
Ask a Working Woman

Working America, the community affiliate of the AFL-CIO, wants to know what it’€™s like to be a working woman in America. Today, they are launching their 6th Ask a Working Woman survey online at They want feedback on things like equal pay, sick day benefits, health care coverage, pensions and flex time. What are the most […]

Citizens Leading, Dane County Officials Flailing

Update: Dane County Board spins wheels on Zimmermann 911 call controversy via MAL ContendsMadison, WI – “The County Board’s mood didn’t mirror the public outrage,” in questioning “embattled” 911 Center Director Joe Norwick yesterday, reads the Capital Times. That’s likely because the public is of the mind that 911 operators reached ought to err on […]

May Walks in Wisconsin

During the month of May Labor 2008 will kick off its biggest mobilization effort. Union activists all around this country will be talking to union households about Sen. McCain’€™s anti-worker record. In Wisconsin people will be busy recruiting for member-to-member walks and phone banks. The walks begin Saturday May 10th in Milwaukee and May 17th […]

Is there a peace dividend in economic stimulus checks?

Is the U.S. Treasury, which can’t print money fast enough to pay for the trillion-dollar tragedy in Iraq, about to give an economic stimulus to peace organizations working to stop the war? It seems highly unlikely, but if it doesn’t happen it won’t be because the antiwar folks haven’t tried. The Wisconsin Network for Peace […]

Public Rejects Conservative Mantra on Healthcare

A new Badger Poll released Tuesday examined Wisconsinites’€™ opinions on health care reform. Once again it served as another reminder that conservatives are completely out of touch with the average person. Conservatives are perpetually complaining about government programs but 76 percent of respondents favored expanding the eligibility of programs such as BaderCare and Medicaid. Although […]

Nuns unable to vote in Indiana

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling that Indiana’s voter ID law is constitutional, about 12 Indiana nuns were turned away Tuesday from a polling place because they didn’t have state or federal identification bearing a photograph.  Another person who attempted to vote with a federal ID card was turned away because the card […]

Will McAdams Finally Censor Self on Disparities?

Marquette Professor John McAdams might be too busy silencing speech to comment, but two more studies have determined that Wisconsin leads the nation in yet another dubious category. The studies found that African Americans in Wisconsin are 42 times more likely than whites to receive prison terms for drug convictions. The stat is the highest […]

Quality Treatment Requires a Well Treated Nurse

The Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals released the results of a survey Monday. It was about the working conditions faced by nurses in the Metro-Milwaukee area. The survey was taken from over 1,500 nurses and reveals that working conditions are leading to worsening quality of care issues. A key to the problem are […]

McCain’s “Missing” Records

Senator John McCain has talked about the need for transparency in government but his own actions have not lived up to his rhetoric. When McCain finally released his tax documents he only included two years. He also failed to release his wife’€™s tax information even though she holds most of the family’€™s wealth. As evasive […]

Public Records are Not Created Equally

On Friday, the Wisconsin State Journal fawned over Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen in an editorial. It was about a recent opinion that he issued regarding open records on traffic accidents and crime in local communities. While the paper praised Van Hollen for sending a ‘€œstrong signal’€ it would have been nice if they also […]

A.O. Smith/Tower Neighborhood Residents to create a Community Advisory Board

The resident’s of the A.O. Smith/Tower Automotive neighborhood and everyone who feels personally connected to the site have decided it is time they build a united front for change in their neighborhood. They are researching Community Advisory Board models around the country with the hopes of creating their own board here in Milwaukee. The board […]

May Day Highlights – Voces de la Frontera – Milwaukee

WNPJ member group Voces de la Frontera was featured in a May 2 New York Times report on immigrant-rights marches around the country: Milwaukee had one of the more robust turnouts, with thousands of people gathering, as they did last year. Protesters called on the presidential candidates, each of whom has supported Congressional efforts to […]

Diligence is Our Mission

Sgt. 1st Class Shane Sanderson devoted 22 years of his life to the U.S. Army, including service in Iraq. He is now retired but is still very committed to his brothers and sisters in combat and all of the issues that have an impact on them. In an opinion piece appearing in today’€™s Wisconsin State […]

McCain: Mission Accomplished

Five years ago today President Bush declared that major combat operations in Iraq had ended in what has become known as his “Mission Accomplished” speech. It looks like Senator John McCain also made similar statements.

WMCs Newfound Love for Technicalities

Guess who is involved in yet another lawsuit against the State of Wisconsin? Why it is Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce of course! They have filed a lawsuit, along with other business interests, against the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Apparently they want the DNR to suspend rulemaking on new pollution limits for power plants. They […]

Sounding off on the Need to Improve Air Quality

Have you noticed that unhealthy air days have been in the news more frequently this year in Milwaukee County? The real issue for Milwaukee County is how will we meet the Clean Air Act regulations on soot (particulates)? If Wisconsin is going to not test car emissions for older models built before 1996, then what […]

Comments from Mission Accomplished Event

This morning groups representing veterans, military families and state progressives joined at the State Capitol to criticize the endless war in Iraq. The event was timed to coincide with tomorrow’€™s five year anniversary of President Bush’€™s ‘€œMission Accomplished’€ speech. All of Wisconsin’€™s 90 fatalilties happened after Bush’€™s infamous speech. Nationally, 97 percent of the more […]

The will of the people, the future of the planet

Former Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson knew that if the environment was to be a priority on the national agenda, it would be the people, not the politicians, who put it there. So, in 1970, Senator Nelson announced a nationwide grassroots demonstration on the environment; he called it Earth Day. Thirty-eight years ago, the first Earth […]

May Day focus on justice for immigrants

Justice for immigrants is the primary focus of two May Day events on Thursday, in Madison and Milwaukee. For more information, and what the best-dressed marchers will wear, see this post on Uppity Wisconsin.

America Votes Statement on Indiana Supreme Court Ruling

America Votes Statement on Indiana Supreme Court Ruling The voice of every American citizen needs to be heard at the voting booth. It should be easier— not more difficult— for Americans to cast their ballots. This is why the Supreme Court’s ruling upholding Indiana’s law requiring voters to present government identification is so deeply disturbing. […]

“Mission Accomplished” Five Years Later

Thursday May 1 will mark the five year anniversary of President Bush declaring an end to ‘€œmajor combat operations in Iraq.’€ All of Wisconsin’€™s fatalities in the war occurred after Bush’€™s infamous speech. Nationally, 97 percent of the more than 4,050 Americans killed in Iraq also came after ‘€œMission Accomplished.’€ A coalition of concerned Wisconsinites […]

Eco Jam Litter Slam in River West this Saturday!

The UW-Milwaukee Chapter of Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters. SHAC and University Housing are hosting a river and litter clean up this Saturday in River West. The events will take place at Sandburg and RiverView dorms at 10:30am. Afterward, join other community organizations and newly elected Alderman Nik Kovac for an Eco-Jam (live music) at the […]

Unconstitutional Solution in Search of a Problem

On Monday the Supreme Court upheld Indiana’€™s strict voter ID law. The most direct and accurate analysis of this decision was by Representative Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee). She said that the decision was ‘€œan unconstitutional solution in search of a problem.’€ This is such a good statement because it is accurate and gets directly to the […]

Fifth graders stand up for peace

This will probably raise the hackles of the right wing talkers — “What? They’re talking about peace in school? And we’re paying those teachers?” — but fifth graders at Milwaukee’s Fratney School have gotten some attention for their opposition to the war in Iraq. Two weekend national blog entries, with photos: Docudharma and Daily Kos

The implications of Crawford v. Marion County (the Indiana voter ID law)

In Wisconsin, approximately half of the African-American population does not have driver’s licenses, and at least 123,000 people were found to have no form of state-issued photo ID in 2005. And 33% of Wisconsin’s DMV offices, where one theoretically could register to vote, are open less than 4 days a month. Lucky for us, though, […]

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

John McCain fancies himself as a great reformer of our campaign finance system. Unfortunately he does not seem to be obeying some of his own rules regarding his own campaign travel. He had a stated policy of not using aircraft of companies with lobbying interests in Washington for campaign travel. The Boston Globe identified campaign […]

Unhealthy Relationship with the Health Industry

Next week John McCain is planning to give a number of speeches on health care. His plan will probably not give adequate focus to one of our largest problems in the area of health care, the 47 million Americans that are uninsured. It would also be wise to take note of who benefits most from […]

Paying for elections

There has been some discussion in the news regarding the electoral process and a futile attempt by the Wisconsin State Senate to reform it. Several bills were sent to the Assembly to reform such things as the State Supreme Court races and fund raising. These were all conveniently dropped into committee to die by the […]

John McCain’s anti-choice record reveals he’s no maverick

Pro-choice activists yawned at the “news” that John McCain was endorsed yesterday by Wisconsin Right to Life. After all, the guy has been one of the most extreme anti-choice votes in Congress – voting against birth control, abortion rights, and reproductive health care 125 out of 130 times over his Washington career. McCain, contrary to […]

Welcome to La Crosse Progressives – Tips and Tricks

Hey everyone!   Robert from OWN here, and welcome you to La Crosse Progressives! Here are a couple of tips and tricks to get the most out of your local group. First, when you joined the group, you should have been prompted to create an account. Definetely make one! You’ll be able to post blogs […]

A Hands Off Approach to Discrimination?

On Wednesday Democrats and some Republicans in Congress tried to pass a discrimination bill. It would have allowed employees more time to sue if they were being discriminated against in pay. The bipartisan effort was unsuccessful because of an almost exclusively Republican filibuster. Even if the measure would have passed, it would have also faced […]

Wisconsin Right to Life Endorses McCain

The Wisconsin Right to Life Political Action Committee announced its endorsement of John McCain today. Here’s what Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin has to say about John McCain’s record: For the past 25 years, John McCain has consistently voted against women’s health. From opposing funding for family planning programs to voting against requiring insurance coverage […]

Things McCain Might Forget in New Orleans

As he continues with his ‘€œForgotten Place’€ tour today John McCain is going to speak in the lower ninth ward of New Orleans. I have a funny feeling that he will conveniently ‘€œforget’€ a few things as he makes this stop. I wonder if John McCain will remind the people of New Orleans that in […]

Losing Professionals, Promoting Partisans

While J.B. Van Hollen is having a problem hanging on to veteran lawmen at the Department of Justice, there is no shortage of political cronies that he isn’€™t willing to hire and promote. The Wisconsin State Journal reported that Jim Warren, the state’€™s former top criminal investigator felt that his sudden retirement was ‘€œshoved down […]

A ‘Cheap Shot’? That’s Rich, Senator McCain

On Sunday’s This Week program, George Stephanopoulos asked John McCain, who wants to make health insurance benefits by workers part of their taxable income, the following question: One of the points Mrs. Edwards made in the Wall Street Journal, she said that your whole life, you had government health care. You were the son of […]

McCains Iraq Tax on Wisconsin

Last week as Wisconsinites paid their taxes, we pointed out that our state has paid $8.3 billion to help fund the war in Iraq. That is over $8 million dollars that could have been used in so many other productive ways but instead was lost to the Iraq Tax. John McCain has walked in lockstep […]

Celebrate Earth Day in Your OWN Way!

On April 22, 1970 20 million people across America observed the world’€™s first Earth Day. Now the observance continues to grow as do the environmental challenges that we all face. This year there are a multitude of events all taking place to educate and inspire a growingly concerned public. Even if you are not able […]

Remembering the Poor and Forgetting Them Again

Just last week John McCain announced his economic plan which largely consisted of continuing the Bush tax cuts to the wealthy and going even further by providing massive tax giveaways to some of the largest corporations in the world. McCain even came to Milwaukee to have a closed door meeting with big business elites. Neither […]

Thank you Pope Benedict XVI

I would like to express my sincere thanks to Pope Benedict XVI for visiting the United States under many challenges this nation faces. I would like to express my congratulations to my fellow American citizens displaying to the Pope what it means to be a true American; tolerant, religious, and friendly. These past six days […]

The things they say when they think we’re not listening

‘€œStudies show that no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted more than, you know, a few decades. So it’€™s the death knell of this country.’€ ‘€œI honestly think it’€™s the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam ‘€“ which I think is a big threat, OK?’€ When Oklahoma […]

Shortchanging Wisconsin Education by $541 Million

It has already been clearly demonstrated that John McCain has not learned the lessons of the failed Bush policy on education and education funding. He seems fully prepared to go even further in slashing funding for our schools and other critical education programs. McCain’€™s proposals would specifically shortchange Wisconsin nearly $541 million. Below is a […]

McCain Fails Lesson on Education Funding

We already know that the recently announce economic plan by John McCain is going to be a boon for corporations and the most wealthy. We also know that his plan will do very little to help the average American, and in many cases will be hurtful to them and their interests. To pay for even […]

Do something on Friday to end the war

The Iraq Moratorium, a nationwide grassroots movement uniting individuals and groups against the Iraq war, will be observed on Friday, April 18. Individual actions can range from wearing a black armband or a button to school or work to writing letters, putting up signs, calling members of Congress, and a wide variety of other actions. […]

Tax Breaks but No Tax Returns?

We already know that the centerpiece of John McCain’€™s plan for the economy consists of massive corporate tax cuts and continuing the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. While he has been so focused on tax policy lately isn’€™t it strange that he continues to delay the release of his tax returns? It looks like […]

McCain Delivers Very Little to Regular People

Today the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported on John McCain’€™s meeting with corporate elites. The report cites a conference call that was hosted by One Wisconsin Now yesterday. The call served as a reality check for McCain’€™s economic plan. It included comments from James Kvaal of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Sara Rogers of […]

The invisible fatality toll: 150,000 US dead in 5 years

Imagine not 4,000+ Americans dead, but 150,000 American fatalities in the last five years. Thirty or more American deaths on the average day, week in and week out, with no end in sight. Would that be enough to arouse the citizenry, to demand an end to the killing and bloodshed? You’d think so. But the […]

John McCain and the Elites

**Update Below**Senator John McCain is visiting the Milwaukee area today and plans to have what he is calling an ‘€œeconomic summit.’€ What is telling is who John McCain has decided to include in the discussion. Both panels at the event are stacked with nothing but CEO’€™s of large corporations. This includes one board member of […]

Tax Day Blues? Not for Corporate Wisconsin

You’ve paid your Wisconsin income tax. Wouldn’t it be nice if Corporate Wisconsin did, too? Take a look at this list of corporate giants. Chances are you paid more in state income tax than did any one of them:MicrosoftMcDonald’sMerckPepsiCoGeneral ElectricSears.Budget Rent a CarKimberly-ClarkAppleBoston MarketDeereFrito-LayKmartStokeley-Van CampVictoria’s Secret In fact, chances are you paid more in state […]

McCain: Populist Message, Corporate Agenda

Senator John McCain will be making a campaign stop in the Milwaukee area on Wednesday. He is supposed to talk about the economy and hype his out of touch plans to treat what ails it. Yes, the man that admitted that he doesn’€™t really understand economics plans on lecturing the rest of us on economic […]

A Plan that is Way Overdue

Recently Senator Herb Kohl wrote a piece appearing in the Monroe Times suggesting that elections happen on the weekend. As we saw on April 1, an embarrassing number of people just don’€™t make it to the polls, leaving the decisions to a very few. Although higher profile elections bring out a lot more voters, the […]