Charlie Sykes

Memo to Charlie: Gov. Walker’s Student Loan Debt Fail

Gov. Walker and his sycophants like Charlie Sykes that regurgitate the Governor’s talking points can spin all they like. The fact remains that under Gov. Walker the student loan debt crisis in Wisconsin has gotten worse, not better.

Respect the Integrity of the John Doe Inquiry

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported this week that popular radio personality Charlie Sykes received leaked information about individuals who might be charged in the John Doe investigation of criminal wrongdoing by aides and allies of Gov. Scott Walker. Watchdog groups like One Wisconsin Now are calling on Sykes’ superiors to reprimand him. [Capital Times]

One Wisconsin Now Calls for Reprimand of Charlie Sykes Over Dishonesty

MADISON, Wis. — In a letter to Journal Communications CEO Steven Smith, One Wisconsin Now called for a public reprimand of right-wing radio show host Charlie Sykes for his for his conduct related to the “John Doe” criminal investigation of Gov. Walker’s close aides and associates. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross commented, “We […]

Memo: Follow the Money

You've also probably seen the ads paid for by the special interests benefitting from tax giveaways, consumer protection rollbacks and lax public safety regulation enforcement by the Walker administration.

Corporate lackeys rush to defend trillion-dollar student loan debt

Over the weekend, our “$1,000,000,000,000 IN STUDENT LOAN DEBT – BIG BANKS STOLE OUR FUTURE” banner at the Occupy Milwaukee event was featured in a photo in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Not too long after, corporate mouthpiece Charlie Sykes sent marching orders to right-wing bloggers across the state, all to defend the big banking industry […]

Right Wing’s “National Marriage Week” Failing Miserably

Early last week Wisconsin Family Action made a thrilling announcement: Republican Gov. Scott Walker had issued a National Marriage Week proclamation! While many view the week as nothing more than a thinly-veiled attack on same-sex couples and the voices in the LGBT community, the GOP often jumps at the chance to appease their ultra-conservative base […]

Will Walker Answer Three Simple Questions at Tonight’s Debate?

“Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, has yet to state publicly what cuts he would make, though his campaign says he will in the coming weeks.” [Appleton Post-Crescent, 6/13/10] MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker owes Wisconsin the answers to three questions he has ducked and avoided for months and One Wisconsin Now is […]

UPDATE: Walker violating Reagan’s 11th Commandment

Someone alert Jim Klauser: Scott Walker is violating Ronald Reagan’s so-called 11th Commandment, thou shalt not attack another Republican. Republican Mark Neumann issued a press release this weekend defending himself against Republican Scott Walker’s ridiculous attack on him in a campaign mail piece that compared Neumann to Nancy Pelosi because he “took the same vote […]

Five Questions for Scott Walker on His ‘County’ Motorcycle Tour

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker is traveling across Wisconsin this week and will likely be talking with media about his priorities and the state of Wisconsin. With Wisconsin and the nation still emerging from the devastating economic collapse and job loss directly attributable to regressive taxation, deregulation and skewed priorities, One Wisconsin Now invites the […]

The Wit and Wisdom of Owen Robinson

To grasp fully the breadth and depth of analysis and research stacked eye-deep in this advancement of opinion journalism, I suggest reading it aloud.

Shocker: Walkers Talkers Simply Do Not Approve of One Wisconsin Now

Looks like Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has his rapid response done through the Journal Communications company. No sooner had One Wisconsin Now posted our analysis showing Scott Walker’s proposed county budget increases of 35% were higher than the state’s two other largest municipalities, the City of Milwaukee and the state of Wisconsin, than his […]

Shocker: WPRI-UW Right Wing Propaganda Polling Project Concludes GOPs Message about Doyle

There it is on the front page of the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute’€™s website. Almost 800 words from George Lightbourn about ‘€œpolling’€ that concludes Gov. Jim Doyle’€™s Democratic backers in the state legislature are in peril. It’€™s an amazing coincidence. Somehow, the sciency-stuff keeps working out for conservatives in the WPRI-UW Right Wing Propaganda Polling […]

Guess Who’s Comin’ to Dinner?

National embarrassment Sarah Palin is coming to nationally embarrass Wisconsin, courtesy of Wisconsin Right to Life. The ant-choicer movement is bringin’ the Queen of Quit to its November 6 event at State Fair Park in Milwaukee. WRtL is saying “no recording of this event will be made.” That’s where you come in, our unwashed army […]

WPRI Opposes Public Option for Health Insurance Reform, Supports Public Option for Its Polling

Using typical back-of-the-envelope, context-free math, the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute’€™s is claiming that since the cost of the extraordinarily successful bipartisan BadgerCare program has increased since it was created, that we shouldn’€™t have federal health insurance reform that includes a public option to end the stranglehold insurance companies have on our entire nation. The ‘€œevidence’€? […]

Moralist Crusader Nass Familiar with the Legal System

As the one of the state’€™s foremost moral crusaders, Rep. Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) is thundering about the need to expel Rep. Jeff Wood (Not an R-Chippewa Falls) from the legislature because of the former-Republican’€™s run-ins with the law related to operating a vehicle while intoxicated. On the most recent charge, Wood has so far only […]

WPRI’s Cadre, John Torinus and the Myth of Liberal Media

Bopping through the list of blogs of the day, I was amused to see not one, but two posts from the conservative and oft-error-plagued Wisconsin Policy Research Institute featuring former members of the so-called liberal media. Right there from Charlie Sykes’ yap tank, a post from Ken Lamke, former reporter with the Milwaukee Journal […]

With Walker, truth stranger than fiction

When I asked last week whether AirTran would get naming rights for the Scott Walker for Governor Harley ride, in return for its corporate sponsorship, I thought I was being facetious. Sometimes a person’s imagination doesn’t stretch far enough. The Journal Sentinel reports: For this year’s trip, AirTran will pick up the estimated $2,800 gas, […]

The Walker train wreck: Day One

Musings on Day One of Scooter Walker’s second ill-fated run for governor: *** Announcing first on Twitter and Charlie Sykes’s show was a stroke of genius — if you think the hard core lunatic fringe and Walker fanatics are going to be enough to win the election. But creative use of the Sykes show is […]

Ripp Quick to Take Credit for Stimulus He Voted Against

Keith Ripp used to be a farmer and heifer raiser. Now he’€™s ‘€œrepresenting’€ the good people of the 47th district’€”his home town is Lodi. According to his campaign website, ‘€œAgriculture is one of my main contributes $51.5 billion to the state’€™s economy.’€ But as soon as Ripp fell in with the State Republican   Bad […]

So Charlie and Mark, Wheres the Thunder on Pridemore?

So should we expect fireworks enthusiast Charlie Sykes, and the Mr. Pibb to his right wing Dr. Pepper Mark Belling, to call for Rep. Don Pridemore to be sent to Gitmo over the press release sent from his state office using state tax dollars attacking DPI candidate Tony Evers and to support anti-public education advocate […]

GOP Legies Want Wisconsin to Have California’s Budget Crisis

Another headshaker from the Assembly Republican braintrust — this time bringing the same budget shackles to Wisconsin which helped drive California into its near economic collapse and nearly killed a bipartisan solution to their woes. Leah Vukmir and Rich Zipperer, who apparently have created their own Assembly Bad Ideas Caucus, are now pushing for a […]

Yikes! Sykes! Right-Wing Radio Rants

In the most recent edition of The Milwaukee Magazine, former news director of WTMJ radio in Milwaukee Dan Shelley exposes hyper-right-wing radio host Charlie Sykes (and others like him) for what they are’€”angry right-wing puppets that ‘€œexploit the fears and perceived victimization of’€¦conservative-leaning listeners.’€ Shelley explains how these right-wing blowhards use scare tactics, carefully screened […]

Say thank you to beleaguered Summerfest

Rabid radio talker Charlie Sykes devoted more than half of his morning show railing on Summerfest for asking the Army to shut down a virtual killing game, urging listeners to call those wimpy Summerfest folks and complain. Actually, Summerfest needs to be thanked and congratulated for doing the right thing. It is never easy to […]

Have you no sense of decency, Charlie?

“Have you no sense of decency, sir?” Said more than 50 years ago by Joseph Welch in the famed Army-McCarthy hearing, the phrase should be directed this Wednesday morning to Charlie Sykes, the WTMJ radio talk nut. Justice Louis Butler was unseated by a narrow margin from the State Supreme Court in voting yesterday and […]

Now he tells us: Sykes agrees Gableman ’embarrassing’ candidate

Even Charlie Sykes, who has no shame, is embarrassed — not by the kind of campaign that WMC and Mike Gableman ran, but by the candidate. He posts this comment from someone he calls a “savvy listener”: Shame on conservatives from letting 2006 hangover result in putting up such a completely lame slate of candidates. […]

Rightwing Radio Takes off on Pedro Coln

You can tell a lot about a political candidate by the enemies he or she makes. In Pedro Coln’s (D-Milwaukee) run for the Milwaukee City Attorney’s race, Coln has gained the enmity of the usual suspects on rightwing radio. Both Charlie Sykes and Mark Belling ripped into Coln Monday though not offering any argument against […]