Medicaid & BadgerCare

Health Care

When it comes to Wisconsinites’ health and wellbeing, Gov. Scott Walker knows what should come first - his own political ambitions!

Walker Slashes BadgerCare

Walker's proposal will have detrimental impacts for Wisconsin's children, pregnant women, families, and for individuals. At what cost will Walker continue to take away help from those in need?

Is Walker-Ryan Relationship on the Rocks?

Ryan’s call for the repeal of ObamaCare, and Johnson’s support for legislation to defund health insurance exchanges, seem targeted to undermine Walker’s latest health care scheme

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Gov. Walker’s Upcoming Decision on BadgerCare

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding the upcoming decision of Gov. Walker whether or not to take billions of dollars in federal assistance to expand health care coverage to 170,000 currently uninsured Wisconsinites: “The stunning depravity to even consider building the foundation of a presidential campaign […]

Scott Walker’s Rhetoric Versus Reality

MADISON, Wis. — Governor Scott Walker failed to tackle Wisconsin’s jobs crisis – posting six straight months of job losses here while nationally jobs are being added – and is now poised to take on “the truth” in his second State of the State address. In Gov. Walker’s one year in office he has failed […]

Walker’s False Choice on Cutting 65,000 from Health Care, Including 29,000 Children

MADISON, Wis. — Gov. Scott Walker continues to choose corporate special interest donors over the people of Wisconsin — offering a scheme that would cut health care for 65,000 Wisconsinites to pay off part of his $2.3 billion in new tax breaks for corporations and the rich passed since he took office. “Gov. Walker’s corporate […]

Walker pulling out health care safety net from hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites

Despite claiming to keep a basic safety net for low-income families for health insurance through the state’s popular BadgerCare program, around 215,000 children and adults will likely see a steep reduction in the health care services they’re currently able to get.  Now keep in mind, BadgerCare only provides basic health services – services to help people […]

Dem proposal would STOP Walker ending health care for 53,000

Delegating power back to the Legislature away from Gov. Scott Walker and ensure 53,000 Wisconsinites don’t lose access to health care? Sounds like a good plan to me: A group of Democratic lawmakers is trying to roll back state law to a time when the Legislature decided all major cuts to Wisconsin’s health care programs. […]

Walker administration looking to cut $444 million from Medicaid

“There will be thousands and thousands of people across Wisconsin to lose their health care coverage,” One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross says. Liberal group One Wisconsin now is blasting the cuts, which include $100 million from Family Care and $54 million from Badger Care Plus, which helps the uninsured pay for health care […] [MSNBC]

State Capitol ‘Run Against Walker’ to Focus on Walker, GOP Attacks on Health Care, Middle Class to Pay for $600 Million Corporate Tax Cuts

MADISON, Wis. — Massive attacks against health care, education and middle class priorities launched by Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican legislative majority are the focus of a “Run Against Walker,” scheduled at the State Capitol today. The “Run Against Walker,” a run/walk for citizens organized by One Wisconsin Now as part of the “Walkerville” […]

Gov. Walker incentivizes the poor to just die already

Bring out your dead! Sure, Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker proposed a budget that would end drug coverage for low-income seniors and hand over oversight of and cut funding for our state’€™s successful health care program, BadgerCare, to his extreme administration. But fear not, poors! Gov. Walker’€™s budget makes it cheaper to die anyway: The […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Gov. Walker, Republican Legislature’s ‘War on Working Wisconsin’

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding the desperate actions by Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican-controlled state legislature to use the government to take away the rights of Wisconsin workers and reward corporations. “Last night’s action orchestrated by Gov. Scott Walker and Republicans, desperate to ram […]

Sheila Cochran: ‘Not a budget — A massacre’

Sheila Cochran, Secretary/Treasurer of the Milwaukee Area Labor Council, has written the definitive analysis of Scott Walker’s plans to dismantle Wisconsin and the infrastructure that makes Wisconsin the best place in an America to live, work and raise a family. Read on: Everyday this fight goes on; more people begin to understand what is at […]

Walker Rapid Response Part 3: Attacking Health Care Access

Walker Rhetoric: “It’s about Wisconsin families trying to make ends meet and help their children.” Reality: “Walker’s Department of Health Services could unilaterally change state laws dealing with the programs, which affect more than a million state residents from infants to the elderly and include a spectrum of BadgerCare plans, FamilyCare, and SeniorCare.” [Capital Times, […]

Walker’s Budget Scheme: Undemocratic, Unbalanced, Potentially Unconstitutional

Gov. Scott Walker’s scheme to allow the government to take away the rights of Wisconsin workers is part of an unbalanced and potentially unconstitutional proposal that would add at least $30 million to the state’s credit card and allow the Governor’s health agency director to slash health care access and raise costs without the approval of the legislature.

Walker’s Budget Scheme: Undemocratic, Unbalanced, Potentially Unconstitutional

See OWN’s full release here. Walker campaigned on cutting state spending on BadgerCare, he hired a budget director who has advocated states should opt out of the federal Medicaid program, and now he buries in the budget adjustment bill (after saying he wouldn’t put “policy” items into fiscal budget bills) a policy that would allow […]

Walker likely to propose Medicaid changes in State of the State speech

“That Gov. Walker’s new secretary in charge of these programs has both advocated for states ‘dropping out’ from federal Medicaid assistance and has not made a commitment to keeping SeniorCare is enormously troubling,” said Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin State Journal]

Walker’s Job One: Cutting BadgerCare

Just a day after announcing a $40 million tax cut to businesses without any requirement to create jobs, Walker, along with other Republican governors, is pressing the Obama administration to allow him to drop people from Medicaid, or BadgerCare, as it’s called here in Wisconsin. BadgerCare, as you may know, provides free or reduced-premium health […]

Wisconsin GOP says BadgerCare a fraud, evidence says opposite

Wisconsin’s GOP is hell-bent on giving tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires, and that means the budget deficit is going to grow — to the tune of $5 billion in fact. Ergo, something’s gotta get cut, and with the Wisconsin GOP in charge, affordable health care is at the top of their hit list. Pay […]

GOP Legislative Committees Revealed

The interwebs reports that income state Senate Republican Leader Scott Fitzgerald is circulating memos to his fellow Republicans to solicit their ideas on senate committees for the upcoming legislative session. Given the promises about job creation made by Republicans across the state as they campaign, Fitzgerald’s announcement that the Jim Crow-inspired Voter ID/Voter Suppression bill […]

OWN Joke: What’s the Difference Between Rebecca Kleefisch and Sarah Palin?

A: One has government health care and the other one had guts enough to debate her Democratic opponent. From WISC-TV Friday, answering the reporter’s question about the hypocrisy of her criticizing “government-run” health care when she has health care provided for by taxpayers from her husband’s plan as a state legislator: “I have private insurance […]

Will Walker Answer Three Simple Questions at Tonight’s Debate?

“Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, has yet to state publicly what cuts he would make, though his campaign says he will in the coming weeks.” [Appleton Post-Crescent, 6/13/10] MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker owes Wisconsin the answers to three questions he has ducked and avoided for months and One Wisconsin Now is […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Walker-Kleefisch Attack on Health Care Access

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding Rebecca Kleefisch and Scott Walker’s unseemly television ad criticizing access to affordable health care. In the ad railing against health care reform, Kleefisch talks about her successful cancer treatment, which was diagnosed, treated and financed through the access she has […]

Walker’s Promises More Than Double State Deficit

MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has promised an impossible $3.8 billion in tax breaks, loopholes and shifts he has no way to pay for, a new analysis by One Wisconsin Now shows. Coupled with the state’s conservative predictions of a $2.7 billion projected deficit, Walker would need to slash almost $6.5 billion […]

Walker returns to Marquette University, gets another incomplete

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, who left Marquette University without a degree for reasons yet to be revealed, returned to his almost-mater and the results seem to be the same as when he was a student: incomplete. Walker was there to take part in a debate with former U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann, but unfortunately, Walker […]

Five Questions for Scott Walker on His ‘County’ Motorcycle Tour

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker is traveling across Wisconsin this week and will likely be talking with media about his priorities and the state of Wisconsin. With Wisconsin and the nation still emerging from the devastating economic collapse and job loss directly attributable to regressive taxation, deregulation and skewed priorities, One Wisconsin Now invites the […]

Neumann Finds Ally in Gard for Irresponsible Tax Cuts Paid for By Health Care Cuts

MADISON, Wis. — Former GOP Madison U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann has found a willing advocate in former divisive GOP Madison Assembly Speaker and twice-failed congressional candidate, John Gard, for his irresponsible tax plan that would slash income taxes only for the top one percent of income earners and reopen the corporate loophole for bankers and […]

Scott Walker Answers OWN’s Five Questions

April Fool’s. He hasn’t. Since we were previously denied access to one of Scott Walker’€™s recycled ‘€œBrown Bag’€ campaign gimmick stops, we have been trying to get him to answer five questions regarding fiscal management, spending, job creation and priorities. Again, Scott, our phone number is 608-204-0677 One Wisconsin Now’s questions: 1. How will you […]

Serious questions go unanswered by Scott Walker

Yesterday we were denied access to one of Scott Walker’€™s recycled ‘€œBrown Bag’€ campaign gimmick stops in Fitchburg. We had just a handful of questions we were hoping Walker could answer for us regarding fiscal management, spending, job creation and priorities. We left him our phone number, but alas, he has not responded.One Wisconsin Now’s […]

Some questions for our friend Scott

When Steve Walters was reporting for the Journal Sentinel’s Madison bureau, a lot of Democrats thought he just put Tommy Thompson’s news releases — or Jim Klauser’s memos — right in the newspaper, without bothering to edit them or ask anyone for an opposing viewpoint. So it was a pleasant surprise when Walters, now a […]

CEOs put down the champagne and caviar to cheer Walker’s corporate welfare plan

If theres one thing new Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce board chair Tom Howatt and his corporate cronies at WMC enjoy more than anything, its a big ole handout from the government. Take Howatts company Wausau Paper. In the final quarter of 2009, Wausau Paper reported its best earnings quarter in ten years, $9.2 million, the […]

Will $2 Billion Buy Walker a Standing Ovation from WMC?

MADISON, Wis. — At Tuesday’s Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce lobbying luncheon Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker will likely find support from the corporate lobby for his $2-billion, budget-busting, deficit-doubling plan for tax breaks that mostly benefit corporations and the wealthiest Wisconsinites. What is less likely, is that Walker will explain which drastic cuts he would […]