
Another Walker Fail: First bills deepen budget deficit, create no jobs

Throughout 2009 and 2010, OWN documented the billions of dollars in corporate handouts that Walker was promising on the campaign trail, all the while he was promising to balance the state budget and put people back to work. So public expectations, if not OWN’s, were high that the first bills he would introduce in the […]

Walker’s Job One: Cutting BadgerCare

Just a day after announcing a $40 million tax cut to businesses without any requirement to create jobs, Walker, along with other Republican governors, is pressing the Obama administration to allow him to drop people from Medicaid, or BadgerCare, as it’s called here in Wisconsin. BadgerCare, as you may know, provides free or reduced-premium health […]

Introducing Wisconsin’s new conservative overlords: Meet the Majority

Behold, our latest project —, where we pull back the slimy, cold-blanket of rhetoric and deception and expose the extremism and failed policies of the new members of the conservative legislative majority. Here are just a few of the highlights from the new corporate-controlled conservatives: Rep. Kathy Bernier of Chippewa Falls who said the […]

Walker wastes money on health insurance reform lawsuit at the same time he’ll apply for federal health reform grants

In a counter-intuitive move, Walker told Politico yesterday that even though he campaigned “aggressively” against the federal health insurance reform legislation, and on his first day in office granted Atty General Van Hollen permission to join a lawsuit against the reforms, he will still apply for federal health reform grants and won’t block the law’s […]

“Rock the Pantry” set for this evening

One Wisconsin Now’s “Rock the Pantry” progressive rally to help feed Wisconsin is set for the this evening at the same time Gov. Scott Walker will be hosting a big money partisan political inauguration fundraiser to benefit his campaign and the Republican Party of Wisconsin. All proceeds from tickets to One Wisconsin Now’s “Rock the […]

GOP wants to make racist mascots ok

The Wisconsin legislature under Democratic control did something in 2009 that should have been done years ago: it passed a bill that allowed people in communities “to file a complaint with the local school board over the use of offensive nicknames, logos or mascots.” FORWARD! Well, not so fast. With the GOP in charge in […]

Southworth Releases Some Emails:

The latest from ”Covering his tracks?” asks the Capital Times: Juneau County District Attorney Scott Southworth has released e-mails to The Capital Times that show he was collaborating with conservative activists before and after he sent a March 24 letter to Juneau County school districts threatening prosecution if teachers taught comprehensive sex education as […]

Fool Me Once

There is no question we are just beginning to pull out of the massive economic downturn due, in large part, to the incompetency of President Barrack Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush. In 2002 President Bush famously misquoted the idiom: Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me, by instead saying “Fool […]

Wisconsin GOP says BadgerCare a fraud, evidence says opposite

Wisconsin’s GOP is hell-bent on giving tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires, and that means the budget deficit is going to grow — to the tune of $5 billion in fact. Ergo, something’s gotta get cut, and with the Wisconsin GOP in charge, affordable health care is at the top of their hit list. Pay […]

Interested in saving High Speed Rail in the state of Wisconsin?

Interested in saving High Speed Rail in the state of Wisconsin? Check out the following meetings hosted by Wisconsin Department of Transportation. The meetings will run from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. and will take place in the following cities over the next week: Tuesday, Nov. 30 in La Crosse at the Best Western Riverfront Hotel, […]

GOP Legislative Committees Revealed

The interwebs reports that income state Senate Republican Leader Scott Fitzgerald is circulating memos to his fellow Republicans to solicit their ideas on senate committees for the upcoming legislative session. Given the promises about job creation made by Republicans across the state as they campaign, Fitzgerald’s announcement that the Jim Crow-inspired Voter ID/Voter Suppression bill […]

GOPromiseBreakers: Petri Forgot He Called for Midwest Rail…Last Year

Long-time GOP seat filler U.S. Rep. Tom Petri has joined Paul Ryan and Jim Sensenbrenner in calling for Wisconsin’s rail money to go towards paying for 0.001 percent of extending the Bush tax cuts for the rich. But turns out, he wrote a letter last year as co-chair of the Midwest Rail Caucus calling for…drum […]

GOPromiseBreakers: Walker Says Maybe Money for Rail

Latest post at… Scott Walker is getting desperate. After being rebuffed to handover the $810 million in high speed rail funding to his donors in the road building bidness, Walker has put his tail between his legs and now is begging the feds to give Wisconsin rail money, but for existing rail projects. Read […]

Neo-Nazis Rally For AZ Immigration Law. Is Wisconsin Next?

Over the weekend, a Neo-Nazi march was held in in Phoenix, AZ to support the racist SB-1070 immigration law.Hmm. Wasn’t it just last week that Wisconsin Republican Rep. Don Pridemore said: “I want Wisconsin to be recognized as a state that will be on the side of Arizona”? See, just when you thought a racist […] Vos Says No Policy in Budget, Unless It Helps PayDay Lenders

Incoming Joint Finance Committee Co-Chair Robin Vos (R-Rochester) has offered regular, nasally diatribes against the use of “non-fiscal policy” items in state budgeting. Here’s one, courtesy of the facebooks. Turns out, now that he’ll be heading the state’s budget writing committee, Vos will make exceptions to the rule. Particularly when it comes to an apparent […]

Illinois is Open for Business

“Talgo might move plant to Illinois if Walker kills train project” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel] So many broken promises, so soon

Promising to take our country back and do something about the jobs problem, a new majority swept Wisconsin on November 2. But if you thought the economy and job creation was at the top of the GOP agenda you’d be dead wrong. On Day 1, soon-to-be Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald wasted no time […]

State, national Republicans admit job creation NOT the first priority

Republican U.S. House Speaker in-waiting John Boehner and Wisconsin Senate Republican Leader Scott Fitzgerald share something awful in common: neither is putting job creation first and instead both are already looking at 2012 election-year strategy. Despite the fact that two million Americans are about to run out of extended unemployment benefits next month, Boehner has […]

OWN Joke: What’s the Difference Between Rebecca Kleefisch and Sarah Palin?

A: One has government health care and the other one had guts enough to debate her Democratic opponent. From WISC-TV Friday, answering the reporter’s question about the hypocrisy of her criticizing “government-run” health care when she has health care provided for by taxpayers from her husband’s plan as a state legislator: “I have private insurance […]

Twenty Thousand Have Watched, Have You?

Since yesterday, over twenty thousand people have watched our video Turn off the Hate, Get out the Vote. Already it has spread to the Huffington Post and to The Blaze (Glenn Becks personal website). Let’s keep up the momentum, spread the energy and change twenty thousand to two million. Check it out here.

Will MJS give Conservative WPRI, WISTAX Same Treatment as Public Citizen?

Today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel “Politifact,” in its analysis of a unfair trade deals cited by U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold, makes this note about the sourcing by Feingold’s campaign of Public Citizen: “Public Citizen is a leading critical voice on trade deals, so it comes to the issues from that perspective.” Fair enough. Unless you consider […]

Conservative prof: Walker’s tax cuts would abandon fiscal responsibility

Hey, wouldya know: the minute a newspaper publishes a story with insight from someone other than conservative tax policy spokesperson Todd Berry, Scott Walker’s plan to cut taxes just for the richest 1 percent and big corporations doesn’t seem so appealing. From John Witte, professor of public affairs and political science at the UW-Madison, and […]

Deja vu or Something New?

President Barrack Obama’s visit to Madison on Tuesday was reminiscent of the excitement generated during the presidential elections of 2008. Throngs of supporters gathered hours before Obama was to speak, tightly packed and anxiously waiting. From an outside perspective, the crowd 26,000 strong would appear to demonstrate the same fervor that saw 15 million new […]

Peeved Paul Ryan Cryin’ about GOP Hypocrisy

The Daily Beast reported Monday that ‘Young Gun’ Paul Ryan thinks GOP House leadership has misfired by not embracing his plan to cut taxes for the rich at the expensive of the middle class, instead embracing its own plan to cut taxes for the rich at the expense of the middle class. Ryan, 40, is […]

American Conservative: Reince Priebus poured out the Tea Party

On the heels of the story we exposed on Monday – the Tea Party being in bed with the Republican Party of Wisconsin in an alleged voter suppression plot – an American conservative magazine, American Conservative, is pondering just how exactly Reince Preibus, chair of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, was able to handle the […]

But wait, I thought the Tea Party said there WEREN’T going to be billboards?

When One Wisconsin Now blew the lid off of the Tea Party/WISGOP/Americans for Prosperity alleged voter caging plan to disenfranchise tens or hundreds of thousands of Wisconsin voters this November, I suppose we expected some spin from those involved. But even we were surprised when everyone started flat-out lying. First, Mark Block, the leader of […]

One Wisconsin Now Exposes Voter Suppression Plans Between Republican Party of Wisconsin, Americans for Prosperity, Tea Party Groups

A coordinated plot by the Republican Party of Wisconsin, Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin and organizations in the so-called Tea Party movement targeting minority voters and college students in a possibly illegal “voter caging” effort for voter suppression has been uncovered in evidence we have obtained. Based on what we have heard, the Republican Party of Wisconsin, […]

Standing up for free speech and LGBT rights

Call it killing two birds with one stone: here’s the WisconsinEye panel discussion featuring One Wisconsin Now’s fearless leader Scot Ross defending free speech — in regards our recent lawsuit — AND taking a shot at Wisconsin Family Action’s Julaine Appling and the Republican leadership for breaking their promise that the same-sex marriage ban they fought […]

Your Logic is a Farce? Blame Sunspots!

Some of Johnson’s recent comments point to a different reason: he fails to grasp even the most basic concepts of any high school science curriculum.

Koch Brothers Fill Up Walker’s Campaign Tank

We already know Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker is on the big oil bandwagon. After all, this is the guy who taken at least $70,000 from oil, gas and pipeline companies, while being a loud voice opposing the Clean Energy Jobs Act and the high speed rail project that would reduce Wisconsin’s dependence on oil. […]

UPDATE: Walker violating Reagan’s 11th Commandment

Someone alert Jim Klauser: Scott Walker is violating Ronald Reagan’s so-called 11th Commandment, thou shalt not attack another Republican. Republican Mark Neumann issued a press release this weekend defending himself against Republican Scott Walker’s ridiculous attack on him in a campaign mail piece that compared Neumann to Nancy Pelosi because he “took the same vote […]

Lead, follow or get out of the way

The private sector continues to add jobs, thanks in large part to President Obama’s Recovery Act, this month gaining more than 67,000 jobs. We’re still making progress, but we’ve got a long way to go before we can make up for the 750,000 jobs per month we were hemorrhaging under the Bush Administration. Here’s a […]

Happy Labor Day weekend!

With lots going on everywhere this weekend. Let’s take a minute to remember (and remind others) who built this country, gave us the weekend, vacation time, sick leave, benefits, safe workplaces, and elevated our workforce to the best in the world. It was the American workforce and organized labor. Happy Labor Day, Wisconsin! Keep working!

Walker returns to Marquette University, gets another incomplete

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, who left Marquette University without a degree for reasons yet to be revealed, returned to his almost-mater and the results seem to be the same as when he was a student: incomplete. Walker was there to take part in a debate with former U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann, but unfortunately, Walker […]

Ron Johnson’s imaginary health care issues

Ron Johnson, who's taken back half of what he's said since entering the race for U.S. Senate, has had one consistent story he tells on the stump and in interviews.

The latest “That’s Debatable” — Fundraisers, FEMA and Trains

“That’s Debatable” is a weekly column published by featuring One WI Now’s Scot Ross debating Brian Fraley from the conservative MacIver Institute on the ‘hot topic’ of the week. This week’s topic: Fundraisers, FEMA and Trains…but mostly about trains, and how Scott Walker apparently doesn’t want to bring 13,000 jobs to Wisconsin with the […]

RoJo’s Sunspot Solution?

Johnson is making news over his head-scratching declaration that sunspots, and not industry-created pollution, is the reason for the global climate change causing historic flooding, severe heat and cold and erratic weather events.

Scott Walker has committed waste, fraud and abuse

Scott Walker’s been on a “waste, fraud and abuse” tirade lately, conveniently omitting the fact that Milwaukee County has been swimming in waste, fraud and abuse throughout his eight years as County Executive. Here are a few examples: A “glitch” in the county’s pension system computer software deposited some $10 million in pension payments to […]

Commission to find fraud? Team Walker can’t even spot typos.

It being silly season and all, I thought I’d point out this typo in Scott Walker’s ad on creating a commission to find waste, fraud, and abuse.  Seriously though, we did a quick fact check on the ad last week with more to come.

Scott Walker’s Slithering Snakes: A Roundup

A year ago, Cory Liebmann likened Scott Walker’s gimmickry on a range of issues, notably his brown bag campaign, to a salesman selling snake oil (to this day, Walker’s campaign has an iPhone app yet no detailed economic plan for the state). Now, in a year the tea party promised right-wing establishment reform, I’m a […]

Leaders Celebrate Social Security’s 75th Birthday

On the heels of Paul Ryan’s much-maligned plan to make middle class families pay for tax cuts for the top one percent, leaders from across Wisconsin are taking time to celebrate the historic 75th anniversary of the Social Security — among America’s greatest investments in our nation’s proud history. The details, courtesy of the participants: […]