John McCain

McCain town meeting — and you’re invited!

Is there anything you’ve been wanting to ask him — or tell him?  John McCain returns to Wisconsin! John McCain will host a Town Hall meeting on Thursday May 29th at the Greendale Martin Luther High School. The doors will open at 3:30pm. To RSVP for the event, please click here or email No […]

Newspaper invites your view on Iraq

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wants to hear from you on Iraq. After an editorial criticizing John McCain’s me-too policy on the war, the paper invites reader comment, probably for a Sunday newspaper spread:  Should the United States set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq? Send a letter to: Journal Sentinel editorial department Please take a […]

The Battle of the Two McCains

We already know that John McCain has a small army of lobbyists that either work or raise money on his behalf. Although some have started to resign he still has over one hundred at last count. He also has some 70 registered lobbyists that have bundled money on his behalf. Even more, the Center for […]

A Willing Part of a Broken System

John McCain has had trouble living up to his squeaky clean image recently. He has talked about reform in Washington and more specifically about lobbying reform. Unfortunately his actions don’€™t reflect his pronouncements about the need for change. First it was discovered that he had at least 118 current and former lobbyists working for him. […]

Bush Agenda Finds Loyal Follower in McSame

MILWAUKEE — Senator John McCain has been a rubber stamp in the U.S. Senate for the failed agenda of George W. Bush. That’s the message behind the Stamporee event One Wisconsin Now (OWN) is holding outside the Wisconsin Republican Convention in Stevens Point today. “Whenever Bush has needed another rubber stamp in the U.S. Senate […]

McCain’s Rubber Stamp for Bush on Display at OWN Stamporee at GOP Convention

OWN is hosting a Stamporee event outside the Wisconsin Republican Convention in Stevens Point on Friday, May 16 to demonstrate how when it comes to the failing policies of George W. Bush, Senator John McCain is actually McSame—a literal rubber stamp in his votes in the U.S. Senate. During the event, an actor portraying Senator […]

Squeaky Clean Image vs Stone Cold Reality

Senator John McCain and the media have manufactured a squeaky clean image for the Arizona Republican. They pretend that he is above reproach while, at the same time, his actions belie much of the rhetoric. Although there are other examples in his long legislative past, several recent developments also go to the heart of the […]

McCain Celebrates Failing Grade

This week Senator John McCain is focusing on the environment and climate change. Although he has been vocal about the issue on the stump, his actual voting record is both inconsistent and severely lacking. In reaction to McCain’€™s speech Monday, League of Conservation Voters President Gene Karpinski commented that ‘€œhe has not substantively improved his […]

Unearthing the Truth about McCain

Digging a little deeper on Sen. John McCain’€™s environmental record yields some scary remains indeed. Turns out he’€™s pretty much buried any previous attempts to work on environmental concerns, and any comments he makes on global warming, energy and the environmental are little more than double talk. According to the League of Conservation Voters (LCV), McCain’€™s lifetime […]

May Walks in Wisconsin

During the month of May Labor 2008 will kick off its biggest mobilization effort. Union activists all around this country will be talking to union households about Sen. McCain’€™s anti-worker record. In Wisconsin people will be busy recruiting for member-to-member walks and phone banks. The walks begin Saturday May 10th in Milwaukee and May 17th […]

McCain’s “Missing” Records

Senator John McCain has talked about the need for transparency in government but his own actions have not lived up to his rhetoric. When McCain finally released his tax documents he only included two years. He also failed to release his wife’€™s tax information even though she holds most of the family’€™s wealth. As evasive […]

Diligence is Our Mission

Sgt. 1st Class Shane Sanderson devoted 22 years of his life to the U.S. Army, including service in Iraq. He is now retired but is still very committed to his brothers and sisters in combat and all of the issues that have an impact on them. In an opinion piece appearing in today’€™s Wisconsin State […]

McCain: Mission Accomplished

Five years ago today President Bush declared that major combat operations in Iraq had ended in what has become known as his “Mission Accomplished” speech. It looks like Senator John McCain also made similar statements.

Comments from Mission Accomplished Event

This morning groups representing veterans, military families and state progressives joined at the State Capitol to criticize the endless war in Iraq. The event was timed to coincide with tomorrow’€™s five year anniversary of President Bush’€™s ‘€œMission Accomplished’€ speech. All of Wisconsin’€™s 90 fatalilties happened after Bush’€™s infamous speech. Nationally, 97 percent of the more […]

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

John McCain fancies himself as a great reformer of our campaign finance system. Unfortunately he does not seem to be obeying some of his own rules regarding his own campaign travel. He had a stated policy of not using aircraft of companies with lobbying interests in Washington for campaign travel. The Boston Globe identified campaign […]

Unhealthy Relationship with the Health Industry

Next week John McCain is planning to give a number of speeches on health care. His plan will probably not give adequate focus to one of our largest problems in the area of health care, the 47 million Americans that are uninsured. It would also be wise to take note of who benefits most from […]

John McCain’s anti-choice record reveals he’s no maverick

Pro-choice activists yawned at the “news” that John McCain was endorsed yesterday by Wisconsin Right to Life. After all, the guy has been one of the most extreme anti-choice votes in Congress – voting against birth control, abortion rights, and reproductive health care 125 out of 130 times over his Washington career. McCain, contrary to […]

A Hands Off Approach to Discrimination?

On Wednesday Democrats and some Republicans in Congress tried to pass a discrimination bill. It would have allowed employees more time to sue if they were being discriminated against in pay. The bipartisan effort was unsuccessful because of an almost exclusively Republican filibuster. Even if the measure would have passed, it would have also faced […]

Wisconsin Right to Life Endorses McCain

The Wisconsin Right to Life Political Action Committee announced its endorsement of John McCain today. Here’s what Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin has to say about John McCain’s record: For the past 25 years, John McCain has consistently voted against women’s health. From opposing funding for family planning programs to voting against requiring insurance coverage […]

Things McCain Might Forget in New Orleans

As he continues with his ‘€œForgotten Place’€ tour today John McCain is going to speak in the lower ninth ward of New Orleans. I have a funny feeling that he will conveniently ‘€œforget’€ a few things as he makes this stop. I wonder if John McCain will remind the people of New Orleans that in […]

A ‘Cheap Shot’? That’s Rich, Senator McCain

On Sunday’s This Week program, George Stephanopoulos asked John McCain, who wants to make health insurance benefits by workers part of their taxable income, the following question: One of the points Mrs. Edwards made in the Wall Street Journal, she said that your whole life, you had government health care. You were the son of […]

McCains Iraq Tax on Wisconsin

Last week as Wisconsinites paid their taxes, we pointed out that our state has paid $8.3 billion to help fund the war in Iraq. That is over $8 million dollars that could have been used in so many other productive ways but instead was lost to the Iraq Tax. John McCain has walked in lockstep […]

Remembering the Poor and Forgetting Them Again

Just last week John McCain announced his economic plan which largely consisted of continuing the Bush tax cuts to the wealthy and going even further by providing massive tax giveaways to some of the largest corporations in the world. McCain even came to Milwaukee to have a closed door meeting with big business elites. Neither […]

Shortchanging Wisconsin Education by $541 Million

It has already been clearly demonstrated that John McCain has not learned the lessons of the failed Bush policy on education and education funding. He seems fully prepared to go even further in slashing funding for our schools and other critical education programs. McCain’€™s proposals would specifically shortchange Wisconsin nearly $541 million. Below is a […]

McCain Fails Lesson on Education Funding

We already know that the recently announce economic plan by John McCain is going to be a boon for corporations and the most wealthy. We also know that his plan will do very little to help the average American, and in many cases will be hurtful to them and their interests. To pay for even […]

Tax Breaks but No Tax Returns?

We already know that the centerpiece of John McCain’€™s plan for the economy consists of massive corporate tax cuts and continuing the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. While he has been so focused on tax policy lately isn’€™t it strange that he continues to delay the release of his tax returns? It looks like […]

McCain Delivers Very Little to Regular People

Today the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported on John McCain’€™s meeting with corporate elites. The report cites a conference call that was hosted by One Wisconsin Now yesterday. The call served as a reality check for McCain’€™s economic plan. It included comments from James Kvaal of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Sara Rogers of […]

John McCain and the Elites

**Update Below**Senator John McCain is visiting the Milwaukee area today and plans to have what he is calling an ‘€œeconomic summit.’€ What is telling is who John McCain has decided to include in the discussion. Both panels at the event are stacked with nothing but CEO’€™s of large corporations. This includes one board member of […]

McCain: Populist Message, Corporate Agenda

Senator John McCain will be making a campaign stop in the Milwaukee area on Wednesday. He is supposed to talk about the economy and hype his out of touch plans to treat what ails it. Yes, the man that admitted that he doesn’€™t really understand economics plans on lecturing the rest of us on economic […]

McCain Brings Wisconsin Families No Change from Failed Bush Policies

MILWAUKEE, Wis. — Sen. John McCain comes to Wisconsin tomorrow offering no change from the failed economic policies of President George Bush. Despite the recession, housing and health care crises, McCain supports more tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, more failed trade policies costing Wisconsin jobs. McCain also proposes a health care plan that […]

Who Supports Wisconsin’s Iraq Tax?

While people are rushing to file their income taxes all across the state, it seems appropriate to focus on the tax that we are paying for the war in Iraq. The Bush administration and its facilitators in Congress bemoan taxes but continue to spend those dollars in Iraq. Senator John McCain is essentially promising more […]

Straight Talk Express Can’t Get McCain to DC for the People’s Work

While he’s out on the road glad-handing lobbyists and raising millions of dollars from corporate donors, John McCain seems to be forgetting one thing – his duty to his constituents. According to the Washington Post, McCain missed 304 votes in the 110th Congress—that’s 56.8% of the total votes by the Senate for the session. In […]

Lobbyist Fundraiser Near Keating Five Anniversary Shows McCain Out of Touch

Twenty-one years to the day after he attended the second meeting to put pressure on federal regulators which became known as the Keating Five scandal, John McCain is showing how out of touch he is by continuing to cozy up to lobbyists. A new report from Public Campaign Action, shows a real mixed record on […]

80,000 More Jobs Lost: Bush-McCainomics Remains Awesome!

The Bush-McCain economic blueprint of tax cuts for the rich and corporate bailouts continues to cost American jobs with the latest news that over 80,000 were lost last month alone. That’s on top of 152,000 more since the beginning of the year. And McCain wants to stay the course.  “So my friends, we can fix this economy. […]

AFL-CIO’s Newby on McCain Invitation No-Show

Wisconsin AFL-CIO President David Newby has it spot-on regarding John McCain’s unwillingness to join a roundtable to talk with working people about the incredible challenges facing families under the current economic disaster of George Bush and his cheerleader John McCain.  Read what Newby had to say, after the jump. “On Tuesday, workers in Annapolis Maryland held a workers roundtable to […]

McCain’s Memphis Malarky

John McCain is going to Memphis tomorrow to visit the National Civil Rights Museum. Nice change of pace for a man who in 1989 voted against the establishment of the birthday of slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as a national holiday. Thankfully, McCain failed and the holiday honoring Dr. King was eventually […]

Two Milestones Too Many

Two terrible milestones in March: The five-year anniversary of the Bush attack on Iraq, making our adventure there longer than any in the U. S. history of wars; The 4,000th death of a U. S. soldier, sailor or Marine during the occupation.Two Milestones Too Many Two terrible milestones in March: The five-year anniversary of the […]

McCain on Housing Crisis, Its a Short Discussion

Earlier this week John McCain finally decided to address the housing crisis that has been devastating for so many people and to the entire economy. Unfortunately his speech offered no actual solutions for the many families feeling the full weight of the crisis. The great plan offered by the man that ‘€œdoesn’€™t really understand economics?’€ […]

The Three Trillion Dollar War

Later this afternoon, on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the War in Iraq, national security and economic experts will reflect on the true cost of the war in a press conference. The event is sponsored by the Iraq Campaign 2008 Coalition and will feature Nobel prize winner Joseph E. Stiglitz and Harvard professor […]

McCain Earmark Grandstanding Doesn’t Apply to Corporate Pork

After seven years of Republican-control in Washington, DC, the orgy of special interest spending, led by Bush and McCain’s abominable Iraq policy, has plunged the country into a $9 trillion debt. John McCain, the “stay the course Senator,” wants to end federal earmarks. It’s all in the timing, I suppose. I fail to recall McCain seeking a permanent ban on earmarks when his party called […]

John H.W. McCain

1988:  “Read my lips:  no new taxes.”  -George H.W. Bush, Republican National Convention on the eve of his nomination   20 years later:  “No new taxes.”  -Senator John McCain, 2008 Republican presidential candidate   Houston, TX, 2008:  “I’m very proud to endorse John McCain for the presidency of the United States of America.” -George H.W. […]

Planned Parenthood Tells the Truth about John McCain

The Planned Parenthood Action Fund launched a multimedia campaign in Wisconsin today to educate voters about Sen. John McCain’€™s troubling anti-health care voting record. The ad campaign, which features online spots on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Web site highlights how this supposedly independent thinker is in lockstep with the most extreme fringes of the Republican Party. […]

Tell McCain in Milwaukee: No 100-Year-War, No Torture

John “100-Year-War” McCain, fresh from a flip-flop vote in favor of waterboarding, campaigns in Wisconsin Friday. LaCrosse activists plan to protest his stands when he holds a town hall meeting there. And now there is a last-minute effort underway in Milwaukee to confront him there, too, when he speaks at Serb Hall, traditional stopping place […]

Do something on Friday to end the war

Friday is Iraq Moratorium #6, a loosely-knit national grassroots effort to end the war and occupation of Iraq. Nearly 90 events already are listed on the national website, from sea to shining sea. They range from street corner vigils to die-ins, with a dash of street theater thrown in. There have been 600-plus events since […]

Less Jobs More Wars

A new web site has been developed at The site focuses on recent comments by Presidential Candidate John McCain, that there will be “more wars” under a McCain Administration. The new site is complete with two versions of the below video. It is a humerous take on a very serious subject, what the War […]