Randy Koschnick

Koschnick Ad Full of Distortions; Breaks Clean Campaign Pledge

MADISON, Wis. — The judicial ethics of Jefferson County Judge Randy Koschnick are under fire after breaking his own clean campaign pledge by attacking Supreme Court Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson in a television advertisement with several dubious claims. “It’s telling about his ethics that Randy Koschnick has broken his own clean campaign pledge,” said Scot […]

Source of Koschnick’s funny numbers revealed

Ever wonder where Randy Koschnick’s campaign gets the funny numbers it uses in its bogus claims about Shirley Abrahamson’s record? Now it can be told, thanks to the latest campaign finance report Koschnick filed with the Government Accountability Board. Koshnick has gone to Ms. New Math herself — Jessica McBride Bucher. She can be relied […]

Facts Behind the Koschnick Ad Farce

Randy Koschnick today broke his clean campaign pledge in rip-roarin’ style, attacking Supreme Court Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson in a 30 second TV ad, that for now, is only available on the “internets.” Judicial integrity and ethics are critical for Wisconsin’€™s courts and Koschnick’s ad is the latest in a series of half-truths and distortions […]

With Koschnick on the bench, leggies would rule

The last debate is over, and you have to say one thing for Randy Koschnick: He’s consistent. There’s another thing you can say, too. With him on the Supreme Court, you can forget about those pesky checks and balances. What the legislature wants, the legislature gets. His message in the final debate had a familiar […]

Randy Koschnick Called Out for Falsehood

The endless distortions of Randy Koschnick made news this week after the Jefferson County judge made a statement about the Greater Wisconsin Committee that was patently false according to the Associated Press. GWC always has meticulous fact-checking for the media for its issue pieces, but Koschnick wasn’t going to let a couple facts get in […]

No Surprise: Koschnick Caught Distorting AGAIN

If Randy Koschnick is one thing, he’€™s consistent. Time and time again, he has grossly distorted Chief Justice Abrahamson’€™s record. Fortunately, we here at OWN are willing to do the due diligence and research that Koschnick has no interest in doing. Randy Koschnick has claimed over and over again that Chief Justice Abrahamson ‘€œsides with […]

Supreme Court Numbers Debunk Koschnick Distortions about Crime Rulings

MADISON, Wis. — A painstaking analysis by One Wisconsin Now of more than 4,000 decisions made by the Wisconsin Supreme Court during the current term of Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson proves Jefferson County Judge Randy Koschnick has misrepresented Abrahamson’s record. A full accounting of her decision making shows the Chief Justice has supported the state’s […]

Koschnick Has Heard 1,830 Cases from Lawyers Who Donated Campaign Funds

“If I knew I had received money from somebody on a case, I’d recuse.” — Randy Koschnick, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 2/24/09 MADISON, Wis. — Jefferson County Circuit Judge Randy Koschnick has heard 1,830 cases involving 19 lawyers who made contributions to his prior judicial campaign, including 35 cases which are currently open. “Randy Koschnick heard […]

Fernandez, Koschnick join the conservative circus

There’€™s a huge rift in conservatism these days. On the one hand, you have a faction that looks back in dismay at three losing election cycles and is trying to retool their message in hope for a better outcome in the future. On the other hand, you have a faction too stubborn to abandon their […]

Over time, garbage smells better to Bucher

Judge Randy Koschnick, would-be Supreme Court member, defends his willingness to try to get killer Ted Oswald off, while working as a public defender, by saying that Paul Bucher, then Waukesha County DA, who prosecuted the case, said Koschnick did a great job and has endorsed him. That’s certainly not what Bucher said at the […]

Headline of the week

The envelope, please. The winner is… Madison’s Capital Times: Randy Koschnick is soft on facts.

Say Hi to Fernandez and Koschnick at Right Wing Free for All

Last week, One Wisconsin Now pointed out how the non, non-ideological Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance and its long-time face Todd Berry can be found this coming weekend speaking to the right-wing freakfest that is the Americans for Petroleum, er… Americans for Prosperity event in Milwaukee. A who’s who of state Republican electeds will be on hand […]

Randy Koschnicks Phantom 60 Percent Number “- Where is the Proof?

Judicial ethics are essential in Wisconsin. Jefferson County Judge Randy Koschnick has made the claim Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson sides with criminals 60 percent of the time. While a number of media outlets have reported this phantom figure, Koschnick has refused to adequately explain what this number represents or how he arrived […]

Is Koschnick’€™s defense of cop killer an issue? Right-wing hypocrisy sure is

As an organization that believes everybody has a right to their day in court, One Wisconsin Now is keenly aware that Wisconsin conservatives have championed the smearing of defense attorneys and the erosion of the rights of the accused. Ask former Supreme Court Justice Louis Butler, the subject of millions of dollars worth of attacks […]

What Do Randy Koschnick and a Dirty Mattress Have in Common?

They’re both regularly overturned. Koschnick at an alarming rate if you look at judges across Wisconsin. Koschnick, the Jefferson County Circuit Court judge whose ineffective leadership is causing one senior judge to retire rather than deal with him, distinguished him as a below-average jurist, according to statistics released by the Wisconsin Law Journal. Turns out […]

Koschnick’s Seamus Flaherty is Shameless…

After the first Supreme Court debate, Randy Koschnick’s right-hand-sleaze-man Seamus Flaherty set the tone for the coming public debate on the Supreme Court: more lies, more mistruths, more distortions. During the debate, Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson pointed out the Judge Koschnick was incorrect in stating the Wisconsin was the only state in which a decision […]

Judge Koshnick wears bloody shoes

There’s an old political term you may have heard, called “waving the bloody shirt.” There are multiple theories about its origins, but it usually refers to a politician using images of past violence to stir up the electorate’s prejudices and win support. The word demagogue is often used in connection with it. Which brings us […]

Hypocrisy Alert: What Koschnick is Hiding about ‘Bloody Shoes’ Case

MADISON, Wis. — Jefferson County Judge Randy Koschnick’s criticism of the Wisconsin Supreme Court for overruling him on evidence in the murder trial of Matthew J. Knapp, conveniently ignores that Koschnick ruled in the same case to exclude an essential piece of evidence which subsequently convicted Knapp – two pairs of the murderer’s shoes stained […]

Koschnick Courts the Gun Lobby

Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson’s opponent, Jefferson County Circuit Judge Randy Koschnick, had barely filed his nomination petitions when he began pressing the flesh — at a gun show in LaCrosse. Koschnick told WXOW-TV the gun show gave him a chance to meet voters. It was such a good chance he campaigned there two days in […]

A judicious decision

From WisPolitics: Marquette University law professor Rick Esenberg has decided not to jump into this spring’s state Supreme Court race. Esenberg, who also writes the blog “Shark and Shepherd,” said he was approached about a run but decided against it. Jefferson County Judge Randy Koschnick is the only candidate to announce that he will challenge […]

The Koschnick Train Wreck in Jefferson County

Jefferson County Judge Randy Koschnick wants to take a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court but does he plan to bring the same dissension to Madison that he has fostered in Jefferson? A report in the Captial Times Tuesday reveals a lot about Randy Koschnick. It is based on the comments of his fellow Jefferson […]

Koschnick Full of Schmitz

The slime machine behind the infamous and racist Mike Gableman ‘€œWillie Horton’€ ad has a new benefactor ‘€“ Jefferson County Judge Randy Koschnick. Darrin Schmitz, who continues to serve as a Gableman mouthpiece on the numerous on-going ethics investigations of the newest Supreme Court Justice, was the first to let reporters know Koschnick was gearing […]