John McCain

Save Wisconsin’s Vote!

Hundreds of thousands of legal voters are at risk ‘€“ but we only get utter silence from the McCain campaign. The media has been reporting that Wisconsinites have received absentee ballot applications from the John McCain for President campaign with incorrect return addresses, which would likely prevent the registration and processing from being completed. The […]

The Taxpayer-Financed Legal Arm of the GOP

If there was ever any doubt that J.B. Van Hollen’€™s lawsuit against the Government Accountability Board was partisan at its core, the latest events this week should eliminate it. First, in a surprise to no one, the Republican Party of Wisconsin has decided to jump into the lawsuit and has filed a motion in the […]

The truth about voter fraud in Wisconsin

The highly respected Brennan Center for Justice at New York University’s School of Law, has a comprehensive, well researched and documented white paper by Justin Levitt on recent allegations of voter fraud allegedly occurring in Wisconsin and other states within the last eight years, entitled, “The Truth About Voter Fraud.” Once you read it, your […]

Van Hollen Should Fulfill Records Request Now!

It now appears that Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen’€™s office is admitting that top officials at the Wisconsin Department of Justice consulted with Republican Party operatives regarding the filing of J.B. Van Hollen’€™s frivolous lawsuit against the state’€™s Government Accountability Board. The suit could cause as many as 1 million voters to be disenfranchised, an […]

PRECOURT PRIMER: McCain Co-Chair Van Hollen’s Quotes, Timeline

8/20/2008 Van Hollen Takes Helm As McCain state Campaign Co-Chair “I’m honored to help lead John McCain’s Wisconsin campaign, and I’m looking forward to his victory in November.” [Van Hollen Campaign Website] 9/2/2008 Karl Rove Meets with Wisconsin Republican Team in Minnesota to Discuss Strategy “Rove also talked politics with delegates, telling them he still […]

McCain Record, Statements Prove He Doesn’t Get It on Economic Woes of Working Families

MILWAUKEE — Sen. John McCain’s continuing refusal to accept responsibility for the current economic crisis brought on by the George W. Bush policies he supported in the U.S. Senate and wants to continue is another example of how on the economic woes facing Wisconsin families, McCain still doesn’t get it. “Sen. John McCain’s stubborn insistence […]

WDC Calls Out Van Hollen for Partisan Suit

Since J.B. Van Hollen filed his frivolous lawsuit against the Government Accountability Board, his partisan action has been panned far and wide. From OWN to the League of Women Voters, to the nonpartisan retired judges that serve on the GAB board and many others. Even the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel said that his suit ‘€œsmells of political mischief.’€ […]

An unhappy anniversary

The Iraq Moratorium marks its first anniversary on Friday, but it won’t be a celebration. The goal when the Moratorium was launched in September 2007 was to put itself out of business by ending the war and occupation of Iraq. Perhaps that was a bit optimistic.Despite George Bush and John McCain’s belief that we are […]

Van Hollen’s ‘Opponents’: Democracy

JB Van Hollen, the Republican Attorney General who also coincidentally serves as the co-chair of John McCain’s presidential campaign, was on Wisconsin Public Radio today talking about his partisan lawsuit to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters in predominately Wisconsin’s cities. Over and over again Van Hollen referred those opposing his partisan lawsuit, such as […]

Troubling Mixed Messages from New Task Force

Shortly after becoming the Co-Chair for John McCain’€™s Wisconsin Campaign, Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen said the following: ‘€œI’€™m honored to help lead John McCain’€™s Wisconsin campaign, and I’€™m looking forward to his victory in November.’€ The next thing you know Van Hollen is filing a frivolous lawsuit against the State of Wisconsin (which he […]

Citizen Action to Call Out McCain on Dangerous Plan

Tomorrow John McCain will hold a campaign event in Green Bay, and while he is there he should address the very serious concerns being raised by Citizen Action of Wisconsin about his health care plan. They are calling on him to offer a plan that would actually help working families who are now struggling to […]

New Election Task Force Must Investigate Specifics of False Absentee Ballot Mailing

MILWAUKEE — The newly-announced election task force by Attorney General JB Van Hollen and Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm must make its first task a complete investigation of the John McCain presidential campaign’s recent statewide absentee ballot application mailing, which numerous recipients report contains faulty information which could negate their registration. “John McCain’s campaign […]

Broken Record McCain’€™s Greatest Hits

I’€™ve heard about sticking to your talking points but this is getting downright ridiculous. Even though the Bush Economy has been a total disaster for sometime, John McCain has continued to parrot that the ‘€œfundamentals of our economy are strong.’€ I’€™ve wondered if he kept repeating this mantra in the past because he is so […]

Partisanship, Arrogance and Planned Chaos at the Polls

Wisconsin’€™s Republican Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen is trying to remake himself into the very image of Florida’€™s infamous Katherine Harris. His filing of a frivolous lawsuit against the state’€™s Government Accountability Board (GAB) is little more than a politically calculated move to serve his party masters and apparently to suppress votes in November. When […]

J.B. Van Hollen, Wisconsin’€™s Katherine Harris

When he was running for Attorney General, JB Van Hollen made a fake lament about ‘€œfrivolous’€ lawsuits a major part of his stump speech. After all of that grandstanding who could forget him then filing his own frivolous lawsuit because he didn’€™t like a hard hitting ad that was run against him? Later, after he […]

OWN Debuts ‘McCain & UnAble’ Comic Series to Highlight Bush-McCain Follies

MILWAUKEE — Sen. John McCain has served as a rubber stamp for the disastrous agenda of George W. Bush, and a new comic series created by One Wisconsin Now called “McCain & UnAble,” shows what would happen if the wealthy ideological soulmates were forced to go out into the real world and deal with the […]

Fact Free Farrow Perfect Palin Puppet

How comical is that the Wisconsin representative to the so-called ‘€œPalin Truth Squad’€ is Margaret Farrow? The ‘€œSquad’€ presumably will criticize anyone who brings up Sarah Palin’€™s ethics scandal, truth bending, right-wing extremism and revisionist history. Or those who point out that Palin refuses to talk to reporters and won’€™t answer questions. This is a […]

Introducing ‘€œMcCain and Unable’€

Today One Wisconsin Now is debuting the new comic series ‘€œMcCain and Unable.‘€ ( will highlight the Bush-McCain follies, showing what would happen if the wealthy ideological soulmates were forced to go out into the real world and deal with the consequences of their failed policies. The first episode, ‘€œMcCain and Unable Go to the […]

Leaders Agree: McCain More of the McSame

As Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin come to Cedarburg to make their first stop together in Wisconsin, progressive leaders from across Wisconsin agree: McCain is more of the same.

RNC Elitists Sneer at Community Service

There was a theme during the Republican National Convention that was as nasty as it was revealing. Speaker after speaker denigrated and mocked the service and work of community organizers. McCain’€™s running mate Sarah Palin repeatedly questioned the relevance of such selfless service. In typical Rovian fashion, they did most of this just after having […]

More of the McSame Hurts Wisconsin

As John McCain prepares to come to Wisconsin Friday, progressive leaders agree that McCain unfortunately offers more of the same. McCain has been one of the biggest supporters of the same failed policies of George W. Bush that have been a disaster for the nation and the State of Wisconsin. Wall to wall, McCain has […]

A ‘€œSoul Mate’€ No More?

John McCain and the right wing have dubbed his choice for running mate, Sarah Palin, as a reformer. McCain has gone even further actually calling Palin his ‘€œsoul mate.’€ That is difficult to believe unless McCain has totally abandoned his oft-professed hatred of earmarks. The Associated Press has compared Palin’€™s 20 month record as Governor […]

The State of Working Wisconsin 2008

The Center on Wisconsin Strategy has released its 2008 State of Working Wisconsin report and in surprise to very few, the George W. Bush economy continues to batter the state. In what appears to be a consistent theme throughout the Bush economy, the report finds that although productivity is up that many workers are simply […]

Birthday Wishes and a Warning

Only a couple weeks ago the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans and many others across the nation celebrated the 73rd birthday of the single most successful program in the history of our country, Social Security. Even though it has kept many millions out of poverty as they have grown older, just last month John McCain […]

Q & A with AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Sara Rogers

Topic: Where America Is Headed OWN: The economy is on everyone’€™s mind these days. What are you hearing from your members about the failed economic policies of George W. Bush and John McCain? Sara Rogers: Our country is headed in the wrong direction. Unemployment is up, wages are down, and we’€™re sending too many good, […]

McCain Health Care Problem Solver

Ah, the point when someone goes from being just a jerk to be an all-out comic book villain. Today’s entrant: John McCain health care adviser John Goodman.                                “The next president of the United States should sign an executive order requiring […]

McCain’€™s Record on Katrina is a Disaster

U.S. Senator John McCain is having a campaign rally in New Orleans tonight just before the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Who can forget the picture of a smiling McCain and George W. Bush holding a birthday cake the morning that the disaster hit? Even worse, who could forget that John McCain twice voted against […]

McCain Out of Touch with Women

Today is the 88th anniversary of women winning the right to vote. Eighty-eight years after women getting the equality to vote, John McCain still does not think that women deserve equal pay. McCain, like George W. Bush, has the wrong policies for America’€™s women and for struggling families. Even just a brief look at his […]

Motorcycle parts, engine manufacturer cuts 60 jobs citing ‘€˜economic slump’€™

At the beginning of this month, Sen. John McCain made a stop (read ‘€œgimmick’€) in Sturgis, South Dakota in an attempt to energize motorcycle enthusiasts, joking about tire gauges and getting some cheers after making hollow statements like ‘€œThis is my first time here but I recognize that sound. It’€™s the sound of freedom and […]

The Rising Costs of Bad Policy

We have seen the Bush energy policy at work now for nearly eight years, it seems to be a plan based on not leaving any big oil and gas company behind. The policy appears to be the following simple formula: give a free pass to these massive special interests in any way possible, give them […]

Minnesota Governor’s One Word Record: ‘Paw-thetic’

MILWAUKEE — Minnesota Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty is making his second trip of the summer to Wisconsin – this time for a pair of Milwaukee and Madison fundraisers for Sen. John McCain at $1,000-a-couple. Given his abysmal record for Minnesotans, One Wisconsin Now is suggesting Pawlenty might want to spend his time instead trying to […]

McCain Court Records: The Stuff in My Garage Is More Valuable Than Your Life

A story has been popping around the internets about a lawsuit John McCain’€™s mom filed against his first wife back in 1980. While this tale may at long last make the story of McCain leaving his injured first wife to court the millionaire beer baroness to whom he is now married of interest to the […]

Paw-Lenty of Problems in Minnesota

Minnesota Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty is making his second trip of the summer to Wisconsin. He will be going to John McCain fundraisers in both Madison and Milwaukee that will cost $1,000 per couple. Rather than run around Wisconsin trying to raise money for campaigns, it might be advisable for Pawlenty to go back home […]

John McCain OPPOSES buying American-made motorcycles

John McCain has described “Buy American” provisions as “ludicrous” [Congressional Record, 10/7/05] and has even gone so far as to sponsor and pass amendments to waive them. On Tuesday, the same day Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett held a press conference at the Milwaukee Building and Construction Trades Council, Steelworkers leafleted USW worksites across the state […]

Social Security is Not ‘€œA Disgrace’€

Today marks the 73rd birthday of the single most successful government program in the history of our country, Social Security. As such, it is rightfully being honored by the Alliance for Retired Americans (AAR) at events all across Wisconsin. They will be holding noon events in Milwaukee, Green Bay and Madison. AAR is the same […]

Another horrible idea from the inexhaustible genius, Frank Lasee

From the legislator who brought the great state of Wisconsin a plan to arm teachers with guns in an effort to curb school violence (you all remember his hilarious appearance on the Daily Show about 2 years ago’€¦), comes another idea worthy of all kinds of jokes and ridicule ‘€“ lifting a ban on drilling […]

McCain’€™s Big Oil Bill for Wisconsin: $640 Million

The Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAPAF) has done an analysis of Senator John McCain’€™s oil industry subsidies plan and it doesn’€™t look pretty. At a time when Big Oil has all of us over a barrel and is making such obscene profits, John McCain is proposing massive tax giveaways and other hand outs […]

John McCain, Are You Kidding Me With This?

My name is Julianne Bukey. I’€™m a senior at Scripps College, and I’€™m working for the summer at NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin. You may have seen this video of me asking John McCain a question about insurance coverage for birth control at a McCain Town Hall meeting in Racine, Wisconsin on Thursday, July 31, 2008. Once […]

Efficiently Ignoring Votes and Facts on Energy

John McCain has made energy his primary issue in recent weeks. It seems to be a strange choice for a U.S. Senator that has skipped every major energy vote in the last two years. That means that McCain was AWOL on 15 important votes on things like renewable energies, energy efficiency, biofuels, and even offshore […]

McCain’€™s Meltdown on Tough Nuclear Questions

Today Senator John McCain is scheduled to stop at the Enrico Fermi 2 nuclear power plant near Monroe, Michigan. He has been a big cheerleader for greatly expanding nuclear power all across the nation. As he has made this a major piece of his energy policy he has also frequently insisted that nuclear power is […]

Poor Big Oil, Let’€™s Give Them More Cash

All of the big oil companies have been announcing more record profit for the quarter. Exxon Mobile just reported that it brought in nearly $12 billion dollars in the last three months, which is not only a record for them but also a record for any U.S. company. Similarly the other big oil companies have […]

The Question that I Never Got to Ask McCain

Thursday I attended Senator John McCain’€™s town hall meeting in Racine. After passing out OWN’€™s latest press release to the local and national media, I sat down at a seat right where the Senator from Arizona entered the gym style room that held the event. Since it was billed as a ‘€œtown hall’€ I prepared […]

Sierra Club Calls Out McCain and His Big Oil Backers

At a time in the year when Big Oil is once again reporting record profits, the Sierra Club is announcing a TV ad that puts Senator John McCain’€™s energy policies under close scrutiny. While working people have been experiencing so much pain at the pump, Big Oil has continued to reap billions of dollars in […]

Questions That McCain Should Answer

In anticipation of Senator John McCain’€™s Racine town hall meeting Thursday, several concerned Wisconsinites that will be unable to attend offered five questions that they would like McCain to answer. John Valko, President of UAW Local 180 in Racine is concerned about the loss of good paying, family supporting jobs. He wants to ask Senator […]

McCain’s Social Security Guru Privatizing’s Biggest Cheerleader

Sen. John McCain used to make no secret of his support for a privatized Social Security run by his investment donors on Wall Street. He backed off of that this summer, but now he’s come roaring back on the privatizing wagon. In 2006, McCain voted convert Social Security surpluses into a private account, but then […]

McCain Reverses Self and Cashes In

We already know that Senator John McCain’€™s economic plan would give some $4 billion in handouts to Big Oil at a time when they are gouging the public and making record profits. We also know that John McCain dramatically reversed himself in June regarding the federal ban on offshore drilling. He changed his position on […]

The Knife in my Back

John McCain loves to wear his Navy hat whenever he can. He loves to let everyone know that he is a veteran and that, being a veteran, he is one of us and he supports us unequivocally. He stands up on all those stages during his speeches with this pretentious idea that he deserves to […]