
Walker claims nonexistent commitment to Milwaukee County’s mentally ill

After spending eight years dismantling Milwaukee county’s core services, safety net services, quality of life services, and transportation, at a recent listening tour/campaign event Scott Walker made the claim that he will continue his “commitment” to these services. But, there can be no “commitment to continue”, because there’s never been a commitment to providing these […]

The Right is White [UPDATE]

If ever there was a time the Republican Party and the political right proved they were institutions with an active agenda aimed against non-whites, it will be April 2010. 1) RNC Chair Michael Steele admits Republican Party alienates minorities Any doubt that the GOP has had a white agenda should have been abolished when an […]

Drill baby, still?

Clips of the right wing chanting “Drill baby, drill!” and “Drill here, drill now!” are a dime a dozen on the YouTubes. I mean, if you saw the 2008 Republican National Convention you surely wouldn’t have missed the dozen or so times the arena full of right-wing mainstreamers broke out into pro-drill chanting. Anyway, I […]

Leinencuckoo’s Kooky Record on Child Support Enforcement

Enforcing court orders for child support, or any other court order, is not only essential in any nation of laws, but, as the name implies, it supports children. For every one dollar spent on enforcement, about six dollars is colllected— making it one of the most successful government programs ever created. And considering that nearly 90% […]

Leinencuckoo Statement on “I am not a wealthy man”

      Statement released from Leinencuckoo:  Friends, recently my comments regarding my lack of wealth have come under fire.  I’m not backing down, though.  Like most hard-working Wisconsites, I am NOT a wealthy man! I’m going through the same struggles as YOU!   Like most hard-working Wisconsites, I was born into a family that still owned the family […]

The Wit and Wisdom of Owen Robinson

To grasp fully the breadth and depth of analysis and research stacked eye-deep in this advancement of opinion journalism, I suggest reading it aloud.

Leinencuckoo: “I’m not a wealthy man”

U.S. Senate Candidate Dick Leinenkugel claimed in a recent Wispolitics.Com inteveriew that “I’m not a wealthy man, but I’m rich in my convictions.” Now most would think that Dick got it exactly wrong— because he is actually a wealthy man and going from the Democratic Party one day to the Republican Party the next demonstrates […]

Dick Leinencuckoo: I’m a Cuckoo Tea Partier!

First Dick Leinencuckoo entered politics 18 months ago by asking Democratic Governor Jim Doyle for a job as Commerce Secretary, saying that he was a “strong supporter” of Doyle and was “non-political.” Then Leinencuckoo said he was running for U.S. Senate, as a Republican and was accused yesterday of being a a RINO (Republican In […]

The $57 Million Smoking Gun on Van Hollen’s Health Care Lawsuit

It’€™s not news to One Wisconsin Now that JB Van Hollen is a partisan hack. After all, this is the guy who not only tried to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters in 2008 after John McCain and the Republican Party begged him to try. And this also the guy whose office allegedly let every […]

Another Scott Walker political point rejected

€œRepublican gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker voted to allow late-night lawmaking when he was a member of the Assembly even though he rails against the practice now. €[AP] Well he wasn’€™t so much railing against it as he was putting out a press release to score a political point ‘€“ a point that he eventually lost, […]

“Independent” Walker blog has deep ties to Walker campaign

Despite assurances from the anonymous blogger behind that the blog is NOT CREATED OR ENDORESED BY THE WALKER CAMPAIGN! [caps lock and emphatic exclamation point theirs], one would be hard pressed to find anyone who actually believed the ridiculous anti-Neumann spin and gutter-snipe rhetoric wasnt coming from inside the campaign. Now, thanks to a […]

Economic-top 1% own 70% of wealth THX RIGHT WING!

Did you get a HUGE bonus this year? Or are you maybe one of the 218 new BILLIONAIRES?!?! Are you OPTIMISTIC about your financial future? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then perhaps you’€™re one of the economic-top 1%. And congratulations, you and your friends OWN 70 PERCENT of all financial assets […]

Earth Day

Wisconsinites values our natural resources and hunting and fishing traditions. We take pride in our farmland and as the Dairy State, producing the nation’€™s best cheese and dairy products. We have a state parks and trails system that rivals the best in the nation. We have wonderful farmers markets and strong local food traditions. So […]

Visibly-Pregnant Mother Gets Called ‘Babykiller’ at Wisconsin Tea Party Rally

For those of you unconvinced by the public relation efforts claiming the Tea Partiers have dropped their vulgar extremism, here’s something to warm your heart. Observe this video, taken by One Wisconsin Now at Thursday’s Tea Party event at Wisconsin’s state capitol in Madison, where a visibly-pregnant mother was greeted with unseemly cat calls of […]

Republicans are concerned about unicorns, not expanding access to polls

Republicans like Attorney JB Van Hollen say theyre against expanding access to the polls because a non-existent problem”voter fraud”will be carried out by non-existent groups”like ACORN. In reality, the Wisconsin Voter Protection Act will give individuals in the military and their families a better opportunity to vote and will improve the voting experience at the […]

Tea Parties: America’s New Fantasy Game

I went to a few tea parties last week. There was a lot of singing and yelling, lots of costumes, and LOTS of signs with coiled snakes on them. I have to admit, in a weird, Dungeons and Dragon kind of way, it was kind of fun and easy to get lost in the moment: […]

From the mouths of the Tea Party

It just never ends with these folks. Weve reported time and again whats really behind the Tea Party movement ” the extremism, the hatred, the violent rhetoric, the racism, the intolerance. Now theres a new poll out from the University of Washington that verifies what weve been saying all along.The poll asks several questions of […]

Will they TEA Party like its 2009?

The big business TEA Party is set for April 15, 2010 at the Capitol. And while were hard at work preparing our mobile billboard to send pro-working class American messages to the tea folk, heres a little trip down memory lane at last years TEA Party at the Capitol.The racist, fear-based, and hate-filled signs that […]

No Stopping for the Middle Class on the TEA Party Express

For one rainy day last week I followed the Tea Party Express hundreds of miles as it made its way through Wisconsin. I hoped to see firsthand the groups leadership offer real solutions to solve the woes of its financially struggling followers. Instead, I heard Wisconsinites being fed anger and resentment, which make for headlines […]

Tax Foundation is AFP

Last year I wrote a blog about the fact that the Tax Foundation, the think tank behind “Tax Freedom Day,” was once owned and operated by Americans for Prosperity. And because today is today is Tax Freedom Day in Wisconsin, and because Americans for Prosperity will be using Tax Foundation talking points this Thursday at […]

Will Clarke whitewash over Walkers mismanagement of mental health center?

Unless theres a murder, dont expect Walker and his staff to care about the doctors, nurses and patients at the mental health complex. After reports of repeated sexual assaults, we now learn that for months Walker and his administration ignored a doctors concerns about safety at the county mental health complex after multiple patients carried […]

Justice Prosser and the pedophile priest

Will the rising tide of scandal about pedophile priests, and the Catholic church’s handling of them, splash up on,or perhaps even sink, State Supreme Court Justice David Prosser’s re-election campaign next year? There is every reason to think that the issue, which has reached all the way to Pope Benedict XVI, will be one Prosser […]

Juneau County DA claims sex education in schools is sexual assault on children

According to a district attorney in central Wisconsin, to teach a kid how to use a condom equates sexually assaulting said kid. I can’€™t even believe I typed that sentence, it’€™s so insane. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. To explain what’€™s going on here, the Juneau County District Attorney, Scott Harold Southworth, […]

Bailed out banksters hatched callous overdraft scheme

While millions of Americans are fighting for survival ‘€“ whether it’€™s to keep their homes or keep their jobs ‘€“ it appears financial industry banksters have been lining their pockets through a heartless scheme that capitalizes on financially struggling folks.A Vernon County, Wisconsin resident has filed suit against Green Bay-based Associated Bank for ‘€œrearrang[ing] the […]

The Tea Party of No Solutions Comes to Madison Bring Same Old Pandering

I don’€™t even know which gaggle of malcontents this particular teabagger affair was, but they were in Madison Tuesday night, and One Wisconsin Now stopped by to see first-hand more of the well-financed intolerance, anger and unfortunately, ugly appeals which have sadly typified this GOP-fueled movement. And then this sign caught the eye.   The […]

Beil Calls Out WPimpRI

Marty Beil, never one to mince words when it comes to standing up for working men and women across Wisconsin, responded to the continuing assaults by the GOP shills at the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute against our dedicated public employees: ‘€œIf Scott Walker wants to communicate with me, I would think he’s man enough to […]

Sen. Grothman: Voter Protection assists ‘the lazy or uninformed’

The Wisconsin Voter Protection Act (WVPA) is a great piece of legislation that will, among other things, ensure veterans and their families have an equal chance to participate in the democracy they fight to defend. It also addresses unconscionable acts of voter intimidation and voter suppression. Sen. Glenn Grothman (R) says it assists ‘€œthe lazy […]

Scott Walker Answers OWN’s Five Questions

April Fool’s. He hasn’t. Since we were previously denied access to one of Scott Walker’€™s recycled ‘€œBrown Bag’€ campaign gimmick stops, we have been trying to get him to answer five questions regarding fiscal management, spending, job creation and priorities. Again, Scott, our phone number is 608-204-0677 One Wisconsin Now’s questions: 1. How will you […]

Stand up for WI’s health care workers – ban mandatory overtime

How would you feel if at the end of an exhausting 8-hour shift, your boss made you work another 8-hour shift, back to back? Sadly, nurses and other healthcare workers in Wisconsin face that situation all the time.In an effort to cut costs, many hospitals and other healtcare facilities in Wisconsin require nurses and other […]

Walker-Davis miss the train on economic development

250k jobs? Not without the passenger train to lure new businesses to the state. In case you missed it, Tom Still has a great column on the Wisconsin Technology Network site that points out all of the positive economic development that the passenger train through the state would bring about. It’€™s completely idiotic that Walker, […]

Has Everyone Forgotten McCain Co-Chair Van Hollen’s Last Partisan Lawsuit?

For the most part, JB Van Hollen does little more than put out occasional press releases about small settlements he’s collected and press releases about larger settlements begun under his predecessor. Oh, and file Republican-inspired partisan lawsuits with tax dollars directly help Republican elected officials.   In 2008, he infamously filed a suit against […]

Serious questions go unanswered by Scott Walker

Yesterday we were denied access to one of Scott Walker’€™s recycled ‘€œBrown Bag’€ campaign gimmick stops in Fitchburg. We had just a handful of questions we were hoping Walker could answer for us regarding fiscal management, spending, job creation and priorities. We left him our phone number, but alas, he has not responded.One Wisconsin Now’s […]

Walker & Davis throwing out Tommy!s legacy; seek to reverse Tommys efforts to promote commuter rail in WI on behalf of wealthy GOP campaign donor

If Davis wanted Tommy!’€™s endorsement for his bid for Lieutenant Governor, he should have thought twice about introducing a bill to reverse a 13-year old statute that Tommy! created, along with Scott Walker and the Republican controlled legislature back in 1997. And the RPW might have thought twice about throwing stones at a no-bid provision […]

Play-by-play: Walker playing politics with job creation

Try to follow along as Scott Walker, Fred Luber (MacIver Institute Chair, Super Steel Chair, and Scott Walker Campaign Finance Co-Chair), and right-wing leaders play politics with job creation. Let’€™s watch. Right off the bat we see a little hypocrisy as the CEO of Fred Luber’€™s Super Steel admits the company ‘€œwould benefit from a […]

Scenes from a Bankster Bailout Backlash

I went up to a real working-class event where a crowd gathered outside JP Morgan Chase to demand good jobs in lieu of excessive executive compensation and anti-financial regulatory reform lobbying after we taxpayers bailed out the financial industry. As Mark Thomas of AFSCME Local 171 says: ‘€œWhen JP Morgan and Chase was in trouble, […]

Walker recycles gimmick AND failed economic policies

The latest development in the ‘€˜Brown Bag’€™ gimmick has emerged (again) as it has become clear that Scott Walker’€™s economic plan (bailing out corporations and the already-wealthy) isn’€™t the thing he’€™s willing to recycle. From Cory Liebmann’€™s original story: An anonymous Republican advised me that this new gimmick includes a direct mail component that is […]

Walker’s wild train attack runs off the rails

Scott Walker’s blast at Tom Barrett and Jim Doyle over the award of a train contract that is bringing jobs to Milwaukee is hysterical in both senses of the word. Walker’s way-over-the-top news release, accusing Barrett and Doyle of everything short of racketeering, sounds like Walker may be hysterical, if not rabid. It’s also hysterical […]

Bankster makes off with cool $1.45 million

The former CEO of Associated Bank and WMC board member made off with over $1 million upon retiring from the bank which recorded a $160 million loss. As one commenter put it, ‘€œWell, here’s to a job… done.’€ From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: In his final year as chief executive of Associated Banc-Corp (ASBC), Paul […]

Right-Wing Ridiculousness Round-Up

Over the weekend we heard about Scott Walker’€™s $24,500 ‘€œBrown Bag,’€ Rebecca Kleefisch’€™s plan to cut gov’€™t waste by creating more gov’€™t, and the Sean Duffy camp kerfuffle at a Wisconsin TEA Party. Chalk it up to spring fever’€¦ or just right-wing ridiculousness as usual. First up: Scott Walker’€™s $24,500 ‘€œBrown Bag’€ From the AP: […]

State’s Two Largest Newspapers Change Grover Norquist from a “Zealot” to an “Advocate,” “Activist”

Apparently, some editing gremlins at both the Wisconsin State Journal and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel feel confident that anti-tax zealot Grover Norquist is not an ‘€œanti-tax zealot.’€ So much so they edited the description of ‘€œzealot’€ from Saturday’€™s Associated Press story from this weekend’€™s round-up of the teabaggers’€™ latest ‘€œRepublican Rally for Failure’€ held in […]

Separate but equal, presumably

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker wants to split Milwaukee Public Schools into 10 to 12 smaller, autonomous school districts, the news media report. Swell idea. There could be eight African American districts, two Latino districts, and two all-white districts, given the makeup of the current MPS enrollment and the city’s housing patterns. Or maybe Walker […]

Does Ed Thompson also think farmers are “welfare bums”?

I wonder if Ed Thompson agrees with what Grover Norquist has to say about the hardworking farmers in Thompson’€™s area. Namely, that they’€™re ‘€œwelfare bums.’€Thompson was in Eau Claire touting his Wealthcare tax pledge to Norquist again today. Since Norquist flew in from his home in DC to put Thompson’€™s pledge to the wealthy on […]

Shameless, WPRI prepares new poll

Just days from embarrassing national media exposure questioning its ethics and credibility, WPRI is back with another poll, coming your way soon. WPRI is the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, although some suggest it is We Push Republilcan Ideas, like school choice, which didn’t look as good in the last poll as the numbers WPRI decided […]

“Young Gun,” Same Old Song

A new study from the Citizens for Tax Justice shows just how far Ryan is willing to go to sell out the middle class for the sake of Americas richest one percent. If the Roadmap were enacted, the federal government would collect $2 trillion less over 10 years, but the bottom 90 percent of all […]

Take action today against the UW-WPRI right-wing propaganda polling project

When the University of Wisconsin-Madison Political Science department announced a new polling partnership with the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, one of Wisconsin’s most prominent right wing think tanks, we were immediately worried about the credibility of the poll — and more importantly, the credibility of the UW. And when through a public records request, we […]