Brian Hagedorn’s College Classmates Saw Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate’s Political Ambition
Despite Brian Hagedorn’s Denials, Evidence Shows Intent to Use Courts to Advance His Agenda.
Despite Brian Hagedorn’s Denials, Evidence Shows Intent to Use Courts to Advance His Agenda.
One Wisconsin Now added the totals and found Walker has earned $2,263,058 in salary since 1993 from his jobs in state and county government. [Urban Milwaukee]
It’s officially Scott Walker’s 25th anniversary in his self-described “government hammock.”
Scott Walker’s been in office for so long he seems to have forgotten it was a special election that got him into the government hammock 25 years ago.
First thing Walker does in the morning is check the polls, stick his finger in the air, and then figure out how to spend our tax dollars based on the first two. [Vox]
Career politician Scott Walker is in full election mode, ensuring today’s State of the State speech will be loaded with slogans and election year promises.
Scott Walker, who’s been running for political office for nearly his entire adult life, since 1992, is running for office again.
The November 2018 election is more than 600 days away, but for Scott Walker political campaigning is a never-ending story.
The least surprising news of 2017 is Scott Walker – who has spent nearly all of his adult life running for office – will be running for political office, again.
Walker's campaign sent a fundraising solicitation for Carson's campaign via email, according to two separate email accounts maintained by the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. [Capital Times]
Gov. Scott Walker appears set to add to his record of cronyism, corruption and incompetence with the appointment of his political crony, Rebecca Bradley, to yet another judicial post, time a seat on the state’s high court.
"Isn't Walker claiming he plans to serve his full term now eerily similar to his earlier claim?" asked Mike Browne of the liberal group One Wisconsin. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
With the poll numbers for his campaign for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination in free fall, former front-runner Gov. Scott Walker is desperately searching for a way to continue his 22 year career as a politician.
Scott Walker's always been willing to say anything to get elected, but tonight, he was willing to say nothing to get elected. [Capital Times]
The liberal group One Wisconsin Now also took issue with Walker’s “fresh face” pitch, arguing that he has, in fact, held elected office much longer than Clinton did. [Capital Times]
“It goes all the way back to his very first budget,” said Jenni Dye, research director at One Wisconsin Now, a liberal advocacy group. “Because one of his favorite things to talk about now is that he defunded Planned Parenthood.” [Capital Times]
“If you look at the polls, the longer Walker runs for president, the more Wisconsin seems united against it,” said Scot Ross, director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. [Associated Press]
That Gov. Walker is announcing today he is running for another political office is little surprise. He’s politics incarnate - having spent almost his entire adult life doing or saying whatever he needed to win an election.
“He will do or say anything to win an election. 2014 is in his rearview mirror. He’s looking at the presidency, and he’s making a different calculation now,” One Wisconsin Now told Al Jazeera in February. [Al Jazeera]
“I don’t know what that says about him, other than he can’t be trusted,” said Mike Browne, deputy executive director of One Wisconsin Now, a group that typically opposes Walker’s policies. [Bloomberg]
Gov. Scott Walker is a masterful career politician, willing to do or say anything to get elected, and carefully cultivates relationships with key players.
He has always operated in a system by which he looks for the next highest office. It’s unfortunate, because Scott Walker puts his political future ahead of the people of Wisconsin every time. [Capital Times]
Ross accused Walker of being “all about the next election” and quickly shifting to a presidential campaign soon after he won reelection to a second term as Wisconsin’s governor this past November. [Radio Iowa]
Audio from an Iowa event in March reveals Gov. Scott Walker joking with the crowd about his effort to evade campaign finance laws.
Prior to November’s Election Day, Walker was “utterly and completely dishonest about his intentions,” said One Wisconsin Now executive director Scot Ross. [Wisconsin State Journal]
We've unveiled our own “sweet sixteen”, highlighting the not so sweet deceit, cronyism and corruption and incompetence of Gov. Scott Walker’s tenure.
One Wisconsin Now is warning New Hampshire voters to beware this weekend when Walker visits to audition for the 2016 GOP Presidential nomination.
“Gov. Walker has shown time and again that he will do and say anything to get elected,” said Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin Gazette]
Just because he has a longstanding position on renewable fuel standards won’t stop him from saying whatever he thinks he needs to say now try to win an election.
Once again we see Michael Grebe and his Bradley Foundation paving the way for Gov. Walker’s right-wing, Tea Party agenda with a massive propaganda campaign.
Scott Walker is politics incarnate and he will say and do anything to get elected. He did it before and he’s doing it again. Far from being unintimidated, he is a profile in cowardice.
Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now zapped Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, pegging him as a career politician who's spent "75 percent of his adult life in office." [Des Moines Register]
Before jetting off to California to meet with the right-wing billionaire Koch brothers he’s making a stop in Iowa to address Tea Party Republican Rep. Steve King’s Freedom Summit.
The governor had planned to travel Wisconsin on Wednesday in a State of the State tour, but an email obtained by the liberal group One Wisconsin Now showed that the trip was canceled. [Capital Times]
One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross noted that Walker’s weekend presidential posturing follows his election night speech in which he made mention of “Washington” as frequently as “Wisconsin.”
“I think the reason Gov. Walker would run for president is because his political ambition knows no bounds,” Ross said. Ross accuses Walker of trying to pad his national resume by taking on public unions, enacting a tax cut, refusing to expand Medicaid under Obamacare, and expanding school vouchers. [WLUK-TV]
MADISON, Wis. — In his twenty years in office, Scott Walker has amassed a truly astounding record of failure. To commemorate the looming anniversary of his first election to office, One Wisconsin Now is highlighting a different and depressing failure of Gov. Walker every day, for twenty days. Today we examine the close aides and […]
MADISON, Wis. — In his twenty years in office, Scott Walker has amassed a truly astounding record of failure. To commemorate the looming anniversary of his first election to office, One Wisconsin Now is highlighting a different and depressing failure of Gov. Walker every day, for twenty days. The failures of today are, sadly, not […]
You'd think Scott Walker would show at least some commitment to representing the diversity of Wisconsin's 5.5 million residents. But Gov. Walker has shown by his actions that if you're not rich, white and straight, he doesn't have time for you.
MADISON, Wis. — In his twenty years in office, Scott Walker has amassed a truly astounding record of failure. To commemorate the looming anniversary of his first election to office, One Wisconsin Now is highlighting a different and depressing failure of Gov. Walker every day, for twenty days. On the final day of scheduled debate […]
MADISON, Wis. — In his twenty years in office, Scott Walker has amassed a truly astounding record of failure. To commemorate the looming anniversary of his first election to office, One Wisconsin Now is highlighting a different and depressing failure of Gov. Walker every day, for twenty days. Under Gov. Walker no area has more […]
MADISON, Wis. — In his twenty years in office, Scott Walker has amassed a truly astounding record of failure. To commemorate the looming anniversary of his first election to office, One Wisconsin Now is highlighting a different and depressing failure of Gov. Walker every day, for twenty days. As the legislature prepares to begin debate […]
When given the choice between protecting women’s access to safe and legal health care services or pandering to the most extreme right-wing of the Republican Party, Scott Walker has sided with the extremists over Wisconsin women every time.
MADISON, Wis. — In his twenty years in office, Scott Walker has amassed a truly astounding record of failure. To commemorate the looming anniversary of his first election to office, One Wisconsin Now is highlighting a different and depressing failure of Gov. Walker every day, for twenty days. On tap for today, in a rare […]
There's no bigger funder of the right-wing noise machine and radical agenda of unaccountable education privatization than the Bradley Foundation.
MADISON, Wis. — In his twenty years in office, Scott Walker has amassed a truly astounding record of failure. To commemorate the looming anniversary of his first election to office, One Wisconsin Now is highlighting a different and depressing failure of Gov. Walker every day, for twenty days. Scott Walker has collected a handsome sum […]
The rights of voters to participate in free and fair elections, and have confidence that their vote will be counted is fundamental to our democracy. No one has failed them more than Gov. Walker.
MADISON, Wis. — Beginning June 10, One Wisconsin Now will commemorate over 20 days, the failings, scandals and imbroglios of Gov. Scott Walker’s 20-years in elected office. Gov. Walker, who was first elected to the State Assembly on June 29, 1993, has spent virtually no time in the private sector and has enjoyed nearly half […]