Paul Ryan

Memo to Paul Ryan from the 1st District’s Unemployed: No Mas!

Paul Ryan is officially the poster boy for the Bush economic legacy tour. Despite representing the three cities in Wisconsin with the highest unemployment rates, Ryan’s stepped up front and center to offer a GOP budget plan that continues the worst of the Bush economic policies — tax cuts for the rich, privatization and ignoring […]

One Wisconsin Now’s Official Repsonse to the Paul Ryan Budget for the Rich

One Wisconsin Now released the following statement from Executive Director Scot Ross regarding the finally-has-some-numbers House Republican Budget plan that cuts tax rates for the wealthiest Americans (like Paul Ryan) by another 30% and the fact that Ryan’s budget has utterly no chance to pass given his current status in the minority. “Whew.”

“Young Gun” Paul Ryan Comically Misfires with No-Numbers Budget Nonsense

“Young Gun” Paul Ryan (cue shootin’ sound effect) wants to answer critics who say the numbers don’t add up when it comes to the GOP’s fiscal policy of helping working families by making them pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest billionaires and millionaires. He’s offered a budget plan that includes no numbers. This is […]

Will Paul Ryan Ever Be Asked About His Record?

GOP Rep. Paul Ryan, our state’s most reliable Bush lap dog and in whose failed policies are the foundation, walls and roof of our global economic collapse, continues to complain about President Obama’s budget. This is an alarming 2009 trend. President Obama announces steps to clean up the Bush-GOP economic disaster and Ryan dashes to […]

Media Darling GOPaul Ryan — Don’t Take My Rich Guy Tax Breaks Away

Sudden media economic darling Paul Ryan was on CNBC this morning. Before going forward, if you haven’t watched last night’s Daily Show analysis of the utter and complete failure of CNBC to do anything other than give bad financial tips and suck up to corporate CEOs, go to and watch it. It starts with […]

Stopping the Iran war before it starts

Today is Iraq Moratorium day, a day to take action to end the war and occupation of Iraq. This month, it leads into three days of action to prevent war with Iran. A number of Moratorium events will connect the two, as participants in today’s events make cell phone calls to Congressional offices, leaflet about […]

Tour Highlights Bush Legacy

Tomorrow, the Bush Legacy Tour bus is rolling in to Madison. Having spent my entire adult life under the Bush administration, I truly look forward to sealing the legacy of George W. Bush and the conservative ideology as disastrous for the economy, the environment, and American families.The Bush Legacy Tour—undertaken by the Americans United for […]

Big Insurance Over Seniors and Their Doctors?

Although the media is trying its best to paint him as something different, Congressman Paul Ryan continues to prove that he is from the same polluted conservative mold as the most unpopular president in history. While the rhetoric around Ryan may suggest otherwise, reality and his actual record have proven him to be nothing more […]

Medicine Man Helped Poison Our Economy

Over the last few days Republican Congressman Paul Ryan has been getting more underserved love from the media. They called him everything from a ‘€œrising star‘€ in the Wisconsin State Journal to a ‘€œmedicine man‘€ in a Washington Post column by the infamous right winger Robert Novak. In both stories there seems to be an […]

Ryan’s Plan a Roadmap to the Future in Hell

The Wisconsin State Journal editorial ‘The status qua in not an option,” praised Rep. Paul Ryans “Road Map to America’s Future”, a plan so hideous that it boggles the mind and puts each of us at the mercy of insurance companies and banks. I can hear it now, “But he’s a respected Republican, we trust […]

Ryan Sucks Up to McCain’s $4 Billion Big Oil Tax Cut

Millionaires Paul Ryan and John McCain have a prescription for $4-a-gallon gas prices for working families: Nearly $4 billion in tax cuts for Big Oil. Ryan reiterated his support for the disatrous McCain Big Oil tax cut on a conference call today in which he praised McCain for “economic discipline.” Ryan and McCain already provide $5 […]

McCain-Bush Big Oil Giveaway Cost 2,600 Janesville Jobs

The more than 100 percent hike in gas prices under the Bush administration continues to take a devastating toll on Wisconsin families — the latest casualties are 2,600 family-supporting jobs at Janesville’s General Motors plant. According to the Capital Times, “The unprecedented rise in gasoline prices helped put 2,600 General Motors employees out of work […]

Rich Ryan Denies GIs

On Thursday the House of Representatives approved an expansive new veterans education benefit that would be paid for by a tax on wealthy Americans. It would provide the equivalent of a free four-year college education at a public university. Some Republicans joined Democrats in passing the aid that would benefit veterans who enlisted after the […]

War funding fails; Ron Kind needs a wakeup call

The House has surprisingly defeated the Iraq appropriations bill, thanks to a large bloc of Republicans, upset with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who voted “present” to show their displeasure. The result was that the $162.5-billion appropriation failed 141-149. Republicans Jim Sensenbrenner and Tom Petri and Democrat Ron Kind (!)voted for the appropriation, while Republican Paul Ryan […]

Paul Ryans War on Mothers Day

On Wednesday afternoon the House of Representatives voted 412 to 0 to pass a resolution, ‘€œCelebrating the role of mothers in the United States and supporting the goals and ideals of Mother’€™s Day.’€ Just after that unanimous vote, Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) jumped up in protest asking that the vote be reconsidered. Rep. Kathy Castor […]

Big Oil Strike in Waukesha County

This weekend, Americans for Prosperity gathered together a bunch of Republicans and right wingers to talk about why more of your tax dollars should go to corporations.   Given that Americans for Prosperity is the tax exempt mouthpiece for big oil, it’€™s no surprise. Here are the facts about Americans for Prosperity and Big Oil: […]

Misleading Ryan Narrative Continues

Last week Republican Congressman Paul Ryan scored some press coverage by unveiling his annual ‘€œBudget Boondogle Awards.’€  The coverage included a blurb in the state’€™s largest newspaper, complete with a comparison to the late Wisconsin Senator William Proxmire.   Once again Paul Ryan is being given a pass, playing the role of an authority on sound […]

Nominating Ryan for A Boondoggle Award

In October Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Janesville) revealed his “Budget Boondoggle” awards.  At that time we drew attention to the hypocrisy of him preaching a message of sound budget policy.  We made this case because his first eight years in Congress saw him vote in favor of every single federal budget – joining the then-Republican majority […]