
Coalition of Black Trade Unions: Scott Walker Attacks People of Color — Again

A must-read release from CBTU: The Coalition of Black Trade Unions (CBTU) are outraged by County Executive Scott Walker’s budget he has submitted to the County Board .  He is proposing the elimination of hundreds of family-supporting county jobs.  The vast majority of those jobs are in the lowest wage classifications — Housekeeping and Custodial […]

A Page in Paul’s PAC Report: Snapshot of Ryan’s Corporate Masters

The ‘€œYoung Gun’€ filed his latest campaign finance statement and it’€™s chock full-o-corporatey goodness. Ryan amassed $104,000 in PAC gifts, including 94% from out-of-state PACs. It’€™s not surprising, Ryan’€™s corporate sycophancy extends beyond the Badger State borders, so why wouldn’€™t his grab-bagging. But more than our words could do, page 105 of his 170 page […]

Teabagger Pride on Display — Now they push women around, which is really awesome.

TEABAGGER ALERT! So this past weekend, Scott Walker and the JV teabaggers at Citizens for Responsible Government held a rally at Serb Hall in Milwaukee to catapult the propaganda about Walkers credit-card budget for Milwaukee County. And of course, like most of the townhalls this summer, people there to express an opinion in a thoughtful […]

JV Teabaggers get PR space in Journal Sentinel

Guess what? A group that props up Republicans is running an ad that sugar coats Scott Walker’€™s fee-raising, credit-card financed Milwaukee County budget. Hardly news. Unless you’€™re the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, who felt the need to provide Citizens for Responsible Government 571 words to expound about the ‘€œvirtues’€ of Walker’€™s budget that attacks county workers, […]

Polling’ firm may have made up numbers; Wis. media dutifully report them

The decline in (or complete lack of) standards for news media coverage of political polling in recent years has been hard to watch. There was a time when newspapers like the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel would not report on a poll unless it had the entire poll, rather than partial or selective results that are strategically […]

Harsdorf, Hraychuck propose bill to collect +400k DNA samples a year

According to this Office of Justice Assistance report, 415,543 arrests were made in 2008, equivalent to roughly 7% of Wisconsin’s 5.6 million population. About 100,000 of those arrests were of juveniles. Based on legislation proposed by Reps. Sheila Harsdorf and Ann Hraychuck, law enforcement officials would be required to collect DNA at every one of […]

Hate on parade in our nation’s capital

The story on the 9/12 tea festival in DC is a few days old now, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t post something, anything, on the fear-based, hate-fueled ignorance that came out of our nation’s capital over the weekend.I actually won’t circulate the sometimes racist, sometimes hate-fueled, always conservative signage being held at the […]

WISTAX out to scare schools, public

The conservative Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance issued a release yesterday regarding their recent report titled, ‘€œState budget woes mean school, taxpayer problems’€ that’€™ll probably scare the bejesus out of, well, schools and taxpayers.The guv and legislature had a difficult task of making over $3 billion of cuts in the budget in the midst of a nationwide […]

Walker’s War on Milwaukee County turns against homeless vets

You’ll remember One WI Now’s ongoing coverage of Milwaukee County Exec Scott Walker opposition to accepting federal stimulus dollars to help Milwaukee County provide vital services to its residents. Then you’€™ll recall Walker’€™s ridiculous budget proposal that slashed funding for programs serving seniors, the disabled and at-risk youth. Further, Walker’€™s insane budget proposal went directly […]

Walker Hypocrisy Watch: No Policy in the State Budget

With the shock still throughout Milwaukee over County Executive Scott Walker’€™s plan to slash funding for seniors, the disabled, at-risk youth, as well as end funding for homeless shelters, Walker engaged in exactly the kind of leadership we’€™ve enjoyed from the career politician ‘€“ he hightailed it out of town. Landing in Eau Claire, Walker […]

Walker watches Obama, Doyle stimulate Milwaukee

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker made national headlines early this year when he announced he would abstain from taking federal stimulus dollars to support the infrastructure of his home county. But whether Walker likes it or not, Gov. Doyle and the Obama administration are giving Milwaukee County and the rest of Wisconsin some sorely needed […]

Gov. Doyle give Scott Walker a lesson in leadership during a recession

Last week, Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker proposed a series of devastating cuts that unfairly target the most vulnerable in Milwaukee County. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Walker’€™s budget would cut $2.4 million from programs for the elderly and disabled. Walker’€™s budget would totally eliminate the Youth Sports Authority program, aimed at helping at-risk teenagers […]

Persecuting the innocent in the name of reform

“Money is the mother’s milk of politics,” Jesse Unruh once said when he was speaker of the California state Assembly in the 1960s. There may be a little rumble in Big Daddy Unruh’s grave, but it seems unlikely he reads the Journal Sentinel, even online. If he did, he’d find that good government groups are […]

Don’t like a public option? What’s your solution then?

Two poignant facts in a recent State Journal article: 1.) For the first time, enrollment in Medicaid, the state’€™s health insurance plan for the poor, has exceeded 1 million people. 2.) Medicaid, now covering 18 percent of Wisconsin’€™s population, has a $6 billion budget that makes up a fifth of the state budget. State Sen. […]

WISTAX guess lands front page real estate, shows bias

Conservative go-to-guy Todd Berry of the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance (WISTAX) landed front page real estate in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel today without digging up any facts in his perpetual Wisconsin mudslinging. His attacks were seconded as usual by WMC as well as John Gard.The article, ‘€œBusiness leaders decry tax increases in state budget,’€ is all […]

WPRI’s Cadre, John Torinus and the Myth of Liberal Media

Bopping through the Wisopinion.com list of blogs of the day, I was amused to see not one, but two posts from the conservative and oft-error-plagued Wisconsin Policy Research Institute featuring former members of the so-called liberal media. Right there from Charlie Sykes’ yap tank, a post from Ken Lamke, former reporter with the Milwaukee Journal […]

Paul Ryan’s Special Interest Contribution Math

Turns out Paul Ryan doesn’t want us to know almost four out of every 10 dollars he raised this finance period came from special interest PACs. Yep. Ryan tossed out a release claiming “Wisconsin residents account for 95 percent of Ryan’€™s individual contributions over the course of the past year.”   You will be shocked, […]

States spending stimulus as Congress intended

Here’€™s an important read for you if interested in some actual facts to counter the nonsense being spun by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and the Congressional Republicans who want to see America fail so they can wrestle back the power to continue the same failed Bush policies which destroyed our economy. The non-partisan Center on […]

Fitz Flip Feels Fake

Guess for Republican Assembly Minority “Leader” Jeff Fitzgerald, timing is everything: ‘€œI don’€™t have to solve that problem. Obviously, that’€™s the Democrats’€™ problem.’€ — Fitz on the budget, 1/09 “Common sense would have dictated a very different budget.” — Fitz whiny column, 7/09 Nuff said.

Sen. Ted Kanavas threatens to move to Texas, endorses combined reporting

“If we don’t change and change soon, I may bump into my lawyer friend again, but it just might be in Texas.” — Senator Ted Kanavas’s threat to move to Texas, 6/30/2009 What do you think of when you think of Texas? The Dallas Cowboys (shudder)? How about Enron? George W. Bush (double-shudder)? Despite those […]

The MacIver Institute for Public Policy charts a bold new policy path…

…by proposing the same failed Bush policies that ran our economy into the ground in the first place. The MacIver Institute of Public Policy’s criticism of the recently passed budget reads like a loving tribute to the past 8 years of failed Bush fiscal policy. Their only solution to the record $6.6 billion budget deficit: […]

Legislative Republicans AWOL on state budget fix

To dig us out of the historic economic crisis in Wisconsin, caused by disastrous policies of the Bush administration, our state legislators needed to come together. The massive $6.6 billion deficit we face, much like 47 other states, requires not only sacrifice, but also common sense and fairness. Democrats, who control both chambers of the […]

Why Do the No-Budget GOPers Get to Complain Now?

The legislative Republicans said it as early as 2008 — the state budget is the Democrats’ problem. Assembly Minority Leader Jeff Fitzgerald said it. He was quoted saying it. “I don’t have to solve that problem,” he said. “Obviously, that’s the Democrats’ problem.” At no point during the last six months did Fitzgerald nor his […]

Paul Ryan: Save the Real Victims — Health Insurance Companies

On today’s CNBC “Corporate-Funded-Politicians-Share-Corporate-Talking-Points” Squawk Box Show, Rep. Paul Ryan unsurprisingly showed up to try and convince the 72 percent of Americans who want health care not controlled by Ryan’s pals in big insurance that they are wrong. Oh, and that the status quo is just ducky.   When asked about the public plan option […]

Can We Tax Lame Legislative Metaphors?

Angry Joel Kleefisch wanted to be heard today. Oconomowoc’s GOP state rep took to the floor to protest what he considered, a lack of consideration given to members of the minority party.   As a note: Kleefisch is crying on behalf of the Assembly Republicans, who refused to offer a comprehensive budget plan of their […]

Walker lies.

No amount of spin can get Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker out of the glaring lie he included in a fundraising letter sent out as a 2010 Republican gubernatorial candidate.As expected, Walker spends most of the letter calling for a return to those conservative economic principles that brought on the economic collapse, but in one […]

WISTAX breaks silence to promote pro-corporate agenda

A year ago the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance tried to convince the media and its audience that there was no looming budget deficit in Wisconsin and thus no need to close corporate loopholes or raise taxes on the top one percent. And since May of this year’€”after official reports pegged the deficit at $6.6 billion’€”WISTAX has […]

Amazing Coincidence: Auto Insurance Industry Insider Nygren Offers Auto Insurance Industry Amendment

The third substitute amendment (AA3) written by the conservative bunchin the Assembly today seeks to tear up the ‘€œTruth in Auto Insurance’€provisions of the state budget that would protect auto insuranceconsumers in Wisconsin. Amazingly, the amendment to destroy the provision was authored by JohnNygren (R-Marinette), an insurance agent and owner of Great LakesInsurance and Finance. […]

Ass GOPs’ Budget Amendment Lead-Off: More Spending, Please

Are you kidding me? After months of complaining about Democratic efforts to get out of the ginormous deficit caused by the economic collapse brought to our fine state by the incompetence and corruption of George W. Bush, Assembly Republicans have outdone themselves. And they haven’t even started yet. Looking at the first two amendments to […]

Watch Here for Today’s Budget News, Updates

Keep an eye on the the One Wisconsin Now Town Hall blog for news and information and interesting tidbits from today’s budget marathon debate in the state Assembly. So far, Assembly Republicans have spent their time without a budget plan, tilting against windmills in some desperate attempt to convince the media and the people of […]

Small and Losing? No, not conservatives. It’s WI green economy.

Energy independence, green economy, green collar jobs — the keys to our economic recovery and our national security. The new economy that will rise from the ashes of the de-regulated mess left by the Bush administration will be led new green manufacturers based in the US, employing American workers and developing green technologies. President Obama […]

Van Hollen’s Whining on DOJ Funds Ignores Cost of Partisan Lawsuit

Wisconsin Attorney General JB Van Hollen is sobbing because his department was subject to some of the same agency cuts necessary to balance the state’s budget in light of the $6.6 billion deficit caused by the failed Bush administration which caused nationwide economic collapse. Before anyone huffs that depriving Van Hollen of every dime he […]

Walker hypes jobs program he wanted dead

In the vein of his conservative, anti-government anything attitude, Scott Walker tried to veto $100,000 of the funding for a county parks jobs program put forth in a 2009 budget. Thankfully, the Milwaukee County Board overrode his veto.So you might have been scratching your head if you attended an outdoor ceremony last Friday when Walker […]

We’re Looking for Work’ Town Meeting this Friday

Here at OWN we got the following listing for an event for folks who have unfortunately lost their jobs in these tough times. Please pass the word around to your friends and neighbors who are looking for some support! You can register for the event by calling Buzz Davis at 608-873-4886 or register online at […]

When Robin Vos Cries Against Taxing Rich People

Lead GOP budget talker Rep. Robin Vos is likely to put his “Protect Rich People” crying towel into overdrive in the coming hours. In the interest of fairness, here are a couple of things to remember when Vos claims that by opposing the tax boost for the top one percent and closing a portion of […]

Jeff Fitzgerald on Memorial Day Weekend: Working Bad, Fundraiser Fine

Seemingly irrelevant Republican Assembly honcho Jeff Fitzgerald returned from a long spring nap to yammer about plans by the state’s budget writing committee to work part of this coming Memorial Day weekend. Dusting off his keyboard and reintroducing himself to capitol staff, Lil’ Fitz fired off a press release today complaining about the proposed Friday […]

Video: GOP Budget Plan Revealed?

Judge for yourself. http://www.onewisconsinnow.org/GOPbudget By all accounts it’s still a big, fat nothing from the state Republicans on how to solve the massive budget deficit the eight years of failed George W. Bush policies have levied on Wisconsin and nearly every state in the nation. One Wisconsin Now sent our OWNews reporter Cody Oliphant to […]

Growing coalition challenges nuclear energy fix

You wouldn’t know it from the news media — they can only cover one story at a time, and there’s a state budget crisis — but there is a growing, resurgent movement in Wisconsin determined to solve the energy and climate crises without resorting to nuclear energy. It’s not the old “No Nukes”movement, although there […]

Sign the Petition Today — Make Domestic Partners Protections a Reality

What if your partner was in the hospital and you legally couldn’t visit him or her? Or if you got seriously ill, and your partner couldn’t take time off from work to help care for you? Thousands of our family members, friends and neighbors in committed and caring same-sex relationships don’t have basic legal protections […]

Vos Budget Numbers Proven Bogus…Again

GOP state budget spokesperson Rep. Robin Vos must be calculating he’€™s never going to get called to carpet for anything he tells the press about the state budget. Either that or he can’€™t read.On an interview posted yesterday on WisconsinEye.com, Vos claims that if the Assembly Republican budget from 2007 had been passed, that Wisconsin […]

Vos Tells Suffering Wisconsinites he Did Very Well Under President Bush

On the WisconsinEye newsmakers program taped just this morning, Robin Vos was asked how, as a small business owner, he was doing given the historic economic collapse from which America and Wisconsin desperately tries to emerge. Vos, who explained he has three separate businesses and owns rental property in Whitewater, offered that he and his […]

Vos/GOP Budget Scheme: Cut Deficit by Increasing Spending $660 Million

After more than four months we finally have an answer to the question: What’€™s the Republican plan for closing the state budget deficit? According to Wispolitics.com, ‘€œRep. Robin Vos, R-Racine, said Republicans support closing the gap by reducing spending through furloughs, a pay freeze, reducing the number of state employees and holding departments to last […]

Vos Continues to be Treated as Equal without Requiring Him to Detail Deficit Plan

I get the need to ask both sides about the budget. But why does the state GOP’s abrasively-nasal budget face get to dole out criticism without once having to detail the alternative plan to close the formerly $5.4 billion and now $6.5 billion budget deficit. Frederica Freyberg took a whack at it last month when […]

Unemployed? Check out this town meeting May 5

Passing along the word on this great opportunity with a great purpose. Check out the detaiis on the ‘€œWe’€™re Looking for Work’€ Town Meeting below: Tuesday, May 5th, 5:00pm to 9:15pm Have you been laid-off, downsized, or part-timed & now you’€™re looking for work? The Stoughton Alliance for Retired Americans, the Stoughton Job Networking and […]

Hopper wants to pay less taxes than he already doesnt

Making its rounds at the capitol this year is AB38: a bill devised to exclude from taxable income gains from a Wisconsin business. As the Legislative Reference Bureau understands it, a corporation ‘€œmay exclude the capital gain realized from the sale of any asset held more than one year.’€ It estimates the bill would decrease […]

Non-ideological Taxpayers Alliance Echoes GOP Budget Talking Points

The non non-ideological conservative Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance is once again showing its stripes — this time shooting out the same talking points being argued by the Republican members of the state’s budget writing committee. As reported on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s politics blog, WTA head Todd Berry shipped out a newsletter complaining about what is […]

Hey Teabaggers, Thanks for the Hospitality

Your pals at One Wisconsin Now decided to attend Wednesday’€™s Fox News Teabag Party in Madison ‘€“ and thanks to all of the screamers, yammerers and name-callers who reinforced our faith in humanity and democracy. Our mission: make sure a ‘€œthank you’€ was offered by wealthiest one percent, whose potential increase in taxes sparked this […]

Kevin Petersen Picks on Kids Because He’s a Big Ol’ Legislator

GOP Seat-filler Kevin Petersen is cheesed. He’s more than cheesed. He’s a whole lotta angry. He says veterans are getting shortchanged in the proposed state. The Waupaca state legie never had a thing to say about the endless shortfunding at the federal level under George Bush and the GOP-controlled Congress, but now he’s in a […]