
Walker touting 6,000 jobs NOT based in Wisconsin

Gov. Scott Walker, already backing down from his campaign pledge to create 250,000 jobs, is going to have a rough time explaining this one: one-in-five jobs he is touting on a state jobs website are not even located in Wisconsin. More than 32,000 job openings were posted on the Job Center of Wisconsin’s website as […]

Van Hollen REFUSED to investigate Walker’s ‘Cronygate’

Republican Attorney General JB Van Hollen, according to a news report today, refused to help the investigation into fellow Republican Scott Walker’s office in the scandal being called “Cronygate.” The refusal and silence of the state’s “top cop” to investigate his fellow Republican raises serious questions about Van Hollen’s conduct and warrants an investigation, according […]

Walker policies continue to raise unemployment rate

An article in today’s Capital Times explains the rising unemployment rate in Wisconsin under Gov. Scott Walker. Wisconsin’s unemployment rate rose slightly in August, with the state losing a net 800 private sector jobs last month. The state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate increased to 7.9 percent in August, up from 7.8 percent in July, according […]

Right-wing blogger calls for armed violence against workers

In mid-April, professional blogger Andrew Breitbart came to Madison to show his support for Gov. Scott Walker’s attack on worker rights. He shared a stage with other notable speakers like Sarah Palin and Vicki McKenna. Of course the tea party’s puny turnout was overshadowed by the huge uprising of middle-class workers and labor union supporters, […]

Walker Latest Scheme: Public Can Pay $50 to Hear His Job Ideas

Gov. Scott Walker, facing a steadily-increasing state unemployment rate despite passing $2.3 billion in tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy, has announced his latest scheme: charge the public $50 to attend a state-sponsored “jobs summit.” Walker’s fee will likely restrict public access, particularly the unemployed and those in need of jobs. Walker and Lt. […]

Jacque focuses on extreme social agenda as Wisc. loses jobs

As the economy continues to fail after Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican majority gave $2.3 billion in new tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy, Rep. Andre Jacque has turned his focus to an extreme social agenda that actually will do more to lose good-paying jobs. In a column in the Wisconsin State Journal […]

Back to the Failure: Thompson is running… sort of… pt.XXV

Tommy Thompson is back… again. Sort of. That Tommy Thompson filed papers to fundraise for a potential U.S. Sentate run is sure to excite nobody except perhaps those who have for the past 8 years written ad nauseum about the perpetual prospect of a Tommy run. But what should be written about Tommy is not […]

Will WI’s GOP congressional delegation support creation of Jobs in WI?

Under President Obama’s Jobs Act, Wisconsin stands to receive up to $369 million in funding for public schools and tech colleges, if passed by Congress. That means potentially 4,800 jobs for Wisconsin workers to update school buildings. Additionally, Obama’s plan includes tax cuts for businesses who hire workers, cuts in payroll taxes for the average […]

Is Scott Walker backing down from 250K jobs campaign promise?

From his interview this weekend, one might suspect Gov. Scott Walker (R!) isn’t so sure he can live up to the promise he made on the campaign trail in 2010 to create 250,000 jobs in five years. While Wisconsin’s Republican majority still can think of nothing but more tax breaks for big business and overcompensted CEOs […]

One WI Now filed open records request related to ‘Smoking Gun’ voter ID memo

One Wisconsin Now has filed an open records request with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to obtain all communications and emails related to the issuance of state identification cards for the purposes of voting under the state’s voter identification bill. One Wisconsin Now made the request after a memo surfaced in which the top political […]


In a quest to restore Versailles the Governor’s Mansion to it’s historic charm, First Lady Tonette Walker is hosting a fundraiser so poor taxpayers won’t have to foot the bill. “Leading ladies” have been asked to donate handbags filled with their favorite things, which they will auction off to each other, along with playing croquet […]

Walker First, Wisconsin Second

Most Wisconsinites remember when Governor Walker promised to create 250,000 jobs and 10,000 businesses during his term in office. Walker issued this promised shortly after being elected last fall and used it to justify his austere budget cutting measures last winter. Budget items that cut education, public health, environmental regulation, and stripped away over 50 […]

Scott Walker didn’t need an education…

Six months after the budget bill protests of 2011 summer is ending and students are finally returning back to school. Students, that is, but not their teachers. The loss of collective bargaining and pay cuts has driven droves of accomplished and able teachers into retirement at a rate 2-3 times the yearly average. Couple this […]

Excerpts from full report on Prosser’s unacceptable conduct

The full report of the incident involving Justice David Prosser allegedly putting Justice Ann Walsh Bradley in a chokehold was released this afternoon. The evidence is clear that Justice David Prosser put his hands on Justice Ann Walsh Bradley’s neck, which is why One Wisconsin Now is standing firm with the 10,000 petitions calling for […]

Major GOP division exposed in deleted post by right-wing spin machine

After the recent dust up over conservative group Club for Growth airing an ad attacking former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson (R) for stepping into the U.S. Senate race, a new controversy has surfaced after One Wisconsin Now unconvered a deleted post by conservative spin machine MediaTrackers. The communications director for MediaTrackers — a Washington, DC-area conservative […]

Koch on the defensive, buying anti-Koch URLs

The billionaire Koch Brothers appear to be on the defensive against the Stop Koch, Save Wisconsin buzz on the internet lately, after spending over $40,000 to get Gov. Scott Walker elected less than a year ago, $400,000 supporting Walker’s agenda earlier this year, and $250,000 on Republican state senators in Wisconsin’s recent recall effort. Last Wednesday, following Wisconsin’s […]

Scott Walker’s anti-middle class GOP agenda the biggest loser

An analysis by One Wisconsin Now shows that the Republican vote in the nine recent recalls elections fell by over 73,000 since the 2010 gubernatorial election. And while Scott Walker won by 65,000 votes in these 9 districts in 2010, Democrats actually outperformed Republicans in the districts.  See the preliminary numbers here: Now, with […]

The Koch brothers will stop at nothing to surpress the voice of the people

The billionaire Koch brothers will stop at nothing to try and buy power in Wisconsin just so they can have their way with democracy. The latest proof of their attempts to deceive voters and grab political power comes from Americans for Prosperity (AFP), a group founded by the Koch brothers. Americans for Prosperity was caught […]

GOPer Glenn Grothman gripes absentee voters, votes absentee himself

The GOP’s leading anti-student voter senator, Sen. Glenn Grothman, issued a press release basically intimidating student voters who may wish to vote absentee. Sen. Grothman always seems to have something disparaging to say about exercising the right to vote. And this isn’t even the first time he’s complained about the abillity to vote absentee. Funny […]

Did Sen. Randy Hopper vote illegally?

Here’s why I ask: In March, news broke that Randy Hopper’s (ex-)wife accused him of cheating on her with a mistress and revealed that he was no longer living in his Fond du Lac home. WKOTV interviewed Hopper about it, and he said that he was indeed living in an apartment and not at home. […]

Will Alberta Darling Accept Invitation the Racist Tea Party Express?

It’s no secret that a lot of the tea party movement anger is fueled by a combination of ignorance and racism. But as this caravan of extremism trucks in a cadre of malcontents, ne-er do wells, and in the case of Joe the Not Plumber, lampreys on the corporate money shark, one wonders: Will Alberta […]

Unemployment increases in Walker’s Wisconsin

Nobody believed the GOP last week as they tried to tell us the Walker Administration created half of all jobs created in the U.S., even as unemployment increased in our state. The Appleton Post-Crescent got to the bottom of Walker and the Senate GOP’s hoodwink and editorialized against them misleading Wisconsin on the jobs numbers. […]

Luther Olsen-supporting private school pushers caught “copying”

The American Federation for Children is a private school-pushing group led by ethically-questionable former GOP speaker Scott Jensen. Naturally, the group is supporting public school-attacking, ethically-challenged state senator Luther Olsen. In a new political ad, the pro-private school group claims that “out-of-state” groups are attacking Olsen for his record. Interesting, because the group appears to be “copying” the same […]

Kim Simac’s disappearing act

First, Kim “Leader Who Won’t Run Away” Simac started running from public debates. And now it appears, she is disappearing altogether. See, Kim Simac (R-Northwoods) is the founder of the fanatical tea party group, the Northwoods Patriots. The group has a website NorthwoodsPatriots.blogspot and a related radio program, Northwoods Patriot Radio, hosted by Simac. In other […]

ALEC Exposed

What do you do when you simply cannot win an election? Clearly the solution is to form an organization that links notable conservative lawmakers and corporate power to tilt the odds in your favor, and the American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC has been doing just that for years. Spawned from a group of individuals […]

Introducing S***f Simac Says

Whether its Michele Bachmann’s history lessons, Sarah Palin’s death panels or Glenn Beck’s every word, extremely out-of-the-mainstream conservatives are known for saying some pretty outrageous stuff. Wisconsin is lucky to have its very own political entertainer in Tea Party fanatic Kim Simac (R-Northwoods). Unfortunately though, most of the time she’s making us laugh, she’s actually […]

GOP Intentions Behind Redistricting Shameful

Behind closed doors and behind the backs of Wisconsin residents, the republicans are eager to push their radical agenda concerning redistricting, but in the light of day it is clear to see what the real intentions of the GOP are. The new redistricting proposals, one of which was signed into law by Governor Walker yesterday, […]

Our Posts #F*ckYouWashington

You may have heard about the amazing outpouring of frustration and outrage realized this weekend over the ceaseless power of corporate special interests which own the Republicans and can occasionally rent a few Democrats in Congress. This, combined with a superficial and senationalistic horserace mentality by the national media have pushed the patience of the […]

Paul Ryan’s Costly Medicare Proposal, Office Mailing

It looks like Representative Paul Ryan’s expensive taste in wine extends to his expensive taste in constituent mailings. This time though, it’s on the taxpayer’s dime. Rep. Ryan has recently released a four-page brochure to his constituents entitled “The Facts about Preserving Medicare,” that he has filled with untruths and pictures of a number of […]

Oshkosh Northwestern: Litjens is a legislator AND a lobbyist

An Oshkosh Northwestern editorial today roasted Michelle “Bachmann” Litjens for sponsoring a bill that first and foremost serves her own business interests Litjens’s bill would “prohibit municipal utilities from placing tenants” unpaid utility bills on a landlord’s property tax bill at the end of each year. Fair is fair, right? Wrong. City Manager Mark Rohloff says the […]

One WI Now statements on latest Prosser allegation

The people of Wisconsin are past the point where they are willing to tolerate for one moment longer, the abusive and alarming conduct of Supreme Court Justice David Prosser. Enough is enough with the abusive temper of David Prosser. If allegations Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser recently grabbed the neck of fellow Justice Ann […]

Walker closes public to budget signing ceremony

With his approval rating tanking after signing a series of extremely anti-middle class policies, Republican Gov. Scott Walker made the obvious decision this year to close off the budget signing ceremony to the public. Walker and the GOP majority appear to be running from the public after they voted to destroy Wisconsin’s strong tradition of quality education, […]

Will Walker Attend Koch Fest This Weekend?

Twice a year, the Koch brothers plan a secretive, high profile meeting between the most conservative of political actors and sympathetic non-profit organizations, and wealthy donors willing to further their cause. This wonderful time of year is upon us again. Charles and David Koch are organizing a political “seminar” for this weekend in Vail, Colorado. […]

Divided They Sit

While a recall would not be able to change the composition of the Supreme Court, it would help to prevent anything similar to the collective bargaining legislation passing in the Legislature in the future.

Walker Stunt Costs Thousands

Scott Walker’s Wisconsin is allegedly “Open For Business,” and he wants to be absolutely sure that everyone knows it. According to email conversations obtained by One Wisconsin Now between the Bureau of Highway Maintenance and Joe Fadness, Walker transition team member, Walker spent at least $1,725 of taxpayer money just to make those useless “Open […]

Chief Justice Abrahamson Sums Up Partisan GOP Supreme WMCourt

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:   But Abrahamson wrote that the order seems to open the court unnecessarily to the charge that the majority has “reached a predetermined conclusion not based on the facts and the law, which undermines the majority’s ultimate decision.” The majority justices “make their own findings of fact, mischaracterize the parties’ […]

Scott Walker gets high marks from WMC, millionaire CEO campaign donors

Gov. Scott Walker and Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC), our state’s largest pro-corporate lobbying group, simultaneously announced today that the CEOs and the board members of WMC gave high marks to Gov. Walker for his anti-worker, anti-middle class agenda. Surprise, surprise. Big Payoff It’s no small secret that WMC was instrumental in getting Gov. Walker […]

10 Year Anniversary of George W. Bush Tax Cuts

Today marks the 10 year anniversary of President George W. Bush singing what was the first of several tax cuts that would drive the national economy into deep amounts of debt. Republicans describe the Bush tax cuts as a way to encourage economic growth and create jobs. However, their true aim is to give tax […]

Saucy Twitter pics wouldn’t cut seniors off Medicare, Sean Duffy would

As the GOP and right-wing bloggers try to distract the America with non-issues, Wisconsin Republicans Paul Ryan and Sean Duffy are trying to cut hundreds of thousands of Wisconsin citizens off Medicare. In Duffy’s district alone, 480,000 citizens would lose access to Medicare. Obviously, they’re not happy about it: 100-plus demonstrators against and in favor of revising […]

GOP admits GOP Senators can’t run on their records alone

With the public so overwhelmingly against taking away workers’ rights while handing out huge tax breaks to corporations, the Republican state senators in Wisconsin that voted for Scott Walker’s plan to do just that are facing recall. So how does a Republican Senator overcome such huge opposition? Dirty tricks, of course: In letters obtained by No […]

Run (and Walk) Against Walker’ Tuesday at 5:30p

Here’s a way to get a little healthier, while helping to make our state healthier. Run Against Walker. Join One Wisconsin Now at Walkerville this Tuesday at 5:30p.m. for our next “Run Against Walker.” We’ll start at the top of State Street, trot around the Capitol, down State Street and to the Terrace to start. […]

The votes are in…

…from your participation in “Who Should Be Our Next U.S. Senator.” Thousands of votes came from across Wisconsin from a list of 18 potential Democratic and Republican candidates – as well as the option to write-in someone who might not have been on the list. Former U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold garnered the most votes, and […]

Walker Administration accidentally admits it endangered the public to protect Gov.Walker

Wisconsin’s Capitol has been on TSA-style lockdown since apparently Republican Gov. Scott Walker and the GOP majority decided images of thousands of middle-class Wisconsinites flooding the Capitol to protest the attack on workers’ rights didn’t make for good press. Well today, the fire department issued multiple citations citing numerous fire code violations, including ”locked exit doors and […]

This Time, A New Reason Why Tommy! Will Not Run

Oh, for the love of god, we again have to endure another version of the yearly Tommy! Thompson’s (not) going to run for some political office? When one asks how many times the former “governor of the great state of Wiscons” will pull this tired canard out, the number is, to quote fellow Bush administration […]