Scott Walker's Record on
Health Care
When It Comes to Wisconsinites’ Health and Wellbeing, Gov. Scott Walker Knows What Should Come First - His Own Political Ambitions!

When it comes to Wisconsinites’ health and wellbeing, Gov. Scott Walker knows what should come first – his own political ambitions! On his first day in office, Gov. Walker authorized the state to join a politically motivated lawsuit against President Barack Obama’s signature Affordable Care Act.
Scott Walker has also played to his conservative base in rejecting federal funds to expand Medicaid in the state, resulting in thousands being kicked off the state Badgercare program and the state spending more overall to insure fewer individuals. His health care policy also tends to favor privatization and special interests like insurance companies over the health of Wisconsinites. And when it comes to women, Walker’s decisions about health are pure politics, catering to the pro-life base of the Republican party, at the expense of women’s lives.
SCott Walker is so extreme he has tried to roll back laws guaranteeing insurance coverage of contraceptives and even supports banning abortion without exceptions for rape, incest, or even to save the life of the mother.
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Republicans, touting conservative study, warn against Medicaid expansionLiberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now revealed Williams offered to advise former Gov. Scott Walker’s presidential campaign. [Wisconsin State Journal, 02/20/2019]
Scott Walker’s Belated, B.S Concern for Pre-Existing ConditionsScott Walker hasn’t cared about pre-existing conditions until the issue threatened the health of his political ambitions. [One Wisconsin Now, 10/18/2018]
Gov. Scott Walker is up to his old tricks again in Obamacare costs planGov. Scott Walker has one signature move, and it’s so tired that it’s a wonder anyone still falls for it: He creates or exacerbates a problem, then claims to be the only one who can save us from it. Since his time as Milwaukee County Executive, it appears to be the only real tactic that […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 08/03/2018]
Scott Walker’s $200 million plan to lower Obamacare costs gets OK from Trump administrationPresident Donald Trump’s administration signed off Sunday on Gov. Scott Walker’s $200 million plan to lower Affordable Care Act premiums. It was the latest effort by the GOP governor to work within the confines of Obamacare as he simultaneously tries to end the federal health care law. “Washington failed and Wisconsin had to lead,” Walker […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 07/29/2018]
“Here we go again.”Shortly after President Trump announced his pick for Supreme Court, the liberal group One Wisconsin Now sent an email with the subject line: “Trump, Walker will criminalize abortion.” “If he is not blocked, Brett Kavanaugh will be the deciding vote to overturn Roe v. Wade and do what Scott Walker has been trying to do […] [Isthmus, 07/19/2018]
Walker Doubts Roe v. Wade at Risk“If he is not blocked, Brett Kavanaugh will be the deciding vote to overturn Roe v. Wade and do what Scott Walker has been trying to do for 25 years: criminalize women having abortions,” said Analiese Eicher of the liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now. [Urban Milwaukee, 07/12/2018]
Walker Not Convinced Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Will Lead To Roe V. Wade Being Overturned“If he is not blocked, Brett Kavanaugh will be the deciding vote to overturn Roe v. Wade and do what Scott Walker has been trying to do for 25 years: criminalize women having abortions,” said Analiese Eicher of the liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin Public Radio, 07/11/2018]
Donald Trump, Scott Walker Will Criminalize AbortionOne Wisconsin Now Program Director Analiese Eicher released the following statements about Donald Trump nomination. [One Wisconsin Now, 07/09/2018]
New state data: Post-Act 10, teachers’ health care costs soaredWisconsin school districts ratcheted up health care costs on teachers and other employees after the state’s Act 10 collective bargaining changes, with the average district now requiring teachers to pay about 12 percent of their health insurance premiums, newly released data show. Madison schools are near the low end of what districts now require for […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 07/03/2018]
PolitiFact Wisconsin: Did Walker turn down $1 billion in Medicaid funding?Wachs says that Governor Walker has turned down one billion dollars in Medicaid money,” said Tom Kertscher with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel… “He didn’t trust the federal government and to continue to providing states additional money for it,” said Kertscher. He also said he thought Medicaid should be limited to people at the federal poverty […] [PolitiFact, 06/15/2018]
New Television Ad From Scott Walker Confirms Career Politician Willing to Say Anything to Try to Win an ElectionWhile he and his family have enjoyed full health care coverage on our dime for a quarter century, Scott Walker been playing politics with everyone else’s. [One Wisconsin Now, 06/05/2018]
Scott Walker signals little appetite for ‘fetal heartbeat’ 6-week abortion banGov. Scott Walker declined Tuesday to voice support for Wisconsin to enact its version of a new Iowa law that bans abortions once a fetal heartbeat can be detected, typically about six weeks into a pregnancy. “I think our laws protecting life in this state are very strong,” Walker told reporters in Madison. Asked again […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 05/23/2018]
Wisconsin’s Walker seeks federal waiver for reinsurance programGov. Scott Walker’s administration filed a request with the federal government seeking a waiver that would allow Wisconsin to offer a $200 million reinsurance program designed to lower premiums and attract more providers to the private marketplace. Walker told reporters Wednesday that if the program is in effect premiums will go down 5% in 2019, […] [Associated Press, 04/19/2018]
Scott Walker signs 64 bills, including restriction on abortion coverage for state workersGov. Scott Walker signed 64 bills into law Tuesday, including one that prohibits state health insurance plans for public employees from covering abortion procedures with some exceptions.The abortion bill, which the Assembly passed in November and the Senate passed in February along party lines after it failed to pass in 2013, is the latest in […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 04/04/2018]
Walker’s reinsurance plan wins support from insurers, othersGov. Scott Walker’s $200 million plan to reduce health care costs for people purchasing insurance through the private marketplace won support from Wisconsin’s health insurance providers, doctors and medical community at a public hearing Monday, even as Democrats raised concerns about its sustainability…The proposal won backing Monday from the health insurance industry, including the Wisconsin […] [Associated Press, 02/12/2018]
Walker wants $200 million to hold down Obamacare premiumsStepping toward the political center in a difficult election year, Gov. Scott Walker proposed using $200 million in state and federal money to stabilize the state’s Obamacare market and hold down rising insurance premiums… A fierce critic of Obamacare, Walker is set to use his eighth “state of the state” speech Wednesday to propose that […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 01/21/2018]
Tens of thousands of needy but able-bodied adults in Wisconsin could have to work to qualify for stateHealth coverage under a plan from Gov. Scott Walker that has won support from President Donald Trump’s administration…Walker and his fellow GOP governors in nine other states have sought to impose work and training requirements on the Medicaid program known in Wisconsin as BadgerCare. But to do it they needed the backing of federal officials. […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 01/12/2018]
Top 10: SV Health and Rehab Center struggles to keep doors openPart of the problem, Larson said, with getting CNAs to come and work at their facility is the lack of Medicaid money to help pay them a higher, competitive wage. Larson said Wisconsin Medicaid has not seen an increase in funding since 2008 so he is hopeful that the 2 percent increase in Medicaid reimbursement […] [Pierce County Herald, 12/31/2017]
Scott Walker Absent as Bipartisan Coalition of Governors Call for Common Sense in Health Care DebateGov. Scott Walker was not among a bipartisan group of governors signing on to a letter opposing a reckless plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act. [One Wisconsin Now, 07/19/2017]
Scott Walker administration: 10 percent jump in premiums without self-insuranceRefusing to self-insure state employees would trigger a 10 percent increase in health care premiums for 2018 — 3 percent more than what Gov. Scott Walker’s budget plans for, state officials said Friday. And revised estimates released by the Walker administration also show the state would save about $43 million more than the $60 million […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 05/27/2017]
State budget panel green lights Scott Walker’s plan to drug test Medicaid, food stamp recipientsThe state Legislature’s budget-writing committee voted on Thursday to require some Wisconsin residents using food stamps and receiving public health care to be tested for drug use and to meet work requirements in exchange for benefits.The Joint Finance Committee, the state’s budget-writing panel, voted 12-4 to approve Walker’s plan that would make Wisconsin the first […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 05/26/2017]
Wisconsin plan to be first state to drug test Medicaid applicants wins committee approvalGov. Scott Walker wants to make Wisconsin the first state in the country to require able-bodied, childless adults applying for Medicaid health benefits to undergo drug screening, a move that could serve as a national model. Walker’s plan, which needs federal approval, comes as he prepares to run for a third term next year. Wisconsin’s […] [Chicago Tribune, 05/25/2017]
At Trump’s urging, states try to tilt Medicaid in conservative directionsWisconsin is preparing to recast its Medicaid program in ways that no state has ever done, requiring low-income adults to undergo drug screening to qualify for health coverage and setting time limits on assistance unless they work or train for a job. The approach places BadgerCare, as the Wisconsin version of Medicaid is known, at […] [Washington Post, 05/25/2017]
Scott Walker’s self-insurance proposal appears to be deadThe Republican leaders of the Legislature’s budget committee plan to reject Gov. Scott Walker’s proposal to self-insure state employees, but find other ways to try to save money under the existing system. The announcement marks the likely defeat of one of the governor’s most ambitious and contentious proposals in his 2017-19 budget plan. The removal […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 05/10/2017]
Insurance could shift for 250,000 Wisconsin state workers under Scott Walker budget proposalAfter years of skepticism, lawmakers must now decide on Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to save at least $60 million by restructuring health insurance for some 250,000 government employees and their families. The Republican governor wants the state to shift from a model in which the state pays premiums to private insurers to cover state and […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 05/08/2017]
Heated exchange between Gov. Walker, Outagamie Co. Exec. over health careThe emotional reaction to the House’s passage of a bill to largely roll back the Affordable Care Act, known to many as Obamacare, led to a public argument between Governor Scott Walker (R – Wisconsin) and the Outagamie County Executive. Under the House bill, states could opt to allow insurers to charge more to people […] [WITI-TV, 05/06/2017]
After outcry Gov. Scott Walker vows to keep protections for Wisconsin patients with pre-existing conditionsAfter saying he would consider having Wisconsin opt out of the Affordable Care Act’s pre-existing condition rules, Gov. Scott Walker on Friday stressed that he wasn’t seeking to remove protections for patients. “I’m waiting to see what gets to the president’s desk, but we’re not looking to change pre-existing conditions,” Walker said in an evening […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 05/05/2017]
Opioid abuse prevention bills pass Wisconsin LegislatureThe Wisconsin Senate passed nine bills designed to fight opioid abuse on Tuesday. They now head to Gov. Scott Walker, who is expected to sign them all into law. The Wisconsin based non-profit Stop Heroin Now has been doing everything they can to bring awareness to the opioid and heroin epidemic. They’re thankful to hear […] [WTMJ-TV, 05/02/2017]
Provisions to BadgerCare cause concern for individuals with substance abuse, low-incomeThe provisions laid out in Walker’s proposal will mostly affect individuals with diagnosed substance abuse and low-income families, Kraig said. Wisconsin Council on Children and Families research director Jon Peacock said his main concern is charging premiums to childless adults who have BadgerCare. Small increases in premiums could cause individuals to lose their health care […] [Badger Herald, 04/18/2017]
Gov. Scott Walker signs marijuana extract bill in BurlingtonGov. Scott Walker signed into law a bill that would legalize possession of a marijuana extract used to treat seizures. The governor signed the bill Monday in Burlington. [WITI-TV, 04/17/2017]
Critics: Scott Walker’s plan to drug test Medicaid applicants would backfireWisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is proposing changes to the state’s Medicaid program, also known as BadgerCare, that would would require drug testing and treatment for some applicants. An official in the Walker administration said the measure aims to help individuals transition to work. During a Monday media call sponsored by Citizen Action of Wisconsin and […] [Capital Times, 04/17/2017]
Scott Walker official pressed on mental healthA Democratic state senator pressed Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s top health official last week to support hiking Medicaid reimbursement rates for mental health providers in the state. The testy exchange in a state budget hearing highlighted a key debate around mental health services in the state. Boosting Medicaid rates was identified by USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin’s […] [Appleton Post-Crescent, 04/06/2017]
Want Medicaid coverage? A drug test should come first, Wisconsin governor saysNow that House Republicans have squandered their shot at reordering Medicaid, governors who want conservative changes in the health program for low-income Americans must get special permission from the Trump administration. Near the front of the line is Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a Republican who not only supports work requirements and premium payments but also […] [Washington Post, 04/02/2017]
With Congress gridlocked, Scott Walker wants Trump to OK drug tests for state health coverageWith the GOP’s repeal of Obamacare stymied in Congress, Gov. Scott Walker is still rejecting the federal law and instead asking the Trump administration to let Wisconsin drug test applicants for state coverage. Even though federal money remains available for providing health care to more Wisconsin residents, the GOP governor says he’s not reconsidering his […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 03/27/2017]
Wisconsin Hospital Association critical of health care billThe head of the Wisconsin Hospital Association is urging Gov. Scott Walker to parlay his influence with the White House and his role as head of the Republican Governors Association to make significant changes to the health care overhaul bill that stalled Thursday due to a lack of support. Hospital Association President Eric Borgerding outlined […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 03/23/2017]
Wisconsin Democrat: People ‘terrified’ of health care billPeterson called on the 100-plus attendees at the meeting to be a “strong voice in opposition” to the bill that would repeal the 2010 federal health care law, also known as “Obamacare,” and replace it with a law that a nonpartisan congressional analysis says would result in 24 million people nationwide losing insurance over the […] [WITI-TV, 03/23/2017]
Scott Walker won’t commit to back Paul Ryan’s and Donald Trump’s health care planGov. Scott Walker on Wednesday declined to give full support to a health care overhaul plan proposed by his Republican colleagues in the U.S. House and backed by GOP President Donald Trump, describing the measure as “a work in progress.” Walker, speaking to reporters after an event in Madison, also voiced concern with the dearth […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 03/09/2017]
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker tepid on Paul Ryan’s Obamacare repeal planThe governor and other Republicans for six years have railed against the Affordable Care Act, but Walker claimed repealing it and replacing it with Ryan’s plan would not affect most people. “Most people aren’t going to be affected by this no matter what happens because if you get your health insurance from your employer, which […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 03/08/2017]
Walker supports Medicaid block grants to states for health careAccording to the Republican outline, Medicaid would be revamped to give states either block grants or per-capita grants, as opposed to the federal government’s paying a percentage of the total cost. In Wisconsin, the federal government covers 58% of Medicaid costs. In exchange, states would be given the flexibility to try new approaches that could […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 02/27/2017]
Walker among GOP governors pushing for Medicaid changesRepublican governors from seven states are calling for dramatic changes to Medicaid, which provides insurance to more than 70 million low-income Americans, as they nervously watch President Donald Trump and GOP congressional leaders move to repeal and replace the Obama-era health law. At the same time, they’re telling Washington: Don’t scrap the Affordable Care Act […] [Associated Press, 02/24/2017]
Walker budget proposal to increase personal care worker wages could help ease crisisGov. Scott Walker’s 2017-2019 budget calls for a 4 percent increase in the Medicaid reimbursement rate for personal care. That might help ease a shortage of workers but won’t make the problem go away, say those who use or provide personal care. “We’re pleased the administration has recognized that there is a crisis,” said Todd […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 02/20/2017]
Gov. Walker budget increases funding for mental health services for childrenGov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget marks the biggest push in four years to funnel more state dollars into youth mental health programs. In addition to $6 million for school initiatives, the budget would set aside $1.25 million for creating a youth crisis shelter, $1 million for expanding a doctor consultation program and $557,000 for youth […] [Appleton Post-Crescent, 02/16/2017]
Scott Walker proposes increasing tax credit for working poor with 1 childJenni Dye said there are other strategies for preventing premarital pregnancy that Walker has opposed, such as providing contraception and reproductive health services to low-income women. [Wisconsin State Journal, 02/02/2017]
Walker reacts to ACA actionGov. Scott Walker and state health care executives are pushing to ensure that an Obamacare repeal doesn’t disadvantage Wisconsin compared with states that embraced the law – an issue with hundreds of millions of dollars at stake.The GOP governor has resisted making full use of the tax dollars available under the federal Affordable Care Act […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 01/13/2017]
Critics say Scott Walker’s plan to fight opiate abuse in Wisconsin falls shortThe liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now also criticized Walker's opposition to the Medicaid expansion and the Affordable Care Act. [Capital Times, 01/06/2017]
One Wisconsin Now Statements on GOP Addiction to Big Pharma MoneyScott Walker spent the 1990s criminalizing addiction and the 2000s preventing people from getting the health care they needed to treat their addiction. [One Wisconsin Now, 01/05/2017]
Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin to close its Appleton abortion clinicPlanned Parenthood of Wisconsin will permanently shutter one of its three abortion clinics in the state, leaving Madison and Milwaukee as the only cities in Wisconsin offering abortions… Five Planned Parenthood health centers have closed in Wisconsin since Gov. Scott Walker eliminated state funding for the organization in 2011, though none were facilities that provided […] [Capital Times, 08/22/2016]
Ideas to curb teen suicide gain supportState lawmakers said they want to screen more children for mental illness and expand mental health clinics in schools following a USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin series. A spokesman for Gov. Scott Walker said Walker was not available for an interview and would reveal any initiatives related to mental health services in his budget proposal early next […] [Appleton Post-Crescent, 08/05/2016]
Walker appoints Seemeyer as Health secretaryGov. Scott Walker has appointed former Walworth County health official Linda Seemeyer to head the state Department of Health Services. Walker on Thursday announced Seemeyer as the replacement for Kitty Rhoades who died in June. [WSAW-TV, 08/04/2016]
Pace of mental health reform slows to crawlWalker has signed one law addressing youth mental health, with plans to sign just one more, but he didn’t say there was more legislation he wanted to see on the subject. “That’s always the careful thing in government is just, how many bills do we pass to say we’re dealing with it, isn’t as important […] [Appleton Post-Crescent, 03/22/2016]
Wisconsin uses Affordable Care Act but rejects funding for itWisconsin’s decision last week to challenge a fee imposed by the Affordable Care Act set up a comparison not lost on advocates who support the law.The fee has cost the state about $23 million so far. In contrast, Gov. Scott Walker and the Legislature’s opposition to the law is projected to cost $678.6 million in […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 02/28/2016]
Walker signs measure cutting Planned Parenthood funding, againGov. Scott Walker signed two bills Thursday that cut by several million dollars a year the amount of public money that goes to Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin. “We want to make sure as taxpayers whether it’s state funds or federal funds that come through the State of Wisconsin that they’re used in the way that’s […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 02/18/2016]
Falk pushes health care signupsNelson said engaging Wisconsinites at the local level to ensure they get health care before Jan. 31 is important because Wisconsin is one of 19 states that did not expand Medicaid. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker rejected the expansion in 2013, instead implementing a plan to move 77,000 state residents off BadgerCare, the state’s Medicaid program, […] [Appleton Post-Crescent, 11/30/2015]
Scott Walker calls ‘life of the mother’ abortion debate a ‘false choice.’ Is it?Walker maintains that he has consistently opposed abortion in all cases, even though he signed a 20-week abortion ban in July that includes an exception for the life of a mother. He had already changed his mind once on that exception. In the 1990s as a state legislator, he told anti-abortion group Pro-Life Wisconsin that […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 10/19/2015]
Appeals judge hits state on abortion admitting privileges lawGovernor Walker, before he withdrew from the presidential race, said he thought abortion should be forbidden even if the mother dies,” Judge Richard Posner said during arguments. “Is that kind of official Wisconsin policy?” “That perhaps is Governor Walker’s personal opinion,” but it’s not the state’s policy, responded Assistant Attorney General Brian Keenan. The GOP […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 10/01/2015]
Scott Walker to campaign at ‘crisis pregnancy center’ also visited by Jeb BushIt's fitting that the same guy who refused to be straight with Wisconsin voters about his position on abortion in 2014 is visiting a crisis pregnancy center. [Capital Times, 08/24/2015]
Scott Walker backs bill to block federal money for Planned ParenthoodThis latest bill is more political opportunism, putting Walker's presidential primary politics ahead of people's health. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 08/21/2015]
Four takeaways from Walker’s showing in the first presidential debateLiberals were particularly peeved by Walker’s responses to the questions about abortion and targeting of African-Americans. They drew mentions from the websites Huffington Post and Think Progress and from the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin State Journal, 08/09/2015]
Scott Walker calls abortion to save a woman’s life a ‘false choice’Jenni Dye, research director for the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, disputed Walker’s comments. “Absolutely there are situations where a woman’s life is in danger if she continues a pregnancy,” she said. “We need someone with medical training making these decisions, not politicians,” said Dye, who previously served as the executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin. “If […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 08/08/2015]
Scott Walker casts himself as ‘aggressively normal’ in first debate, stays clear of GOP squabblingLiberal group One Wisconsin Now said Walker’s targeting of Planned Parenthood had dire consequences. The group said in a statement that Walker’s defunding of Planned Parenthood forced the closure of rural health centers and cut access to health services such as cancer screenings and birth control. [Wisconsin State Journal, 08/07/2015]
The Reality of Scott Walker’s Record on Reproductive HealthThe totality of Gov. Scott Walker’s actions on reproductive health and women’s economic opportunity rank him as one of, if not the, worst politician in America for women. [One Wisconsin Now, 08/06/2015]
Scott Walker signs anti-abortion bill into lawThat even one woman’s life or health may be put at risk so Walker can increase his credibility with the extreme right-wing Republican presidential base is as unacceptable as it is heartbreaking. [Wisconsin Gazette, 07/20/2015]
Scott Walker signs 20-week abortion ban into lawBy signing this bill, Walker has forced pure political calculation to take the place of medicine when it comes to personal decisions about a woman’s pregnancy. [Capital Times, 07/20/2015]
Walker Signs Dangerous Abortion Ban That Could Prevent Doctors From Saving Lives of Mothers When a Pregnancy Goes Tragically WrongGov. Scott Walker has quickly moved to sign the dangerous abortion ban he asked lawmakers to pass without exceptions for rape or incest. [One Wisconsin Now, 07/20/2015]
Assembly Republicans Put Gov. Walker’s Presidential Ambitions Before Women’s Health With New Abortion BanPoliticians have no business imposing their beliefs on women making an intensely personal decision to terminate a wanted pregnancy, often in the most tragic circumstances. [One Wisconsin Now, 07/09/2015]
Walker promises to sign 20-week abortion ban, without exceptions for rape or incestGov. Scott Walker said Monday he will sign a proposed 20-week abortion ban whether or not it includes an exemption for cases of rape or incest. Walker, who had previously expressed support for the bill that’s on a fast track in the Wisconsin Legislature, said it didn’t matter whether there was an exemption. As introduced, […] [Associated Press, 06/01/2015]
Women’s Health Expert Says New GOP Abortion Ban Could Force Women to Undergo Cesarean SectionsThis bill puts politicians, not doctors, where they have no business — making life and death decisions for the women of Wisconsin. This proposal is so extreme and invasive that it includes a provision for government mandated c-section. [One Wisconsin Now, 05/29/2015]
Scott Walker to Sign Ban on Abortions for Rape, IncestOpponents of the Wisconsin bill, including Jenni Dye of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, charge that the language allowing late-term abortions to protect the life of the mother is too narrow. [Daily Beast, 05/28/2015]
Are ‘Death Panels’ Coming to Scott Walker’s Wisconsin?The inclusion of the palliative counseling is critical, but Scott Walker would have saved families a lot of grief if he would have stood up to the Tea Party in 2010. [Daily Beast, 05/21/2015]
Wisconsin’s 20-week abortion ban would likely require emergency C-sectionsThis Walker-backed abortion ban is so extreme that there are no exceptions for rape and incest. [Capital Times, 05/09/2015]
Fighting the Affordable Care Act is a priority for WalkerOn his first day as governor of Wisconsin, Walker authorized a state lawsuit challenging Obama’s signature health care law and, in part because of the success of states’ legal challenges to the federal Affordable Care Act, later opted not to use federal money under that law to expand state health programs. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 04/07/2015]
Wisconsin has filed a notice of appeal the federal court ruling striking down Walker’s admitting privileges lawThe appeal comes as Republican lawmakers consider introducing legislation that would ban abortion after 20 weeks. Such a measure would be all but certain to attract its own litigation. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 04/06/2015]
Walker has said he will “push back” on any pressure for governors to fix Obamacare should the Supreme Court rule against subsidies for states that have not set up their own exchangeIn an interview last week with radio host Charlie Sykes, this exchange happened: SYKES: You may have a major decision coming up in a few months. If the Supreme Court rules in this King v. Burwell case that nobody in Wisconsin can continue to receive federal Obamacare subsidies, there is going to be tremendous pressure […] [Washington Post, 04/06/2015]
Walker Continues Campaign Against Obamacare, Despite Facts“Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, in the lead-up to an expected presidential bid, is continuing a push to align himself with the most conservative elements of the Republican Party, writing in an email to supporters on Monday that the United States should move forward with “bold conservative reforms to improve health care,” in place of the […] [RH Reality Check, 03/24/2015]
Federal judge rules Walker’s admitting privilege law unconstitutional“A federal judge on Friday struck down a Wisconsin law requiring doctors performing abortions to get hospital-admitting privileges, concluding that the measure was enacted primarily to provide an obstacle for women seeking abortions. U.S. District Judge William Conley, who earlier had put the law on hold, ruled that the 2013 law is unconstitutional. He issued […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 03/20/2015]
Wisconsin City Asks Gov. Walker to Remove Abortion Funding BansIt is true that unfortunately, with an incredibly anti-choice legislature and governor, we won’t be seeing increases in reproductive care access coming from the state level. [RH Reality Check, 03/19/2015]
One Wisconsin Now Issues Walker Warning for New HampshireOne Wisconsin Now is warning New Hampshire voters to beware this weekend when Walker visits to audition for the 2016 GOP Presidential nomination. [One Wisconsin Now, 03/15/2015]
Scott Walker hit from left, right for evolution on key issuesIn four mere months since his last election, Gov. Walker has reversed his public position... on immigration, abortion, workplace rights and ethanol in service of his personal political ambitions. [Capital Times, 03/12/2015]
Walker promised anti-choice Susan B Anthony List that he would sign a 20 week ban in Wisconsin“Shifting his tone to reassure social conservatives, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker declared Tuesday that he intends to sign a state law in the coming months that bans abortion after 20 weeks. In an open letter to the Susan B. Anthony List, the likely Republican presidential candidate also said that he supports “similar legislation” now stalled […] [Politico, 03/03/2015]
In letter to anti-choice Susan B Anthony List, Walker touted banning abortion insurance coverage“Life is a value I learned from my parents, and it’s a value I have cherished every day, predating my time in politics. My policies throughout my career have earned a 100% rating with pro-life groups in Wisconsin. Just in my first term I signed numerous pieces of pro-life legislation and I will continue working […] [Scott Walker letter to SBA List, 03/03/2015]
Walker has repeatedly refused to accept federal Medicaid expansion in Wisconsin, hurting low-income workers and women“The state would stay the course and turn down federal money to expand Wisconsin’s health programs for the needy, under Gov. Scott Walker’s 2015 budget proposal….In 2013, the Republican governor rejected taking federal incentives to expand the state’s Medicaid programs, saying the deal risked entangling the state in exponentially growing future costs. Democrats say that […] [, 02/19/2015]
Refusal to accept Medicaid expansion comes with a real cost to those pushed off Badgercare by Walker’s plan“As of last fall, BadgerCare had added about 97,500 adults without children who were below this cutoff of 100% of the federal poverty level, with state taxpayers covering a little more than 40% of the cost and federal money paying the rest. Meanwhile, the state has dropped about 57,000 adults from BadgerCare with incomes between […] [, 02/19/2015]
Refusal to accept Medicaid expansion has also come with a fiscal price tag for Wisconsin taxpayers“Under Obamacare, federal taxpayers would have paid 100% of the cost for the adults that the state is bringing onto BadgerCare if Wisconsin hadn’t dropped its coverage of the adults with somewhat higher incomes. The federal government’s share eventually would drop to 90% of the cost. The decision to reject that federal money is estimated […] [, 02/19/2015]
Walker proposes drug testing for public benefit recipients“Some recipients of public benefits, including Medicaid, unemployment and food stamps, would be required to undergo drug testing, under budget proposal announced Thursday by Gov. Scott Walker. The governor rolled out his “workforce readiness plan” Thursday ahead of the scheduled unveiling of his 2015-17 state budget proposal on Feb. 3. The proposals announced Thursday are […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 01/23/2015]
Clinics maintain that they are billing at the rates set by the state itself in 2009, but politically motivated Walker administration audit says otherwise“NEWCAP and Family Planning Health Services, as well as other organizations that provide reproductive health services in the state, contend they were paid for contraceptives and other prescription drugs at a rate agreed upon and set by the Department of Health Services in 2009. “We’ve been following the instructions we have been given, and we’ve […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 12/12/2014]
Walker administration harasses family planning clinics with politically motivated auditsPlanned Parenthood Public policy director Nicole Safar called the audits “clinic-closing” and said she was concerned the clinics were being targeted for political reasons. Department of Health Services Inspector General Alan White defended his auditors’ choice of targets and their findings. The drug billing program at issue is about $110 million a year of the […] [Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, 11/01/2014]
Democratic lawmakers charged that audits of clinics were politically-motivated“Two Democratic lawmakers, Rep Chris Taylor of Madison and Sen Dave Hansen of Green Bay, wrote the [Office of Inspector General] on Oct. 27 saying “there appears to be no legal basis” for the claims. They asked the office to produce a list of open audits to prove it is not disproportionately targeting providers serving […] [Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, 11/01/2014]
As a practical matter, Walker’s ultrasound mandate requires some women to get a transvaginal ultrasound“The ad alludes to a July 2013 Wisconsin law that requires women seeking an abortion to get an ultrasound — either transabdominally, which is done externally, or transvaginally. Wisconsin is among two dozen states that require an ultrasound before an abortion is performed. In Wisconsin, exceptions are made in cases of sexual assault or medical […] [Politifact, 10/24/2014]
Letter to Wisconsin Family Action reveals Scott Walker’s opinions on abortion, gay marriage“Just like his wink and nod with the radicals at Pro-Life Wisconsin, Gov. Walker’s trying to have it both ways,” Ross said. “It’s a pattern of deception from Gov. Walker, a career politician who is willing to mislead the people he’s supposed to serve to advance his own political ambitions.” [Capital Times, 10/22/2014]
As a legislator, Walker sponsored a 20-week abortion banWalker has led the way on a “no exceptions” stance for Wisconsin in the past. As a state lawmaker, in 1998, he co-authored a bill that would have banned abortions after 20 weeks, even in cases of rape, incest or when the mother’s health was in jeopardy. Physicians who performed the procedure would have faced […] [Capital Times, 10/14/2014]
However, Walker claimed to have 2014 Pro-Life Wisconsin endorsement when he did notPro-Life Wisconsin issued its own endorsement list in July, before the Aug. 12 primary election, followed by a narrowed list for the Nov. 4 general election. Most notably, the group did not publicly endorse any candidates in the races for attorney general, lieutenant governor or governor for the primary or general elections…The liberal advocacy group […] [Capital Times, 10/10/2014]
Walker’s campaign site touts Pro-Life Wisconsin endorsement he didn’t receive this yearOne Wisconsin Now executive director Scot Ross said touting the endorsement of a group that didn’t grant it for this election is an example of “the alarming pattern of deception with Scott Walker when it comes to women’s health,” noting the governor’s past support of Pro-Life Wisconsin and of laws the group supports. [Capital Times, 10/10/2014]
One Wisconsin Now Asks: Which Bill, Gov. Walker?In a recent campaign television ad Gov. Scott Walker, on record as opposed to abortion even in cases of rape or incest, speaks directly to the camera and tries to minimize the impact of “the bill”. [One Wisconsin Now, 10/10/2014]
Gov. Walker’s Choice: He Wants it Both WaysGov. Walker's 20-year demonstrated record of extremism on women's reproductive health issues and a “100 percent” rating from an extremist group are at odds with his new TV ad. [One Wisconsin Now, 10/10/2014]
Fifth Planned Parenthood clinic closes in Wisconsin“A fifth Planned Parenthood health center closed in Wisconsin on Thursday due to state budget cuts that directed family planning money away from the provider. The Fond du Lac clinic did not provide abortion services. It offered birth control, sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment, pregnancy tests, annual exams and breast cancer screenings to over […] [Huffington Post, 09/25/2014]
After public outcry to Walker admin decision to stop enforcement of the contraceptive equity law, the Office of Commissioner of Insurance backed off, clarified its positions“Amid allegations Wisconsin has been incorrectly applying the U.S. Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby ruling to state insurance law, a spokesman with the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance Thursday clarified statements made throughout the week and said the state is still enforcing its Contraceptive Equity Law. “We are enforcing it — the state contraceptive mandate […] [Capital Times, 07/25/2014]
Following Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision, Walker administration announced it would no longer enforce the state’s contraceptive equity law“On Monday, a spokesperson from Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s administration told the conservative website Media Trackers that Wisconsin will no longer require employers to follow the state law mandating coverage. Current state law in Wisconsin mandates that companies with insurance plans covering certain services, like outpatient care, preventive treatment, and prescription drugs, must also cover […] [RH Reality Check, 07/25/2014]
Gov. Scott Walker on Denying Women Equal Access to Contraception: If at First You Don’t Succeed Try, Try AgainThis week the Walker administration announced it is halting enforcement of Wisconsin’s equity law, using the Hobby Lobby decision as justification, despite being quoted as saying, “It really hasn’t been an issue for us.” [One Wisconsin Now, 07/23/2014]
Where There’s a WILL, There’s a Way… to Promote Gov. Walker’s Best InterestsFor the years in which Federal IRS records are available for both the Bradley Foundation and WILL, 2011 and 2012, Bradley funds accounted for over 90 percent of the total money WILL reported raising. [One Wisconsin Now, 07/11/2014]
After eliminating Planned Parenthood from the Wisconsin Well Woman program, Walker’s administration then unilaterally proposed a complete overhaul of the program“The Wisconsin Well Woman Program provides preventative health screening services to low-income women who are uninsured or underinsured. It has been credited with providing more than 500,000 breast and cervical cancer screenings to more than 70,000 women. The system is designed to help women locally, with a “coordinating agency” in each of the state’s 72 […] [Huffington Post, 03/21/2014]
Ultimately, the Walker administration delayed changes to the Well Woman program after public pushback against his plan“Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) administration announced Friday evening that it was delaying its controversial restructuring of a popular health care program for low-income women, after an outcry from women’s health advocates…” Stakeholders in the provider and coordinator communities have reached out to us with questions, concerns, and suggestions about how the proposed model would […] [Huffington Post, 03/21/2014]
Campaign aides again directing response to county issues, this time Walker mismanagement of county mental health complexWalker’s county and campaign staffs collaborated in determining how to respond to one issue after another — sexual assaults of patients at the complex, security lapses, controversial remarks by Milwaukee County’s mental health administrator. At one point, Walker’s campaign manager complained that a county lawyer needed to “think political for a change.” Walker played an […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 02/26/2014]
Walker, again, personally directing response to controversy“We need to continue to keep me out of the story as this is a process issue and not a policy matter,” Walker wrote on March 27, 2010. The issue at that point was fallout from stories on a patient sexual assault of another patient that resulted in a pregnancy. […] In this exchange, Walker […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 02/26/2014]
Walker’s campaign and county aides coordinated response to outrageous remarks of his appointed administrator of County Behavioral Health DivisionJohn Chianelli, then administrator of the county’s Behavioral Health Division, was quoted telling county supervisors that sexual assaults in mixed-gender wards were a trade-off for more violent assaults that would happen in all-male psychiatric units. Walker’s staff furiously exchanged views on what to do. Gilkes, Walker’s campaign manager, told Rindfleisch: “We won’t be commenting at […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 02/26/2014]
Walker’s gubernatorial campaign manager directs top Walker county aide to try to suppress open recordsGilkes told Rindfleisch to prod a county lawyer — then-Deputy Corporation Counsel Timothy Schoewe — to take a tougher stance. “Just do me a favor and tell him that we are getting the crap kicked out of us by the County Board,” Gilkes wrote. “At some point I would like him to stop being a […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 02/26/2014]
Top Walker aide makes light of county mismanagement of mental health services, “no one care about crazy people”Rindfleisch was sarcastic about the Mental Health Complex issue in a Sept. 2, 2010, email to a friend. “Last week was a nightmare,” she wrote. “A bad story every day on our looney bin. Doctors having sex with patients, patients getting knocked up. This has been coming for months and I’ve unofficially been dealing with […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 02/26/2014]
Emails show Walker campaign manager successfully delayed Milwaukee County settlement with parents of woman who starved to death at Walker overseen County mental health complexInstructions from Scott Walker’s campaign manager were explicit: Delay settlement of a long-standing legal case over the starvation-relateddeath of Cindy Anczak at the Milwaukee County Mental Health Complex. “Could care less what it is on,” Walker campaign manager Keith Gilkes wrote in an Oct. 22, 2010, email exchange with a Walker aide at the county, […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 02/26/2014]
Walker campaign manager directs firing of county aide to take the fall for mismanagement of mental health services under WalkerAfter Chianelli was demoted for his handling of sexual assaults at the complex, Gilkes wrote to Walker’s staff about the need to fire him: “I think we throw John under the bus for covering up how dysfunctional the place is.” The campaign took a hard line on reacting to the sexual assault scandal, even as […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 02/20/2014]
WMC ‘Survey’ Finds Big Corporate Elites Overwhelmingly Approve of Gov. Walker Pandering to ThemA lapdog Republican legislature has adopted Gov. Walker’s agenda built on billions in tax giveaways overwhelmingly benefitting the wealthy and corporations. [One Wisconsin Now, 01/10/2014]
Walker’s Health Care Plan Kicked 77,000 adults off the Badgercare ProgramLegislation approved by Walker and GOP lawmakers requires some 77,000 adults in BadgerCare with incomes above the poverty line — $23,550 for a family of four — to be dropped from that state Medicaid coverage….Democrats note that some GOP governors have extended Medicaid coverage more broadly in their states by taking extra federal money available […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 01/09/2014]
Wisconsin Ensnared in $83 Million National Propaganda and Privatization Web Spun by Radical Right-Wing FundersA new report from One Wisconsin Now exposes a web of right-wing funders advancing a radical privatization agenda through the use of Wisconsin-based front groups. [One Wisconsin Now, 11/13/2013]
Nearly 15,000 Sign Up to Tell Gov. Walker and Big Business Lobby: “Respect Wisconsin Women”Nearly 15,000 individuals have voiced their opposition to the anti-woman agenda of Gov. Walker and the state big business lobby, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce. [One Wisconsin Now, 11/09/2013]
Facts Are Facts. Gov. Walker’s Agenda an Abysmal Failure for WisconsinInstead of owning up to the fact that his radical, ‘divide and conquer’ agenda has failed and changing course, Gov. Walker is turning to the special interests he serves to try to re-write history. [One Wisconsin Now, 10/07/2013]
Latest Job Numbers Show Wisconsin Continues to Lag Behind Nation in Job Creation Under Gov. WalkerMADISON, Wis. — The federal Bureau of Labor Statistics has released a new round of national job numbers. According to the data, Wisconsin ranks in the bottom third of states and significantly lags the national job growth rate. The following are the statements of One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross: “While Gov. Walker criss-crosses the […] [One Wisconsin Now, 09/25/2013]
While Gov. Scott Walker Jets to New York to Hob Nob With Billionaires to Pursue Presidential Ambitions, Low Income Wisconsinites Getting Notices They’re Losing Their HealthcareGov. Scott Walker “jets” to New York for a fundraiser hosted by billionaire owner of the New York Jets, for the benefit of the Republican National Committee. [One Wisconsin Now, 09/22/2013]
Scott Walker signs abortion bill; providers quickly sue“Gov. Scott Walker signed a bill Friday requiring doctors who perform abortions to have hospital admitting privileges, and abortion clinics responded by immediately suing state officials over the measure. The law — signed Friday by Walker in a private ceremony — would cut the number of clinics offering abortions in Wisconsin from four to two, […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 07/05/2013]
Wisconsin governor Scott Walker signs abortion bill requiring ultrasoundGov. Scott Walker quietly signed a contentious Republican bill Friday that would require women seeking abortions to undergo an ultrasound and ban doctors who lack admitting privileges at nearby hospitals from performing the procedures. Opponents contend legislators shouldn’t force women to undergo any medical procedure and the bill will force two abortion clinics where providers […] [Politico, 07/05/2013]
Walker Slashes BadgerCareWalker's proposal will have detrimental impacts for Wisconsin's children, pregnant women, families, and for individuals. At what cost will Walker continue to take away help from those in need? [Cara Josephson, 06/26/2013]
#WalkerAt20: Failure Foreshadowed, The Walker Administration in Milwaukee CountyMADISON, Wis. — In his twenty years in office, Scott Walker has amassed a truly astounding record of failure. To commemorate the looming anniversary of his first election to office, One Wisconsin Now is highlighting a different and depressing failure of Gov. Walker every day, for twenty days. The failures of today are, sadly, not […] [One Wisconsin Now, 06/23/2013]
#WalkerAt20: Failing to Protect Women’s HealthWhen given the choice between protecting women’s access to safe and legal health care services or pandering to the most extreme right-wing of the Republican Party, Scott Walker has sided with the extremists over Wisconsin women every time. [One Wisconsin Now, 06/14/2013]
Twenty Years of Walker Failures Day 2: Failing to Protect Women’s HealthOWN is highlighting different Walker fails over the course of 20 days. Day two discusses right wing legislation attacking women’s health care. Scot Ross commented, “When given the choice between protecting women’s access to safe and legal health care services or pandering to the most extreme right-wing of the Republican Party, Scott Walker has sided […] [Common Dreams, 06/10/2013]
#WalkerAt20: Failing DemocracyThe rights of voters to participate in free and fair elections, and have confidence that their vote will be counted is fundamental to our democracy. No one has failed them more than Gov. Walker. [One Wisconsin Now, 06/09/2013]
As Tax Day Arrives, Will GOP Legislators Fail to Pay Their Fair Share, Again?Will Republicans and their businesses that have paid no state income tax in recent years will be joining the rest of us in paying for services like education, health care, public safety and roads. [One Wisconsin Now, 04/14/2013]
Is Walker-Ryan Relationship on the Rocks?Ryan’s call for the repeal of ObamaCare, and Johnson’s support for legislation to defund health insurance exchanges, seem targeted to undermine Walker’s latest health care scheme [One Wisconsin Now, 03/12/2013]
Walker’s budget cuts forced closure of Planned Parenthood clinics“Planned Parenthood will be closing four rural Wisconsin locations between April and July because the nonprofit health care organization has lost $1.1 million in state funding, officials announced Monday. The centers in Beaver Dam, Johnson Creek, Chippewa Falls and Shawano don’t get enough private funding to stay financially viable without the state support, which the […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 02/18/2013]
Walker Rejected Federal Expansion of Medicaid, Costing Taxpayers More for LessIf the federal government keeps its current commitments, Gov. Scott Walker’s plan for avoiding a full expansion of the BadgerCare program under the federal health care law would cost Wisconsin taxpayers roughly $250 million more through 2020, under preliminary estimates by the Legislature’s nonpartisan budget office. In addition to lower state costs, the full expansion […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 02/16/2013]
Gov. Walker Slashes Health Care for Working Families to Appease Big Biz LobbyMADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding reports that Gov. Walker will announce he will reject an expansion of federal Medicaid coverage in Wisconsin and a radical roll back of state health insurance assistance at the state big business lobby day: “As Gov. Walker seeks to pass […] [One Wisconsin Now, 02/12/2013]
Gov. Walker’s Mental Health Funding Announcement Belies Disastrous RecordOne Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements in response to Gov. Walker’s announcement on mental health funding in his 2013-15 budget proposal: “To call Scott Walker’s record on mental health abhorrent would be an understatement. “As Milwaukee County Executive he was entrusted with overseeing the mental health system we entrust with […] [One Wisconsin Now, 02/05/2013]
One Wisconsin Now Statements on Gov. Walker’s Upcoming Decision on BadgerCareMADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding the upcoming decision of Gov. Walker whether or not to take billions of dollars in federal assistance to expand health care coverage to 170,000 currently uninsured Wisconsinites: “The stunning depravity to even consider building the foundation of a presidential campaign […] [One Wisconsin Now, 02/04/2013]
Walker’s 2013-15 Budget Played Politics & Middle Class LosesAs a result of the budget: Due to the Republican plan to reject Medicaid expansion, taxpayers will pay $206 million more to provide healthcare to 84,700 fewer people Instead of using a balanced approach, this budget takes a surplus built on record cuts to public schools and goes into future deficit in order to give […] [2013 Assembly Bill 40, 01/01/2013]
Walker Budget Included Expanding Wisconsin’s Estate Recovery Program for MedicaidThe 2013-15 budget included provisions greatly expanding Wisconsin’s estate recovery program, allowing the state to recover Medicaid expenses from a deceased recipient’s estate or from the surviving spouse’s estate. The changes go far beyond requirements of federal law, and elder law attorneys warned the changes could lead to some elderly couples getting divorced or could […] [2013 Assembly Bill 40, 01/01/2013]
How Far Does Walker Open Records Slowdown Go?MADISON, Wis. — A report that Gov. Walker’s gubernatorial campaign manager directed his Milwaukee County staff to “drag out” fulfilling requests under the state open records law for information related to a tragic incident involving the death of a young boy outside a county owned facility may not be an isolated incident, according to One […] [One Wisconsin Now, 11/20/2012]
Walker Defers Health Exchange Formation to Federal GovernmentAs expected, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker announced today that he will not attempt to create a state health care insurance exchange for Wisconsin residents and will instead defer that chore to the federal government. To comply with the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, the governors of the states must inform the Obama administration […] [Biz Times, 11/15/2012]
Walker Meets GOP 2016 Presidential Primary Litmus Test with Health Exchange Decision, Fails WisconsinScott Walker decided that his chances for higher office in the tea party-controlled Republican Party are more important than doing his job. [One Wisconsin Now, 11/15/2012]
Wisconsin to Let Federal Government Run Health Care ExchangeThe Progressive group One Wisconsin Now says that with the decision, the governor put his presidential aspirations ahead of the people of Wisconsin. [WBAY-TV, 11/15/2012]
Friedman Failures Drive Walker’s WisconsinScott Walker resurrected the late-Milton Friedman’s trickle down economic policies in Wisconsin, and it’s buried job creation for middle class families. [One Wisconsin Now, 07/30/2012]
Scott Walker says a study shows the federal health care law will “devastate” WisconsinWALKER’S WORLD: Walker claimed a study showed that if Obamacare was implemented in the state that it would “devastate Wisconsin.” THE REAL WORLD: His highly exaggerated claims are backed by manipulated facts and cherry picked numbers creating a misleading and ultimately false scenario. [Politifact, 07/29/2012]
Obamacare Helps Waukesha County Company ExpandMADISON, Wis. — While Gov. Scott Walker refuses to implement health care exchanges in Wisconsin, Minnesota’s progress on offering consumers and businesses the opportunity to leverage their resources to purchase affordable, private health insurance will, according to recent news reports, create 100 new jobs at Waukesha County based Connecture, Inc. “It’s ridiculous that Gov. Walker […] [One Wisconsin Now, 07/17/2012]
Walker remains relentless in his “War on Women”Gov. Scott Walker announced his refusal to implement any provisions of Obama's Affordable Care Act in Wisconsin, putting women's health at risk yet again [Taylor Larson, 07/11/2012]
Reaction pours in over historic court ruling on health careThe U.S. Supreme Court today upheld President Barack Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), which is commonly referred to as “Obamacare.” ne Wisconsin Now deputy director Mike Browne said, “One of Gov. Walker’s first acts upon taking office was authorizing the use of taxpayer dollars to sue to repeal Obamacare. Thankfully, the U.S. Supreme […] [Biz Times, 06/27/2012]
Statement of One Wisconsin Now Deputy Director Mike Browne on U.S. Supreme Court Decision Upholding “ObamaCare”One Wisconsin Now Deputy Director Mike Browne released the following statements on the U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding “ObamaCare.” [One Wisconsin Now, 06/27/2012]
Wisconsin reacts to court ruling on health care reformOne Wisconsin Now Deputy Director Mike Browne: “It’s time for Gov. Walker and legislative Republicans to stop fighting against Wisconsin consumers and work with Democrats to implement health insurance reform.” [WLUK-TV, 06/27/2012]
Walker received a $1,000 donation from David Green, CEO & Founder of Hobby Lobby in 2012Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System records show Green made a donation of $1,000 to Friends of Scott Walker on May 16, 2012. Hobby Lobby is well-known for their challenge of the Affordable Care Act, specifically regarding provisions requiring coverage for contraceptives. [Government Accountability Board, 05/16/2012]
Walker signed the repeal of the Healthy Youth Act along with several anti-women bills“Gov. Scott Walker signed four bills relating to women’s reproductive health and pay equality without the usual public fanfare last Thursday, a move that came under fire from Democrats and advocacy groups. Walker signed the four bills into law on Thursday and announced their signing, along with 47 other bills, in a statement released the […] [Badger Herald, 04/09/2012]
Walker Signed Equal Pay Repeal and Abortion Restriction Bills In Private and Released Them on Good FridayWalker, a Republican, signed the bills Thursday but didn’t announce the move until midday Friday, when his office released a list of more than 50 bills he signed Thursday and Friday…Walker also signed a bill that prohibits workers from collecting damages in employment discrimination cases. Under current state law, employees who prevail in discrimination lawsuits […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 04/07/2012]
Walker signed a bill prohibiting plans in the Wisconsin state exchange from offering abortion coverage“On April 5, 2012, Governor Walker signed into law SB 92, a bill prohibiting plans in a state exchange from offering abortion coverage, except in cases of rape, incest, or to avert severe physical impairment or death of the pregnant woman.” [Kaiser Family Foundation, 04/05/2012]
Ultimately 22,000 dropped from BadgerCare coverage and 44,000 will see premium increases“The legislature’s budget committee on Wednesday signed off on changes to BadgerCare. Some 44,000 BadgerCare enrollees will see premium increases, while more than 22,000 will be dropped from the state-run Medicaid program. Representative Corey Mason questioned Department of Health Services Secretary Dennis Smith. “What is your response to the very real impact that may occur […] [Wisconsin Radio Network, 03/14/2012]
Walker received over $100,000 from anti-contraceptive mega-donor Foster Friess“The day after a recall campaign was launched against Gov. Scott Walker in November, Foster Friess gave the governor $100,000. Friess is the wealthy supporter of socially conservative causes — and Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum — who infamously stated on MSNBC earlier this month that an aspirin could double as birth control for a […] [Isthmus, 02/29/2012]
Walker wanted to slow down Obama requirement that insurance companies invest 80 cents of every dollar on medical careThe federal government has rejected Wisconsin’s request to phase in a requirement that health insurers spent 80 cents of every dollar in premiums on medical care, one of the provisions of the Obama administration’s health care reform. Gov. Scott Walker’s administration wanted to implement the change over three years for health insurance sold to individuals […] [Insurance Journal, 02/21/2012]
Scott Walker’s Rhetoric Versus RealityMADISON, Wis. — Governor Scott Walker failed to tackle Wisconsin’s jobs crisis – posting six straight months of job losses here while nationally jobs are being added – and is now poised to take on “the truth” in his second State of the State address. In Gov. Walker’s one year in office he has failed […] [One Wisconsin Now, 01/24/2012]
Walker attempt to privatize food stamps and take over Medical Assistance from counties blocked; counties form consortiums to meet demand while dealing with 16.8% budget cutHere’s the challenge: The state cut funding to operate economic support services by 16.8 percent, while at the same time requiring counties to contribute the same amount to services that they did in 2009. In his budget repair bill, Gov. Scott Walker proposed taking all of those duties away from counties. Medical Assistance, the Supplemental […] [Janesville Gazette, 12/31/2011]
Walker ended contract with Planned Parenthood for Wisconsin Well Woman cancer screening program“Beth Kaplan, a spokeswoman for the Department of Health Services, told Mother Jones that no decision has been made on the contract and would not comment on why it might not be continued. But Tanya Atkinson, executive director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin, says they were told that the state is cutting them out […] [Mother Jones, 12/16/2011]
Walker proposed kicking 29,000 kids and 34,000 adults off of BadgerCareWhen Dennis Smith, Gov. Scott Walker’s secretary of the state Department of Health Services (DHS), conducted a public outreach tour to explain how he wanted to cut $467 million from Medicaid programs, he didn’t mention how many kids from low-income families would lose their health care coverage. Instead, Smith focused on “fairness,” and asked that […] [Shepherd Express, 11/30/2011]
Weakened Nursing Home RegulationsOn November 16, 2011, Walker signed a bill into law that weakens regulations of nursing homes, prohibiting “dual enforcement” of federal and state requirements and give nursing homes more time to pay citations. The Assembly passed the bill 70-22, and the Senate 24-7. Walker signed the bill into law on November 16, 2011. (2011 SB […] [2011 WI Act 70, 11/16/2011]
Walker’s False Choice on Cutting 65,000 from Health Care, Including 29,000 ChildrenMADISON, Wis. — Gov. Scott Walker continues to choose corporate special interest donors over the people of Wisconsin — offering a scheme that would cut health care for 65,000 Wisconsinites to pay off part of his $2.3 billion in new tax breaks for corporations and the rich passed since he took office. “Gov. Walker’s corporate […] [One Wisconsin Now, 11/09/2011]
Walker signed repeal of comprehensive sex education requirement, known as the Healthy Youth Act.Schools in Wisconsin that teach sex education would be required to promote abstinence and marriage under a bill passed by the state Senate Wednesday night on a party-line vote. The controversial Republican-backed legislation would dismantle a new state law passed by Democrats last year, which requires schools that offer sex education to include information about […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 11/03/2011]
Dem proposal would STOP Walker ending health care for 53,000Delegating power back to the Legislature away from Gov. Scott Walker and ensure 53,000 Wisconsinites don’t lose access to health care? Sounds like a good plan to me: A group of Democratic lawmakers is trying to roll back state law to a time when the Legislature decided all major cuts to Wisconsin’s health care programs. […] [Cody Oliphant, 10/03/2011]
DHS Secretary announces BadgerCare cuts; Dems introduce bill rolling back BadgerCare takeoverThe bill, announced Monday, would put the Legislature back in charge of deciding costs and eligibility associated with Medicaid and Badgercare, essentially taking the state back to a time before Gov. Scott Walker took office. The proposal comes in response to potential cuts announced last week by Department of Health Services Secretary Dennis Smith, which […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 10/03/2011]
Walker administration looking to cut $444 million from Medicaid“There will be thousands and thousands of people across Wisconsin to lose their health care coverage,” One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross says. Liberal group One Wisconsin now is blasting the cuts, which include $100 million from Family Care and $54 million from Badger Care Plus, which helps the uninsured pay for health care […] [MSNBC, 09/30/2011]
In first year as governor, Walker admin proposed sharply raising premiums for state health programs & force others to lower cost or private plansTo fill a half-billion dollar budget hole in state health programs, Gov. Scott Walker’s administration wants to raise premiums sharply for some families and shift hundreds of thousands of residents to lower-cost state plans or private plans. Officials said they do not intend to leave participants without any path to coverage. State officials said there […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 09/30/2011]
Walker’s first budget cut $1 million in state funds to Planned Parenthood“Among measures cheered by anti-abortion groups, the 2011-13 biennial budget prohibits any entity that provides abortions at any of its facilities from participating in the state’s family planning program. The change renders Planned Parenthood, which performs abortions at three Wisconsin sites, ineligible for those funds and means an annual loss of about $1 million to […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 07/03/2011]
Changes to the undocumented student status occurred as part of Walker’s 2011-13 Wisconsin state budgetThe Republican-crafted spending plan reshapes all corners of Wisconsin life, from how much Medicaid will cost to auto title loans to honoring former President Ronald Reagan to even drinking alcohol at the movies. Here’s a look at some of the ways the budget will reshape the state’s priorities and touch lives across Wisconsin:…If you’re a […] [Associated Press, 07/01/2011]
2011 Walker budget prohibited funding of organizations that provide abortions or make referrals for abortion services“Require that DHS distribute women’s health funds only to public entities. Allow a public entity that receives women’s health funds to provide some or all of those funds to other public or private entities, provided that the recipient of these funds does not do any of the following: (a) provide abortion services; (b) make referrals […] [Legislative Fiscal Bureau, 06/30/2011]
Walker cut $3 million from tobacco use control grantsIn the 2011-13 budget, Walker signed into law cuts of $3 million in tobacco use control grants, allocated to a range of organizations for tobacco cessation activities, like the tobacco quitline and youth tobacco cessation. (2011-13 Executive Budget Comparative Summary, Department of Health Services, page 402; 2011 Assembly Bill 40, introduced 3/1/11; Senate Roll Call; […] [2011 WI Act 32, 06/26/2011]
Walker cut $500 million from Medical Assistance ProgramsOn June 26, 2011, Walker signed the budget, which contained his proposal to cut $500 million from Medical Assistance programs. The proposal does not exclude any specific groups from receiving the program cuts, which means seniors and people with disabilities, who account for 20% of total Medicaid enrollment and 67% of total Medicaid spending, will […] [2011 WI Act 32, 06/26/2011]
Walker did not veto anti-abortion budget provision, despite calls for him to do so“Walker also is keeping in place a budget provision that would bar the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority from providing abortions, despite claims by some that it could put at risk the university’s accreditation for its obstetrics and gynecology program. Walker said he did not believe the university would lose that accreditation. “I […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 06/26/2011]
Provision in state budget signed by Walker prohibits UW Hospital and Clinics from funding abortionsA provision inserted in the state budget would prohibit UW Hospital and Clinics from funding abortions, but it’s unclear whether that will stop the hospital from offering required abortion experience to doctors-in-training. Abortions are not performed at UW Hospital and Clinics, but obstetrics and gynecology residents train at Planned Parenthood to learn about family planning, […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 06/22/2011]
UW Hospital said it was unclear if provision in budget signed by Walker would require the UW to stop offering abortion trainingDr. Carl Getto, senior vice president for medical affairs at UW Hospital, said he doesn’t know if the proposed law means they would need to stop offering abortion training. If it does, Getto said the legislation could jeopardize national accreditation for the obstetrics and gynecology training program. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education requires […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 06/22/2011]
State Capitol ‘Run Against Walker’ to Focus on Walker, GOP Attacks on Health Care, Middle Class to Pay for $600 Million Corporate Tax CutsMADISON, Wis. — Massive attacks against health care, education and middle class priorities launched by Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican legislative majority are the focus of a “Run Against Walker,” scheduled at the State Capitol today. The “Run Against Walker,” a run/walk for citizens organized by One Wisconsin Now as part of the “Walkerville” […] [One Wisconsin Now, 06/06/2011]
Walker signed measure that would allow state to kick 70,000 off health care programsOn May 11, 2011, Walker signed into law reckless health care cutbacks that would allow the state to cut up to 70,000 from Wisconsin health care programs, and could result in deep reductions in benefits for children and seniors. (January 2011 Special Session Assembly Bill 11; Assembly Roll Call; Senate Roll Call) [2011 WI Act 10, 05/11/2011]
Walker Prevented Local Governments From Having Their Own Paid Sick Leave LawsWalker signed into law a bill that prevented local government’s from passing paid sick leave or family medical leave laws that are more inclusive and powerful than the statewide law. The governor signed the bill into law on May 5, 2011. (2011 SB 23, introduced 2/23/11; Senate Roll Call; Assembly Roll Call) [2011 WI Act 16, 05/05/2011]
Emily’s Post: Scott Walker and DHS head Dennis Smith pay back health industry donorsAccording to an analysis of IRS and Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System records conducted by One Wisconsin Now, “companies which currently administer Medicare Part D prescription drug plans in Wisconsin have donated in last several years $1.3 million to the campaigns of Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican Governors Association, which spent $5 million to […] [Isthmus, 03/23/2011]
Walker’s ($)1.3 Million Reasons for Funneling Seniors Out of SeniorCareMADISON, Wis. — An analysis by One Wisconsin Now shows that companies which currently administer Medicare Part D prescription drug plans in Wisconsin have donated in last several years $1.3 million to the campaigns of Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican Governors Association, which spent $5 million to elect Walker in 2010. Actions by Gov. […] [One Wisconsin Now, 03/22/2011]
Gov. Walker incentivizes the poor to just die alreadyBring out your dead! Sure, Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker proposed a budget that would end drug coverage for low-income seniors and hand over oversight of and cut funding for our state’s successful health care program, BadgerCare, to his extreme administration. But fear not, poors! Gov. Walker’s budget makes it cheaper to die anyway: The […] [Cody Oliphant, 03/16/2011]
One Wisconsin Now Statements on Gov. Walker, Republican Legislature’s ‘War on Working Wisconsin’MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding the desperate actions by Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican-controlled state legislature to use the government to take away the rights of Wisconsin workers and reward corporations. “Last night’s action orchestrated by Gov. Scott Walker and Republicans, desperate to ram […] [One Wisconsin Now, 03/09/2011]
Sheila Cochran: ‘Not a budget — A massacre’Sheila Cochran, Secretary/Treasurer of the Milwaukee Area Labor Council, has written the definitive analysis of Scott Walker’s plans to dismantle Wisconsin and the infrastructure that makes Wisconsin the best place in an America to live, work and raise a family. Read on: Everyday this fight goes on; more people begin to understand what is at […] [Scot Ross, 03/07/2011]
Walker attempted to repeal the state’s contraceptive equity law in his 2011 budget proposal“Gov. Scott Walker wants to again give insurance companies discretion over whether they will cover contraception. His budget, released Tuesday, proposes the elimination of a recently passed law that requires insurance plans that cover prescription drugs to also include coverage for prescription birth control. Walker’s budget summary says the requirement is an “unacceptable government mandate […] [Capital Times, 03/02/2011]
Walker’s first budget made cuts to Medicaid“About 55,000 people could lose their health insurance under the state’s BadgerCare program, under Gov. Scott Walker’s budget plan released Tuesday. Walker’s budget also would shrink aid to Wisconsin Works participants and could mean reduced state child care subsidies to low-income families. In an effort to slow the growth in spending on Medicaid, Walker says […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 03/01/2011]
Walker proposed taking away most legislative oversight of BadgerCare; turning decision-making over to DHS SecretaryAppleton Post Crescent Editorial: Prescription for trouble / Agency would make decisions on medical assistance: Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair bill has another provision that can have a huge impact on people who have little voice. The provision authorizes the state Department of Health Services to make changes in medical assistance programs, such as the […] [Appleton Post-Crescent, 02/24/2011]
Walker Rapid Response Part 3: Attacking Health Care AccessWalker Rhetoric: “It’s about Wisconsin families trying to make ends meet and help their children.” Reality: “Walker’s Department of Health Services could unilaterally change state laws dealing with the programs, which affect more than a million state residents from infants to the elderly and include a spectrum of BadgerCare plans, FamilyCare, and SeniorCare.” [Capital Times, […] [Scot Ross, 02/21/2011]
Over 16,000 Sign Petition to Senate, Assembly Opposing Governor’s Takeaway of Workers’ RightsMADISON, Wis. — Members of the Wisconsin State Assembly and Senate will be flooded with over 16,000 petitions signed by Wisconsinites united against Gov. Scott Walker’s efforts to use the government to take away the rights of workers across Wisconsin. “The people of Wisconsin are united in support of the public employees of Wisconsin,” said […] [One Wisconsin Now, 02/16/2011]
Walker’s Budget Scheme: Undemocratic, Unbalanced, Potentially UnconstitutionalGov. Scott Walker’s scheme to allow the government to take away the rights of Wisconsin workers is part of an unbalanced and potentially unconstitutional proposal that would add at least $30 million to the state’s credit card and allow the Governor’s health agency director to slash health care access and raise costs without the approval of the legislature. [One Wisconsin Now, 02/14/2011]
Walker Concocts ‘Scoop and Toss’ Borrowing Scheme to Pay for $140 Million in Special Interest SpendingMadison— Republican Gov. Scott Walker plans to pay for $140 million in new special interest spending signed into law in January by extending the state’s long term debt in a “scoop and toss” refinancing scheme that will cost untold tens of millions of dollars in additional debt for Wisconsin. “Scott Walker railed non-stop against budget […] [One Wisconsin Now, 02/10/2011]
Despite blizzard, Walker will deliver State of State tonight; ‘High-five’ contest set for Lambeau, more state briefs.Scot Ross of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now says it’s troubling that Walker’s health secretary – Dennis Smith – has suggested in the past that states drop Medicaid altogether. Ross also said it’s troubling that Smith has not committed to keeping Wisconsin’s Senior-Care prescription drug program. [, 01/31/2011]
Walker likely to propose Medicaid changes in State of the State speech“That Gov. Walker’s new secretary in charge of these programs has both advocated for states ‘dropping out’ from federal Medicaid assistance and has not made a commitment to keeping SeniorCare is enormously troubling,” said Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin State Journal, 01/31/2011]
Walker’s ‘Special Interest Session’ Tab: $140 Million and CountingDespite the state’s $3.3 billion deficit, Republican Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican-controlled state legislature have added over $140 million in new special interest spending to that tab. [One Wisconsin Now, 01/27/2011]
Private Health Savings Accounts: Don’t Create Jobs, Hike DeficitMADISON, Wis. — The Republican plan to give a tax break to high deductible private health savings accounts would increase the deficit $48 million in the next two years, create no jobs and would not increase access to health care. The plan is to be debated today at a joint legislative health committee. “Wisconsin deserves […] [One Wisconsin Now, 01/10/2011]
Vital Signs: Republican states echo WI health director’s support for ditching MedicaidThe article was e-mailed to me by One Wisconsin Now, a liberal advocacy group, whose Anna Landmark responded to my observation that it will be interesting to see how Smith administers programs he’s been so critical of. “Smith won’t be administering these programs, he’s been given the job by Gov. Walker to dismantle them,” she […] [Capital Times, 01/07/2011]
Made 10% across the board cut, over $13 million, to various health programsWalker signed into law a 10% across the board cut to base funding for non-staff costs in most of the Department of Health’s programs. Some of those programs are named below. The full list can be found at the Legislative Fiscal Bureau’s 2011-13 Comparative Budget Summary, Department of Health Services, page 411. [Legislative Fiscal Bureau, 01/01/2011]
GOPromiseBreakers: Will Walker, Kleefisch, RoJo, Duffy, Ribble Take Government-Subsidized Health Care?One Wisconsin Now is calling for them to publicly announce whether or not they will be taking advantage of government-subsidized health care in their newly-elected positions. [One Wisconsin Now, 11/15/2010]
Walker Confirmed Support for Personhood in Responses to 2010 Pro-Life Wisconsin Questionnaire“Barrett’s campaign, though, points to the first question on the survey: ‘Would you sign legislation that declares that a preborn child has an inalienable right to life from the moment of fertilization forward?…Did Walker know about — and agree with — the group’s views on birth control as causing abortion?For the 2010 election, candidates were […] [Politifact, 11/01/2010]
Republican Party of Wisconsin Running from Own Platform, Support for Social Security PrivatizationThe RPW’s frivolous complaint to the GAB regarding its legislative candidates’ support for the Social Security privatization scheme, belies the RPW’s own state platform. [One Wisconsin Now, 10/25/2010]
OWN Joke: What’s the Difference Between Rebecca Kleefisch and Sarah Palin?A: One has government health care and the other one had guts enough to debate her Democratic opponent. From WISC-TV Friday, answering the reporter’s question about the hypocrisy of her criticizing “government-run” health care when she has health care provided for by taxpayers from her husband’s plan as a state legislator: “I have private insurance […] [Scot Ross, 10/22/2010]
Walker’s Real Record on Stem Cells: Ban Embryonic Stem Cell ResearchWalker refuses to admit he would support a ban on embryonic stem cell research if elected governor, but Walker told supporters in 2005 he would have signed a bill Gov. Jim Doyle vetoed at the time that was a direct threat to embryonic stem cell research. [One Wisconsin Now, 10/19/2010]
Will Walker Answer Three Simple Questions at Tonight’s Debate?“Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, has yet to state publicly what cuts he would make, though his campaign says he will in the coming weeks.” [Appleton Post-Crescent, 6/13/10] MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker owes Wisconsin the answers to three questions he has ducked and avoided for months and One Wisconsin Now is […] [One Wisconsin Now, 10/14/2010]
One Wisconsin Now Statements on Walker-Kleefisch Attack on Health Care AccessMADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding Rebecca Kleefisch and Scott Walker’s unseemly television ad criticizing access to affordable health care. In the ad railing against health care reform, Kleefisch talks about her successful cancer treatment, which was diagnosed, treated and financed through the access she has […] [One Wisconsin Now, 10/12/2010]
One Wisconsin Now Statements on Walker Complaint SmokescreenMADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker’s ridiculous smokescreen complaint, intended to divert attention from the numerous ongoing investigations into his top county aides and other mismanagement. “Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker is putting up smokescreens to divert attention from the numerous […] [One Wisconsin Now, 10/10/2010]
Walker latest “plan” — Biggest corporate tax loophole in history? Or just another gimmick?With failed Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, you just never know what it’s gonna be. Will his latest idea be a gigantic giveaway to corporation at the expense of Wisconsin’s working families? Or will it be a totally empty promise, another in a long list of gimmicks trotted out by Brown Bag Boy? Part of […] [Robert Doeckel, 10/06/2010]
Walker opposes abortion, including in instances of rape and incestWalker opposes abortion, including in instances of rape and incest. He’s against a state program that uses state and federal money to provide birth control to girls as young as 15 and says government shouldn’t take the place of parents on such matters. He supports allowing pharmacists to refuse to fill emergency contraception prescriptions on […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 10/02/2010]
Walker’s Promises More Than Double State DeficitMADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has promised an impossible $3.8 billion in tax breaks, loopholes and shifts he has no way to pay for, a new analysis by One Wisconsin Now shows. Coupled with the state’s conservative predictions of a $2.7 billion projected deficit, Walker would need to slash almost $6.5 billion […] [One Wisconsin Now, 09/30/2010]
Scott Walker’s Mental Health Complex Cover UpMADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker admitted in a newspaper story today he was unaware of a comprehensive report on the tragedies at the Milwaukee County mental health complex – but that has not stopped him from refusing to release the report to his own county auditors. Walker refused to tell the private […] [One Wisconsin Now, 09/28/2010]
The Fact Check on Scott Walker’s Plan to Cut 350,000 from BadgerCare — It’s Actually 400,000Scott Walker spent nearly a year trying to win the Republican gubernatorial primary by traveling around the state calling for time limits for BadgerCare so he could help finance his $3 billion in tax cuts, loopholes and shifts that benefit the rich and corporations. According to the Department of Health Services, this would have cut […] [Scot Ross, 09/24/2010]
Questions for Walker to Answer at Tonight’s DebateOne Wisconsin Now offered the following questions for County Executive Walker to answer about his tax cut plan for the rich and big business. [One Wisconsin Now, 09/23/2010]
Will Walker & Neumann Demand Van Hollen Defend Stem Cell Research?MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker and former U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann have repeatedly called for Attorney General JB Van Hollen to be given the authority to intervene in a multi-state effort among Republicans to derail the federal health reform act but are silent on Van Hollen’s seeming unwillingness to represent the state […] [One Wisconsin Now, 09/09/2010]
Walker tries to hide support for BadgerCare time limitsFor a year, Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has repeatedly and specifically called for time limits for the state’s BadgerCare health care program to provide coverage to working families. [One Wisconsin Now, 08/26/2010]
Walker returns to Marquette University, gets another incompleteMilwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, who left Marquette University without a degree for reasons yet to be revealed, returned to his almost-mater and the results seem to be the same as when he was a student: incomplete. Walker was there to take part in a debate with former U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann, but unfortunately, Walker […] [Scot Ross, 08/24/2010]
When Will Walker Take Responsibility for Mental Health Center Mismanagement?MADISON, Wis. — A public interest advocacy group is calling on Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker Monday to take responsibility for his “tragic mismanagement of the county’s Mental Health Complex,” saying Walker has chosen to defend himself by hiring an outside law firm and a public relations specialist, both at taxpayer expense, instead of fixing […] [One Wisconsin Now, 08/22/2010]
Walker signed questionnaire agreeing to sign legislation that bans abortion in all cases, without exception for rape, incest, health or life of the motherWalker received the endorsement of Pro-Life Wisconsin. In 2010, the survey included the question, “Would you sign legislation that bans abortion in all cases? (Pro-Life Wisconsin supports legal protection for all preborn babies, including those conceived in rape and incest. If a physician claims that a mother’s life may be in danger, PLW opposes direct […] [Pro-Life Wisconsin, 06/22/2010]
Walker received endorsement of Pro-Life Wisconsin based on “100% Pro-Life” rating, which includes support for personhoodThe Pro-Life Wisconsin Victory Fund Political Action Committee (PAC) today announced its dual endorsement of Mark Neumann and Scott Walker for Wisconsin governor….Pro-Life Wisconsin Victory Fund supports candidates for public office who demonstrate a commitment to protect each and every innocent human life – in all circumstances and at all stages of development. To be […] [Pro-Life Wisconsin, 06/22/2010]
Walker’s Latest Gimmick: Cut 29,000 Jobs; Slash Worker Pay 42 PercentMilwaukee County Executive Scott Walker refuses to detail how he will pay for his nearly $2 billion in tax cuts that overwhelmingly benefit the rich and big business. [One Wisconsin Now, 06/14/2010]
New Ad Shows How Milwaukee County Taxpayers Left Holding Bag for Walker’s MismanagementMADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker’s failed leadership and the disastrous outcome is the subject of an online video produced by One Wisconsin Now as part of its “Scott Walker Failure Files” timeline and information warehouse. The ad is available at: “Scott Walker’s skewed priorities and incompetent leadership have been a disaster […] [One Wisconsin Now, 05/31/2010]
Latest Sexual Assault Revelation Highlights Disastrous Cost of Walker Mental Health Center Mismanagement, PrivatizationWalker’s mismanagement of the County Mental Health Complex is under even more scrutiny after tragic reports of yet another patient sexual assault. [One Wisconsin Now, 05/20/2010]
Walker Ad Fact Check Shows Exaggerations, Falsehoods ThroughoutMADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker’s latest campaign ad is riddled with falsehoods, distortions and half-truths about his disastrous record for Milwaukee County, according to a fact check of the ad conducted by One Wisconsin Now. “Just last summer Scott Walker was repeating his call to abolish county government because he had made […] [One Wisconsin Now, 05/17/2010]
Five Questions for Scott Walker on His ‘County’ Motorcycle TourMilwaukee County Executive Scott Walker is traveling across Wisconsin this week and will likely be talking with media about his priorities and the state of Wisconsin. With Wisconsin and the nation still emerging from the devastating economic collapse and job loss directly attributable to regressive taxation, deregulation and skewed priorities, One Wisconsin Now invites the […] [Scot Ross, 05/16/2010]
Scott Walker Flip Flops on Immigration; Remains Firm in Refusal to Explain How to Pay for $2 Billion Tax Giveaway to Rich, Big BusinessScott Walker's pandering flip flop on the racist Arizona immigration law has One Wisconsin Now asking whether a similar strategy could get him to answer the question he has refused to answer. [One Wisconsin Now, 05/16/2010]
One Wisconsin Now Launches ‘Scott Walker Failure Files’ TimelineMADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker’s eight years of failed leadership are highlighted in an interactive timeline documenting his misdeeds, mismanagement and incompetence created by One Wisconsin Now and available at “The people of Milwaukee County have endured unprecedented harm due to the failed leadership of Scott Walker,” said Scot Ross, One […] [One Wisconsin Now, 05/12/2010]
Neumann Finds Ally in Gard for Irresponsible Tax Cuts Paid for By Health Care CutsMADISON, Wis. — Former GOP Madison U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann has found a willing advocate in former divisive GOP Madison Assembly Speaker and twice-failed congressional candidate, John Gard, for his irresponsible tax plan that would slash income taxes only for the top one percent of income earners and reopen the corporate loophole for bankers and […] [One Wisconsin Now, 05/11/2010]
Walker to Pay for Part of $2 Billion Tax Cut Plan for Rich, Big Business By Cutting Seniors, Family from Health Care Coverage[Walker] said he was studying whether the state should change eligibility standards for the state’s Medicaid program, which provides health care for the poor, elderly and disabled. [One Wisconsin Now, 04/12/2010]
Scott Walker Answers OWN’s Five QuestionsApril Fool’s. He hasn’t. Since we were previously denied access to one of Scott Walker’s recycled ‘Brown Bag’ campaign gimmick stops, we have been trying to get him to answer five questions regarding fiscal management, spending, job creation and priorities. Again, Scott, our phone number is 608-204-0677 One Wisconsin Now’s questions: 1. How will you […] [Scot Ross, 03/31/2010]
Serious questions go unanswered by Scott WalkerYesterday we were denied access to one of Scott Walker’s recycled ‘Brown Bag’ campaign gimmick stops in Fitchburg. We had just a handful of questions we were hoping Walker could answer for us regarding fiscal management, spending, job creation and priorities. We left him our phone number, but alas, he has not responded.One Wisconsin Now’s […] [Cody Oliphant, 03/23/2010]
Some questions for our friend ScottWhen Steve Walters was reporting for the Journal Sentinel’s Madison bureau, a lot of Democrats thought he just put Tommy Thompson’s news releases — or Jim Klauser’s memos — right in the newspaper, without bothering to edit them or ask anyone for an opposing viewpoint. So it was a pleasant surprise when Walters, now a […] [Bill Christofferson, 03/08/2010]
Will $2 Billion Buy Walker a Standing Ovation from WMC?MADISON, Wis. — At Tuesday’s Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce lobbying luncheon Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker will likely find support from the corporate lobby for his $2-billion, budget-busting, deficit-doubling plan for tax breaks that mostly benefit corporations and the wealthiest Wisconsinites. What is less likely, is that Walker will explain which drastic cuts he would […] [One Wisconsin Now, 02/22/2010]
CEOs put down the champagne and caviar to cheer Walker’s corporate welfare planIf theres one thing new Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce board chair Tom Howatt and his corporate cronies at WMC enjoy more than anything, its a big ole handout from the government. Take Howatts company Wausau Paper. In the final quarter of 2009, Wausau Paper reported its best earnings quarter in ten years, $9.2 million, the […] [Robert Doeckel, 02/22/2010]
Walker Takes $120,000 from Health Industry, Opposes End to Health Insurance StrangleholdMADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has strongly opposed measures to provide more Wisconsin children, pregnant mothers and uninsured adults have affordable health care, at the same time taking more than $120,000 in campaign contributions from the health care industry in just the last six months alone. “The health insurance industry knows they […] [One Wisconsin Now, 02/03/2010]
Walker’s Plan for State’s $2 Billion Deficit: ‘Let’s Make It $4 Billion’MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker wants to double Wisconsin’s projected $2-billion state budget deficit with a series of tax breaks that mostly benefit corporations and high-income people. The Legislative Fiscal Bureau reported Wisconsin faces a $2 billion deficit in 2011-13, making Walker’s budget-busting tax breaks for the rich a doubling of the […] [One Wisconsin Now, 01/25/2010]
Walker Agreed to Ban Abortion in All Cases, Without Exception for the Life of the MotherAs noted in articles above, Pro-Life Wisconsin requires a 100% rating to receive their endorsement. Walker won the endorsement in 2010 by answering yes to this question, among others: “1. Would you sign legislation that bans abortion in all cases? (Pro-Life Wisconsin supports legal protection for all preborn babies, including those conceived in rape and […] [Pro-Life Wisconsin candidate survey, 01/01/2010]
Advocates Warn Walker County Plan Ending Mental Health Day Treatment Likely Leads to Relapses and Greater Hospitalizations“After nearly 15 years helping patients discharged from Milwaukee County’s Mental Health Complex cope with life in the community, occupational therapist Kari Held faces an uncertain future and coping issues of her own. Like hundreds of other county employees, Held has a job that has been targeted for elimination next year by County Executive Scott […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 11/08/2009]
Why Would Walker Want to End Children’s BadgerCare Safety Net?MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker’s recent call for limits on critical BadgerCare health benefits for low-income or displaced workers and repeated criticism of state spending raises concerns he may favor cuts to BadgerCare programs that cover children and expectant mothers. “Scott Walker’s message is that the nationally-recognized BadgerCare health care program for […] [One Wisconsin Now, 11/01/2009]
Walker Co-Authored Bill to Bar Distribution of Contraception At Schools or Through School Based Medical ServicesThe proposal would have prohibited funding for or allowing school based programs to distribute or prescribe contraceptives. [2001 AB 653, 06/05/2001]
Walker’s bill would have allowed pharmacists to refuse to fill contraceptive prescriptions“Pharmacists could refuse to fill birth control prescriptions if doing so violates their moral or ethical beliefs under a bill before a state committee. The “conscience clause bill” (AB 168) introduced by Rep. Scott Walker, R-Wauwatosa, is aimed at the so-called “morning after” pill, which stops a pregnancy after unprotected sex, and the abortion drug […] [Wisconsin State Journal, 04/12/2001]
Walker Sponsored Bill Adding Requirement to “Informed Consent” LawProvisions of bill would have required women seeking an abortion to be told they could “anonymously and with immunity from liability relinquish custody of her newborn child to a law enforcement officer, an emergency medical technician, or a hospital staff member when the newborn child is 72 hours old or younger.” [2001 AB 450, 01/01/2001]
Walker Voted for State Prescription Drug Plan for Seniors Denying Any Help to Those Making as Little as $15,500 a YearWalker voted for Assembly Bill 815, a state prescription drug benefit for seniors making less than 185% of the federal poverty line, at the time approximately $15,000 for a single person. (Assembly Journal) [1999 AB 815, 03/07/2000]
Walker’s ‘Gag Rule’ Criticized for Prohibiting Medical Students From TrainingWalker’s proposal does permit state and local government employees to perform an abortion or assist in its performance to save the life of the mother, a concession that the procedure can be medically necessary. Yet, he would have medical students receiving no instruction in the subject. Which doesn’t compute. No medically necessary procedures should be […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 06/29/1999]
Walker Introduced ‘Gag Rule’ Budget Amendment“Teaching any abortion-related topic or abortion technique in Wisconsin’s medical schools would be prohibited by a measure to be added to the state budget by Assembly Republicans. The budget addition, already approved by the Assembly Republican caucus, is scheduled to be approved on an Assembly floor vote next week, but will have a hard time […] [Capital Times, 06/24/1999]
Walker Introduced Bills to Allow Health Care Workers to Refuse TreatmentThis bill expands the definition of employment discrimination based on creed to include discriminating against a health care provider on the basis of his or her refusal, based on creed, to participate in any of the following activities: 1) sterilization procedures; 2) certain procedures that prevent the implantation of a fertilized human ovum; 3) abortions; […] [2001 AB 168, 01/01/1999]
Walker Sponsored Bill Prohibiting Use of State Money for Counseling About Birth Control or Prescribing Birth Control for Minors Without Parental NotificationThe bill banned “the use of funds for family planning services and pregnancy counseling to prescribe, dispense or administer a contraceptive prescription drug or device to a minor without parental notification.” [1999 AB 632, 01/01/1999]
Walker Authored ‘Gag Rule’ BillAccording to the Legislative Reference Bureau analysis, “This bill creates new prohibitions against using public employes and public property for abortion-related activity. First, the bill provides that no person employed by this state, by a state agency or by a local governmental unit may, while acting within the scope of his or her employment, provide […] [1997 AB 740, 06/05/1997]
Walker authored bill that could have allowed refusal of treatment, including pharmacists refusing to fill birth control prescriptionsAccording to the Legislative Reference Bureau analysis, the bill expanded “the definition of employment discrimination based on creed to include discriminating against a health care provider on the basis of his or her written refusal, based on creed, to participate in any of the following activities: sterilization procedures; certain procedures that prevent the implantation of […] [1997 AB 953, 06/05/1997]
Walker Sponsored Legislation to Shield Doctors From Lawsuits for Failing to Inform Parents About Prenatal Birth DefectsThe bill “creates an immunity from a wrongful birth or wrongful life action for a person who commits an act or fails to commit an act and that act or omission results in the birth of a child because a woman did not undergo an abortion that she would have undergone had the person not […] [1997 AB 538; 1999 AB 535; 2001 AB 360, 01/01/1997]
Walker Lead Author of State Employee Abortion “Gag Rule”The bill cut off any state funding for pro-choice groups and prohibited a state employee while acting within the scope of his or her employment from providing abortion services, promoting, encouraging or counseling in favor of abortion services or make abortion referrals either directly or through an intermediary in any instance other than when an […] [1997 AB 740, 01/01/1997]
Walker Authored Legislation Allowing Providers to Deny Patients Treatment Based on a Religious or Moral ObjectionThe bill proposed allowing doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health care workers to refuse to participate in sterilization, abortion, assisted suicide and other procedures or dispensing emergency contraception or birth control based on their personal religious or moral beliefs. [1997 AB 953, 01/01/1997]
Sponsor of “Partial Birth Abortion Ban” Without Exception for Health of MotherWalker sponsored 1997 Assembly Bill 220 to criminally ban an abortion procedure that included an exception for the life of the mother, but not her health. [1997 WI Act 219, 01/01/1997]
Walker Wanted to Eliminate State Funding for Sex Education in Public Schools“I won’t shy away from the fact that it had appeal to myself and other conservative members who don’t believe we should fund this, but the broad appeal was financial.” [Capital Times, 07/17/1995]
Walker was a sponsor of and voted for bill requiring a mandatory counseling and a 24 hour waiting period before a woman can obtain an abortionAccording to the Legislative Reference Bureau, the bill, which was signed into law, deleted requirements “for provision of information on the availability of public and private agencies to provide birth control information and on the availability of services to assist a minor in seeking consent for the abortion or in petitioning a court for a […] [1995 AB 441, 06/05/1995]
Walker Voted for Caps on Medical Malpractice AwardsThe bill established maximum amounts, “that a claimant may recover for noneconomic damages caused by the negligence of a health care provider or health care provider employee. [1995 AB 36, 02/02/1995]
Walker Sponsored State Law Requiring “Informed Consent” for AbortionThe bill, signed in to law in May 1996, expanded “requirements for a woman’s informed consent for performance or inducement of an abortion and for consent to a minor’s obtaining an abortion and providing a penalty” [1995 WI Act 309, 01/01/1995]
Walker Sponsored Legislation Criminalizing Causing Harm to FetusThe bill created a “series of crimes providing penalties, based on current law, for persons who cause death, great bodily harm or harm to an unborn child.” [1995 AB 146, 01/01/1995]
Walker Voted Against Expanding State Health Insurance ProgramWalker voted against a bill expanding statewide and raising income limits for the state program that helped provide health insurance for low income and unemployed individuals in counties with the highest unemployment. (Assembly Journal) [1993 AB 1162, 01/01/1994]
Walker Sponsored Bill to Prohibit Abortion Coverage for State EmployeesThe bill would have banned the state group insurance board from providing group health insurance coverage for abortion to employees in the Wisconsin retirement system. [1993 SB 727, 01/01/1993]