Scott Walker

Dreading the Scott Walker era

“This is an unprecedented power grab to undercut the Legislature,” Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, told The Capital Times. He said Walker’s proposal to circumvent the authority of government agencies would turn the governor’s office into “the state’s largest waiting room for lobbyists.” [Isthmus]

Walker wastes money on health insurance reform lawsuit at the same time he’ll apply for federal health reform grants

In a counter-intuitive move, Walker told Politico yesterday that even though he campaigned “aggressively” against the federal health insurance reform legislation, and on his first day in office granted Atty General Van Hollen permission to join a lawsuit against the reforms, he will still apply for federal health reform grants and won’t block the law’s […]

Walker’s proposals split groups

Scot Ross, executive director of progressive policy group One Wisconsin Now, said the governor is not prioritizing real problems. [Statehouse News]

Hundreds attend Wisconsin inaugural ball

Liberal groups like One Wisconsin Now slammed Walker for not giving the ball’s proceeds to charity, like Democrat Jim Doyle did in his two inaugurals. [WSAU-TV]

‘Rock the Pantry’ Raises Nearly $4,000 for Charity

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now’s progressive rally “Rock the Pantry” will result in nearly $4,000 being donated to the Wisconsin efforts of Feeding America. Progressives held the rally in response to Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s big-money campaign and political party fundraising inaugural, as well as to send an unmistakable message that progressives will fight […]

Walker, officials celebrate at inaugural ball, new governor’s work begins

One Wisconsin Now held a separate music show in Madison last night to raise money for relief groups and food pantries. Director Scot Ross said about 350 people showed up. Walker’s inaugural ceremony at the Capitol did collect food for Milwaukee’s Hunger Task Force. [Pierce County Herald]

New Governor holds inaugural ball at Monona Terrace

“(Doyle) donated all the proceeds (from) his two inaugurals to the Boys and Girls Clubs — to the tune of over $500,000. And when people are really hurting, we think that’s a more appropriate thing to do, and it’s a more inclusive thing to do,” said Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now. [WISC-TV]

First the dance, then work

Walker took some criticism from liberal groups such as One Wisconsin Now for not sending the proceeds of the ball to charity, as Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle had done in his inaugural events. Doyle’s events benefited Boys & Girls Clubs around Wisconsin, providing them $233,000 in 2003 and $323,000 in 2007. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

“Rock the Pantry” set for this evening

One Wisconsin Now’s “Rock the Pantry” progressive rally to help feed Wisconsin is set for the this evening at the same time Gov. Scott Walker will be hosting a big money partisan political inauguration fundraiser to benefit his campaign and the Republican Party of Wisconsin. All proceeds from tickets to One Wisconsin Now’s “Rock the […]

Plenty of activities planned for Inauguration Day

Tonight in Madison, while the new governor is attending the Inaugural Ball, members of the group One Wisconsin Now will hold a charity fund raiser. Scot Ross is executive director. “One of the impetuses for doing this is we were really disappointed when Governor-elect Walker decided to turn his inaugural events into partisan political fundraisers,” […] [WUWM-FM]

Walker’s not-so-quiet power grabs

Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, echoes Miller’s thoughts. “This is an unprecedented power grab to undercut the Legislature,” says Ross. “That is a pretty big warning sign for people in the Capitol.” Ross says Walker’s proposal to circumvent the authority of government agencies would turn the governor’s office into “the state’s largest […] [Capital Times]

Politifact: A look at Scott Walker’s campaign promises

Walker promised to veto all tax increases. And he promised a lower tax burden for “all” individuals and job creators. That included a list of specific tax cuts that the liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now says adds up to $5 billion in revenue. [PolitiFact]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Latest Walker Corporate Welfare Plan

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now released the following statements regarding Gov.-elect Scott Walker’s plan to put corporate special interests in charge of he taxpayer-financed Wisconsin Department of Commerce. “Scott Walker is determined to rerun every play out of George W. Bush’s job-killing economic playbook and hand over our state’s treasury and regulatory authority to […]

Big Bang to Highlight One Wisconsin Now’s Inaugural Day ‘Rock the Pantry’ Charity Event

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now has signed Madison super-group “Big Bang” to headline its “Rock the Pantry” progressive rally at the Majestic Theatre the night of Scott Walker’s gubernatorial inauguration January 3. All proceeds from tickets will go directly to charities assisting people hit hardest by the economic collapse, unlike the Republican fundraisers planned […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Walker’s Corporate Regulatory Giveaway

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements about Gov.-elect Scott Walker’s regulatory reform plan to reward corporate campaign donors by allowing them to rewrite state regulations. “Scott Walker’s regulatory plan is to turn the governor’s office into the state’s largest lobbyist waiting room. This is an unprecedented power […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Midwest High Speed Rail Initiative

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements about today’s news regarding the Midwest High Speed Rail Initiative. “Scott Walker promised Wisconsin he would create 250,00 jobs, but instead he is determined to ship the thousands and thousands of jobs Midwest high speed rail would bring out of Wisconsin. […]

One Wisconsin Now to Host Inaugural Day ‘Rock the Pantry’ – All Door Proceeds for Charity

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now will host “Rock the Pantry,” a progressive rally to help feed Wisconsin at Madison’s historic Majestic Theater the day of Wisconsin’s 2011 inauguration. All proceeds from tickets will go directly to charities assisting people hit hardest by the economic collapse. “Rock the Pantry,” which will celebrate the energy and […]

Over 7,000 Sign One Wisconsin Now Petition to ‘Save the Train’

Over 7,000 Wisconsin supporters of high speed rail have signed One Wisconsin Now’s petition calling to “Save the Train” and called for Republican Gov.-elect Scott Walker to drop his opposition to the high speed rail project, which will create thousands of Wisconsin jobs and increase the state’s ability to attract new business and commerce.

GOPromiseBreakers: Walker Says Maybe Money for Rail

Latest post at… Scott Walker is getting desperate. After being rebuffed to handover the $810 million in high speed rail funding to his donors in the road building bidness, Walker has put his tail between his legs and now is begging the feds to give Wisconsin rail money, but for existing rail projects. Read […]

Walker’s Latest $1.5 Billion Promise: End Corporate Income Tax

MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has promised the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (MMAC) to completely end the state’s corporate income tax – a massive new $1.5 billion tax break which would require even more drastic cuts to education, health care, police and fire protection. Walker answered he would “repeal the corporate […]

Walker Goes Over $500,000 in Improperly-Reported Contributions

MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has violated the state of Wisconsin’s campaign finance laws 1,115 times since 2009 by failing to disclose information about contributors who donated more than $100. Walker’s serial offenses include 456 contributions filed in the last 72 hours totaling nearly $284,000. The total contributions in violation of Wisconsin […]

OWN Joke: What’s the Difference Between Rebecca Kleefisch and Sarah Palin?

A: One has government health care and the other one had guts enough to debate her Democratic opponent. From WISC-TV Friday, answering the reporter’s question about the hypocrisy of her criticizing “government-run” health care when she has health care provided for by taxpayers from her husband’s plan as a state legislator: “I have private insurance […]

Will Walker Answer Three Simple Questions at Tonight’s Debate?

“Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, has yet to state publicly what cuts he would make, though his campaign says he will in the coming weeks.” [Appleton Post-Crescent, 6/13/10] MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker owes Wisconsin the answers to three questions he has ducked and avoided for months and One Wisconsin Now is […]

One Wisconsin Now Debuts ‘Moving in the Right Direction: Bringing High Speed Rail to Wisconsin’ Video

MADISON, Wis. — The overwhelming benefits of high speed rail set for Wisconsin, including 13,000 new jobs, billions of dollars in benefits and reduced dependence on foreign oil, are the subject of a new One Wisconsin Now video produced by University of Wisconsin-Madison senior William Barnes. The video is available at: The video also […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Walker-Kleefisch Attack on Health Care Access

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding Rebecca Kleefisch and Scott Walker’s unseemly television ad criticizing access to affordable health care. In the ad railing against health care reform, Kleefisch talks about her successful cancer treatment, which was diagnosed, treated and financed through the access she has […]

Conservative prof: Walker’s tax cuts would abandon fiscal responsibility

Hey, wouldya know: the minute a newspaper publishes a story with insight from someone other than conservative tax policy spokesperson Todd Berry, Scott Walker’s plan to cut taxes just for the richest 1 percent and big corporations doesn’t seem so appealing. From John Witte, professor of public affairs and political science at the UW-Madison, and […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Walker Complaint Smokescreen

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker’s ridiculous smokescreen complaint, intended to divert attention from the numerous ongoing investigations into his top county aides and other mismanagement. “Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker is putting up smokescreens to divert attention from the numerous […]

Walker’s Latest Corporate Tax Break: Massive Loophole or Empty Promise

MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, as part of his three-page agenda, has called for making “Wisconsin a highly attractive place to start a business by eliminating corporate taxes for the first two years of operation.” Analysis by One Wisconsin Now shows the plan would either be a budget-busting corporate loophole or would […]

Milwaukee County Debunks Walker’s False Debt Reduction Claim

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has claimed repeatedly for the past year that he has reduced Milwaukee County’s debt by between 10 and 30 percent, but one of his own top administration officials admitted Sunday the “county debt has risen 85 percent under Walker.”

Walker’s Promises More Than Double State Deficit

MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has promised an impossible $3.8 billion in tax breaks, loopholes and shifts he has no way to pay for, a new analysis by One Wisconsin Now shows. Coupled with the state’s conservative predictions of a $2.7 billion projected deficit, Walker would need to slash almost $6.5 billion […]

Scott Walker’s Mental Health Complex Cover Up

MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker admitted in a newspaper story today he was unaware of a comprehensive report on the tragedies at the Milwaukee County mental health complex – but that has not stopped him from refusing to release the report to his own county auditors. Walker refused to tell the private […]

Will Walker & Neumann Demand Van Hollen Defend Stem Cell Research?

MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker and former U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann have repeatedly called for Attorney General JB Van Hollen to be given the authority to intervene in a multi-state effort among Republicans to derail the federal health reform act but are silent on Van Hollen’s seeming unwillingness to represent the state […]

One WI Now files GAB complaint over Walker’s repeated violation of campaign reporting law

MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has violated the state of Wisconsin’s campaign finance laws more than 650 times since 2009 by failing to disclose information about contributors who donated more than $100, according to a formal complaint filed Tuesday with the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board. One Wisconsin Now’s research, compiled from the […]

Koch Brothers Fill Up Walker’s Campaign Tank

We already know Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker is on the big oil bandwagon. After all, this is the guy who taken at least $70,000 from oil, gas and pipeline companies, while being a loud voice opposing the Clean Energy Jobs Act and the high speed rail project that would reduce Wisconsin’s dependence on oil. […]

UPDATE: Walker violating Reagan’s 11th Commandment

Someone alert Jim Klauser: Scott Walker is violating Ronald Reagan’s so-called 11th Commandment, thou shalt not attack another Republican. Republican Mark Neumann issued a press release this weekend defending himself against Republican Scott Walker’s ridiculous attack on him in a campaign mail piece that compared Neumann to Nancy Pelosi because he “took the same vote […]