
Some questions for our friend Scott

When Steve Walters was reporting for the Journal Sentinel’s Madison bureau, a lot of Democrats thought he just put Tommy Thompson’s news releases — or Jim Klauser’s memos — right in the newspaper, without bothering to edit them or ask anyone for an opposing viewpoint. So it was a pleasant surprise when Walters, now a […]

Ed Thompson to take Wealthcare pledge

Ed Thompson announced today that he’€™d be singing Grover Norquist’€™s ‘€œTaxpayer Protection Pledge.’€ In his latest press release, Thompson raises the roof for Norquist and his group, Americans for Tax Reform, for championing a belief in anti-working class tax policies. Score another one for the fat cats.We’€™ve written about disciples of Norquist’€™s no new taxes […]

Reconciliation and the Nuclear Option: Whos Lying Now?

The latest talking point to trickle down from Fox News to the rest of the GOP is that an up or down vote, also known as reconciliation, on health insurance reform in the Senate is outside the Senate rules. GOPer talking heads have equated using reconciliation with the “nuclear” option — which, gentle reader, you’ll […]

Walker promises more private pools

Good news, Wisconsin taxpayers. There are more swimming pools in your future. Look for one in a backyard near you — but not at the park. Campaign press release: Scott Walker, Milwaukee County executive and Republican candidate for governor, told a crowd of over 125 at Sheraton Hotel this weekend that as governor he would […]

What would Ayn Rand think, Paul Ryan?

Competition. The ubiquitous cry of rabid free-marketers, Ayn Randites and conservatives as the answer to all that ills us. Just undo regulation and UNLEASH THE POWAH of the free market and competition! I can hear the bellowing now. Despite the repeated failures of total deregulation (current recession, runaway credit card industry, stock market crashes, etc.), […]

Your State Pension Under Attack

A great retort from AFSCME’s Marty Biel about WPRI’s attack on the state pension system that their president, George Lightbourn, a 20-year public employee himself who managed and now receives benefits from the system, posted by Sly this morning: Your State Pension Under Attack Executive Director Beil Blast’s Opponents of State Pension PlanDefends Public Sector […]

We do take issue with the facts of WPRI study, Lightbourn

So ‘€œWisconsin’€™s Free Market Think Tank’€ released yet another report reinforcing the pro-corporate agenda of conservatives. Big surprise.In its latest report, the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute (WPRI) wants the public to be outraged at the government for offering pensions that are too ‘€œrich’€ compared to the private sector. OWN and other progressive leaders have called […]

Health insurance corporation ups premiums 17% in Wisc.

The health insurance industry has once again reminded the American public why we ever started talking about health insurance reform in the first place. A new report shows that WellPoint ‘€“ the nation’€™s largest health insurance corporation by membership ‘€“ will increase premiums in Wisconsin by 17 percent.The report by the Center for American Progress […]

CEOs put down the champagne and caviar to cheer Walker’s corporate welfare plan

If theres one thing new Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce board chair Tom Howatt and his corporate cronies at WMC enjoy more than anything, its a big ole handout from the government. Take Howatts company Wausau Paper. In the final quarter of 2009, Wausau Paper reported its best earnings quarter in ten years, $9.2 million, the […]

Note RPWs Quick Defense of Tommy! ” Terrence Wall Street Must Be Jealous

The Republican Party of Tommy! has registered its great displeasure with One Wisconsin Now’€™s press release from yesterday congratulating former Gov. Tommy Thompson on the incredible cashing in he’€™s done since leaving the corrupt Bush administration. Tommy!, whose greatest achievement as Health and Human Services Secretary was helping the Bush Administration lie about the cost […]

Nuclear waste problem solved; carry your own

State Rep. Kevin Petersen, a Waupaca Republican who clearly believes in individual responsibility, has an idea to solve the problem that has stumped the nuclear industry, scientists and the government for 50 years: What to do with the deadly nuclear waste produced by reactors? It’s such a small quantity, Petersen seems to say, that maybe […]

Anti-Recovery Walkers Highway to the Road Builders Paved with Hypocrisy

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has been was as virulent against the Recovery Act funds for Wisconsin as the dopey ex-Governor of Alaska was about her state’€™s share. You know who hasn’€™t been against the Recovery Act? The Wisconsin Road Builders.Yep, the same gang that Walker is traveling all the way to Florida to grovel […]

WCCF Shows Recovery Act’s $2 Billion in Direct Benefits

The Wisconsin Council on Children and Families has put together detailed information about the more than $2 billion Recovery Act funding that counties in Wisconsin received to start digging us out of the hole created by the failed economic policies of the Republican Congress and George W. Bush. Check out the county data here. WCCF […]

Ryan’s Roadmap already charted by Worst President Ever

During some downtime between creating super awesome and totally relevant Ayn Rand fanboy videos and posting them on Facebook, Paul Ryan managed to find time to offer up the latest GOP lead-balloon plan for propping up the rich and corporations while selling out the middle class. Ryans Roadmap for America was brought to the forefront […]

Walker stimulated by Recovery Act railroad advocate

With rail on the mind as Joint Finance meets today to discuss establishing a high-speed rail line between Madison and Milwaukee, this seems to be an appropriate time to point out that Scott Walker received a $10,000 contribution from a railroad chief who happens to be a very visible advocate for using Recovery Act dollars […]

Walker Admin to Sexual Assault Victim: You weren’t murdered so no big deal

“This is not a case where there was a fatality or serious injury,” Marks said. Her department is taking seriously the concerns raised by the investigation, she said. No apology to the victims at the mental health facility who were sexually abused, just, well gee, there’s been no murders so what’s the big deal? Sexual […]

WISTAX Watch alert: Coincidence WISTAX report targets cities, not counties?

WISTAX Watch is asking the conservative Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance to explain why its latest report focusing on fee increases in cities and villages ignores county governments. The state is in the midst of a gubernatorial campaign between Milwaukee’s conservative county executive, Scott Walker and Milwaukee’s mayor, Tom Barrett. It defies logic that WISTAX focuses on […]

Joel Kleefish: Castro-Soviet Communist?

One Wisconsin Now has been wondering from which broom closet in the GOP bathhouse of stupidity ample GOPer seat-filler Joel Kleefisch yanked his “sex offender” license plate idea. Turns out it’s from the bowels of Soviet-era Russia and Fidel Castro’s communist Cuba. (Cue shocking music) According to a national wire story published in the Milwaukee […]

WISTAX more partisan than WMC?

We here at One Wisconsin Now have worked tirelessly for close to a year developing WISTAX Watch‘€”a comprehensive expose on the pro-corporate, conservative bias of Wisconsin’€™s most vocal and visible tax policy think tank, the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance (WISTAX). Among the most blatant examples of its bias is the overwhelming amount of contributions to Republican […]

Lazich Also an Exaggerater on Constituent Contacts

Rep. Marlin Schneider got called out by the Associated Press for a claim he made on the number of constituents who contacted him about his laughably-unconstitutional bill limiting the public’€™s right to the online Circuit Court Access Program. It reminded us of a similar constituent claim made by right-wing seat-filler Sen. Mary Lazich. Back in […]

What You’ll Find at WISTAX Watch

Gotta quiz for you…Which supposedly “independent” and “unbiased” organization in Wisconsin fits the following? Its president and leading voice is a former Republican administration official and local Republican party executive committee member. Members of its board of directors since 1994 have donated nearly $1.3 million to Republicans and conservative political candidates.Fifteen of these same 33 […]

Public Focus Groups Scheduled on Lake Michigan to Waukesha Water Proposal

Jim Rowen, a member of the One Wisconsin Institute family, reports over at The Political Environment that the good work of activists is resulting in a series of public focus groups planned by the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to get public input on “the implications of transferring Lake Michigan water to Waukesha and other […]

Flaws Riddle Private School Voucher Report

The favorable private school voucher study paid for by the state’€™s leading private school voucher advocates is riddled with fundamental research flaws, implying the “study” was designed to reach a pre-conceived conclusion in favor of a particular political agenda. That the state’s leading private school voucher gang funded a study that supports the private school […]

New partisan WMC head calls for bipartisanship

WMC Watch News: WMC’s new board chair is calling for bipartisan efforts to stimulate job growth in Wisconsin. Laughable, given the extremely partisan disposition of the organization he now heads and his own partisan campaign contributions.Thomas J. Howatt—the newly crowned chair of Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, Wisconsin’s largest pro-corporate lobbying group—told WisBusiness that WMC is […]

Thompson “Dithering”

Yet another story has popped about Republican Tommy Thompson maybe/maybe not throwing his hat in a race somewhere in Wisconsin. But the real question is: will the right wing call it “dithering”?The right fell in love with “dither” late last year when Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett was mulling his gubernatorial run. Brian Fraley—from over at […]

With his hand out, Torinus criticizes Recovery

Readers of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel business section will know the name John Torinus. Torinus seems to be a busy man in the business community: he is the current chair and former CEO of Serigraph, Inc.; a current board member of Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce—our state’€™s largest pro-corporate, anti-public investment lobby group; and a past […]

NetRoots Wisconsin

Hi – A group of us are currently starting planning for a Netroots Wisconsin event, in cooperation with Netroots Nation. This will be a regional conference along the lines of Netroots Nation, and we are currently aiming at September 2010 in Madison. We are looking for people to help with: Planning the conferenceLooking for sponsorsany […]

T Wall-Street’s words come back to haunt him…

Um, T. Wall pays individual taxes? Not most years‘€¦ ‘€œ[O]ur businesses are pass-through businesses, that is to say our taxes are paid through the individuals. I and my investors pay taxes individually on behalf of our businesses. The only business that has double taxation, which is a C-corp, is something that’€™s traded publicly and we’€™re […]

“Justice” Alito has his own Joe Wilson moment

One of the more rousing cheers during the State of the Union last night came after President Obama called out the ridiculous ruling from the Supreme Court last week that threw open the door to a new flood of corporate cash into campaigns. The Bush boys, Justices Roberts and Alito, swore up and down during […]

Tommy! over Russ?: Accuracy of Bush-pollster Rasmussen Questioned

The latest Rasmussen poll shows Sen. Russ Feingold with a slight deficit to non-candidate and oft-cited Tommy! Thompson. Some have raised concerns that Rasmussen words its questions in a way that favors Republicans and conservatives. Not to the level of Strategic Vision’s fraudulent polling, by any stretch, but noteworthy, nonetheless. “I think they write their […]

Oregon voters overwhelmingly support tax hike on rich, corporations

The failed conservative economic policies of giving endless tax breaks to corporations and the rich finally got a full-throated repudiation last night as voters in Oregon passed a tax increase on the wealthy and corporations to fill that states gaping budget hole. Voters sick and tired of watching corporations get rich while state services and […]

Milwaukee County job loss under Walker’s leadership

Before criticizing Doyle for statewide job losses during a recession, Walker should pay attention to what’s going on in his own backyard. In 2009 Milwaukee County lost over 30,000 jobs — with the unemployment rate jumping from 5.5% to 9.2% in just one year. ( And just what sort of “economic development” has Walker been […]

Walker’s deficit plan: Dig a deeper hole

So let me get this straight. Wisconsin’s facing a budget deficit of something like $2-billion, and Scott Walker’s idea is to dig the hole deeper with a big corporate tax break? And the news media treat him seriously? As Gov. Jim Doyle was getting ready to deliver his State of the State speech, Walker, surrounded by […]

Dr. No Won’t Say No

Did you hear the “news”? Tommy Thompson might run (possibly) for something (again) (maybe)’€¦ EXCITING’€¦ (SORT OF!)’€¦ POLITICO reported last week that Tommy Thompson—who earned the nickname Dr. No for his “relentless partisanship” as a Wisconsin state rep—isn’t “saying no” to running for the Senate (or Governorship) in Wisconsin. Cory at Eye on Wisconsin and […]

When will T-Wall join the rest of us and start paying taxes?

Nine out of ten times isnt just a coincidence; its a pattern of behavior. And nine out of the last ten years, silver-spoon fed real estate developer Terrence Wall paid no state income tax. Because one of Madisons wealthiest business men didnt make any money in the last ten years. Right. When T-Walls income tax […]

Meet the Corporation

Meet the Corporation I had always heard of these faceless corporations so I thought it wouldn’€™t be very much fun to meet one. But now that the Supreme Court has officially made them persons (sorta like they did with George Bush) I thought maybe I’€™d do what I’€™d wanted to for a long time ‘€“ […]

Memo to Paddy Mac: Reporters Should Check Their Sources

In his effort to portray the ‘€œfail, Democrats, fail’€ movement also known as the teabaggers, consistent pro-GOPer mouthpiece Patrick McIlheran attempts to further the fallacy that teabagging is a non-partisan explosion of discontent, rather than Republicans who want President Obama and Democrats to, well, not succeed. Paddy Mac’€™s method: interviewing some joker who at one […]

Intellectual honesty is not manipulating the data

The polling project between the UW-Madison Political Science department and the states shrillest right-wing, corporate-friendly think tank has turned out to be as suspicious as we first feared. Documents obtained by One Wisconsin Now through the states open records law reveal that political considerations were front and center in the decision making surrounding the polling […]

Wall: Up against the facts

WisPolitics is reporting that Wall “took shots at Feingold’s maverick image, saying the Middleton Dem votes with leadership nine out of 10 times.” Wall might be surprised to see a 2009 Congressional Quarterly report that tells an entirely different story. Not only did Feingold show up to work 100% of the time last year, he […]

You Can Still Tour ‘Tax Free’ Terrence Wall’s Pumpkin Patch

If you haven’t had the chance yet to grab your wagon and take the kiddies down to “Tax Free’ Terrence Wall’s $2 million pumpkin patch, there’s no time like the present. Take a virtual tour here.As One Wisconsin Now previously reported, Wall Land Investment, LLC, one of multi-millionaire Madison developer Terrence Wall’€™s companies, has reclassified […]

Don’t let them nuke Wisconsin’s climate

Wisconsin citizens will have their first chance on Wednesday, Jan. 27, to tell state legislators that making it easier to build more nuclear reactors should not be part of a proposed Clean Energy Jobs bill. A special State Senate committee considering the bill, (SB 450)  will hold a public hearing at 10 a.m. in Room 412 […]

Is Walker flip flopping on his tough on crime stance?

After helping to bloat the state corrections system (in the 1990’€™s prison spending rose 246%), and taking political contributions from the for-profit private prison industry, Walker has now created a $5 million hole in Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke’€™s 2010 budget in his zeal to lie about raising the property tax levy. To cover this […]

That’s Debatable: MacIver’s Ideological News Service

Here’s the latest WisOpinion “That’s Debatable” featuring One WI Now’s Executive Director, Scot Ross on the MacIver Institute’s fake news service — check it out!

Shocker: Walkers Talkers Simply Do Not Approve of One Wisconsin Now

Looks like Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has his rapid response done through the Journal Communications company. No sooner had One Wisconsin Now posted our analysis showing Scott Walker’s proposed county budget increases of 35% were higher than the state’s two other largest municipalities, the City of Milwaukee and the state of Wisconsin, than his […]

The real state of Milwaukee County

Happy days are here again, according to Scott Walker, the county executive who’s made such a mess of Milwaukee County government that his long-term solution is to abolish county government. Walker’s “state of the county” speech on Tuesday painted a rosy picture of his tenure, proposed even more privatization of services, and promised to reduce […]

WI Environment debunks false claims by WPRI

Wisconsin Environment slammed the right-wing Wisconsin Policy Research Institute (WPRI) yesterday about their inaccurate and misleading report about the Governor'€™s initiatives to grow the renewable energy industry and create green jobs.

Progressive Alert: MacIver Institute’s Phony ‘Reporting’

Over the past months, a staffer from the conservative MacIver Institute has been attending press conferences in Madison and Milwaukee, armed with a camera to take footage and attempt to get interviews with legislators and other elected public officials. Be warned: The MacIver Institute is a not a news service. It is not a member […]