John McCain

Is Voter ID Van Hollen’s October Surprise?

MADISON, Wis. — Continuing a pattern of using his state office to attempt to disenfranchise legal voters, Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen has filed a formal request for the state Supreme Court to overturn lower courts rulings that the state voter ID law is unconstitutional. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross said the […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Van Hollen Attack on Voting Rights

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements upon news Republican Attorney General JB Van Hollen would petition the state Supreme Court to overturn, in advance of the November elections, Circuit Court rulings that the state’s anti-democratic voter identification bill is unconstitutional. “JB Van Hollen has spent years, and […]

Walker Continues Anti-Democratic Assault on Voters

Like a moth to a bright light, Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker is using the non-story about a Milwaukee County assistant DA with a history of questionable priorities on voter rights issues to make his tiresome case that Voter ID is a good idea. Walker fired off a typically deceptive campaign press release (as if […]

The $57 Million Smoking Gun on Van Hollen’s Health Care Lawsuit

It’€™s not news to One Wisconsin Now that JB Van Hollen is a partisan hack. After all, this is the guy who not only tried to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters in 2008 after John McCain and the Republican Party begged him to try. And this also the guy whose office allegedly let every […]

Republicans are concerned about unicorns, not expanding access to polls

Republicans like Attorney JB Van Hollen say theyre against expanding access to the polls because a non-existent problem”voter fraud”will be carried out by non-existent groups”like ACORN. In reality, the Wisconsin Voter Protection Act will give individuals in the military and their families a better opportunity to vote and will improve the voting experience at the […]

Van Hollen Has Yet to Produce Records on Frivolous Health Reform Lawsuit

Van Hollen said Lautenschlager’s recent public support for the Open Records Law should ensure her prompt response to his request. Just this week, Lautenschlager filed suit against a Republican legislator alleging he took too long to respond to one of her requests. “I would expect to receive the requested information within ten business days,” Van […]

Has Everyone Forgotten McCain Co-Chair Van Hollen’s Last Partisan Lawsuit?

For the most part, JB Van Hollen does little more than put out occasional press releases about small settlements he’s collected and press releases about larger settlements begun under his predecessor. Oh, and file Republican-inspired partisan lawsuits with tax dollars directly help Republican elected officials.   In 2008, he infamously filed a suit against […]

Reconciliation and the Nuclear Option: Whos Lying Now?

The latest talking point to trickle down from Fox News to the rest of the GOP is that an up or down vote, also known as reconciliation, on health insurance reform in the Senate is outside the Senate rules. GOPer talking heads have equated using reconciliation with the “nuclear” option — which, gentle reader, you’ll […]

MacIver Defense of Tax Foundation Just More Right Wing Backscratching

The right wing water cooler was abuzz this week over the effrontery of the Institute for Wisconsin’€™s Future. IWF, one of Wisconsin’€™s few think tanks that doesn’€™t hock regressive tax policy, was criticizing the Tax Foundation for a garbage tax plan that would stick it to the middle class in the name of more George […]

Veterans Day parade excludes Vets for Peace

So, let me get this straight: Inviting non-veteran Scott Walker to march in the Veterans Day parade is not political, but having the word “peace” in an organization’s name is? Members of Veterans for Peace have again been barred from participation in Milwaukee’s Veterans Day Parade. Although the parade website says the event is Honoring […]

Good Day, Sarah. I Said ‘Good Day’

One Wisconsin Now spent much of last summer visiting 10 of Wisconsin’s finest cities to urge Sen. John McCain to reject the failed policies of George W. Bush. Accompanied by a clown in a cowboy hat with a bullhorn, OWN’s masked McCain would gleefully use a giant rubber stamp to affix his “McSame” approval of […]

Estate Tax Repeal Plan: $800 Billion in New Debt to Cut Taxes on Ultra-Wealthy

“The estate tax can’t have much effect on hiring by small businesses because hardly any owners ever face the estate tax …only 100 small businesses and family farms will pay any tax in 2009” —Tax Policy Center MADISON, Wis. — A discredited report being circulated by Scott Jensen’s MacIver Institute is calling for $800 billion […]

Van Hollen’s Whining on DOJ Funds Ignores Cost of Partisan Lawsuit

Wisconsin Attorney General JB Van Hollen is sobbing because his department was subject to some of the same agency cuts necessary to balance the state’s budget in light of the $6.6 billion deficit caused by the failed Bush administration which caused nationwide economic collapse. Before anyone huffs that depriving Van Hollen of every dime he […]

Six years of war sparks dozens of actions this week

Thursday marks six years since the “shock and awe” invasion rocked Iraq and the US kept the world safe from Saddam Hussein’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction. Dick Cheney continues to insist we “won” the war in Iraq because there is a new democratic government there. There’s also a new Democratic government here, and that, […]

Walker: Walking and Talking in McCain’s Footsteps at Bucyrus

What is it with Bucyrus in Milwaukee that attracts the worst of the worst on the right? It was only a short time ago that epic failure of a candidate John McCain visited the plant to tell us all ‘€œthe fundamentals of the economy are strong.’€ That worked out well. Now Scott Walker, literally and […]

Smoke Signals from Wispolitics?

Ironically, I finished reading the weekly report today at 4:20, because a couple of the items led me to believe something wafting in the air over there is contributing to the report’s most recent odd pronoucement. In sum: the weekly “rising” segment led off with the GOP as a winner this week. Yes, that […]

Who Gets the Progressive Vote for Sunday’s Super Bowl?

(Note: So yinz know, this guy’s from dahn nere in Pittsburgh, n’nat.) With so much going on at the national and state levels, one question progressives may still be asking themselves: Do I support the Pittsburgh Steelers or the Arizona Cardinals in Sunday’s Super Bowl? Consider: Pittsburgh owner Dan Rooney endorsed now-President Barack Obama and […]

Disconnected from Bush’€™s America: In Response to the Washington Post

Disconnected From Obama’s America is the headline of a Washington Post article today. Its adorned with a picture of a burly man wearing a mustache, some chest hair, and a camouflage cap hiding a gray head of hair standing in front of a wall of mounted deer heads. The article is about this rural ‘€œDemocrat’€ […]

With mud still on his face, JB throws in the towel (for now)

The news is so big that if this blog were the Drudge Report, the headline would be bold, italicized, underlined, AND capitalized: today, the John McCain for President Campaign co-chair (and Wisconsin Attorney General) JB Van Hollen dropped his partisan lawsuit against the GAB.For those who haven’€™t been in the loop on democracy lately, Van […]

Milw. Assistant DA Bruce Landgraf: Making Voter Fraud a “Reality”

Five. Five people remain under investigation for casting an improper ballot on Election Day in Milwaukee County. Five. Out of nearly 500,000 votes cast. And the crusade to criminalize voting continues. The de-facto leader this time around? Milwaukee County Assistant DA Bruce Landgraf. Despite the lack of any substantiated evidence of a ‘€œwide-spread conspiracy’€ to […]

OWN Statements on Van Hollen Partisan Lawsuit Dismissal

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements after a judge today dismissed Attorney General JB Van Hollen’s partisan lawsuit against the state of Wisconsin. “Today’s decision was a complete rejection of Republican Attorney General and John McCain for President Co-chair JB Van Hollen’s partisan lawsuit which could have […]

Van Hollen Gets Schooled on Voter Rights

From the moment that state Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen filed his frivolous lawsuit against the Government Accountability Board (GAB) it was clear to any honest observer that it was without merit and motivated by rank partisanship. That was confirmed later when it was revealed that Van Hollen’€™s office had multiple communications with Republican Party […]

Statement by AFL-CIO President John Sweeney on Voter Suppression Attempts

Statement by AFL-CIO President John Sweeney on Voter Suppression Attempts October 23, 2008 It is deeply ironic that Republican operatives are working so hard to tarnish the most dynamic voter participation in our country in decades-apparently to justify and camouflage their most organized attempt yet to deny Americans the right to vote. The right wing […]

GOP mail paints Obama as terrorist

If there were any doubt about whether John McCain — or the Wisconsin Republican Party — had a shred of decency left, the answer is no. As forecast yesterday, the GOP mailer tries to make it look like Obama is a terrorist who wishes he had planted more bombs. Pardon the expression, but it should […]

John McCain’€™s Scary Health Care Tax

On Friday healthcare workers represented by Service Employees International Union (SEIU) were joined by Healthcare United, Change to Win members, and Citizen Action of Wisconsin as they gathered in front of John McCain’€™s campaign office in West Allis. They were there to protest McCain’€™s proposed tax on health insurance. The McCain healthcare plan will only […]


It has certainly become an important question. Just Who Will JB Van Hollen Disenfranchise if the partisan lawsuit that he has filed is successful? According to the Government Accountability Board the answer could be over one million Wisconsin voters. We already know that Van Hollen’€™s office communicated with Republican Party of Wisconsin officials about the […]

Know-It-All AG Pleads for Partisan Case

Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen filed a legal brief with Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi on Wednesday. In it he asked the judge not to dismiss his partisan case against the Government Accountability Board (GAB). As we have already learned, Van Hollen’s office first communicated with Republican Party officials about the matter before the suit was filed. We […]

McCain’s terror campaign takes to the telephone

John McCain’s attempt to frighten people into voting for him sank to a new depth today. This autocall message was left on our voicemail by a male announcer this afternoon: Hello, I’m calling for John McCain and the RNC because you need to know that Barack Obama has worked closely with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, […]

No, Joe, It Just Isn’€™t So: Obama and McCain Debate Health Care Reform

Early in the third 2008 Presidential debate, John McCain introduced Joe, an Ohio plumber who wanted to buy the business in which he had worked for many years. He was supposed to become the poster child for all that was wrong about Obama’€™s policies. But on health care reform, Joe became a poster child for […]

Nearly 3,000 Petitions Call for Van Hollen to Investigate Suspicious McCain/RPW Mailings

MILWAUKEE — Nearly 3,000 Wisconsinites have signed a petition calling on Republican Attorney General and John McCain for President state co-chair JB Van Hollen to investigate suspicious absentee ballot mailings coming from McCain and the Republican Party of Wisconsin. One Wisconsin Now, which launched the drive, delivered the petitions to Van Hollen’s office Monday. “We […]

With Economy in the Depths, McCain Stays Shallow

As the stock market continues to crash at historic rates, John McCain refuses to talk substantively about the issues that are most affecting American families. His lack of a coherent response to the economic crisis shows once again just how out of touch he is with the economic issues that concern the average American. John […]

Why Did Van Hollen Stay Off Predatory Lender Lawsuit?

MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin Attorney General JB Van Hollen refused to join a civil lawsuit along with 11 other states against one of the nation’s largest predatory lenders, which just netted a record-$8.4 billion settlement. Financial disclosure records show Van Hollen owned stock totaling as much as $150,000 in at least three subprime lenders. “Attorney […]

Why Did Van Hollen Stay Off Predatory Lender Lawsuit?

Wisconsin Attorney General JB Van Hollen refused to join a civil lawsuit along with 11 other states against one of the nation’s largest predatory lenders, which just netted a record-$8.4 billion settlement. Financial disclosure records show Van Hollen owned stock totaling as much as $150,000 in at least three subprime lenders. Attorney General Van Hollen […]

Van Hollen’€™s Partisan Plans Caught on Tape

After Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen filed his frivolous lawsuit against the Government Accountability Board (GAB), he claimed that his motives were not partisan. He went on to claim that his position as John McCain co-chair played no role in the suit even though the action could help McCain by disenfranchising hundreds of thousands […]

The McCain-Palin Health Care Shell Game: The Canary in the Mine

While America’€™s attention was riveted on hunting trophies and beautified pigs, Wall Street decided it was time to distract us with some melodrama of its own.  The recent financial meltdown was not the work of foreign enemies, though it may give them great comfort to learn how adept we have become at producing self-inflicted wounds.  […]

There is No Debate, There is Just More of the Same

The last eight years have been a complete and utter failure and everyone finally knows it. Senator John McCain has been a big part of the problem as he has supported the failed policies of the Bush Administration 90 percent of the time. If anyone had any doubt that that McCain would continue the same tired approach […]

Van Hollen’€™s War Against African-American Voters

J.B. Van Hollen’€™s frivolous lawsuit against the Government Accountability Board, (GAB) is political mischief that could complicate voting for as many as 1 million people in Wisconsin. One Wisconsin Now, the League of Women Voters, municipal clerks, the GAB itself and many others have taken a stand against J.B. Van Hollen. Now the Milwaukee chapter […]

The McCain Health Plan, a Disaster for Wisconsin

The Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAPAF) released a new report today which shows that Senator John McCain’€™s proposed health care plan would threaten the employer-based health benefits of 3.3 million people in Wisconsin. To make matters even worse, his plan could cause as many as 415,000 Wisconsinites to actually lose their health care […]

New Report on McCain Health Plan

With ordinary Americans increasingly struggling under the combined impact of the banking and health care crises, the Center for American Progress Action Fund is preparing to release a report detailing how the McCain health care plan would increase the burden on middle-class families in Wisconsin. The report, which will be released Wednesday at a joint […]

Constantly Reinventing Yourself Must be Exhausting

Although you wouldn’€™t know by his rhetoric recently, John McCain has always been a zealous promoter of deregulation and less government oversight. In 2003 he bluntly described himself saying, ‘€œI am a deregulator. I believe in deregulation.’€ [CNN, ‘€œIn the Money,’€ 7/13/03] This has been McCain’s ideology for his entire time in the U.S. Senate and […]