
Republican Party Official Defends Anti-Semetic Slur

After pandering Republicans – from Walker to Johnson to Kleefisch – rode the divisive tea party wave in the elections of 2010, the RPW’s collective reticence to criticize would appear intentional.

One Wisconsin Now files open records request to anti-working family Senators

One Wisconsin Now filed the following Open Records request today with the 18 Wisconsin Senators who illegally passed Gov. Walker’s attack on the rights of working families in March. We look forward to seeing what comes back in the most timely fashion. Dear Senators: This letter is to request the following records, under the state’s […]

Walker asking out-of-state donors to keep Senate GOP in office

Gov. Scott Walker and his GOP underlings have complained (incorrectly) for months that the pro-union movement in Wisconsin is being fueled by out-of-state forces. Now, the press is reporting that Gov. Walker is in Florida asking out-of-state donors to fuel the campaigns of GOP Senators facing recall: Last week, news outlet Newsmax talked to Walker […]

The Flaming Nazi Gasbag attacks.

No, not the Hindenburg. That’s just a zeppelin. Rush Limbaugh launched a false and inflammatory attack against One Wisconsin Now on Friday, because he wants a Wisconsin Supreme Court that supports Scott Walker, and not us.   Rush is in a snit because One Wisconsin Now has called for an investigation into Waukesha County Clerk […]

Scholars Laud Correct Spelling, Proper Election Date in Sarah Palin’s Pro-Prosser Tweet

A coalition of respected scientists from countries spanning four continents praised this morning’s “tweet” supporting Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser from cable reality show washout Sarah Palin for not only its proper spelling, but also for correctly identifying the date of Wisconsin’s Supreme Court election. “We have come expect from Sarah Palin factual error, […]

Michelle Litjens: the Fox Valley’s Convenient Christian

Wisconsin homes are getting an interesting robo-call from Assembly Republican sheep team member Rep. Michelle Litjens. Enjoy the noxious hyperbole and sanctimony and then we’ll talk more: This is Michelle Litjens, I’m a Republican state representative from the Fox Valley.  Recently, a Democrat legislator threatened my life on the floor of the Capitol.  He apologized […]

Fake Teacher from Wisconsin’ Now in Florida Chamber of Commerce Ad

Last week, we revealed that the corporate-financed mother of all special interest smear ad groups, the Republican State Leadership Committee, had a false ad about Sen. Dave Hansen with false claims about a fake teacher who would leave Wisconsin. That “teacher” sure does get around, as an ad to attack workers in Florida, paid for […]

More Lies from the GOP Noise Machine on Cronon Attacks

Never  allowing facts to get in the way of its smears, the right wing is trying to create a false moral equivalency between retaliatory actions taken by the Republican Party of Wisconsin against UW-Madison Professor Bill Cronon and a completely different kind of request for contract information made by One Wisconsin Now. After Professor Cronon, […]

Rightwing MJS’ Columnist Patrick McIlheran’s Downplays Sexual Assault of Children to Defend Prosser Inaction

Rightwing Republican talking-point stenographer Patrick McIlheran has outdone himself on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s website today. McIlheran, a prolific contributor to the opinion page and the print version of the MJS outdoes himself on the site in a column defending David Prosser’s unwillingness to prosecute a sexual abuse of children by a priest with prominent […]

Prosser’s “Enviable” Record of Keeping our Families Safe?

“In a question about their experience, Prosser said Kloppenburg “is incredibly envious of my record” of handling criminal cases as Outagamie County district attorney and his years serving in the Assembly and state Supreme Court.” Actually, no, I don’t think Kloppenburg or anyone with any knowledge of Prosser’s complete record would be envious. Not […]

David Prosser: The Partisans’ Partisan in Six Acts

There’s no denying former Republican Assembly Speaker and failed Republican Congressional nominee David Prosser is a long-time partisan cog in the Republican machine. But is he the most partisan state Supreme Court Justice Wisconsin has ever had? The answer would be a resounding “yes.” And when looking at his record on the Supreme Court, it’s […]

Walker email count omits 18,000 from One WI Now supporters

Add this to the numbers swirling around emails sent to Governor Walker about his controversial “budget repair” bill. Not included in the count of Walker’s email were the messages One Wisconsin Now supporters sent to the Wisconsin state legislature opposing Walker’s assault on worker’s rights. All in all, 22,064 people signed our petition aginst the […]

Out-of-state Republican Group Claims ‘File Footage’ Actor is WI Teacher in Hansen Attack

The Republican State Leadership Committee is back at it again in Wisconsin. RSLC is a Karl Rove-assisted, Washington DC-area corporate front group, which has spent over $60 million since 2002 to elect Republicans. It attacked Democratic state legislators here during 2010, in one instance using a race-baiting mailer where a white woman has her mouth […]

Did Hopper Vote for a Job for His Alleged Mistress?

In today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dan Bice revealed that the alleged mistress of State Sen. Randy Hopper, was given a taxpayer-financed job in the state Department of Regulation and Licensing at the urging of the Walker administration. One must wonder if she is in line for one of the more than three-dozen new political positions […]

Gov. Walker incentivizes the poor to just die already

Bring out your dead! Sure, Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker proposed a budget that would end drug coverage for low-income seniors and hand over oversight of and cut funding for our state’€™s successful health care program, BadgerCare, to his extreme administration. But fear not, poors! Gov. Walker’€™s budget makes it cheaper to die anyway: The […]

ICYMI: Walker now ignores public opinion

This month we saw Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican-led legislature ram through a piece of legislation despite HUGE public opposition. Poll after poll after poll confirmed that the public was firmly against Walker and the GOP and their push for government taking away the rights of workers. Now, facing numerous serious recall efforts and […]

Sheila Cochran: ‘Not a budget — A massacre’

Sheila Cochran, Secretary/Treasurer of the Milwaukee Area Labor Council, has written the definitive analysis of Scott Walker’s plans to dismantle Wisconsin and the infrastructure that makes Wisconsin the best place in an America to live, work and raise a family. Read on: Everyday this fight goes on; more people begin to understand what is at […]

Walker gives to the rich, takes from the poor

Two troubling stories about Gov. Scott Walker’s disastrous budget came across the desk this morning. The first, from the Capital Times: Will Gov. Scott Walker’s budget make it harder for poor families in Wisconsin to get medical care and put food on the table? Some people think so. The governor is proposing to move the […]

100,000 strong (PHOTO)

I stitched together shots from a video One Wisconsin Now made, showing the clear public opposition to Republican Gov. Scott Walker using the government to take away the rights of workers. See the full image here.   Ok, go ahead and say it… “This is what democracy looks like!”

Remarks of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis Regarding Wisconsin

Below are excerpts from U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis regarding the on-going situation in Wisconsin and the efforts to take away the rights of America’s workers: I’ve been following the developments in Wisconsin, and Ohio, and many other states across the country. We know that many states are facing tough budget decisions. We […]

Bill Killed? Walker Promised Law Prohibiting Legisition Between 10p-9a

The GOP-controlled state Assembly’s shameful and possibly illegal action in the middle of the night Thursday to ram through Gov. Scott Walker effort to use the government to take away the rights of Wisconsin workers has hit a number of hurdles — including hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites who continue to rally across the state. […]

Wisconsin to Walker: ‘Just Say No’ to Koch

The nation has found out, the dirty little secret that we in Wisconsin have known for some time. That Governor Scott Walker has a serious Koch problem. But that’s the way it with Koch. Gov. Walker thought, I can handle it. I can quit anytime I want to. Only I don’t want to. So, it’s […]

The Complete Scott Walker-‘David Koch’ Transcript

While Gov. Scott Walker hasn’t been willing with, or even talk to, Wisconsin’s workers, he was more than willing to take a call from someone he thought was gazillionaire David Koch. Of course, Gov. Walker would take the call. Koch Industries gave Walker’s campaign $43,000 and now Koch propaganda machine, Americans for Prosperity, is spending […]

Walker Rapid Response Part 4: Working Families Compromise; Walker Refuses to Sit Down, Talk

Walker Rhetoric: “Our measure asks for a 5.8% contribution to the pension, and a 12.6% contribution for health insurance premiums.” Reality: “In fast-moving events Friday: Leaders of the state’s biggest public worker unions said they would give in to the governor’s demand for concessions on workers’ benefits if Walker would give up his bid to […]

Walker Rapid Response Part 3: Attacking Health Care Access

Walker Rhetoric: “It’s about Wisconsin families trying to make ends meet and help their children.” Reality: “Walker’s Department of Health Services could unilaterally change state laws dealing with the programs, which affect more than a million state residents from infants to the elderly and include a spectrum of BadgerCare plans, FamilyCare, and SeniorCare.” [Capital Times, […]

Walker Rapid Response Part 2: Walker Just Approved $140 Million in New Spending

Walker Rhetoric: “The legislation I put forward is about one thing: It’s about balancing our budget. Now, and in the future. Wisconsin faces a $137 million deficit for the remainder of this fiscal year. And a $3.6 billion deficit for the upcoming budget.” Reality: In less than one month, Gov. Walker and the Republican-controlled legislature […]

Walker Rapid Response Part 1: Government Taking Workers Rights

Walker Rhetoric: “The bill I put forward isn’t aimed at state workers. And it certainly isn’t a battle with unions. If it was, we would eliminated collective bargaining entirely.” Reality: “Public employees were reeling Friday trying to figure out what to do after Gov. Scott Walker asked the Legislature to remove nearly all collective bargaining […]

Breitbart wrong: Wisconsinites making history

Over the last week, literally hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites have flooded our state’s capital city to show support for the rights of workers. Union, non-union, public sector, private sector, students, teachers, law enforcement, firefighters, and every middle-class Wisconsinite in between has shown up in numbers that dwarf the Koch brother-financed gatherings we encountered the […]

Walker’s Budget Scheme: Undemocratic, Unbalanced, Potentially Unconstitutional

See OWN’s full release here. Walker campaigned on cutting state spending on BadgerCare, he hired a budget director who has advocated states should opt out of the federal Medicaid program, and now he buries in the budget adjustment bill (after saying he wouldn’t put “policy” items into fiscal budget bills) a policy that would allow […]

Sign the Petition Against Walker’s Government Take-Away of Our Rights

Scott Walker has done the unthinkable. Friday, Gov. Walker made the shocking announcement that he plans to use the government to strip away the rights workers in Wisconsin. And he’s willing to call out the National Guard to enforce his unprecedented power grab. Stand with workers, right now, and sign our petition demanding your legislator […]

Right Wing’s “National Marriage Week” Failing Miserably

Early last week Wisconsin Family Action made a thrilling announcement: Republican Gov. Scott Walker had issued a National Marriage Week proclamation! While many view the week as nothing more than a thinly-veiled attack on same-sex couples and the voices in the LGBT community, the GOP often jumps at the chance to appease their ultra-conservative base […]

A Tale of Two Scotts (or Privatization Simply Doesn’t Work)

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Florida Gov. Rick Scott have a lot in common. Both are Republicans. Both put corporate interests before the interests of people. And heck, when I went to google a pic of Rick Scott, I found this: The similarities are uncanny I tell yas. But here is where they ARE different: […]

Wisconsin proceeds with health care law despite Van Hollen

Implementation of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law has not stopped in Wisconsin, even though Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen declared the law dead earlier this week. … But Van Hollen is not able to order an end to implementation and he said Thursday that he has not advised fellow Republican Gov. Scott Walker […]

Rep. Joel Herbert Hoover Kleefisch

Mercifully, GOP Gov. Scott Walker’s “special interest” session is coming to an expensive end. Taking away rights for victims, less accountability for tens of millions of dollars in taxpayers funds, paybacks to corporate contributors and a $140 million spending spree that will likely create zero jobs have been the GOP’s offerings to deal with rampant […]

MJS: “Talk is cheap; don’t suppress state’s votes”

  We all know requiring folks to present a photo ID before they are allowed to vote is an expensive solution to a problem that doesn’t exist — not to mention, fairly undemocratic. Editorial boards across the state have been giving the GOP’s “21st Century Poll Tax” due criticism; the latest comes from the Milwaukee […]

Van Hollen Claims on Voter Fraud Are Out of This World

It is long-since known, JB Van Hollen will do anything, go to any length, dispatch any resource at the taxpayer-financed Wisconsin Department of Justice to further his partisan political agenda. We all remember how Van Hollen’s top lieutenant was seeking help on the health care lawsuit with the Republican State Leadership Committee — one of […]

Useless GOP Health Care Repeal Efforts Most Harmful to Young People

After the stirring job-creation effort put up by the new Republican-controlled U.S. House majority by reading the Constitution, Paul Ryan’s gang was going to have to really stretch to out-do that bit of uselessness. Turns out, they are more than up to that challenge. Today, the new Boehnerites in the GOP House Majority are wasting […]

GOP Job Creation Plan: Protect Big Businesses from Accountability

Job creation and reducing the state’s $3.3 billion budget deficit Payback to big business donors seems to be the top priority of part of Gov. Scott Walker. Today, the Senate is debating the corporate no-accounability bill, also known as tort reform. Basically, it creates a system in which the consumer will never be able to […]

Why Voter ID is bad for Wisconsin

Many of you have written in response to our email yesterday about the voter ID bill. Some of you were very enthusiastic in your support of our efforts to fight back against this assault on our voting rights. But others of you had questions about the bill, and wondered why we oppose requiring qualified voters […]

Walker’s Tax Philosophy — Debunked…again

Gov. Scott Walker is dead-set on repeating all of the mistakes of the Bush administration which caused the national economic collapse. Walker has called for over $5 billion in tax breaks, shifts and loopholes that will require drastic cuts to education, health care and yank cops and firefighters off the streets. Instead of prioritizing job […]

Grieving Mother to Scott Walker: Why?

After waiting over seven hours, just before 8:30 Tuesday night, Dawn Kellner testified before a joint state legislative committee to offer her tearful opposition to Gov. Scott Walker’s first bill – which would provide unprecedented immunity from accountability for those who harm citizens. Dawn Kellner is the grieving mother of Jared Kellner, the 15-year-old boy […]

How much will WI taxpayers pay for Van Hollen’s lawsuit gimmick?

Wisconsin Attorney General JB Van Hollen is doing what conservatives do best these days — wasting taxpayer dollars performing totally empty gestures in an effort to gin up the Tea Party base. See yesterday’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Van Hollen is pushing hard for Wisconsin to join the multi-state lawsuit against the historic federal health insurance […]