
No public option — this is what we’ve been waiting for?

Sen. Max Baucus had a clear choice — the American people or the health insurance industry.   As head of the Senate Finance Committee working on one of the most important issues of our lifetime, his choice was real health insurance reform that ends the stranglehold insurance companies have on us, or selling out to […]

Wisconsin Judicial Commission Head to Gableman: You Lie

At today’€™s hearing before the three-judge ethics panel convened to determine whether Supreme Court Justice Mike Gableman should be disciplined over a false (and racist) campaign ad he launched against then-Justice Louis Butler, the head of the Wisconsin Judicial Commission summed up Gableman’€™s notorious ad: ”Let’s say what it is – it’s a lie,” James […]

Randy Hopper: The lesson from Merc debacle? WI needs more corporate welfare

Will enough ever be enough for corporate piranhas and their lackeys in the conservative caucuses at the State Capitol? Apparently not for Randy Hopper, whose column in the Oshkosh Northwestern this weekend calls for even more taxpayer financed gifts to corporate interests. Seriously. According to Randy Hopper what Wisconsin really needs to do is levy […]

Peacemakers honored for lifetimes of work

Two Madison college professors with religious backgrounds, who have worked tirelessly to change the world, will be honored for their lifetimes of activism on Oct. 3 by the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice (WNPJ), a statewide network of 170 organizations working for social change. Joe Elder, a Quaker peace activist who is a University […]

Hate on parade in our nation’s capital

The story on the 9/12 tea festival in DC is a few days old now, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t post something, anything, on the fear-based, hate-fueled ignorance that came out of our nation’s capital over the weekend.I actually won’t circulate the sometimes racist, sometimes hate-fueled, always conservative signage being held at the […]

What the WI Hospital Association wants you to think

The Wisconsin Hospital Association is misleading Wisconsin residents concerned about real health insurance reform with some recent ads. It wants you to think happy thoughts about the state of health insurance in Wisconsin and casts a dark shadow over health insurance reform efforts.’€œEvery child in Wisconsin has access to health care coverage, as do 98% […]

WISTAX out to scare schools, public

The conservative Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance issued a release yesterday regarding their recent report titled, ‘€œState budget woes mean school, taxpayer problems’€ that’€™ll probably scare the bejesus out of, well, schools and taxpayers.The guv and legislature had a difficult task of making over $3 billion of cuts in the budget in the midst of a nationwide […]

Corporate choke hold pays off for Mercury Marine

So that happened. Union workers at Mercury Marine voted to accept the stunning contract offer from management at Brunswick. Workers at the plant in Fond du Lac were given two basic choices ” as one union guy put it ” cut off your leg, and accept a seven-year pay freeze, or cut off your head, […]

A very narrow interpretation of JB’s openness

Apparently the editorial board of the Wisconsin State Journal hasn’€™t made an open records request of Atty General J.B. Van Hollen recently. If they had, they might not be giving Van Hollen such a high grade. Having made several records requests of Van Hollen’€™s office, we have found him to less than forthcoming with information, […]

Obama 2 – Louisiana GOPers Zilch

GOPer Charles Boustany had the awesome job of following President Barack Obama’s historic clarion call to end the stranglehold health insurance companies have on the nation. Boustany, like Gov. Bobby Jindal last year,  was dispatched to offer the marginalized Party of No’s latest no.Boustany, bought and paid for with $1.25 million in health and insurance […]

President Reaches Podium Without Being Arrested by Jean Schmidt

Neo-birther Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Bucket-of-Dumb) was unable to have President Barack Hussein Osama arrested tonight either for being a non-America Kenyaner, or for being a known “black.” Emboldened, the President briefly praised Allah, and called for the Democratic-controlled Congress to pass health insurance reform, goddamn it.

Rising medical costs contribute to the “hidden” problem of senior poverty

The number of seniors living in poverty is perhaps double what has been reported by the government in the past, due in part because the rising costs of medical care haven’t been included in a senior’s living expenses: The National Academy of Science’s formula, which is gaining credibility with public officials including some in the […]

How many taxpayer dollars have been egregiously wasted on Robert Cowles?

Robert Cowles, R-Green Bay, was first elected to the Assembly in 1982, and moved up to the State Senate in 1987. Since 1982, Robert Cowles has been feeding at the trough of taxpayer dollars. We have paid his salary and paid for his Cadillac health care coverage (which he refuses to extend to the rest […]

One Wisconsin Now Takes to the Air

Americans Republicans for Prosperity had a shindig in Miller Park this weekend to celebrate its recent ‘€œRepublican Rallies for Failure,’€ which brought in corporate-shill John Stossel to join with Republicans in criticizing President Obama. One Wisconsin Now decided to give them a proper greeting, and so ‘€œabove the filter,’€ we offered the following:

Is Americans for Prosperity endorsing Sean Duffy for Congress?

It’s common knowledge that non-profit organizations can’t endorse political candidates, to everyone except Americans for Prosperity’s executive director Mark Block, that is. Block, who in 2000 was fined $15,000 and banned from volunteering or working on political campaigns for 4 years, has raised new questions about activities being conducted by his organization. According to the […]

Fond du Lac the latest casualty in corporate race to the bottom

Over the weekend, corporate leadership at Brunswick, the owner of Mercury Marine, proved beyond any doubt that not only were they negotiating in bad faith, they were never planning on keeping the plant in Fond du Lac. And once again, working families in Wisconsin get left in the dust in the race to bottom that […]

ABC Tells Wausau Media Stossel “Doesn’t Endorse Organizations” Week Before He Endorses Americans (read: Republicans) for Prosperity

Corporate-accountability foe and GOP darling ABC News 20/20 Host John Stossel has been slithering around our great state with a traveling rumba of rattlesnakes from Republicans for Prosperity. One Wisconsin Now has dubbed these ‘€œRepublican Rallies for Failure,’€ as part of a Republican strategy, financed by Republican special interests to defeat Democratic President Obama no […]

Blogger falls for Van Hollen’s flip-flop on domestic partners

Owen Robinson from Boots & Sabers was on WPR’s Week in Review to defend JB Van Hollen’s refusal to represent the state in its efforts to extend basic legal protections, such as hospital visitation rights, to domestic partners in Wisconsin.Robinson basically reiterated the point Van Hollen made in his letter to Gov. Doyle that the […]

“Republican Rally for Failure” with John Stossel

Americans for Prosperity’s ‘€˜Republican Rally for Failure’€™ is central in the Republican strategy, bankrolled by Republican interests, to defeat the Democratic President at any cost. They don’€™t care about lying to us. They don’€™t care if our health care costs keep skyrocketing. They don’€™t care if Americans die due to lack of health insurance coverage […]

Packed house greets Kagen, calls for reform

A packed house of progressives, advocacy groups, community activists, labor unions and faith-based organizations joined Rep. Steve Kagen, M.D., (D-WI8) in calling for Congress to pass real health care reform that improves access and affordability and includes a public option to end the monopoly enjoyed by the health insurance industry. For over three decades, I […]

Walker stalls as U.S. stimulates Milwaukee Co. Transit

Eight hundred miles away in our nation’€™s capital, someone’€™s looking to stimulate Milwaukee County’€™s economy as County Executive Scott Walker chooses not to. Yesterday, U.S. Dept. of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced Recovery Act funds in the amount of $27.4 million to pay for Wisconsin transit improvements, most of which are heading to Milwaukee County.According […]

Who’s carrying WMC’s water?

We have all seen the misleading smear ads Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce runs each election cycle, and WMC consistently ranks at or near the top in lobbying expenditures each legislative session. But what does WMC get in return? The short answer: anything it wants from the corporate-lapdog Republicans it helps elect to the Wisconsin Legislature. […]

Big Insurance Investment in Ryan Continues to Pay Dividends

€œYoung Gun’€ Paul Ryan is at it again ‘€“ paid off to do the bidding of the health insurance lobby. A report using stats from the Center for Responsive politics showed that big interest group donor to Ryan during his ten years in office is’€¦ you guessed it, health insurance. Half a million bucks. What […]

Campaign Against Violence Hosts ‘Put the Guns Down’ Festival

On Sunday, August 30th, 2009, Campaign Against Violence (CAV) will cap off its summer initiative with their 5th annual ‘Put the Guns Down Festival’, at Washington Park starting at 11am. The non-profit group known for its leadership development and civic engagement efforts will keep things on a lighter note with this gathering.  The festival will […]

Payday Lender Mouthpiece Admits: Industry Discriminates Against Military Families

On this past weekend’€™s Wisconsin Public Television Here and Now show, viewers were treated to a discussion about a proposed 36 percent interest cap on payday loan sharks between the bill’€™s author, Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) and payday industry lobbyist Erin Krueger. Responding to Rep. Hintz’€™s observation that Wisconsin is the only state without a […]

Since when was anyone in the Bush Admin fired for incompetency?

Let’s list the reasons why US Attorney Steve Biskupic could have been put on the firing list by Karl Rove: 1. Georgia Thompson 2. 14 indictments, just 5 convictions 3. One of the double voters was a conservative… But he probably got two gold stars for these brilliant convictions: 43 year old grandmother who mistakenly […]

Who killed the middle class? Oh yeah…

And conservatives are still arguing for more tax cuts…when is enough enough? A new report tells the story: Income inequality in the United States is at an all-time high, surpassing even levels seen during the Great Depression, according to a recently updated paper by University of California, Berkeley Professor Emmanuel Saez. Though income inequality has […]

Anti-Stimulus Walker Proven WrongAgain As Another $3.1 Million in Stimulus Funds for Milwaukee Airport

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker’€™s opposition to the $7 billion in stimulus funds allotted for Wisconsin under President Obama’€™s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has drawn scorn inside and outside of Milwaukee County. The criticism has become more acute due to drastic cuts Walker is proposing for Milwaukee County he says are necessary. Let’€™s not […]

The Before Picture

My Not Mother? This protestor, with a cleaned up sign, made the cover of today’€™s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. I talked with her outside of yesterday’€™s event. Rather, she wagged the Liberty University-generated, health insurance industry-friendly talking points at me and ran through a litany of falsehoods about the health reform plan Rep. Gwen Moore was […]

MacIver Also Watching Stimulation Closely

Scott Walker got called out recently for sitting by and watching as Wisconsin and the U.S. stimulate Milwaukee County’€™s economy for him. Now the conservative MacIver Institute has created a project called the Wisconsin Stimulus Watch that will also pay close attention and put its spin on the jobs coming to Wisconsin via the American […]

“Just a Mom” town hall troll really GOP operative

Heather Blish introduced herself to Rep. Steve Kagen’s Town Hall last week in true Sarah Palin fashion — holding her baby as prop and claiming she is “just a mom” with real concerns about health care reform. Her ‘regular mom’ act was so authentic she even got on the teevee news! You could almost hear […]

Walker’s War on Milwaukee County turns against homeless vets

You’ll remember One WI Now’s ongoing coverage of Milwaukee County Exec Scott Walker opposition to accepting federal stimulus dollars to help Milwaukee County provide vital services to its residents. Then you’€™ll recall Walker’€™s ridiculous budget proposal that slashed funding for programs serving seniors, the disabled and at-risk youth. Further, Walker’€™s insane budget proposal went directly […]

RPW Blog Continues to Feature Anonymous Author of ‘Fag Lobby’ Comments

The Republican Party of Wisconsin still features the anonymous blogger ‘€œDad29’€ as a featured contributor, almost a week after the blog’€™s author angrily responded to comments on “his’€ blog with the homophobic retort: ‘€œTypical fag lobby.’€ Dad29 is able to take nasty, homophobic pot shots from a coward’€™s vantage point cloaked in anonymity. That the […]

Consumer Protection Roundup, Week of Aug. 3 – Aug. 8

This past weekend was a busy one for consumer protection news in Wisconsin. As a part of a new regular installment, I’€™ll bring you a roundup of the most important news in consumer rights, better business accountability and highlights & lowlights from the view of the consumer. AG Van Hollen drags feet while CA-based ‘€˜mortgage […]

At Journal Communications, rich get richer while others get pay cuts and layoffs

Hard times have fallen on Journal Communications and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Thirty-four more buyouts, Editor and Publisher reports. More layoffs are likely.  The Newspaper Guild already had accepted 6.6% wage cuts in April to try to save some jobs, after nine people accepted buyouts in the spring.  Steve Smith, chairman of the board and […]

Was Rick Wiley behind ‘Rick Perry Gay?’

Former director of WISGOP Rick Wiley recently joined Mark Neumann’s campaign for governor. Kay Bailey Hutchison announced she’s leaving the US Senate to run for governor of Texas against secessionist-GOPer incumbent Rick Perry. Ah what a small world we live in. See, Rick Wiley left his post with the Hutchison campaign to join Neumann’s. Seems […]

CRG Cries about Media Coverage During Media Coverage

Everyone in Wisconsin knew the Citizens for “Republican” Government’s recall of Gov. Doyle effort was going no where. But it was a nice ruse: Announce the recall, knowing CRG’s recall squealing is crack to the Milwaukee media and other conservative-inclined outlets.Get your talking points our criticizing the governor through dribbling press releases about the “progress” […]

Walker Hypocrisy Watch: No Policy in the State Budget

With the shock still throughout Milwaukee over County Executive Scott Walker’€™s plan to slash funding for seniors, the disabled, at-risk youth, as well as end funding for homeless shelters, Walker engaged in exactly the kind of leadership we’€™ve enjoyed from the career politician ‘€“ he hightailed it out of town. Landing in Eau Claire, Walker […]

Marketing disguised as “education” driving up the costs of health care

If you still need convincing that our health care system needs a public option, take a look at some of the testimony coming out of the Senate congressional hearing: Drug company funding of continuing medical education for doctors has become one of the most lucrative ways for pharmaceutical firms to promote and sell their products, […]

Green Bay’s City Clerk using post to push right-wing political agenda

Green Bay’€™s Republican City Clerk is using what should be a non-partisan office to push his right-wing political agenda to restrict voting rights. Chad Weininger, the former deputy chief of staff for ex-Rep. Mark Green (R) who was a staunch advocate for restrictive voter ID laws in Congress and throughout his unsuccessful campaign for governor, […]

Walker watches Obama, Doyle stimulate Milwaukee

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker made national headlines early this year when he announced he would abstain from taking federal stimulus dollars to support the infrastructure of his home county. But whether Walker likes it or not, Gov. Doyle and the Obama administration are giving Milwaukee County and the rest of Wisconsin some sorely needed […]

Scott Walker, flaming liberal Baptist???

Remember the lesson we learned in the 2008 presidential campaign? If your pastor says something and you don’t condemn it, it’s like you said it. Given that, you’ll be surprised to learn that Scott Walker opposes the state ban on gay marriage, supports reproductive rights for women, and is strongly against the war in Iraq. […]

Good Day, Sarah. I Said ‘Good Day’

One Wisconsin Now spent much of last summer visiting 10 of Wisconsin’s finest cities to urge Sen. John McCain to reject the failed policies of George W. Bush. Accompanied by a clown in a cowboy hat with a bullhorn, OWN’s masked McCain would gleefully use a giant rubber stamp to affix his “McSame” approval of […]

Attention WMC: Businesses want to come to Wisconsin

Despite the best efforts of WMC to scare businesses away from Wisconsin with their never-ending ‘tax-hell’ rhetoric, Wisconsin is attracting companies and good-paying, family-supporting jobs. The Wisconsin State Journal reports the University Research Park has nine new business tenants, three of which were companies moving to Wisconsin from other states. The nine new biotech and […]

Voucher schools finally being asked for some proof that they’re high quality

It appears that Howard Fuller’€™s transformation from wanting limited regulation of voucher schools to wanting, you know, voucher schools programs to be of high quality, is continuing, albeit at a slow march. Here’€™s Fuller in 2004 about his support of Bush’s No Child Left Behind bill’€™s testing provisions (even though he opposed similar provisions for […]

Principles for sale: ACU-FedEx, WIL-K12 Inc?

The American Conservative Union (ACU) was put on the defensive this week after POLITICO revealed it attempted netting $3 million from FedEx in exchange for executing a huge campaign to support FedEx-friendly legislation. This makes me wonder: was Brian Fraley’€™s Wisconsin Institute for Leadership (WIL) playing the same pay to promote game when it took […]