GAB). The complaint centered on what appear to be political fundraising phone calls that he made from the Ashland County District Attorney’€™s office. These troubling actions took place at the same time that the caucus […]

The Purging of Professionals Continues

First J.B. Van Hollen and his political cronies at the Department of Justice chased out Jim Warren. He led the Division of Criminal Investigation for the last 10 years and was well respected all across the state. Van Hollen didn’€™t stop his purge of experience there, as earlier this week he demoted Carolyn Kelly a […]

“We should be encouraging more people to vote, not discouraging them.”

In a recent guest column for the Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc County Clerk, Jamie Aulik lent some insight into that county’€™s recent elections. “In last February’s presidential preference primary and April’s general election, the voter turnout for all eligible voters in Manitowoc County was 34 percent and 17 percent, respectively. Given those statistics, we should […]

Newspaper invites your view on Iraq

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wants to hear from you on Iraq. After an editorial criticizing John McCain’s me-too policy on the war, the paper invites reader comment, probably for a Sunday newspaper spread:  Should the United States set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq? Send a letter to: Journal Sentinel editorial department Please take a […]

The Partisans vs. The Professionals

Shortly after taking office State Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen began handing out jobs to partisan cronies. For example, he made Ray Taffora his Deputy. He did this even though Taffora had no real prosecutorial experience and was little more than a politically connected corporate hack. Taffora served as counsel for Tommy Thompson and assisted […]

Kohl, Feingold both vote no as Senate passes war funding

Only 26 Senators had the courage today to vote against another $165-billion in war funding for Iraq and Afghanistan. We should be proud that both Wisconsin Senators, Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold, voted no. Here’s why. WashPost reports: Senators stripped the package of all language governing the conduct of the Iraq war or mandating troop […]

McCain town meeting — and you’re invited!

Is there anything you’ve been wanting to ask him — or tell him?  John McCain returns to Wisconsin! John McCain will host a Town Hall meeting on Thursday May 29th at the Greendale Martin Luther High School. The doors will open at 3:30pm. To RSVP for the event, please click here or email No […]

On Terry Musser’s departure, and the importance of bipartisan politics

Today, State Representative Terry Musser (R-Black River Falls) announced he will not be running for reelection in 2008. One of the main reasons he cited for this decision is the persecution he received by members of his own party when he decided to defy his party’s leadership and support the Compassionate Care for Rape Victims […]

Another Savage Attack on Decency

For some reason WTMJ radio insists on poisoning Milwaukee airwaves with the constant venom flowing from right wing talker Michael Savage. Apparently, for him and WTMJ, nothing is sacred. Savage is the same guy that wished aids and death on a caller that identified himself as being gay. His list of poisonous and offensive comments […]

The Battle of the Two McCains

We already know that John McCain has a small army of lobbyists that either work or raise money on his behalf. Although some have started to resign he still has over one hundred at last count. He also has some 70 registered lobbyists that have bundled money on his behalf. Even more, the Center for […]

The Market Speaks but Conservatives Dont Listen

Conservatives sing the praises of ‘€œthe market’€ when it comes to many issues. More recently they have applied their theories to health care. Unfortunately their calls for a ‘€œmarket driven’€ solution consist of little more than promoting health savings accounts. Frankly, the verdict of ‘€œthe market’€ has already come in and it has determined that […]

A Willing Part of a Broken System

John McCain has had trouble living up to his squeaky clean image recently. He has talked about reform in Washington and more specifically about lobbying reform. Unfortunately his actions don’€™t reflect his pronouncements about the need for change. First it was discovered that he had at least 118 current and former lobbyists working for him. […]

Even the Army gives thumbs-up to peace

What do we do in Milwaukee when the temperature finally hits 70 degrees? Go to the lakefront? Grill brats in the back yard? Skinny dip? Take off our longjohns? If it’s the Third Friday — Iraq Moratorium day — we meet in the heart of downtown for an hour, fill all four corners of the […]

We mourn the dead from Iraq’

Madison activist Joy First tells of her experience at Hilldale Mall on Iraq Moratorium #9 last Friday. Read it here.

Non-Profit Hospitals and Keeping a Straight Face

The Institute for Wisconsin’€™s Future (IWF) released a new report on Wisconsin non-profit hospitals and their billions of dollars worth of tax-exempt property. The report finds that those properties could be generating at least $117 million in property taxes yearly to help ease the property tax burden on individual taxpayers and small businesses. The report […]

McCain’s Rubber Stamp for Bush on Display at OWN Stamporee at GOP Convention

OWN is hosting a Stamporee event outside the Wisconsin Republican Convention in Stevens Point on Friday, May 16 to demonstrate how when it comes to the failing policies of George W. Bush, Senator John McCain is actually McSame—a literal rubber stamp in his votes in the U.S. Senate. During the event, an actor portraying Senator […]

Rich Ryan Denies GIs

On Thursday the House of Representatives approved an expansive new veterans education benefit that would be paid for by a tax on wealthy Americans. It would provide the equivalent of a free four-year college education at a public university. Some Republicans joined Democrats in passing the aid that would benefit veterans who enlisted after the […]

War funding fails; Ron Kind needs a wakeup call

The House has surprisingly defeated the Iraq appropriations bill, thanks to a large bloc of Republicans, upset with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who voted “present” to show their displeasure. The result was that the $162.5-billion appropriation failed 141-149. Republicans Jim Sensenbrenner and Tom Petri and Democrat Ron Kind (!)voted for the appropriation, while Republican Paul Ryan […]

The Abuse of the Troops Continues

Just when I think that the Bush Administration could not go any further in abusing the men and women in our military, they prove me wrong. Not only did the President send them into a preemptive unnecessary war, but he also did not send them with the proper equipment or a plan to get out. […]

Uppity Wisconsin Credentialed Wisconsin State Blogger to Democratic Convention

Uppity Wisconsin will be the credentialed Wisconsin member of the State Blogger Corps at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.Today life is a whirlwind of activity at Uppity Wisconsin as we make preparations to go to Denver in August. We will be the only state credentialed organization from Wisconsin, and will bring you innovative live […]

Friday is Iraq Moratorium #9

Iraq Moratorium #9, a day for individual or group action to end the war and occupation, will be observed on Friday, May 16, in Milwaukee and across the country. A vigil from 5 to 6 p.m., at Water Street and Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Milwaukee, is sponsored by the Milwaukee Coalition for a Just Peace […]

Legies to Close Wal-Mart Loophole

The State Senate took the lead today to end the loophole that lets Wal-Mart and other big corporations evade $15 million annually by exploiting the state tax law (and the taxpayers). Under the tax evasion scheme, tells the Institute for Wisconsin’s Future, Wal-Mart would have one part of its business pay another part of the […]

Squeaky Clean Image vs Stone Cold Reality

Senator John McCain and the media have manufactured a squeaky clean image for the Arizona Republican. They pretend that he is above reproach while, at the same time, his actions belie much of the rhetoric. Although there are other examples in his long legislative past, several recent developments also go to the heart of the […]

They Said it Wouldn’t Happen

Although Wisconsinites passed the ‘€œmarriage amendment’€ in 2006, polls at the time showed that they were supportive of domestic partnerships and civil unions. Advocates warned that the amendment would endanger both. Supporters of the amendment disingenuously claimed that it was only an effort to legally define marriage and not one to kill domestic partnership benefits […]

Pawlenty Comin’ Over to Class Up the Joint

Tim Pawlenty, Minnesota’s first openly-mulletted governor, is making the trip to Wisconsin later this week to visit his pals during the state GOP convo in Stevens Point. And if he speechifies as good as he interviews, it should be a raucous affair. Consider this gem from a Saturday radio show: “I have a wife who […]

McCain Celebrates Failing Grade

This week Senator John McCain is focusing on the environment and climate change. Although he has been vocal about the issue on the stump, his actual voting record is both inconsistent and severely lacking. In reaction to McCain’€™s speech Monday, League of Conservation Voters President Gene Karpinski commented that ‘€œhe has not substantively improved his […]

Winter Soldier on the Hill

Who: Iraq Veterans Against the War & The Congressional Progressive Caucus What: Winter Soldier on the Hill – An Open Forum When: 15 May 2008 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Where: 2261 Rayburn House Office Building Winter Soldier on the Hill Congress has heard from politicians, pundits, and generals, but not, up to this point, […]

One Solution to Solve Multiple Problems

Wispolitics is reporting that a deal has been reached on a budget repair bill. They report that the deal would use $209 million from tobacco securitization payments and would delay $125 million in school aid payments into the next biennium. The compromise would also close a corporate tax loophole being used most notably by the […]

Acting together, locally, to end the war

Why join the Iraq Moratorium effort on the Third Friday of every month? Two organizers in Hayward, which has let the country in per capita participation in Moratorium actions, make a strong case for unity. Read it at the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice website.

Update: WMC’s Attack on the Environment

WMC’s ground attack on the ability of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to regulate mercury is built on a “mountain of falsehoods” as far as environmentalists are concerned. It all started back in 2006, when Governor Doyle called on the DNR to develop a rule that would reduce mercury emissions by 90 percent. […]

Paul Ryans War on Mothers Day

On Wednesday afternoon the House of Representatives voted 412 to 0 to pass a resolution, ‘€œCelebrating the role of mothers in the United States and supporting the goals and ideals of Mother’€™s Day.’€ Just after that unanimous vote, Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) jumped up in protest asking that the vote be reconsidered. Rep. Kathy Castor […]

Unearthing the Truth about McCain

Digging a little deeper on Sen. John McCain’€™s environmental record yields some scary remains indeed. Turns out he’€™s pretty much buried any previous attempts to work on environmental concerns, and any comments he makes on global warming, energy and the environmental are little more than double talk. According to the League of Conservation Voters (LCV), McCain’€™s lifetime […]