Michael Gableman

Justices face questions as ‘John Doe’ probe lands in Supreme Court

One Wisconsin Now said the four-year-old rules are a “get-out-of-court-free card” for powerful interests that spend heavily in Supreme Court races. His group has called on the four justices to recuse themselves from any John Doe case. “There’s an $8 million weight on the scales of justice spent to elect these justices,” Ross said. [Wisconsin State Journal]

Corporate Special Interests, Gov. Walker Buy Supreme Court Victory Over Workers, Voters

MADISON, Wis. — Today’s state Supreme Court decisions supporting Gov. Scott Walker’s attacks on workers and voters were spearheaded by a four-member majority bloc that was elected through $8 million in spending by two of Walker’s biggest special interest supporters – Wisconsin Club for Growth and Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce. “The corporate special interests like Club […]

Liberal group asks Supreme Court to stay out of John Doe case

One Wisconsin Now sent the court a letter saying two groups involved in the investigation — Wisconsin Club for Growth and Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, the state’s chamber of commerce — helped get the court’s four conservative-leaning justices elected. The two groups have spent a combined $7.3 million to support Annette Ziegler, David Prosser, Michael […] [Associated Press]

Gov. Walker and Special Interest Pals Go Venue Shopping for Friendly Court

MADISON, Wis. — Defense lawyers for Gov. Walker are reportedly appealing to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, and its right-wing majority, to try to protect him from prosecutors investigating alleged illegal coordination between his campaign and right-wing groups. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross questioned whether the conservative court majority might be too friendly with Gov. […]

Thompson is Sorry Alright! “

“Those who remember Mike Gableman’s campaign that included a roundly-criticized, race-baiting television ad will have to see about the tone the Thompson campaign may take in the final months,” said Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, a Madison-based liberal organization. The controversy didn’t bother only Democrats. Some Republican operatives contacted by the State […] [Cognitive Dissidence]

Meet the Wisconsin Karl Rove

If former Gov. Tommy Thompson defeats U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin in this year’s U.S. Senate race, it will mark not only an impressive coda to his long political career, it will represent yet another victory for the political mind behind his campaign. “Those who remember Mike Gableman’s campaign that included a roundly-criticized, race-baiting television ad […] [Wisconsin State Journal]

Prosser Lack of Payment on Legal Debt Raises Questions

MADISON, Wis. — Recently released public records reveal that Supreme Court Justice David Prosser owes a politically connected law firm over $220,000 in legal bills, but has not paid a dime towards that bill in over a year. The firm in question has had attorneys appear before the court in the time since Prosser racked […]

Ziegelbauer Drops Out of Suit; Vos Still Silent on Legal Fee Scandal

MADISON, Wis. — State Rep. Robin Vos (R-Burlington) is still refusing to disclose who is paying the legal fees for him to appeal a judge’s decision to block implementation of the Republican Voter ID bill. In response to an ethics complaint filed against Vos and Rep. Bob Ziegelbauer (I-Manitowoc) by One Wisconsin Now’s Executive Director […]

37 Days Since Gov. Walker Announced He “Lawyered-Up” in Criminal Investigation of Administration, Still No Word On Who Is Paying His Legal Defense Bills

MADISON, Wis. — In early February, Gov. Scott Walker announced he had “lawyered-up” in the ongoing criminal investigation of his administration, retaining two high profile criminal defense attorneys. His continuing refusal to disclose how he is paying for his lawyers, whose billing rates could approach $1,000 per-hour, raises troubling ethical concerns, according to One Wisconsin […]

Value of Gableman’s Legal Services Disputed

In addition to working on Gableman’s ethics case, McLeod assisted Gableman in responding to a public records request from the Journal Sentinel and in a complaint filed by the liberal group One Wisconsin Now against Gableman with the Office of Lawyer Regulation. Gableman and Michael Best have not said whether Gableman paid for those services. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Gableman voted with law firm after receiving free legal services

Separate from the formal ethics charge in 2008, the liberal group One Wisconsin Now filed a complaint that same year against Gableman with the Office of Lawyer Regulation. McLeod represented Gableman in that matter, according to correspondence from the Office of Lawyer Regulation. The agency dismissed the complaint against Gableman in April 2009. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Chief Justice Abrahamson Sums Up Partisan GOP Supreme WMCourt

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:   But Abrahamson wrote that the order seems to open the court unnecessarily to the charge that the majority has “reached a predetermined conclusion not based on the facts and the law, which undermines the majority’s ultimate decision.” The majority justices “make their own findings of fact, mischaracterize the parties’ […]

Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce Returning the Favor for Prosser’s Recusal Vote

MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, which spent $5 million to elect scandal-plagued Annette Ziegler and ethically-challenged Mike Gableman, is taking to airwaves on behalf of current Justice David Prosser, launching a smear attack against his opponent. Prosser cast the deciding vote to adopt rules in 2009, written part by WMC, that says campaign […]

David Prosser: The Partisans’ Partisan in Six Acts

There’s no denying former Republican Assembly Speaker and failed Republican Congressional nominee David Prosser is a long-time partisan cog in the Republican machine. But is he the most partisan state Supreme Court Justice Wisconsin has ever had? The answer would be a resounding “yes.” And when looking at his record on the Supreme Court, it’s […]

Shocker: U.S. Chamber of Commerce Ad False, Pulled from Stations

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has pledged to spend an ungodly amount of money in an attempt to finish the GOP’s efforts to wreck the national economy, upped the lies in its typical campaign ads. Tough luck though for the Chamber of Economic Horrors in Pennsylvania, though, as false ads running against U.S. Senate […]

Outgoing WMC head decries ‘polarized politics,’ apparently suffers from severe memory loss

If you ever need proof that conservatives are the masters of self-delusion, look no further than Sunday’s Wisconsin State Journal interview with outgoing Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce CEO and President Jim Haney. When asked if there was anything he regretted about his tenure of leadership at WMC, Haney said “I’ve seen this extraordinary polarization of […]

WMC Partner Begins Statewide Ad Campaign for Walker

MADISON, Wis. — A special interest group that calls itself a partner of Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) will begin spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on television starting Friday to promote Scott Walker in the Republican primary for governor. The statewide ad buy, estimated at over $200,000 over two weeks, is being paid by […]

How Did AJP Get Walker Footage from WMC Event?

The source of video used in the American Justice Partnership (AJP) ads in support of Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, in the midst of his tight GOP primary with Mark Neumann, suggest a more formal role for Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) than the group has indicated. WMC needs to come clean about its role […]

Group coordinating with Van Hollen on health reform suit funded by health insurance industry

The Republican State Leadership Committee, the 527 group that coordinated with Republican Wisconsin Attorney General JB Van Hollen, is largely funded by the health insurance and big pharmaceutical industries. Records show the RSLC has taken millions of dollars in political donations from the health insurance and pharmaceutical corporations, including the American Tort Reform Association. Below […]

Van Hollen Documents Show DOJ-GOP Coordination on Health Reform Lawsuit

MADISON, Wis. — The top deputy to Wisconsin Attorney General JB Van Hollen sought direction from a $57 million Republican campaign committee that supports Republican attorneys general leading up to the Wisconsin Department of Justice attempt to file a partisan lawsuit against the federal health reform act, according to a handful of records obtained by […]

The $57 Million Smoking Gun on Van Hollen’s Health Care Lawsuit

It’€™s not news to One Wisconsin Now that JB Van Hollen is a partisan hack. After all, this is the guy who not only tried to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters in 2008 after John McCain and the Republican Party begged him to try. And this also the guy whose office allegedly let every […]

Economic-top 1% own 70% of wealth THX RIGHT WING!

Did you get a HUGE bonus this year? Or are you maybe one of the 218 new BILLIONAIRES?!?! Are you OPTIMISTIC about your financial future? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then perhaps you’€™re one of the economic-top 1%. And congratulations, you and your friends OWN 70 PERCENT of all financial assets […]

Shameless, WPRI prepares new poll

Just days from embarrassing national media exposure questioning its ethics and credibility, WPRI is back with another poll, coming your way soon. WPRI is the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, although some suggest it is We Push Republilcan Ideas, like school choice, which didn’t look as good in the last poll as the numbers WPRI decided […]

Progressive Alert: MacIver Institute’s Phony ‘Reporting’

Over the past months, a staffer from the conservative MacIver Institute has been attending press conferences in Madison and Milwaukee, armed with a camera to take footage and attempt to get interviews with legislators and other elected public officials. Be warned: The MacIver Institute is a not a news service. It is not a member […]

What the voters thought of Louis Butler — and why

The Obama administration is going to renominate Louis Butler for appointment as a federal judge. The Senate returned the nomination to the White House, along with several others, when it recessed at Christmas. A GOP flack offers this negative comment on Butler: “Voters across the state decided not to elect him to continue serving on […]

2009: The Best and Worst

As is the tradition, a tour through the best and worst of the year. The Best The year started off on the high note that was watching the Worst President Ever leaving the White House for the last time, which brought with it another yearly best: the endless video compiliations of the worst Bush moments. […]

The Irony of Who’s Behind the Latest Attack on Louis Butler

Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Louis Butler is under attack from a septic tank full of conservative slags. Among them, unindicted Jack Abramoff cohort Grover “Bipartisanship is a form of date rape” Norquist and, Family Research Council President Tony “I paid David Duke $82,500” Perkins, who authored a letter objecting to Butler’s nomination to the […]

Expanding our rights

We hold these truths to be self evident … Rights, that among these are lying, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What’s that? You don’t remember the right to lie being enumerated? A panel of three Wisconsin judges took care of that oversight today. Candidates for public office — specifically one Michael Gableman — have […]

Wisconsins Supreme Court is now officially up for sale

Fellow citizens ” did you hear the good news? The Wisconsin Supreme Court is up for sale! So come now, fellow peasants! Let us pool our unemployment checks and the couple extra dollars those of us lucky enough to have a job can afford and try to outbid Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce and buy ourselves […]


The Wisconsin Government Accountability Board has shown a total lack of teeth in its pathetic determination to fine All Children Matter a measly $500.

Sensenbrenner’s outrage over Butler appointment?

“Where was Sensenbrenner’s outrage when George Bush made John Ashcroft the Attorney General immediately after Ashcroft lost a statewide election to someone who had died? How about after Bush made Spencer Abraham the Energy Secretary immediately after he lost reelection to his Senate seat? This is another example of the Republicans’ willingness to stop at […]

Wisconsin Judicial Commission Head to Gableman: You Lie

At today’€™s hearing before the three-judge ethics panel convened to determine whether Supreme Court Justice Mike Gableman should be disciplined over a false (and racist) campaign ad he launched against then-Justice Louis Butler, the head of the Wisconsin Judicial Commission summed up Gableman’€™s notorious ad: ”Let’s say what it is – it’s a lie,” James […]

A judge with poor judgment? Isnt that, like, kind of against the point?

Serially ethical recidivist Supreme Court ‘€˜Justice’€™ Mike Gableman has made headlines again. This time, he escapes by the skin of his now-perfectly aligned teeth to avoid reprimand from the Office of Lawyer Regulation for making illegal fundraising phone calls from his Burnett County District Attorney office phone. Paul Schwarzenbart, lawyer for OLR wrote “for lack […]