Attorney General

A very narrow interpretation of JB’s openness

Apparently the editorial board of the Wisconsin State Journal hasn’€™t made an open records request of Atty General J.B. Van Hollen recently. If they had, they might not be giving Van Hollen such a high grade. Having made several records requests of Van Hollen’€™s office, we have found him to less than forthcoming with information, […]

Blogger falls for Van Hollen’s flip-flop on domestic partners

Owen Robinson from Boots & Sabers was on WPR’s Week in Review to defend JB Van Hollen’s refusal to represent the state in its efforts to extend basic legal protections, such as hospital visitation rights, to domestic partners in Wisconsin.Robinson basically reiterated the point Van Hollen made in his letter to Gov. Doyle that the […]

Van Hollen Plays Politics with Flip-Flop on Domestic Partner Protections

“The Legislature or the governing body of a political subdivision or local governmental unit is not precluded from authorizing or requiring that a right or benefit traditionally associated with marriage be extended to two or more unmarried individuals; for example, family health insurance benefits, certain probate rights, or the ability to file joint tax returns.” […]

“Just a Mom” town hall troll really GOP operative

Heather Blish introduced herself to Rep. Steve Kagen’s Town Hall last week in true Sarah Palin fashion — holding her baby as prop and claiming she is “just a mom” with real concerns about health care reform. Her ‘regular mom’ act was so authentic she even got on the teevee news! You could almost hear […]

Consumer Protection Roundup, Week of Aug. 3 – Aug. 8

This past weekend was a busy one for consumer protection news in Wisconsin. As a part of a new regular installment, I’€™ll bring you a roundup of the most important news in consumer rights, better business accountability and highlights & lowlights from the view of the consumer. AG Van Hollen drags feet while CA-based ‘€˜mortgage […]

US Supreme Court speaks; Are Ziegler and Gableman Listening?

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday that Wisconsin Justices Annette Ziegler and Michael Gableman must disqualify themselves from hearing any cases involving Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce. That is an oversimplification, but not by much. Here is how the NY Times summarized the decision in a front page story today: Elected judges must disqualify themselves from […]

Van Hollen’s Whining on DOJ Funds Ignores Cost of Partisan Lawsuit

Wisconsin Attorney General JB Van Hollen is sobbing because his department was subject to some of the same agency cuts necessary to balance the state’s budget in light of the $6.6 billion deficit caused by the failed Bush administration which caused nationwide economic collapse. Before anyone huffs that depriving Van Hollen of every dime he […]

Fly on the Wall at Rancho Reince

For some reason, offered a lil’€™ nugget in its afternoon summary about noted minority vote suppressor and GOP state party chair Reince Priebus doing a planned closed-door meeting with ‘€œbusiness leaders about their concerns.’€ ‘€œIt’€™s closed to the media’€ the Wispo gang reports. While my first response was ‘€œso?’€ after thinking for a nanosecond, […]

The Walker train wreck: Day One

Musings on Day One of Scooter Walker’s second ill-fated run for governor: *** Announcing first on Twitter and Charlie Sykes’s show was a stroke of genius — if you think the hard core lunatic fringe and Walker fanatics are going to be enough to win the election. But creative use of the Sykes show is […]

MJSs major miss on firearm story

Yesterday our NRA-backed Attorney General, JB Van Hollen, claimed that openly carrying a firearm should not result in a disorderly conduct charge in a memorandum issued to Wisconsin’€™s district attorneys. Yesterday was also April 20, 2009’€”ten years to the day after the Columbine Massacre in Colorado: the most infamous school shooting in U.S. history sparked […]

Wisco AG Van Hollen Commemorates Columbine Tragedy by Calling for Less Gun Enforcement

Its been exactly ten years since the horrific murders of 12 students and a teacher and wounding of 23 more victims at the Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado at the hands of the heavily-armed Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris. Former Bush appointee and current Wisconsin Attorney General JB Van Hollen is commemorating this massacre […]

K12, Inc. Staff Supporting Fernandez Campaign

MADISON, Wis. — Rose Fernandez, described in a recent newspaper article as “a nurse by training who has never held an education job,” received $1,350 in contributions from top personnel at the Virginia-based K12, Inc., the for-profit company expected to reap $5 million in Wisconsin taxpayer funds to administer virtual schools – a number which […]

Van Hollen Criticizes Corporate Lawsuits, Takes Credit for Corporate Lawsuit

To read the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page (and I would try and avoid), Wisconsin Attorney General JB Van Hollen is a lone midwestern warrior who has drawn a line in the sand to stop the endless victimization of the big corporations like AIG which serve our nation so selflessly. But a month later he […] Details Network Involving Rose Fernandez, Private Education Advocates

MADISON, Wis. — Rose Fernandez, former head of the Wisconsin Coalition of Virtual Schools Families, is part of a network involving lobbyists, non-profit organizations, elected officials and even the law-breaking All Children Matter, seeking to give for-profit companies like the Virginia-based K12, Inc. Wisconsin education tax dollars. An interactive website detailing this network and its […]

Smoke Signals from Wispolitics?

Ironically, I finished reading the weekly report today at 4:20, because a couple of the items led me to believe something wafting in the air over there is contributing to the report’s most recent odd pronoucement. In sum: the weekly “rising” segment led off with the GOP as a winner this week. Yes, that […]

With mud still on his face, JB throws in the towel (for now)

The news is so big that if this blog were the Drudge Report, the headline would be bold, italicized, underlined, AND capitalized: today, the John McCain for President Campaign co-chair (and Wisconsin Attorney General) JB Van Hollen dropped his partisan lawsuit against the GAB.For those who haven’€™t been in the loop on democracy lately, Van […]

Milw. Assistant DA Bruce Landgraf: Making Voter Fraud a “Reality”

Five. Five people remain under investigation for casting an improper ballot on Election Day in Milwaukee County. Five. Out of nearly 500,000 votes cast. And the crusade to criminalize voting continues. The de-facto leader this time around? Milwaukee County Assistant DA Bruce Landgraf. Despite the lack of any substantiated evidence of a ‘€œwide-spread conspiracy’€ to […]

MJS: Voter Fraud a Fairy Tale

Wisconsinites have good reason to be proud as Wisconsin had the second-highest voter turnout among all fifty states in last week’€™s election. And Milwaukee County can rest easy that the election was fair and accurate given the fact’€”as explained in a recent Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article‘€”that among the hundreds of thousands of ballots cast in […]

Lautenschlager: Van Hollen wants to suppress vote

Now can we stop hearing the claim that by sending out 50 law enforcement agents to polling places Tuesday that Atty. Gen. J.B. Van Hollen is just doign what Peg Lautenschlager did four years ago? Here’s what Lautenschlager herself says: In 2004 Peggy Lautenschlager, now an attorney for Lawton & Cates, said she also used […]

OWN Statements on Van Hollen Partisan Lawsuit Dismissal

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements after a judge today dismissed Attorney General JB Van Hollen’s partisan lawsuit against the state of Wisconsin. “Today’s decision was a complete rejection of Republican Attorney General and John McCain for President Co-chair JB Van Hollen’s partisan lawsuit which could have […]

Van Hollen Gets Schooled on Voter Rights

From the moment that state Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen filed his frivolous lawsuit against the Government Accountability Board (GAB) it was clear to any honest observer that it was without merit and motivated by rank partisanship. That was confirmed later when it was revealed that Van Hollen’€™s office had multiple communications with Republican Party […]


It has certainly become an important question. Just Who Will JB Van Hollen Disenfranchise if the partisan lawsuit that he has filed is successful? According to the Government Accountability Board the answer could be over one million Wisconsin voters. We already know that Van Hollen’€™s office communicated with Republican Party of Wisconsin officials about the […]

Know-It-All AG Pleads for Partisan Case

Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen filed a legal brief with Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi on Wednesday. In it he asked the judge not to dismiss his partisan case against the Government Accountability Board (GAB). As we have already learned, Van Hollen’s office first communicated with Republican Party officials about the matter before the suit was filed. We […]

Nearly 3,000 Petitions Call for Van Hollen to Investigate Suspicious McCain/RPW Mailings

MILWAUKEE — Nearly 3,000 Wisconsinites have signed a petition calling on Republican Attorney General and John McCain for President state co-chair JB Van Hollen to investigate suspicious absentee ballot mailings coming from McCain and the Republican Party of Wisconsin. One Wisconsin Now, which launched the drive, delivered the petitions to Van Hollen’s office Monday. “We […]

Why Did Van Hollen Stay Off Predatory Lender Lawsuit?

MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin Attorney General JB Van Hollen refused to join a civil lawsuit along with 11 other states against one of the nation’s largest predatory lenders, which just netted a record-$8.4 billion settlement. Financial disclosure records show Van Hollen owned stock totaling as much as $150,000 in at least three subprime lenders. “Attorney […]

Why Did Van Hollen Stay Off Predatory Lender Lawsuit?

Wisconsin Attorney General JB Van Hollen refused to join a civil lawsuit along with 11 other states against one of the nation’s largest predatory lenders, which just netted a record-$8.4 billion settlement. Financial disclosure records show Van Hollen owned stock totaling as much as $150,000 in at least three subprime lenders. Attorney General Van Hollen […]

Van Hollen’€™s Partisan Plans Caught on Tape

After Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen filed his frivolous lawsuit against the Government Accountability Board (GAB), he claimed that his motives were not partisan. He went on to claim that his position as John McCain co-chair played no role in the suit even though the action could help McCain by disenfranchising hundreds of thousands […]

Van Hollen’€™s War Against African-American Voters

J.B. Van Hollen’€™s frivolous lawsuit against the Government Accountability Board, (GAB) is political mischief that could complicate voting for as many as 1 million people in Wisconsin. One Wisconsin Now, the League of Women Voters, municipal clerks, the GAB itself and many others have taken a stand against J.B. Van Hollen. Now the Milwaukee chapter […]

Partisan Power Plays and Probable Cause

A state equal rights officer has found enough evidence to believe that J.B. Van Hollen’€™s Justice Department demoted its head of the public integrity section in retaliation. Joell Schigur’€™s demotion came after she dared to question a plan to provide Van Hollen with taxpayer-funded security while attending a political convention. The Wisconsin State Journal reports […]

All Children Matter Guilty, But Remains Unpenalized

It’s time the Government Accountability Board to act on the recommendations of the former State Elections Board and penalize All Children Matter for violating Wisconsin election laws in 2006. The Election Board ruled last year that All Children Matter broke the law, but the pro-private school vouchers group hit with a stunning $5.2 million fine in Ohio […]

Save Wisconsin’s Vote!

Hundreds of thousands of legal voters are at risk ‘€“ but we only get utter silence from the McCain campaign. The media has been reporting that Wisconsinites have received absentee ballot applications from the John McCain for President campaign with incorrect return addresses, which would likely prevent the registration and processing from being completed. The […]

The Taxpayer-Financed Legal Arm of the GOP

If there was ever any doubt that J.B. Van Hollen’€™s lawsuit against the Government Accountability Board was partisan at its core, the latest events this week should eliminate it. First, in a surprise to no one, the Republican Party of Wisconsin has decided to jump into the lawsuit and has filed a motion in the […]

The truth about voter fraud in Wisconsin

The highly respected Brennan Center for Justice at New York University’s School of Law, has a comprehensive, well researched and documented white paper by Justin Levitt on recent allegations of voter fraud allegedly occurring in Wisconsin and other states within the last eight years, entitled, “The Truth About Voter Fraud.” Once you read it, your […]

Will J.B. Face a Challenge at the Polls?

J.B. Van Hollen’€™s frivolous lawsuit against the Government Accountability Board, could disenfranchise up to 1 million legitimate voters in November. Much of that could happen because of very minor discrepancies such as a middle initial, clerical error or an old address appearing on a driver’€™s license. Even four of the six judges that make up […]

Van Hollen Should Fulfill Records Request Now!

It now appears that Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen’€™s office is admitting that top officials at the Wisconsin Department of Justice consulted with Republican Party operatives regarding the filing of J.B. Van Hollen’€™s frivolous lawsuit against the state’€™s Government Accountability Board. The suit could cause as many as 1 million voters to be disenfranchised, an […]

PRECOURT PRIMER: McCain Co-Chair Van Hollen’s Quotes, Timeline

8/20/2008 Van Hollen Takes Helm As McCain state Campaign Co-Chair “I’m honored to help lead John McCain’s Wisconsin campaign, and I’m looking forward to his victory in November.” [Van Hollen Campaign Website] 9/2/2008 Karl Rove Meets with Wisconsin Republican Team in Minnesota to Discuss Strategy “Rove also talked politics with delegates, telling them he still […]

WDC Calls Out Van Hollen for Partisan Suit

Since J.B. Van Hollen filed his frivolous lawsuit against the Government Accountability Board, his partisan action has been panned far and wide. From OWN to the League of Women Voters, to the nonpartisan retired judges that serve on the GAB board and many others. Even the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel said that his suit ‘€œsmells of political mischief.’€ […]

Van Hollen’s ‘Opponents’: Democracy

JB Van Hollen, the Republican Attorney General who also coincidentally serves as the co-chair of John McCain’s presidential campaign, was on Wisconsin Public Radio today talking about his partisan lawsuit to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters in predominately Wisconsin’s cities. Over and over again Van Hollen referred those opposing his partisan lawsuit, such as […]

New Election Task Force Must Investigate Specifics of False Absentee Ballot Mailing

MILWAUKEE — The newly-announced election task force by Attorney General JB Van Hollen and Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm must make its first task a complete investigation of the John McCain presidential campaign’s recent statewide absentee ballot application mailing, which numerous recipients report contains faulty information which could negate their registration. “John McCain’s campaign […]

Troubling Mixed Messages from New Task Force

Shortly after becoming the Co-Chair for John McCain’€™s Wisconsin Campaign, Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen said the following: ‘€œI’€™m honored to help lead John McCain’€™s Wisconsin campaign, and I’€™m looking forward to his victory in November.’€ The next thing you know Van Hollen is filing a frivolous lawsuit against the State of Wisconsin (which he […]

Coalition for America’s Families: $900,000, RPW Criticisms 0

MILWAUKEE — Less than a month after a blustery press release complaining about an advertising purchase by the Wisconsin Education Association Council, the Republican Party of Wisconsin is strangely silent now that the reliably inaccurate Coalition for American’s Families has reserved almost $900,000 for television ads on Eau Claire, La Crosse and Green Bay television. […]

JB Van Harris?

If you’€™re still on the fence about the motives of Wisconsin Attorney General JB Van Hollen’€™s lawsuit to suppress voting in Wisconsin, you might want to click here:,%202008.pdf But then again, no election official has ever corrupted our system and compromised the government’s integrity using their position to further partisan, political goals, right? […]

Partisanship, Arrogance and Planned Chaos at the Polls

Wisconsin’€™s Republican Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen is trying to remake himself into the very image of Florida’€™s infamous Katherine Harris. His filing of a frivolous lawsuit against the state’€™s Government Accountability Board (GAB) is little more than a politically calculated move to serve his party masters and apparently to suppress votes in November. When […]

J.B. Van Hollen, Wisconsin’€™s Katherine Harris

When he was running for Attorney General, JB Van Hollen made a fake lament about ‘€œfrivolous’€ lawsuits a major part of his stump speech. After all of that grandstanding who could forget him then filing his own frivolous lawsuit because he didn’€™t like a hard hitting ad that was run against him? Later, after he […]

WMC to Members: (Don’t) Read the Fine Print

WMC has launched a (multi-)million dollar fundraising campaign to its members to finance continued issue-based smear campaigns against progressives who don’€™t kow-tow to WMC’€™s pro-corporate, anti-worker agenda. We all know WMC has distorted the records of numerous public officials over the years, most notably in recent efforts to get the ethically-challenged Mike Gableman and Annette Ziegler […]

WMC Got What it Paid For, We Get the Shaft

In a 4-3 decision the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled against the State of Wisconsin in the Department of Revenue v. Menasha Corporation case. Of all people, ethically challenged Justice Annette Ziegler wrote the majority opinion. Last year hundreds of Wisconsinites called for her to recuse herself from the case because it was a major priority […]